
Corporate Influence Quotes

There are 682 quotes

"The genuine left has it right, which is that once corporations reached the point where they can start to engage in regulatory capture, they pose a threat to the integrity of society itself."
"Boeing is too entrenched with the US government to fail."
"It's definitely the end of an era and the future for a new YouTube is certainly a lot less authentic and a lot more corporatized and manufactured."
"We will know we have succeeded when we have a culture so subversive that major corporations refuse to fund it."
"The way we take power back is by deflating the whole corporate landscape, and we do that by buying less, by sharing more."
"Corporate deep corporate is the counterpart to the Deep State... it is the wholesale capture of every structure on which we depend."
"It is undeniable that the business class of this country and other countries have implemented a system which turns climate change into a debate that never needed to happen."
"The purpose of regulators is not to dance to the tune of rich global corporations, it is to protect the health of the populations."
"You are literally living in an illusion because 51 of the most powerful economic entities are corporations."
"I think independent media is tremendously important without being beholden to either a boss, a corporate interest, a core, a platform."
"Corporate donors started buying all of our politicians... They all serve corporations now."
"The reality is if a government can get in bed with a corporate entity to purposely thwart the likelihood of their opposing candidate winning the election, that's a very serious problem."
"To many, the idea of having to rent the American dream from a rich mega-corporation sounds like a total dystopian nightmare."
"The little guy who knew technology... was going to be so much more important than the big huge companies that basically controlled our life."
"We got to where we are today because large corporations and very rich people wield disproportionate control over what is law, how is taxation done, how is regulation done, how do all facets of society work."
"Advertisers threatened boycott if Trump reinstated to Twitter."
"A culture of freedom, expression, and community is now having a painful, slow death, suffocated by the glossy sheen of corporate and government influence."
"Unless there is sustained mass civil disobedience to put pressure on two political parties and a system that is completely captured by corporate power, then what's coming...will not be good."
"More than eighty to ninety percent of people do not support this decision. We want net neutrality, and we want to make sure that the net is protected from corporate greed, corporate interests, throttling, and censorship."
"It's up to you to flush the pipes clean and retake our government so it starts working for us and not the corporate interests."
"The decisions they make about how their corporations are run and what they produce have tremendous ramifications for the rest of us."
"The time to fight against corporate Dems is all the time when you can, and not when you can't."
"The government is not your friend, but you know who else isn't your friend? Billionaires who use the government to hurt you for them."
"The media is owned by six major corporations, and part of their agenda is to keep people in a fearful state because when people are in a fearful survival state, they're much easier to control."
"Rich people and wealthy corporations spent a generation waging a war on government, defunding government, allowing social problems to fester and allowing their own profits to soar."
"This is not Market competition at work; this is an industry that has completely captured the agencies that were meant to regulate it."
"Things are absolutely insane... big corporations like BlackRock are buying residential homes now."
"This feels like an attempt for companies to exert more control over people by getting them to partake in this thing and having much of their real-life elements shift into this endeavor."
"The metaverse sounds like a solution in search of a problem to fulfill corporate agendas and to find new forms of monetization."
"The company seemed unstoppable, closed-door meetings with regulation bodies, Sam Bankman-Freed even testifying before Congress."
"A creative platform should not be entirely run by corporate suits."
"Slowly but surely, corporate influence is starting to seep through."
"You vote every single month with the money you spend and the companies you spend it with."
"Freedom of speech seems to be under attack from all sides: corporate, government regulators, and even internet companies."
"The battle of net neutrality was lost because of corporations paying billions and millions and bajillions of dollars."
"The corporate form, the economic instrument of corporations, has eaten the state that created it."
"With a stroke of a pen... But this isn't about Democrats versus Republicans. The Republicans wouldn't do that either. No one's going to do that because both parties have been bought out by the corporate elite."
"What happens if the government and the corporation can not just anticipate the will and desire of the voters and customers but also manipulate and control them?"
"They actually hired scientists to try to refute the data or to pick apart the data and eventually they hired scientists to do experiments that they claimed refuted our data."
"America is not a democracy, it is [__] 10 multinational corporations in a trench coat."
"We need to give money to independent candidates so that they can rely on the people and be beholden to the people instead of being beholden to corporate interests."
"I want to convert the Democratic Party to break its dependency on big money and corporate interests and make it into a party of working-class people."
"We're allowed to tell you the truth because we're not beholden to a corporate donor."
"The developers aren't the ones who decide that the Imperial race be exclusive to a collector's edition... they're being undermined by the company they work for."
"According to this theory, there exists a way to produce clean energy at extremely low cost, but the big oil companies are suppressing it."
"Literally, this will mean that your doctor will not be able to do what's best for you because they'll work for big Pharma now."
