
Philosophical Quotes

There are 1009 quotes

"A world in which there was a bit less death would be a better world."
"But I do think death is bad and a world in which there was a bit less death would be a better world."
"Light is also advancing...yes, the world is being permeated in darkness, but at the same time, light is beginning to shine forth."
"You didn't come from your parents, you came through your parents. You have a purpose."
"The matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy."
"Much like God, we have to start by creating ourselves."
"You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everybody dances with the Grim Reaper."
"How can we use these as tools so that we're not tools of our tools?"
"Life is not one thing; it's an emergent property that is a product of many different things."
"If you're willing to give up your freedom for a little bit of security, you deserve neither and you'll get neither."
"The truth of the matter is most people think their chains are jewelry."
"Good can't exist without evil. Hope can't exist without despair."
"It's constant, the moments. It's just... it's like it's always right now, you know?"
"Thoughts may come and they may persist in staying, but thoughts that are not put into words or into action die unborn."
"No man is an island... we all cannot do it by ourselves."
"It's a bigger issue than that boils down to you and what you believe in."
"Everything is it's not everything moves... it's always moving forward."
"There is no right way; music theory is just a way of describing what is there to be used."
"You are the image and likeness." - "You are the image and likeness."
"Humanity is bigger than the boundaries of a nation."
"You might value the potentiality a lot higher right, like I think there's something to be said for valuing potentiality."
"Truth is truth bro, regardless of who speaks it."
"Death is the one thing that we all like truly share."
"We had no God we had Noel as long as we remain in our adulterous way of life."
"The opposite of hate isn't love, the opposite of love is apathy."
"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two equals four. If that is granted, all else follows."
"Everybody that's in your reality, everybody that's in your waking life is a reflection of you, and they were put in your life for a reason."
"You're telling me for all the impossibilities it took for you to be here breathing this air, the sum of all these insurmountable impossibilities led to this."
"The greatest disease we have is not of the body it's of the mind."
"Imagination is the God in you, creates reality, and is the only reality."
"The moral Arc of the universe bends towards truth."
"It told the story of a man who had everything he knew about what was good and what was evil challenged to him."
"Truth is what you might describe an optional extra..."
"It's cool because this is again why don't die matters is if you take this longer arc and you say really where are we at right now, that's what the future whispers."
"A cat however is never without the potentialities of contentment like a superior man he knows how to be alone and happy."
"The moment between moments, the perfect moment."
"The most important question is what can we do about it, not what can somebody else do about it." - Noam Chomsky
"People are where they are because that's where they supposed to be right now."
"Welcome to the world of social media: if you want the rainbow, you gotta take the rain."
"That's exactly profound, what you asked, that is why with America we've been so delivered that we forgot our deliverance."
"The problem is always the person, not the tool he uses to commit a crime."
"Every human life is worthwhile, every single one."
"The living embodiment of love. That's the only thing you get to take with you when you die is love."
"Black is a state of mind, it's not your color."
"Reality is just what I think about all day long. We are what we think about all day long."
"It's never a yes or no answer. It's not such a black and white world we live in."
"If this tale teaches you anything, it should be that you really can’t choose your ending, you can only choose how you react to it."
"The only way we're gonna survive is to embrace Being Human."
"He who seeks after darkness will surely become it."
"The world of Dark Souls is like a circle, a cycle of life and death."
"Natural order and human nature will always come out on top."
"Is it intentional or is it just the way things go that Hard Times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make hard times?"
"Primo Levi... understood... fragile social systems... collapse... become strangers to ourselves."
"We must think seriously about reality and how to protect it. We are our own masters."
"It makes you question his actions and he also questions his own actions and it becomes an interesting philosophical line which is constantly darting and weaving all over the place."
"At its core, honesty is the refusal to pretend that facts are other than what they are: it is loyalty to reality and the truth; a commitment to honesty necessitates accepting reality as an absolute and to always think."
"Thoughts become actions, actions become habits, habits become our character, and our character becomes our destiny."
"What creates this kind of newness? Change is natural, it's a part of nature."
"The number one killer is time. It destroys us all."
"The celestial center of polarizing issues can be a lonely place to be, but it's where truth is proven."
"Whoever said the house is what holds the treasure?"
"The only way to deal with the problem of evil people is to put more good and righteousness in the world."
