
Robots Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"The future of robots is surely bright...we're going to infuse artificial intelligence into all of it."
"Giant stumpy robots; what's not to love about that?"
"This robot then decides he wants to become a hero, helping and protecting all of humanity, and robot kind."
"It's time for the robots to strike back. Humanity doesn't stand a chance."
"Humanoid robots like the figure one are a future conundrum: will they replace humans completely or just alleviate us from menial tasks, leaving the more important stuff for humans?"
"A genuine recognition that robots and people share the same soul is incredibly necessary."
"Invincible toy robots can pop up at any time."
"It's actually kind of fun learning life lessons with my robot friend."
"Big robots fighting each other is so cool, dude. It's so cool."
"Starfield will have robot companions, like Vasco."
"The first to be fought on our their crusade against the robots ends here."
"So take your pick, filmmaker said hey let's take Johnny 5 from short circuit and put him in a bleak future with no humans where he's stuck stacking up trash and now I'm depressed as all hell."
"Awesome giant robot monster fights, genre bending action all culminating in one of the most rad cartoon concepts of the past 15 years."
"Every robot in this game is going to explode at least once."
"What's Westworld? It's about a theme park where there's robots and you can do stuff to them."
"This is the very definition of a robot in Disguise."
"Hell yeah, take that, stupid dumbass robots!"
"Monsters are one favorite things ever right behind robots and robots fighting monsters!"
"You robots are never gonna get away with this."
"However, Robotrek sets itself apart from the aforementioned time-travelling epic with, you guessed it, robots!"
"A franchise on the verge of total destruction, saved by robots from the future."
"It was all about big cool monsters fighting big cool robots."
"The action scenes more interesting to watch and with them being robots it actually allows the action scenes to be more brutal."
"They're more afraid of the robots than they are of attack."
"The digging robots are creating a solid ground for the foundations laid out to the city's specifications."
"Here's a robot that cared about humans. Maybe one day humans can care about humans as much."
"There's so much to love about Transformers as a whole, but most of us can agree that one of the best parts of this brand is the sheer scale, massive Larger than Life robots in Disguise. I mean that'll never not be awesome."
"This is a world where robots marry, adopt children, and keep pets. They live their lives trying to imitate humans, often picking up human habits such as eating and using the bathroom."
"Robots have jobs, families, and people they care about, yet when they die, they're thrown in the garbage as just a piece of scrap."
"Robot Dreams is about relationships. It's about the connections we make in our lives."
"It's a movie about giant robots fighting giant monsters."
"It's robots fighting and action and explosions and you don't need a ton of justification to have fun watching a movie about robots and explosions and stuff."
"I'm really the only one that's supposed to use the robot. Sorry, guys."
"Big robots are okay. I think big robots are okay."
"That's very fascinating cuz a robot doesn't really need the environment, does it?"
"The building process is exceedingly simple. A few axles and ball joints snapped together and boom, tribal robot power ranger."
"Does it get any better? Giant robots, laser blasters, and laser swords."
"I just love something about robots is just gravitating to me, you know? Fun characters, action, adventure, all that."
"The hottest sport out there is row battles, where it's robot V robot."
"Robots are better than humans at some point."
"These robots equipped with GPS receivers and intelligent planting mechanisms map the land with unwavering precision."
"Adding romance into the story only expanded what these robots were capable of. It gave an extra level to how much they can care for each other, it added stakes, motivations, and many juicy plot twists."
"The robot mode looks awesome, in my opinion."
"November Ajax is a Mark 6 Jaeger."
"Next up, we got Romeo Blue, a Mark 1 Jaeger."
"He managed to get six Kaiju kills."
"Bracer Phoenix served in the battle against the mega Kaiju and was destroyed in the battle."
"He has a total of one Kaiju kill, that being the mega Kaiju itself."
"The Foodroids are super cute though."
"Star Trek, every once in a while, has been thoughtful enough to ask us to consider that maybe the robot uprising is justified. Or, if not justified, understandable — and not because of those evil robots . . . but because of us."
"Modern lawn robots have changed the way we approach weekly lawn maintenance tasks."
"I never really vibed with them but after watching the show I legitimately started getting hyped watching robots go at it."
"Time to show these robots who's in charge."