"The corporatization of gaming is sucking the life and soul out of it."
"Mitch McConnells keep your mouth shut and hand over the money. That's literally what bank robbers say." - Narrator
"Before it was a parade and platform for overpriced corporate sponsorships, Pride was an organization that stood for personal rights in defense and education."
"The story is one area that survived ea's mishandling."
"Large corporate media is not just dead, it's in hospice."
"Bill Gates still has a voice in Microsoft, but his role is severely diminished."
"We live in a world right now of media companies who cherry-pick what they want."
"Politics is a subset of corporate capitalism."
"This is the only language corporations speak, ladies and gentlemen: the bottom line."
"It seems like the corporations, with the money, just buy everybody out and everybody's a bot."
"Are we really seeing these corporate democrats actually doing things meaningful for the American people?"
"Democrats spend their days talking about terrible big corporations, then bribe them."
"The crisis we face is the result of a four decade long slow-motion corporate coup d'etat."
"BlackRock is the main force behind the sheepest worked lecturing."
"The world seems to be almost ruled by the alumni of what is generally thought of as the most slimy, the most corrupt investment bank in the world."
"Libertarianism historically hasn't been fronted very aggressively by the most moneyed classes in society because this wouldn't be good for corporations either."
"Square's position as a company of note within the video games industry was solidified."
"You're going to end up having to work for alconax."
"By cutting back the things we need, we take power back from corporations."
"Large corporations can only make changes under pressure from the people."
"The government is always lying, especially when they're co-opted by corporations like big pharma."
"Try and maintain who you are for the longest you can because these corporate people are going to want to get involved."
"We have created a very dangerous revolving door between our most critical institutions and the largest industrial companies in the United States."
"We need to get money out of politics and remove the idea that corporations have equal First Amendment rights to individual human citizens."
"As individuals, we need to question the largest companies in the world."
"You can't let them gain more control, simply put, gotta fight back." - Advocating resistance against corporate influence.
"Big businesses actually do vast good in American society."
"There's a lot of things that people won't listen to generally, but if there's one thing big businesses listen to, it's money."
"Big Tech is clearly infiltrated by, I mean, you look, Alan Bakari I think it was, got his hands on that Google video where they were crying that Trump won."
"To focus primarily on where is power coalescing? Is it observable? Are there giant corporations that are wealthier than nations? Well, that's an interesting area to look at."
"Some Bitcoin analysts say that we could hit a high of $120,000 in the fourth quarter fueled by the potential adoption of larger companies like Amazon or Google."
"I'm losing faith in the ability for public opinion in a democracy to override the donations of corporate interests."
"Money is the only language these corporations and these Executives speak."
"Trek have been named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential companies in the world."
"Corporations are allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money on politics."
"We should not want rich and Powerful corporations dictating our society."
"That's like attack of the corporation's right there, that's what that is."
"Revelations from the documents have intensified concerns about Facebook's influence, particularly on children's and teens' mental health."
"You can't pass a bill so you just push corporations to do this stuff for you because they're risk-averse and they're looking for an anodyne corporate culture where everybody agrees."
"This is giving so much power to the corporation and so much less power to the creators, it's so discouraging."
"But we have billionaires trying to silence us like YouTube and yeah this big machine that's trying to keep us from telling you what we want to tell you."
"I don't want multinational corporations deciding that we're not going to have TPP."
"The Green Party is the only National Party that is not poisoned by corporate money."
"Oh my god, Tucker Carlson is actually right about this, he's so right about like large corporations controlling me."
"If Tyson Foods were to go out of business, there's a lot of Brands you probably have in your refrigerator, your freezer, your pantry that you don't realize are part of them."
"I'm supported mostly by small dollar donations...I don't take any money from big corporate interest or big PACs."
"The biggest fundamental moment for Bitcoin in Bitcoin's history to me is Tesla putting it on the balance sheet and backing it."
"They have to learn decades of bumper sticker talking points and corporate propaganda. They will likely lose donors in the process. They will be criticized."
"If you are going to provide governmental dispensations for only left-wing corporations there will be and should be a response that says to corporations is now an even playing field."
"Either you push back or these folks are going to do whatever is most on their bottom line."
"I see that as a loss, not a victory. The more corporate-friendly text gives consumers and independent repair shops less access to parts and tools."
"This is just like real life businesses having to give money to Yelp. Be a real shame if all the negative reviews went straight to the top of your little privately owned business here."
"For years Rotten Tomatoes has explicitly and implicitly tried to position themselves as an integral part of the fan community."
"It's fine if AT&T wants to spend the money to have diversity of opinion on their channels. That's fine. But they put this OAN in their news block and they call it news. They shouldn't be allowed to do that."
