
Variability Quotes

There are 1236 quotes

"My face changes a lot depending on lighting and angles and makeup."
"Every day is something different; it's not really routine."
"Every round on Oregon is going to be different, just like any round on any map."
"Henry's Rock... every playthrough feels a little bit different."
"Betrayal at House on the Hill...is different every time you play it. It starts out cooperative but lends itself competitive."
"We are human beings; it is only natural and normal that sometimes we feel very happy, and sometimes we feel sad."
"Mental illness changes all the time... You've heard me talk about all these different diagnoses through the DSM and all the different things we have to meet, there's like criteria, right?"
"Sun breathing has no set pattern or ways; it is incredibly varied and thus is the best breathing technique for killing demons."
"There's a lot of different endings for that game."
"Your journey is just going to go up and down, you know, different avenues, different ways...it takes different time for everybody."
"The only way you know you're alive, you're not a machine, is if you like variability. That means you're alive."
"One of the wise ones: 'The sun don't shine on the same man all the time.'"
"Tomorrow will be a completely different day of racing."
"Well-designed randomness can give us an infinite variety of situations to hone our skills."
"Some years it's gonna be good, some years are gonna be bad."
"Variability can be very desirable, what makes life worth living is variability."
"Watchdogs Legions does not play the same way twice."
"Your experience or your perspective is not to be an end all, and there's just a variety of variables with anything in life."
"Each experience is not the same every time, which is a beautiful thing."
"Every day is different and every day has a new challenge."
"I suspect you're gonna see a real spread of scores when it comes to Atomic Heart. I do expect you'll see a few eights and nines, maybe even a 10 here or there. I also expect you'll see a few fives or sixes as well, maybe even lower."
"Influence can happen across all NFTs at any given time."
"No two runs are the same like it is with XCOM."
"Every take is different. Everything is some she's just like Quicksilver."
"Encounters really help to drive home the amount of times that you could reasonably play Fallout 2 and still have a brand new experience each time."
"Every five rounds what we're doing just to switch it up make this go interestingly you can actually get a new gun so it's just it's continuing the two box oh that's interesting."
"These are another group that sometimes they're psychoactive and sometimes they're not."
"No two playthroughs are going to be exactly the same."
"I don't believe there's a single source of Truth when it comes to success on YouTube."
"It's not a formula that you put the data in and then you get an answer and everybody comes to the same decision."
"Tourghast is effectively an endless dungeon. It's ever-changing and defies the laws of reality in a lot of ways."
"Dynamic gameplay: you'll never wind up with the same playthrough twice."
"The wide variety of paths to take means that there's always new things to find."
"Watching fighting games is so sick because things happen all the time, every match is different."
"Each of the buffs that's given on each of the chambers does change every day."
"That hair is natural. Sometimes he might dye his roots black. Right now his roots are blonde, changes with the seasons."
"For every game, you know there's gonna be a ten and a six. Sometimes you're the six."
"Every single one of my runs starts differently. That's what's so fun about it."
"The timing of it may vary in people's thinking."
"No two people who ever play the game will have the same experience."
"The units and abilities of your armies reflect your decisions. What your forces look like can vary wildly between playthroughs."
"The audio quality between the voices in this game vary wildly." - Josh
"Courage isn't permanent, it's a tenuous and fickle thing."
"Tickets cost different prices on different days."
"Every time you log in, you can see what there is to do, and it's never quite the same thing twice."
"Infinity War, Endgame, and Winter Soldier, they're always switching spots."
"All of these advantages we've been talking about are only on average."
"Win or lose, there's a good chance that you might get some fun effects after the game."
"World of Horror operates like a roguelite. The cases you get at the start of every campaign are scrambled so no two playthroughs are the same."
"Legendary powers can roll on different items."
"It's a strange phenomenon where some people are always affected, some never affected, and others are somewhere in between. No one really knows why this is, but that's what makes it so fun to talk about."
"People want to have a different look every single time they go out now."
"What is this process like and is there a typical timeline or does it really range from case to case situation to situation?"
"But for certain flukes and but for certain bad turns, life of two same people can turn out radically different."
"The mix of level design modifiers and enemy spawns make each run feel wholly distinct."
"No single Metro game is going to play exactly like another."
"You win some, you lose some. Sometimes you have good days, sometimes you have not good days." - Jack
"There's like different percentages that he can pour into it."
"Primers may work for you, but then you'll see reviews saying it doesn't work for them."
"Replay value insanely good, so many little things that could go differently."
"The reception, the reactions, are just all over the place."
"Randomization is going to provide a lot of replayability."
"Sometimes you have a lot, sometimes you just fail."
"Different insurances cover different things. It's not the same for everybody."
"No two maps will play the same. Radar can't penetrate mountains. Nuclear warfare will physically alter the terrain."
"Our metabolism are established by so many variables."
"Race is an ever-present reality that does not disappear just because we would like to wish it away."
"It also makes combat scenarios less repetitive meaning different situations could happen at different times."
