
Body Function Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Like recycling plastic bottles and making clothes out of it, we have that internal system in our bodies that we have to turn on on a regular basis."
"I never tell patients to lose weight. I teach them how their body works, and the weight loss is automatic."
"Drugs don't do anything new to in your body; all they really do is speed up or slow down what's already occurring."
"Anything that's excess in our body is generally not very healthy for us."
"If you don't drink water, your body doesn't work."
"The body is always in some state of detox, filtering out wastes and toxins."
"Juice secretion... How can you digest food like that?"
"When you consume more calories than your body needs to function, those extra calories are stored in these units causing them to expand."
"We need to show Luke that blood is actually good for you. I mean it literally makes your whole body work, right?"
"Your stomach is made up of a fourth. One-fourth of your stomach is used for your immune system, which kills the bad cells, which detox the whole body."
"Moving your body gets the blood flow going which gets oxygen to all of your cells, it's incredibly energizing and so important for so many functions in your body."
"You have two storage forms of energy one easy to use and one not so easy to use"
"It's not just about insulin and metabolic hormones, it's about the thyroid, it's about the brain, it's about everything."
"So now you're going to produce something in your body that you have way less of and there's a reason why you have way less of it."
"When we use the term electrolytes, we're specifically talking about minerals that influence fluid balance."
"The brain is the engine of the body, our brain is constantly working behind the scenes to make sure that everything we experience feels seamless."
"When you fix those two things, your body will immediately start to revert back to optimal health."
"Electrolytes are essential minerals like calcium, potassium, and sodium. They regulate muscle contractions, balance your pH levels, control the nervous system, and keep you hydrated."
"Peptides mimic the body's natural configurations."
"Do you ever just look at your hand and think, 'How does this thing work?'"
"The body only utilizes things that are vitamins, minerals, amino acids, healthy fats, healthy sugars."
"The omega-3s do something system-wide, body-wide that make everything work better."
"Your body is an amazing organic machine, but it needs the right fuel and signals to function at its best."
"Protein is essential for so many functions of the body, from your brain to growing your eyebrow hair."
"Your iron is very important to the functionality of your entire systems in your body: your brain, your lungs, your heart, your organs."
"Both states are appropriate; we really need both states in order for the body to function correctly."
"Despite being relatively small, these bean-shaped organs perform monumental tasks in our bodies."
"Inflammation is required for our bodies; this is not the end of the world."
"You have to make sure that the whole body is functioning the way that it needs to in order to have success."
"Body fat is the cushion and insulation within your body, so it's going to protect your organs and it can help regulate your body temperature."
"When your parameters are where they are supposed to be, your body functions appropriately."
"Your body requires food and nutrition. And whether you're getting too much of it or too little of it, or you're getting rid of it before your body can use it, it affects absolutely every single cell in your body."
"Hormones are the directors of our body; their role is to tell our body what to do."
"Sleep is not passive; your body's working in the background to get everything primed."
"It's normal to get more bloated throughout the day, and that's completely normal and fine."
"My agenda is to figure out why the body does what it does and how we can, as physicians and as general living humans, make our lives better."
"These energy flows in the body, when they are disrupted or blocked, it affects our muscle strength but also affects the health of our organs and our function."
"Anatomy is the study of the structural basis of body function."
"Imagine if you had to think about digesting for it to happen, or if your heart only beat when you focused on it."
"Being aware of your nutritional needs and making sure that your body's getting what it needs to properly function."
"Food improves everything in the body and it allows the body to function."
"Your microbial community in your gut is in charge of your body, in charge of everything."
"I wish there was just more reverence for what the body is trying to do with inflammation."
"The normal functions of my body are merely my highest concepts of the unfolding ideas of the God mind."
"The most important thing is how you feel, the most important thing is how well you are and getting your body working properly."
"Proteins are made up of amino acids and are necessary for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs."
"Sleep is key to optimal functioning in the body."
"Everything being put together is to serve a purpose within the body."
"Smooth muscle tissue is found throughout the body, and it helps organs perform their jobs."
"ATP is just so critical; it's what our body spends to basically do work."
"A drug is any molecule which can be introduced into the body, which alters body function on a molecular level."
"When there's high levels of LDL in the blood, that means there's a lot of things broken in the body."
"It's considered an essential nutrient because the body requires it to function properly."