"The days of Usenet, IRC, the web, even email with PGP were amazing. Centralizing discovery and identity into corporations really damaged the internet. I realize that I'm partially to blame and regret it now."
"The universe works in fractals and it starts at the micro level - you the individual. In order to create change we must stop funneling these companies our energy."
"Democratic Party lost its way due to a hostile corporate takeover."
"How incredible are the products that Alphabet Amazon and Apple have made and free and all free they'll still exist if they get broken."
"Meta deliberately manipulating people's politics."
"It is also reinforced and bolstered by the fact that those same hyper profiteers control the narrative that shapes expert policy and the people who make it."
"Impressionable minds like theirs are unable to see the truth hidden behind large corporate ad campaigns."
"Chase the hype. We have Nike, we have Disney, we have Twitter, we have Facebook, we have Discord, we have Reddit."
"I finally feel certain enough to tell you exactly how Spotify is, how do I put this, a grift, a heist."
"Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter, says he may have to reconsider his investment if offer is not accepted."
"Don't go take your kid to Disneyland... Don't give Disney more money."
"The lines between corporations and governments aren’t just blurred anymore—they barely exist at all."
"In short, Hollywood has been and always will be a battle between a large group of creative people who want to make art and a bunch of executives who want to take advantage of that desire."
"It's because I don't want America to implode and that's the reason why I criticize unregulated complete rampant lobbying efforts from from large corporations and gun manufacturers that literally kill people."
"Tesla's entry is a big deal because the s p 500 is one of the most followed indexes globally."
"Nvidia doing this empowers other manufacturers to take these strong-arm approaches."
"Under neoliberalism, government works for corporations and the rich."
"Opinion: Large corporate interests - weapons manufacturers, the pharmaceutical industry, and fossil fuel companies - are some of the most influential sources of funding for both political parties."
"Progressive politicians regularly find themselves defanged by their corporate counterparts."
"The only upside for these corporations is to support the wokeness. If conservatives start boycotting legitimately hardcore boycotting being like I will never buy from you again, they'll feel the pain and they'll apologize."
"The only way we can effectively voice our opinion to a company like Disney is refuse to do business with them."
"The corporate takeover of our societies, the political system, the International System of governance...barely any part of our society now is not run in the interests of Corporations."
"The game was better when Bungie was owned by Activision."
"Politicians need to work for the people and not their corporate donors."
"Byd may actually be the biggest and most important company that you don't know anything about."
"We have to rid science of the corporate bias that contaminates it today."
"I think the government needs to ask itself whether it is there to try and fill the pockets of a donor and a company that doesn't have a great track record or whether it's there to ensure that people who need help get it."
"The big banks love, love, love the private health insurance company, hate, hate, hate medicare raw because the big banks are heavily invested in Big Pharma."
"Everyone is fame chasing, prey for corporations."
"It's much easier to pressure corporate America into doing their bidding than it is to stand up to the government."
"Music is always safer in the hands of the people than in the conference rooms of any elite."
"Stephen believed that this was caving into the censorship demands of big Tech and referred to the offer by the daily wire as a slave contract."
"It's bad because this is a clear indication that riot games is conceding."
"Sony has the final say in the ways I can defend myself before going to court."
"Coinbase is calling for this. At this point, this seems to be the first time we've been hearing a major player start to do this."
"We just lay down and accept this culture where these Mega corporations with their billions and billions of dollars can actually try to influence our laws."
"You simply cannot trust the corporate media, you can't trust your corporate leaders."
"None of these people take corporate money and they all have a shot."
"We've got to make sure that our leaders are actually serving the interests of the people, putting the welfare, the interests of the people ahead of the corporate interests, and the greedy that have ruled for too long."
"Biden's victory was a victory of corporate puppeteering."
"I believe that we deserve an open media that's not owned and co-opted by financial interests."
"So many of the seats are bought by corporations that it's not the real fans."
"The traditional mainstream media is mostly AWOL they along with the government and many other cherished institutions have been captured by corporate interests."
"Who are the real tyrants? Political demagogues like Donald Trump or the immense, enormous unaccountable power of big tech giants?"
"Football is the be all and end all, but you cannot say if you are supportive of Ollie, you're supportive of the Glazers. That's ridiculous."
"Disney capitulated, this bill does not get signed today unless Disney bends over and lays down."
"Corporate America wants is for you to give up."
"Corporate media is literally a multi-billion dollar industry of public relations professionals for corporate America masquerading as journalists."
"We need to build unions in this country because it's one of the key ways that we can counterbalance the domination of our government by corporate power."
"If you empower corporate America to censor speech, that's not going to work out very well."
"They've got tons of money, 100 billion reasons to do it."
"There is often a prioritization of corporate interests."
