
Sports Motivation Quotes

There are 212 quotes

"Boos don't block dunks. You can get so good people can't stop you."
"Football is often seen as a route out of these communities for impoverished families and kids, and while statistically it is an extremely unlikely route, it creates a deep passion and dedication for the sport."
"It got to make sense for me to play. We got to have pieces... I gotta feel like we got a real chance to win another Super Bowl."
"Every day, every day, before and after practice, and that's what motivated me."
"After that I wanted to become UFC world champion everybody told me ah it's impossible Matt this guy going to be there forever he's a beast and I and I did it I beat him."
"45 minutes till greatness, 45 minutes for Liverpool."
"All's Tyson needed was a straight Road, 40 year old, it's just getting his mind right, giving him a straight road to run on and he'll do it." - Big John Fury
"What you do in empty gyms can one day fill arenas."
"Every one of you players, you played for the badge."
"Not only we can win this game, we're going to win this game."
"Roy Keane playing around and do not accept a season like this where there's no trophies, this can't be happening."
"You can see how much it means to all the players who got to play with that man, David Silva. What a moment that was."
"99 to Jesus, ladies and gentlemen. 2-0. We were angry, we got embarrassed in the NFC Championship. We're an angry bunch over here."
"I want to see the reaction come against Burnley and go and smash Burnley."
"It's gonna be fireworks tomorrow night. I get the best camp of my life, so I came here to win no matter what." - Marco Reyes
"The way you win on a team is you leave everything you fucking have for the person that's standing beside you."
"There's nothing more a driver can give purely because it's a home race."
"Let's make sure that we can win some silverware this season."
"People set goals at the beginning of the season... be it super bowls, MVPs, all-pro teams, pro bowl. Guys set that on the list."
"I always try to give him my best and just try to be a killer because at the end of the day if you don't work hard you're not gonna get food on your table." - Giannis Antetokounmpo
"Guys, this season can turn around quick. We're three and two now."
"I want to continue to go and end it with a championship."
"Every year has got to be the year to win the cup."
"I know what they're about, I know what I'm about, and I mean it for us to get to the NFC championship and all the things it took for us to get there, I mean it's a heck of a year."
"If we don't win a championship this year, I mean, we might as well call it a wrap."
"Once we put those games together and series of this season, then maybe people will start believing. Maybe. And if they don't, that's not why we playing."
"I've never seen them want it so bad and they want it and this is what we do, that's what we live for, undisputed middleweight champion of the world, yeah, bringing the belts back to Texas."
"It's only been two weeks, no matter what your season isn't over yet... keep grinding, let's win some games."
"We're gonna win a lot of championships, don't give up hope just yet."
"You gotta go out and compete every game like it's the last game of the season."
"I'm gonna put my heart, my desire, my determination, my guts, my will to win."
"Your ultimate goal is always to compete for a championship."
"Best of luck to Chelsea tonight, we need a morale boost in performance tonight."
"It's a goal that helps us in our quest to win the title."
"They're fighting, they want a goal, they're not done, they're hungry."
"Matt, we may be on the verge of history here with you if you can take another title. How much does that fire you up?"
"That's why I put so much into this and like nothing else, I have all these other things in these big offices, it's cool but nothing means more than that belt wrapped around my waist, nothing."
"Every single player wants another medal in the cabinet."
"It's a big challenge but we are up for this challenge... we feel very strong."
"Renewed Mourinho going into next season with a real purpose."
"We've come into that second half, and all we needed to do was play our football."
"This is the year, guys, boys. This is the year to get it!"
"Ain't nobody really trying to get up to play OKC in the first round."
"If it's not about winning a championship, it's not going to make me happy."
"I can't let a coach ever tell me that I'm not worthy of being a champion."
"The gladiators have woken up well and truly for the June joust, about time."
"Every world record broken today will be prized with $10,000. The pressure's on, let's see what he can do!"
"This club has to win trophies. This club has to win games." - Robbie
"Unreal. I mean, I was gonna end the video, but like we've won three Super Bowls in a row, why not push for four?"
"I'm fighting the best fighters in the world. I'm putting it all on the line every single time not for the money but for the Legacy for my name to be remembered."
"Just makes me happy. We need... I mean, it's hard to get injured and just to come back and skate like that."
"You're three games away from winning something big."
"Empty the tank. When you come off that field in the second half, you should have nothing left."
"This season and Ronaldo is the cherry on the cake to symbolize this season is now. Now is the time to deliver. Stand and deliver now. No more excuses."
"After that game, I sat down and watched him celebrate and I was like, 'Man, if I get back to the finals, we're not losing.'"
"You should still be fighting for that top four place, even after the start."
"These two points are so valuable, let's go boys!"
"Last season didn't end how we wanted it to in 2022. We gotta make sure it starts off the right way."
"You're going to see the best Tyson Fury, not just stopping in the camps. He's my son, this is my life."
"We just want as many points on the board as possible."
