
General Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"It does matter. It always matters, all the time."
"All the problems we face, when you boil it down, are behavioral problems."
"There is no one answer to the world's problems, but maybe one answer might help us identify some solutions."
"All right, well, that's a, that's a big accomplishment."
"We just need to be better across the boards in almost everything."
"Yes, everyone should have an opinion about whatever topic."
"Immersion is one of those things you have to experience."
"Honestly, it was a lot... but as usual, it was a lot."
"It's been unconventional since the beginning."
"It's seen as something that's very unifying."
"People are beginning to change all around us, my friends."
"There's definitely way more good things than bad things."
"Whatever you think, this is definitely ratcheting things up a notch."
"Hopefully in 10 years from now nobody is really worried about it."
"It's like football all over again when you think about it."
"Massive massive opportunities to absolutely everyone."
"Every piece of food that enters people's mouths in this building."
"There's such important implications for the future here."
"I think they did a great job with this overall."
"There's just tons of benefits in like every way possible."
"Communications, which is absolutely critical."
"This is happening because many experts are predicting."
"Photography in general is incredibly important."
"It's a lot of frustration all around, I think."
"Quantum computers: revolutionizing everything."
"There's so much to say for now, I just want to say thank you."
"Every part of this was shocking to the soul."
"It's a potent option... a really versatile character."
"For every one of those... we're not gonna know how much this has impacted our lives."
"There's just a lot of motivation and action."
"Any of its forms, kind of just pick your flavor at this point."
"It does do something, whether it's something important or interesting."
"We look forward to further steps being taken."
"I guess I'm gonna have to say that this one actually kind of works."
"Every society with a better justice system prospers."
"It's amazing what they're actually trying to do."
"Amazing is the only word to describe this find."
"Everything good in the world happened this year."
"I remember just being so mesmerized by the musical quality of it."
"The improvements they've made were made where it counts."
"I mean they're all just fabulous, aren't they?"
"There's something much bigger that's boiling underneath."
"You take enough of these individual stories."
"This is total war in which no man woman or child is safe."
"They definitely want to take care of you somehow."
"Pretty amazing but also pretty scary at the same time."
"You have to create content, content can be that can mean anything."
"If you've ever tried to go through the hassle."
"Genuinely fantastic changes across the board."
"It's just been a really, really good all-around performance."
"The only piece of good news I saw out of all this was..."
"Almost every part of it has been improved in some small way."
"Anyone can answer some questions, anyone can play any games."
"For every single one of these plants, I'm talking about..."
"Any given moment something catastrophic can happen."
"Just noticing where you feel happy, that's across the board."
"I wish him well... I wish generally everybody well."
"I'm carving at your throat, that make me the surgeon and the general."
"Quality of life, yeah, just in general, overall quality of life."
"Queen Victoria liked him very much. She described him as a remarkable man, not only an admirable General with plenty of Dash as well as Prudence, but a man of what can be called Imperial views."
"I'm finally getting a bit of motivation back, just in general."
"...I recommend you stay more general so as to not cause offense."
"I'm just enjoying my luxury in general."
"But in general, it impacts a lot in my life positively."
"It is the best single general fitness program that you could have if you just had to pick one."
"This is just a great costume design in general."
"Being happy in general is the biggest thing I want to accomplish."
"It's time for cooking with the general!"
"But in general, we hear about that we have to become resilient."
"Confidence in general can be applied to everything you're doing."
"...but in general you can get it into cool looking poses."
"It's good news for the conference in general."
"With great general power comes great responsibility."
"I think this is probably the best fit for most people."
"General Yang is not a bad person but just cares for the citizens and his troops."
"It's got a bit of everything, hasn't it?"
"Most people could do with a good amount of inspiration."
"It's not political, it's just... general concern about where we are and what we're doing."
"It's so great for so many reasons."
"My pain equals yours; I lost the most distinguished general in my army and a companion in arms for 16 years, whom I considered my best friend."
"Maximus the farmer was Maximus the Commanding General of the army of the north."
"I like to think that they are timeless."
"It's more of a general purpose food. It's okay, but you're much better off feeding diet specifics."
"What stresses you? You don't have to divulge something deeply personal, but in a general way, what stresses people?"
"Hopefully everyone is doing well."
"A brilliant general swept to prominence by the success of his campaigns in Italy and Egypt."
"Education matters, generally speaking."
"Your reputation of a coward and a murderer precedes you, General."
"I feel like 2022 has a lot in store for just everybody in general."
"In life, in general, yeah absolutely."
"Most people are actually kind of happy."
"He was one of the greatest generals they'd ever seen."
"There's just so much at stake across the board."
"Eugene, one of the best generals there."
"It's like there's certain things that you just know people might find interesting."
"We just generally want to believe."
"Everything is so simple, it really is."
"That's one of the great miracles, isn't it?"
"Software development in general is a very, very complex topic."
"There's always something entertaining to watch."
"These are general messages, so please take what resonates and leave the rest."
"We've got a bevy of beauties here."
"I think that it is improving in general."
"I've got a fairly busy life, I guess."
"It's generally really sound all round."
"It's been a tough time right now economically for everybody."
"Real interesting stuff going on there."
"It really makes everything better."
"Be cautious when it comes to this type of stuff."
"Please keep in mind that this reading is general, the energies are fluid, and the message is timeless."
"Who doesn't love the month of October?"