"Ultimately, it isn't so important how long you live. The important thing is how well you live."
"My firm belief: the best way to fix the world is to fix yourself."
"Don't tell me history doesn't repeat itself."
"When dealing with morality, we are dealing with objective facts that are relative to subjects. They are not just opinion."
"More is the big underlying thing to everything."
"I would rather have questions which can't be answered and answers which can't be questioned."
"And if the world stands aside, it will lose itself. Forever. Because there are unconditional values that are the same for everyone."
"It's a strange combination of skepticism and cynicism"
"A man dies when he is forgotten." - Dr. Hiriluk
"The truth of a man lies not in the land of his birth but in his heart." - Amy Mason
"The freedom of speech is about a very humble idea that we are all wrong all the time."
"The idea that we're the only game in town is just unreasonable."
"I just wanted to have this conversation because I did feel it was important."
"Time is moving through them and they're not just moving through time."
"Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so." - Douglas Adams
"Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is." - Douglas Adams
"You can't suppress the sun, the moon, and the truth."
"Relationships succeed when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
"The whole man is to drink joy from the fountain of joy."
"Remember my sentimental friend, that a heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others."
"I never got tired of what these two were actually saying. 'We all fail. We all make mistakes. It's what makes us human.' 'I'm sorry, chief. But how have you ever failed?'"
"Can somebody made of Pure Evil actually redeem themselves?"
"Does the Demon King have a heart beneath that tough exterior?"
"Sometimes you need to destroy in order to create."
"There's always more money but there's never more love."
"Everything you are looking for is also looking for you."
"The price of freedom has no tangible monetary value."
"Idealism is understanding what we would like, realism is understanding what you can get."
"They are simultaneously a companion of heaven and a friend of humanity."
"For all the water in the oceans cannot drown you unless you let it inside you."
"What's a life without love, loss, freedom, and adventure? Who are we to deny agency and ignore the passions of a unique and hopeful creature? Are we villains or are we gods? Is there even a difference?"
"Life can be unpredictable, and death favors no one."
"Truth and delusion existing together at the same time."
"The only difference between nightmare and reality is that reality lasts longer."
"How do you engage with the world in a way that is multifaceted?"
"A path to glory that threatens to destroy us."
"Why save a place that you believe simply just deserves to die?"
"Wealth is measured more in time than in just money."
"Everybody sits down to a banquet of consequences."
"There were many things in the world that existed even though they thought it was impossible." - Mars
"The minute you say human nature is flawed, it leads to God."
"Grains of sand make a heap; you won't recognize the history until it's passed."
"It's about actions and consequences, not good or evil."
"Win, lose, or draw, it shouldn't change who we are, it doesn't change what we do."
"Will we continue to repeat the exact same mistakes over and over again?"
"Perspective... truth is not as common as you think... we live in gradients."
"Violence is never a solution, it's a question."
"Destruction and creation are two sides of the same coin."
"It's not that I'm winning all the time, it's that I don't really view winning and losing as different things."
"Proof that there is a God... why do terrible things happen to terrible people."
"For one who stares into the abyss, there is a danger of falling in."
"That's the very definition of the meaning that would sustain you in your life."
"The self is everything you could be across time."
"Water's not wet. Water is water and it gets things wet."
"There's no such thing as a perfect man, just perfect intentions."
"Once we're talking about AI systems that are far more powerful than the entire human race combined, then the human race is in the position that the Beast of the field are with respect to humans."
"The strength of darkness is the absence of light, and the weakness of darkness is the appearance of light."
"The most important thing in the world to you and I and every other person on this planet is Humanity."
"Arranging the world into what and where and when is our brain’s most efficient and meaningful way of carving nature at its joints."
"All of life is just a series of infinite portals."
"Whatever is fair and meant for you will come to you."
"None are so hopelessly enslaved than those who believe that they're free."
"Honestly, it wouldn't have made a difference if he saved them or not."
"Your reality continues on as normal always, that is your perspective though it's not everyone else's perspective, and that's where it gets dark."
"The creature may not haste above the maker, neither may the world hold them at once."
"What is a man that you are mindful of him and a son of man that you care for him?"
"The message is consistent throughout human history."
"You have to love yourself unconditionally if you are connected, which we are. We are connected to everybody."
"I am holding these truths to be self-evident."