"We need to win now blood we need a wind fam we need a win blood that is what we need fam we need a wind blood we need a win come on let's go kick off gang we have kicked off second off."
"You didn't have to work for any of those goals... you just had to want it more for every single one of those goals."
"You have to go all out for it because next season Liverpool not gonna be as bad as they were this year."
"You want a manager you could run through a brick wall for."
"Boxing is something you want to keep doing? You want to fight again, maybe as soon as possible?" "Yeah, I love it. Put me on October 14th. I'll be there."
"I'm hungry, I'm really hungry to get back in the ring."
"Win your league, don't give up. If you're hurting, stick with us. We'll get you to the promised land."
"We can win this game, we just gotta put our best foot forward."
"I bet you'll enjoy it more... Scoring 15 goals next season." - Offering optimism for potential improvement.
"Great way to start, now we gotta finish. Great win."
"First place or disappointment, that is what we've got to get back to."
"Can I reverse history, win a championship, and convince them to stay? Love you guys, kill like button."
"I just want to win championships for me that is all is on my mind is to win a championship for the Zord."
"They don't give up, they will keep trying, and they believe in their game plan."
"If we beat France tomorrow, we've got to go and win this tournament."
"Only three more games to be European champions, you can do it!"
"I've got full belief, we love you, we believe you can do this!"
"What separates Cooper Webb from the rest... he races with a chip on his shoulder."
"I'm disrespected, that's why I gotta get these fights."
"He's there because he wants to be a fighter, not because he wants to be famous."
"Neither Glory nor Legacy come easily for the guys in this room today."
"I played for my teammates respect, my coach's trust, and the fans' appreciation, and I played for them in that order."
"This fight was a fight that I wanted for respect."
"When you lose a lot, you don't really think about MSI or Worlds, but like, we started winning."
"Let's defend this title, man! Let's defend this title and make it to the Super Bowl again."
"Another huge important three points... Just keep winning, keep getting those three points."
"You've made the major now boys you don't have to fail at the fucking major qualifier."
"I love the underdog status... after Sunday, I'll remain the top dog."
"I hope you're betting on yourself. You know your game and your ability more than anybody else does."
"We've done eight, now we're gonna move on to the next one. Fighting talk, it's amazing!"
"You know what's great about that Tibalt? Still exiles. Tibalt beats everything."
"If we beat them, you've got to feel like we can win the whole thing at that point."
"I think we're all starting to warm, and the belief that we can do it is growing and growing."
"This is what you work out for every single day, what you do, traveling team basketball, college basketball, all kind of leading up to that, right?"
"Dylan Brooks right now should show everybody in the NBA there's room for improvement."
"It's all about my life and this game is about Swagger and I think it's about freaking time that we go and we get our Swagger back."
"I'm looking for a knockout. I didn't come here again to get a bad decision."
"Fighting, for me at the end of the day, it's not about the money, I just love fighting."
"We're a man on a mission, obsessed by the footballing gods."
"Honestly, boys, right now you could be looking at next season's Champions League winners."
"You are the better team here without question. There can be no argument made. Play your game, get the W, you should be able to dominate this."
"The players are playing now, it feels like they're there for the project, for the club, and for the badge on their shirt."
"I genuinely feel today the lads have got something to prove and you want to get back on that momentum train."
"I feel great... I'm back in the winning column."
"We're currently on a four-game win streak, need to keep this up."
"They still have a belief that they can still score goals."
"LeBron James has openly stated... he is chasing Michael Jordan."
"Sharif ignored the money and wants to prove the haters wrong on the biggest stage of them all."
"The disrespect to the Celtics for not having an All-NBA player, we taking that out on the league man."
"There's nights when Michael Jordan feel like playing... You're a professional."
"We have to win the league. I'm putting it out there, I'm putting a goal out there."
"Liverpool's desire, urgency, and will to win... the quality... it all came together beautifully."
"Just opportunity and just having an opportunity to win, that's the biggest thing."
"This is why teams like mid-table teams and bottom off table team should take the FA Cup seriously, because it could be magic."
"The Quest for greatness is evident, a hope of being remembered long after they've left the sport."
"Competition is a beautiful thing... Manchester United, let's not beat around the bush over the last few seasons."
"If we come out today with three points, the whole league is looking at us... These guys mean business." - Zach
"It's been special, but it don't mean we don't finish, man. That don't mean we don't finish. We came here with one goal, just finish and take it."
"I really do think we can win this game... how brave are you, go for it man."
"I'm excited. I'm more prepared than ever. For me, this sport of boxing I've fallen in love with, and it's an honor to be on the card with some legends, some world champions."
"You've got to Pump It Up, don't you know Pump It Up."
"It's the energy that he put in and other players as well, and I there's maybe an element of us being worked out a little bit."
"It's the earliest trophy you can win in the season... big confidence boost."
"We want to be better than Manchester City. That's what drives us, and we were miles off at the weekend."
"Let's freaking do it! There it is, the Champions League ball and the trophy!"
