
Privacy Invasion Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Our faces are being scanned daily and recorded and saved on databases without our consent."
"AI...will only let [companies] become more efficient at infiltrating people's lives and destroying freedom."
"In an attempt to sell the idea to players, Blizzard's Community manager posts his full name on the forum...and within mere minutes, they find and publish his home address, phone number, age, Facebook, family names, and a list of his favorite music and movies."
"The real issue here, however, is that someone I trusted and considered a friend not only recorded me in secret but also that these recordings were held without my knowledge for almost an entire year."
"That's when I realized I was watching televised child abuse, abuse that came not from a kid being forced to do something she didn't like in that second, but abuse that's far more subtle, caused by the presence of cameras broadcasting moments that should never be public."
"Mr. Spears directed Black Box to surreptitiously mirror Miss Spears's iPhone content contemporaneously and in real time."
"Your mom is cute. I have your face and name. I know which schools you went to. I know every member of your family."
"I woke up sometime in the early morning... and immediately saw a man's face looking in the tent at us."
"I've had personal information shared about me, videos made berating me, fearful for my kids and grandkids' safety."
"People in videos are seen harassing locals telling them we know where you live."
"Forcefully give you the neuralink implant and then plug you in and delete from your brain criminality."
"She admitted to tracking suspected defectors and monitoring usernames and passwords of suspected moles in the group."
"This is about snooping and just having a ravenous appetite to know everything that's going on with your neighbors."
"First, breaking into a house while the occupant is not at home burglary then possibly watching her in their home learning her behavior their patterns stalking."
"Eventually this would lead to 24 7 surveillance of us and our home including stalking trespassing videoing our house while we're inside of it and death threats."
"if somebody if you if we ever hang out you leave a phone open near me i'm gonna be going through your [__]."
"Every [] move I make they are like [] um latching onto me like leeches."
"A Chinese man has accidentally discovered a spy service on the back end of his Android TV. It can collect data from all devices using the same network every 10 minutes."
"It was terrifying to me to get daily notifications from him posting my full name everywhere."
"The trunk revealed a disorderly naked man who had actually been living in Bethany's trunk for three days."
"I walk into your apartment, you open your back door..."
"The greatest threat I ever perceived was that of being watched near constantly."
"When you start showing up to people's homes, when you start doxing them, when you swat them or have the bomb squad show up, the goal is to terrorize."
"Let's just say that he cannot examine my coochie no bro he looks like he's like he got like a secret cam set up"
"I don't think it's funny that people dox your home, all the stuff I see online. I don't think it's funny that people put pistols and stuff in your home and try to get you in. I don't think none of that is funny, bro."
"Your phone can monitor you through GPS tracking, video and voice monitoring, accessing your photos, including geo tags, and more."
"China's social credit system assigns a number to your every move, determining access to various services."
"Olivia would come out and say that Edwin had, well, fulfilled himself to her while they were on a video call."
"I immediately think, 'Oh great, my ex has sent somebody.' Yeah, I knew he had private investigators following me."
"I hate the idea that he secretly filmed actresses."
"They collect everything so yeah what's horrible about this is that anything you do is to make a permanent indefinite record."
"Just remember this on a cold dark and stormy night before you make that decision to open the blinds or jerk back your curtains there may be someone just on the other side of that thin glass looking back at you."
"I think it's disgusting, and I don't think it's a fun peek into celebrity lives like I don't want to know."
"Let's go and find out where his family lives. Let's go ruin their life. Let's go find out where his kid goes to school."
"He ended up calling me on a private number, questioning me, grilling me."
"But once they opened it, they discovered something much worse than junk—it was a room full of someone's stuff, except surprise roommate if you will, which is never a pleasant surprise."
"I didn't look up anything on my team, this man, you did a full analysis in his bedroom. Whatever spec boy, thank you, thank you."
"A man who called her his daughter, a man who she saw as a father, and now she finds all of these very personal photos of herself on his computer."
"Watching people inside their houses and their children is overreaching."
"Williams would later tell police he first saw Lloyd exercising in her home, and after ascertaining that she lived alone, decided she would be his next Target."
"This was enough to dox and ambush the man outside of his home with a media frenzy."
"Why are you going into my personal space, my personal belongings, and reading my private diary about my personal inner thoughts?"
"I cannot imagine in a million years watching a video about somebody making a video about my husband cheating on me."
"This should have never went public, I didn't put it on live, he did."
"They are going after private American citizens with phony evidence that is dangerous."
"You ain't supposed to be on this side anyway you ain't supposed to be in my phone you not supposed to be going through."
"I moved my curtains slightly to one side and I peeked out like that creepy guy."
"I have your IP, I have your name, and I have your address. You fucked up."
"Insane when mainstream journalists target your family because you read court documents."
"Thank you, I was just getting ready to hop into bed and I had a feeling I was being watched."
"Scientology followed them back to their cars followed them home ran back background checks knows who they are knows who their family members are knows where they work knows everything..."
"It was clear that she had been keeping tabs on me both online and offline, gathering up every scrap of information she could find about my life and hoarding it in her collection."
"Everyone sucks here which I hate saying because the actions are in no way comparable it's always wrong to invade other's privacy I understand why you did it there I hope you get away from him."
"No evil or rack escapes the sight of peeping Tom"
"Their entire job consisted of saying 'take a look at this' which is what he used to say to mary kate olsen in her dressing room."
"Who looks through your windows? A peeping Tom."
"Never ever enable Siri or Alexa or Google Home, all of these things are excruciatingly painfully invading your privacy."
"It's fascinating and awful to find out what people will do when they think they aren't being watched."
"Having private photos of personal moments weaponized against me has been an appalling invasion of my privacy."