"Time is what clocks measure, which we can interpret as meaning that it’s a measure of the rate of change of the universe."
"A man dies only when he's forgotten." - Dr. Hiluluk
"What's one life if you have eternity to live in this paradise with your family?"
"The life we have is precious because it's the only one we get, so treat it with respect."
"Human Spirit yearns Evolution, it yearns progress."
"The day will come when sacred Troy shall perish and Priam and his people shall be slain. Homer, what brings these lines to your mind? Is this the fate of all empires? Is this the fate of Rome?"
"The big bang is always in the now... the origin is always in the now."
"So, if we can't escape our lot on earth, at least, we can remember as much as we can, to look up."
"Life is like a machine, we're just a bunch of cogs in a machine."
"It's deep what we're dealing with, deep, amazing, right?"
"Honesty is kind, but always kind on the broadest expanse and in the broadest context."
"You are what you love and not what loves you."
"The question is not why does smoke get in your eyes, the question is why does smoke follow you around a bonfire after you've lit it?"
"Yo, let me tell you this now, all right? What if this is a simulation?"
"Do you think it's possible we don't notice that what the singularity actually feels like is we just live through it?"
"Our revels now are ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits and Are melted into air. We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep."
"An unwavering heart or absolute power? I choose death."
"The waves of his actions are neither singular nor without resonance... the question is are ours now."
"Women are God logically because they make life."
"There is only truth. How can justice be served without truth?"
"The fight is for everything is for the truth itself."
"Time is indeed an unstoppable river, as it was in the past, and as it will continue to be so in the future."
"Look at the speed of total oblivion of all and the void of endless time."
"What would you be willing to sacrifice if it meant you could live forever?"
"It's Such a Beautiful Day is a surprisingly philosophical gem about mental health, family, and the meaning of human existence."
"We’re not just characters in each other’s stories."
"Time is not linear, okay? So when we say 2020 to 2024, let's not get caught up in our ego consciousness and really track those years."
"Trust the process, trust the universe type thing, you know what I mean?"
"The past and the future are linked, always linked."
"Let me see, we shall see said the blind man."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do to your fellow human being is to get them to think, don't give them answers all the time."
"The existence of God, the underlying concept of a creator, is a self-evident truth."
"God is before the particulars. The particulars depend on God."
"It would be absurd to be born with this idea that you want to connect back to this oneness."
"The greatest hell in this world is to be a slave to your desires."
"Justice is an elusive thing; it means different things to different people."
"We're the only planet in the universe that has free will."
"Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
"Sometimes that's just how life is. You work super hard on something, and as Linkin Park says, 'in the end it doesn't even matter.'"
"Love is the way, it's how you treat each other that counts."
"An idea has a lifespan just like a human being."
"The world is not falling apart, it's falling into place."
"We didn't get here by chance. We came here as part of an evolution of a garden."
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
"Only the strong can be allowed to thrive, the weak must be culled."
"Rejection is god's protection in redirection."
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you."
"Many that live deserve death and some that die deserve life, can you give it to them?"
"Truth is the truth regardless, no matter 365 days a year. Truth is a truth Monday through Monday."
"The biggest lies hide behind the greatest truths."
"It's not about race it's not about what is it because it's about man's inhumanity to man."
"What happens once you defeat your enemy? Sometimes the situation can be worse off than before."
"We are free to make choices but we're not free from the consequences of those choices."
"Certainty is knowing absolutely an absolute future, then that's only death disguised."
"Hope can be bigger than fear, light can be bigger than darkness, and truth can be bigger than lies."
"If people live forever, they might not have been able to progress."
"Time is an illusion, yet a very persistent one."
"It's a chess position, not a life philosophy."
"Love is the force that holds all things in connection."
"People do change. Just because someone thinks something now, that does not mean they will always think that."
"Individuals do not meet by chance. They are necessary in the experience of others."
"You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean." - Roomie
"For it will always end how it had begun... Behold.. The rising.. Sun."
"Love is infinite, and listen to me when I tell you, it is the greatest thing in the universe."
"Things never quite go the way you expect them to."
"I made this point like yesterday, but I think dogs are just better than us."
"A man with a strong enough why can endure any how."
"But there's this confusion-- location, address confusion. Which, I live between the two ears."
"The quest for the Holy Grail: searching for meaning in their lives and searching for the Grail within."