"When football is everything, impossible is nothing."
"You're gonna be awesome. You're a great part of this offensive line."
"Just go out there, work for each other, and enjoy it. Most of all, play with pride as well. Put a bit of effort in. If you carry on the way you are, you're probably going to end up with double figures."
"He didn't come here for silver, he came here for gold."
"We did need that goal, let's hope we get some confidence from this."
"Titles far from over keep getting behind the lads to the very end."
"Don't be afraid to say you're in the title race. It's Man United, simple as that."
"Let's do it, ice, come on, this is our year!"
"It's our last game, and let's send them out with the damn ring, a chance to play for a national championship."
"Wow, for two years I'm not fighting, you know, and I have a great opportunity for back to fight in this great car."
"We play the game because we love it, not for attention."
"He does have to win a trophy at some point." - Gary Neville
"The game's still about glory, it's still about winning. Go and collect as many cups as you can."
"Liverpool just need that goal to own the tie and give us all that bit of confidence."
"We knew we got it in us, ain't no team better than us."
"What is it that drives the heart of a champion, that makes them dedicate a lifetime to their passion? A willingness to put it all on the line every Saturday night."
"He wanted to play every inner city kid, every inner city school. If your school was in the projects, his team is going."
"All we need is four runs. That's more than doable."
"You can tell he's enjoying himself so when you're playing for Man United you should enjoy it you're playing for the greatest club in the world."
"Put me back, coach. Don't taunt me, I'm reloading."
"Let's be great today, let's clutch up, let's just figure things out and let's get on track. This is hashtag Justin Fields's MVP season."
"The whole season has been surreal...ignore the noise and go out and have a remarkable season." - Eli Drinkwitz
"On the bright side, there's only one trophy left to win now, and that's the Champions League. So, let's go, let's go, let's go win that."
"I feel like now I feel like I'm alive again as a fighter."
"Let's win this World Cup and make the Muslim ummah proud inshallah."
"We want to want to be as successful as we can be."
"We want to win. We want to be the very best football team we can be."
"We want to kick it with the championship next year."
"First game back in pre-season, let's enjoy it. Good habits from the start." - Unnamed speaker
"The only thing that matters is winning games of football."
"Harry Kane is not money motivated. He just wants to find out how good he can be and win stuff."
"We want to dominate the game, we want to go there and we want to win, and that's what we need to do."
"Tactics are very important but what really drives you in World Cups is like the energy, the determination, and of course, the urgency to make things happen."
"There is an eighth world title on the table and Lewis Hamilton wants it."
"If nobody else in the world thought Cleveland had what it took, LeBron and Kyrie did."
"If we don't smoke Chelsea blood I swear down wheel we deserve whatever comes."
"Wish me freaking luck boys, 10 minutes to turn this team into a freaking champion."
"I like the doubts. I like when people don't think we're gonna win."
"Didn't play like gosh... let's keep pushing in the second half."
"Never stop working, never stop believing. What an important goal that was there by Rasmus Høyen."
"Max, he's on one. He finally believes he can win a world title."
"Let's get some motivation in here, we want some goals, yeah, we want some goals."
"Well, we're just going to win. It's going to be like you guys did last week, start off very slow very poorly and then we're going to take over."
"In the words of Jake Taylor from major league... win the whole effing thing."
"Every race you got to pump yourself up and give it all you have and then hopefully win it."
"Every time that ball come your way, make your play."
"The game ain't over. I shouldn't see no defeated faces. Defense gonna go out there, y'all gonna get the ball back, and offense, we're gonna go down, we gonna score in this ball game."
"The Giants appear hungry to become winners this season."
"We are chasing the legacy, we're trying to do whatever we can to be the best we can be."
"I'm here for fun but now I'm kind of craving that belt a little bit."
"This is a wake-up call; this reminds you that yes, we've had a good summer, we've bought in some good players."
"They have a lot of heart, a lot of desire."
"I want them walking on the field feeling like frickin' King Kong, they're gonna whip the world."
"They are never satisfied with just one goal, they want to come out and win it every single time they step out onto the court."
"Leave it all out there on the course, this is the final leg."
"You come into this game to box, to change our lives."
"They need to raise a bar, they need to challenge themselves every day because they're not there to beat teams by 50, they're there to say let's be the first, let's beat it, let's do another record."
"The energy in the game is huge for us, that's what kind of motivates us and pushes us to go that extra mile."
"Winning that one and earning obviously the championship, but it's left Amherst with unfinished business."
"One reason I came to Shamai was because of sports, mainly basketball."
"Get active, get involved, get playing better golf."
"It's not about the name, the number, it's about the sim on the front, why we play, who we play for, and why we enjoy this game."
"You can't win the World Cup before the World Cup starts, and you can't win the World Cup at the start of the World Cup, but if you're playing well at the right time, give yourself a chance to win it."
"It's a hard chance to get a big lead, we need to go out there and kick ass and take names."
"There's a guy on their sideline that's going to make sure that they have every chance to win."