"Every stage will be different and you can combine/girl randomly generate heroes to explore the labyrinth with the strategy of your choice."
"The division now had between 500 and 10,000 men."
"Number five, we've had a great showing. We've had some really, really, really good sets and some really, really, really bad sets."
"Differences in starting conditions result in vastly different outcomes."
"MJ's now an 81 if you're wondering why is three's at 92 and it was like a 78 in the practice mode I don't know why the overalls change sometimes in the practice mode it just kind of is what it is."
"Depending on many factors, the pressure that's required to deliver this volume can and certainly will change from patient to patient and from breath to breath."
"Alfred has had a very interesting history... he's been a soldier all depends on the type of stories that they're telling."
"There is no one antenna that's the best antenna. It really depends on the frequencies in your area."
"Sophistication is not a straight line; it can rise and fall."
"This show is like a bouncy ball it just keeps going up and down."
"Elden Ring is an open world game where you have an entirely free world to farm with players who can arrive at bosses dungeons and enemies in thousands of different states of power and orders."
"You don't play the same team because those teams are good for one week you get 12 versions of teams that's what you get."
"You never know what you're going to get with them. They're kind of all over the place."
"Each part will not be similar to the second or third part."
"It's more normal to have ups and downs, not clean every part of the human experience."
"It's like the rain in Puerto Rico, it'll change in five minutes."
"Retinol has to be stabilized; there's a lot of variability out there."
"We’re all failures, okay, it’s just that we have good days and bad days."
"We'd get to second and then next year we finished fifth."
"There's no shame in your picture in video sharing game. Never stop, results may vary."
"Some champions can be like a little bit shuffle they'll be very very close to each other again depending on the matchup there."
"A game that bounces between really good and really bad is really interesting to play and talk about."
"My life isn't always just get up, go to classes, and work, sleep."
"All over the map, in terms of what the kid's disposition is."
"Inflation was high and it continues to be high depending on what items we're talking about."
"There's a lot of variability in any case; it all crosses that threshold of immersion."
"Every role should have 20% agency but what if during different periods of the game the agency can change"
"If you play Christmas Nights during different dates throughout the year, you're gonna get different effects."
"The answer to most finance questions is it depends."
"Not every Isaac run is created the same, remember that."
"Long Covid can take many different forms... for some, it's frustrating but not life-changing, for others, it completely transforms their life."
"Every time you play it, it's different, which is honestly pretty awesome for a game like this."
"Every time you play it, it's different. That's crazy."
"Words can have different meanings in different contexts. It's not the case that a word means the same thing in every context."
"Every game of this is going to be different."
"Everybody's life is different so things pop up in life that we don't expect."
"Each fight you play is gonna be different... there are so many scenarios that is why you'll never master her."
"Who's your favorite between us? Oh, I can't say, it varies."
"The greater variability of the male most likely grants him the greater diversity of aptitude."
"The mean doesn't tell the whole story. We have to figure out what the standard deviation or what the variation is from that mean."
"No matter how you play the game, your experience is going to differ wildly."
"Everybody has different days. Sometimes you get lucky."
"The future is fluid, it is subject to many different variables."
"Businesses are cyclical... every day brings something different."
"Cases are the least scientific tests you can do because every case will behave differently with every configuration."
"Every Christmas is different for us, some Christmases are plentiful, some Christmases are bare minimum."
"Sometimes it works out great sometimes not so great but this time everything was perfect."
"NPC accuracy will vary from one npc to another."
"There's days that I'll finish it in like an hour... there's days that I'll finish it in like 30 to 45 minutes."
"What does it look like? It doesn't matter, it will change every time."
"It's one thing to say a card has an average of 60 frames a second, but if it's 80 frames per second during the low periods of activity and 40 frames per second when all the action is going on, it may not actually be a playable performance."
"Sometimes things do amazing, sometimes they do so well you don't know what to do with all of the stuff, and sometimes you get absolutely nothing, and it's okay. There's always next year."
"EDS is a spectrum disorder... you can have EDS and be very mild or very severe... it's a spectrum disorder."
"Sometimes it's awesome, sometimes it's just okay."
"When you're living on a sailboat, one day can be the best day of your life, and then the next day could potentially be one of the most stressful days of your life."
"Your mileage may vary, but it'll certainly be fast mileage."
"Fame and influence are both fickle and localized."
"Wherever there is human judgment, there is going to be noise."
"Noise is variability that shouldn't exist. It's when people make judgments that should be identical because they're about the same subject, but they turn out to be variable."
"Bias is an average systematic error and noise is just a variability of judgments, a variability that shouldn't exist."
"On average, if the world is as we see it, we expect other reasonable people to see it in the same way, but they don't to an extent that is radically surprising."
"The body has a way of dealing with a broad range of different viruses; that variability is already built into your immune system."
"Sparring is sparring, you might not have a good day that day."
"It's interesting how things change from one to another and how some types who were barely there last time seem to fit a different region so perfectly and vice versa."