"There's definitely a hidden agenda, and I believe it's because there's people or countries or corporations or whoever that's behind the scenes that really wants to accumulate more."
"The common good doesn't matter to us anymore and letting water fountains die just means that Nestle and Coke can sell more bottles of water."
"The only thing more powerful than the lobbying actions of corporate benefactors is people in their millions threatening their power by democratic action."
"This does seem like the opposite of open. OpenAI is essentially captured by Microsoft, so that sucks."
"Crypto assets have the potential to remove middlemen."
"Corporate news is trash, you should never pay attention to them."
"This is actually a political extortion just like BLM is a political extortion. They extort these companies to give money or to have brand recognition, to make donations so they can line their pockets and do whatever they want to do politically."
"Either Musk impacts the company in a positive way and we have free speech, or we learn that all the BS about shareholder activism was actually fake in the first place."
"Imagine a platform for communications not beholden to massive multinational corporations."
"That's the thing about Tencent that's another thing that bothers me about Tencent is the way that they're just working in the background nobody really knows who they are."
"It's a public utility, shouldn't be in the hands of these corporate, profit-driven, private companies."
"Lucasfilm without George Lucas and its heart has been ripped out and stomped on."
"Why would sovereignty be forfeit by democratic states to an organization that is significantly funded and bound to obey the dictates of corporations and self-proclaimed philanthropists?"
"If y'all don't want corporations coming after you, if y'all don't want the woke mob coming after you, how about you not embracing white supremacy?"
"You can't support Citizens United and then get mad because they're now speaking against something you like."
"Beneath it all, you have a corrupt government supported by big business."
"The decisions made by these multi-billion dollar corporations control the way people communicate and the ideas that are allowed to be communicated."
"You can literally vote with your dollars to say to corporate America, 'Hey, I'd like you to custom-fit an environment for me.'"
"We fight the woke in the schools, we fight the woke in the legislature, we fight the woke and the corporations."
"I just thought of another idea, I'm gonna try to use my nomad vehicle to just plow through the raid."
"We're going to force Disney to take you seriously."
"Apple is the reason why the world is a better place."
"Republicans are on the side of fighting for the rich and the biggest corporations and Democrats are on the side of fighting for working people."
"Conservatives need to be a threat... corporations need to understand that we are a large consumer block."
"Disney effectively shut down the story on Jeffrey Epstein."
"The real America is not the corporate government-controlled America that we live in today."
"BlackRock is so influential that its assets under management are larger than the GDP of almost every country in the world."
"Disney's influence on fond memories of the past truly has no limits."
"The game we all knew had become a mere shadow of itself. It became an amalgamation Activision had infiltrated and infected the Blizzard Entertainment offices."
"BlackRock has been using their proxy voting to hobble U.S. companies, causing Americans to be burdened at a time when we can least afford it."
"Do we want Disney speaking out? Do we want our corporations to take on woke politics? Well, if you want that, then you don't want to participate in the sort of current version of capitalism we've got."
"Do you have a right to express yourself, to challenge Joe Biden and Wall Street and the lobbyists and the war machine? Because if the big tech companies have their way, the answer is no."
"We have to get big money out of politics and we have to get corporate money out of politics."
"Nvidia pressured them to remove asynchronous compute from ashes of the singularity."
"We need the content, baby, the mouse won't let anyone rest easy."
"Lobbyists behind closed doors are getting laws being passed for these big companies."
"We've sold our integrity and we sold our soul to the corporate entities so they can have a few more bob."
"Progressives don't like the media either, you know why? It's the corporate media."
"Does anyone really want to live under a regime where their social media feed is essentially curated by government or multinational corporate interests that stand to profit?"
"What often flies under the banner of combating disinformation is, in this case, nothing but corporate public relations trying to spin public narratives in directions favorable to the corporation's interests."
"Do whatever the [__] you want until Jeff Bezos stops paying you. Now that is exactly what it is. That is 100%."
"As far as the United States is concerned, low Earth orbit is now the province of corporations."
"You play the corporate side of the equation, but most importantly, you get that justice his extended intellectual heavyweights to lobby for you to be appointed."
"Twitter doesn't have the right to engineer society in the direction it thinks is healthy. That's a nightmarish dystopia where a few mega-corporations are telling us what we're allowed to say and think."
"You're anti-helping people, anti-small business, all about supporting big box. You know what happens when you go to Target and buy your mascara there?"
"There are plenty of solutions available; it's just those solutions would interrupt the agenda of powerful interests."
"Regulators are not there to dance to the tune of rich global corporations and enrich them further but to protect the general public's health."
"To not take corporate PAC money is very important, and I don't want to downplay like how big of a step it is for all these politicians to now say we're not taking it anymore."