
Dark Souls Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"The point of Dark Souls is to be depressing and emo, but it doesn't mean they can't enjoy a very beautiful world."
"This somewhat subtle change makes Dark Souls very deliberate, and forces you to consider every move carefully."
"It was like playing Dark Souls in Genshin, and it was awesome."
"Dark Souls 1 is a great game for many of the games to marvel at, not just a barometer for future Souls games."
"You reach a real city basked in an eternally setting sun... it's impossible to not respect the art direction."
"The world is decaying, literally clinging to fading embers for any semblance of normalcy."
"The lore of Dark Souls is deeply melancholic and moving."
"Elden Ring feels like Dark Souls; there's no denying it, but it's a form of Dark Souls that is nearly perfected."
"Dark Souls is not defined by its difficulty; it's defined by its ability to make difficulty rewarding."
"It's effectively Dark Souls if Dark Souls was proceduralized and then also was completely randomized with different perks and things of that nature."
"Dark Souls came into my life just at the right time... it made me feel as though I can accomplish anything with enough effort."
"Elden Ring isn't Dark Souls 4. It's Dark Souls 4, 5, and 6 all at once, at least it is in terms of the scope of the world."
"It's profoundly different, yet if you're a fan of Dark Souls, it can feel ultimately familiar."
"I love Dark Souls, Dark Souls man, I've had moments of anger, happiness, and sadness, crying."
"Dark Souls was a truly seamless interconnected space."
"I absolutely love the design of Firelink Shrine."
"Dark Souls taught us that sometimes the path forward won’t be clear, that, sometimes, it’s okay to be uncomfortable, and it’s always okay to ask for help."
"Welcome everyone! It's time for the Age of Empires 4 launch weekend tournament."
"Dark Souls 3 introduced the FP bar for magic, weapon arts for all weapons, and the ability to heal while moving."
"Exploring Dark Souls 1 for the first time... is one of the best experiences I've ever had playing a game before."
"Arch dragon peak captures both the atmosphere that is loyal to Dark Souls three's theme of a decaying world while also managing to be a sublime representation of lost treasures from another time."
"Elden Ring is not only a continuation of the Dark Souls franchise, it is an evolution of From Software's trailblazing game design."
"Providing a more hardcore RPG experience is the brutal Dark Souls, rewarding those who persevere through relentless punishment."
"It's not like Dark Souls. Dark Souls is a very well-made game and it's a very hard game but it's fun hard."
"Dark Souls isn't just a game, it was the starting point of a genre, just like Metroid or Castlevania spawned their own genres."
"The screen is gorgeous... it looks and feels less like a toy and more like a piece of technology."
"That's what I find beautiful about Dark Souls, the beauty within yourself achieved with the help of others."
"Firelink shrine is a microcosm of Dark Souls... a place to learn, a place to understand, a place to connect."
"The gap between mastering gameplay in Dark Souls is what makes it so compelling."
"The words you’d use to define what just experienced in the world of Dark Souls, are on the tip of your tongue. You can’t say it, but I think I know: a masterpiece."
"Dark Souls for me is the kind of game that's work, meaning it's so hard."
"Honestly outside of that what is very unique about Dark Souls... the only unique thing about the game is that it's so fucking difficult."
"Miyazaki was putting everything that he had into Dark Souls 1."
"I would describe knight artorias as the Platonic ideal of a Dark Souls boss fight."
"Dark Souls 1 right from the very start to the very end knew exactly what it was and what it would take to realize that vision."
"Dark Souls 1's combat when it's in the right mood provides the most unfiltered version of the Dark Souls feeling."
"Comparing hard games to Dark Souls may be a tired meme, but this is a case where the spirit of that meme actually applies."
"Undead King Jayural: a cut and unused boss from the original Dark Souls."
"Dragonslayer Ornstein is a name etched into the history of Lordran."
"Beating Dark Souls in under one hour is pretty nuts."
"It doesn't get much better than Dark Souls 3."
"'Dark Souls' has inspired this whole new genre of third-person action game."
"Dark Souls is one of the most uncompromising games I have ever played."
"In this age, humanity would flourish and the pygmies would reign as gods over them, for their soul is made of that very dark."
"Dark Souls 3: the culmination of gaming's most prominent pedigrees."
"Dark Souls 1 is a fantastic game. It's got a wonderful story."
"Overall, Dark Souls 3 feels like a combination of Bloodborne and all the previous games combined."
"Dark Souls tested you and asked the hard questions: can you survive, should you push on, are you willing to die to try to make it to the next bonfire?"
"Dark Souls Remastered runs really well on M1."
"A lot of our fans have called this game the dark souls of golf."
"Failed plunging attacks on him are like a rite of passage."
"The camera is and always will be the true boss of Dark Souls."
"I feel like this visual right here is the entire inspiration for the Dark Souls series."
"Main missions taking you through humongous levels from castles to active battlefields, very cool Dark Souls like poison pawns on the ground floor of course."
"...within only 24 short hours a combined deaths across both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game totaled a staggering 4.3 million."
"...some of the most beautiful locations in the entire soul series can be found in the painted world but the toxins and invest some of them are super annoying luckily view your friends at one-on-one facts have discovered a super easy method of dispelling them."
"...since we're once again on the subject it may interest you to know that the recurring patters character is thought to be a reference to the character patch the good luck from another fromsoftware game titled armored core for answer."
"...another delicious reference in Dark Souls 3 comes in the form of a simple gesture the quite resolve just-joan Dark Souls 3 first appeared in the trailer for the very first Dark Souls game."
"...mo toy Sakuraba known for his work in the critically acclaimed tale job series composed the music for every Dark Souls game."
"...speaking of Dark Souls music there is a florida-based metal band called soul Mass whose lyrics are based around Dark Souls law with song titles like hollow and Jenner."
"Don't let these last few fool you, though. Dark Souls bosses are overall a pretty great time."
"Howl is a really good sort of-- It was almost cheating to do Howl because he's so one-to-one with Dark Souls themes but like I said, I was a little preoccupied so I was like, 'Yes, I'll take it. I'll take this one.'"
"This fight is essentially Dark Souls: Woodland of Heat."
"To me Dark Souls isn't just about the difficulty or the challenge, it's not the PVP or anything purely mechanical."
"Despite its non-hand-holding nature, Dark Souls actually gives you plenty of tools."
"The real reason Dark Souls synergizes so well with being depressed is that the game houses a conquerable challenge."
"I named it after the bell gargoyles in Dark Souls 1 because they absolutely destroyed me."
"Seeing as this is the last Dark Souls game, I think it was an appropriate way to go out."
"I absolutely love this boss fight, I think it was the perfect way to end the Dark Soul series."
"Dark Souls 2 may not be the best... but it's got the best vibe."
"From gods to dragons, we've now discussed a good portion of the most powerful beings in the Dark Souls universe."
"People say they like Demon's Souls more than the Dark Souls."
"It's going to be the sort of Elden Ring, Dark Souls style stuff."
"Dark Souls 1 is a [__] masterpiece."
"Dark Souls reminds people of the time they overcame a huge challenge."