"Every business has its own trajectory; some will start really slow and then they'll take off, some will start off really fast and then burn out."
"Every night looks different for me, but I definitely do have some constants."
"Not every day looks the same and that is totally okay."
"The whole nature of MS is that people get different symptoms at different times."
"Of course it's not the same every day, there are some days that are a lot harder than others, there are some days that are easier than others."
"Everybody's going from up and down and up and down, and so are the houses."
"There were some wins and then there were definitely some weird ones."
"Sometimes people do this well and sometimes they don't do it very well at all."
"The levels of wetness really changed."
"Sometimes it's hit or miss, you guys know what I'm saying?"
"Stars vary in size, density, and also brightness; instead of shining with a steady glow like most stars, variable stars pulsate, brightening and dimming in a hypnotic pattern."
"Life would be so much easier if each hunt exhibited the same degree of simplicity."
"There's no right frequency of hair washing; it's super personal."
"Anything Can Happen which is a good test."
"This is the most unpredictable season I have seen so far."
"Every time it's going to look a little bit different because it's really at the edge. It looks really funny."
"When it's good, it's amazing... but when it's bad, well, you know, it's awful."
"It can go from a design that sells to a design with a zero percent probability of selling."
"I like flawless, I like NT, but there's so... hit or miss."
"So, there's no doubt that there's a huge amount of variation from second to second, minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day and beyond in blood pressure."
"Every single day is so so different with a baby."
"Attempt patterns vary widely. No rule can be laid down applicable to all cases. Most cases will, in the end, turn on their own facts."
"There's technically a lot of correct answers, but some of those correct answers apply less often than others."
"Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose."
"Every day is a different day when you come over here."
"Dynamic variables like time, counter, and random are constantly changing in value."
"This isn't real factual science because you can be on an off day, you can have trained more than I have, and that all plays a big part."
"Some things will work out well, some won't. At least it won't be boring."
"Expenses aren't going to be the same exact thing every single year."
"The NBA has always been a 'make or miss' league."
"Expenses aren't going to be uniform. They're not going to be the exact same all the way throughout retirement."
"Sometimes brutal and fierce, sometimes whiny, pathetic, and hilarious."
"Every lupus patient is different because every lupus patient is different."
"I think that it'll be different for everyone."
"...no matter how we frame Formula 1 no matter which statistics and results we look at is always going to miss something out of the equation because everyone is in a different car."
"...depends on how aggressive you are with the mixure but well cool"
"Development of a baseball player has never been linear or even logical; it's really a numbers game."
"As we've just seen with the coins, our intuition tells us that it depends upon the variability in the underlying possibilities."
"You can tell it was going to be a cold one, but typical spring, you know sunny days, cold nights."
"Not every day is going to be yeah, you know, some days are better than others."
"Loki's role has always been different depending on the story you want to tell."
"Playing a 10 to 20 big blind stack can be boring and thrilling at the same time."
"It's important for patients to understand they do improve over time but it's never a straight line. They zig and they zag."
"...these errors can come in all shapes and sizes."
"That's simply impossible, there are way too many cards and of course their value is always changing."
"Practically everyone's experience on this excursion is going to be different and no two tours are going to be exactly the same."
"Depending on condition ranges anywhere from one hundred dollars to one hundred and forty thousand dollars. Pretty steep gap there."
"It was intermittent throughout the rest of the night, sometimes getting louder, sometimes quieting down."
"Just like in a baseball game, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose."
"Embracing the fact that your dream will manifest differently each time, but each one will be incomparable in its beauty and fulfillment. Amazing, and that is perfectly fine."
"You're always going to get that mixed bag of nuts, and that's just the reality of our jobs."
"Every fight is different, every battle is different, they never play out the same way."
"Writing's always going to be what it is. I mean, sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's not hard."
"That's the thing about working dispatch, your shift goes from one to a hundred with some calls."
"It's the same I it feels like the same argument for why does someone get healed slowly over time cancer versus a oneandone it's like you know it's sort of a fallacy that you get to that there's all there's an exact way it should go."
"Some of them are like beautiful penmanship, some of them are scribbles, but there's no consistent Stevie Wonder autograph."
"The same model with even slightly different data can produce dramatically different results."
"Life has had its ups and downs, good and bad."
"He's a streaky player but when he's on, this is a different offense."
"Every time I'm seeing you, you have a new viewpoint."
"It's not the same every day as it would be in a like office job or something."
"Everybody is better or worse, we're all there's so many moving variables."
"Genetics are deep stuff. Jumps around and it kicks over and lays down for a minute, it pops back up. That's how that kind of thing works."
"Your best effort one day might look totally different than your best the next day that's okay that's normal that's life that's fitness."
"Every single day you came to the track, you did not know what to expect."
"I'd like to suggest that consciousness is not all or none, but it's variable. It's on a continuum."
"You never know what's good you never know what we're gonna be talking about at the end."
"Your brain doesn't always work at the same pace. It depends on how difficult the task is. Sometimes your brain thinks quickly and sometimes it works slowly."