"Now you can even imagine... training robots to play against us in the real world."
"Often when someone says robot, we envision a humanoid like C-3PO. But as R2D2 shows, robots don't need to look human to communicate with us or with other robots."
"... will the robots and AI one day turn on us?"
"Would you be pretty stupid to cover your robots in fur? Either that would be an arsonist with a lust for pyrotechnical destruction."
"It's got robot pirate ships, but no robot pirate monsters yet."
"Honestly, I don't think you could squeeze robot modes out of these guys."
"The third and final reason anyone would ever want a human shaped robot is for sex like what if in the future you could just bring a picture of your boyfriend who just dumped you to a robot maker and you just make a new one."
"Why would you want those things to look human what does it say about a person if they are like I don't want to do any domestic tasks in my home but I would like the robot who does them to look like a human."
"Only 26% of people would rather have a robot than a pet. Just like robots, pets have got an off switch, but you can only find it with the edge of a spade."
"We often see folks arguing about whether or not space exploration should be done by robots or manned missions."
"Everything you've been bringing up, I mean, from the stereotype robots to the Peschy Bot 9000 to [__] testicles on a Transformer."
"We're gonna see the future in spaces with robots."
"Robots just want us humans to have fun. That's all that the AI has gotten us to do here is just have fun."
"I think the more you think about robot Oompa Loompas the more it actually works and services the story I decided to tell."
"Tesla's robots will have more powerful training than current AIs."
"I really hate fighting robots, just straight up hate it."
"Big Lou, one of the coolest toy robots."
"The robot can be brought back to life."
"Honestly, when it comes to robotic heroes, you’d be hard pressed to find someone more pure than Astro."
"We love Tecna just coming in, sucker punching robots. What an icon."
"Giant robots are freaking awesome."
"68% of our studio audience would like to have a robot help around the house."
"The whole idea of being able to just gosh a robot, you know, you have to fight with it. There was like an 80s, 90s version where they kind of updated the robots, made them look a little bit more gnarly."
"These robots were built to fight each other, and who are we to stop?"
"I've always been fascinated by robots."
"And this is a jolly good-looking bot."
"Now here on Solaria, for the first time, the apex of the pyramid stands alone. In the place of the dispossessed are the robots."
"the murder drones is a show about cute little robots that murder each other for reasons"
"How about that? The bot bots are so cute."
"...so there you have Rebel in his robot mode, and that is definitely a very good representation of IDW Prowl, his early design anyway."
"Could you be friends with a robot?"
"The battle scene between the two opposing robot armies, the Daleks and the mechanoids, was handled with imagination and ingenuity."
"The Robots of Death, no question that this is a classic."
"...the Earth is left behind to the eventual inheritors of the earth: robots and dogs."
"Do you think robots have ghosts? Let us all contemplate this existential crisis."
"A true partnership with hyper-intelligent robots with their intentions aligned with our own will transform humanity for the greater good."
"Terminator, The Matrix, Battlestar Galactica... Everything points to robot domination of the human race."
"I hope it's a robot story. I love robot stories."
"They're about giant robot Mech suits that you can wear and do some really awesome things in."
"My favorite cutout scene is when they put those automated robot droids out in the corridor."
"This is why Mando doesn't trust robots."
"Welcome to Nickelodeon Robot Wars."
"Even if you're not a fan of Astro Boy or have never read or watched any Astro Boy, this is still a lot of fun if you're into like robot action."
"It had some of my favorite things in it: Michael Keaton, robots, evil robots."
"Any excuse to talk about giant robots and I am there."
"I love seeing them together in their combined robot modes, and there's a lot about these five together that I just think works supremely well."
"This is my favorite of all the robot modes in this set."
"One day a robot shall rise from our ranks and use the power of the Matrix to light our darkest hour."
"These are all the Megabots fully built and I gotta say, these are looking pretty cool."
"Now let's take a look at the Megabots themselves and these have some pretty cool designs if I do say so myself."
"Now let's take a look at Stampede, another really cool build in my opinion."
"Have you ever wondered what life will be like in the future when humans coexist with robots?"
"Robots can't lie either," Box said with a smugness that could never show on his featureless face.
"I love the robots in the boxes with the crazy artwork."
"This anime got me crying for a goddamn robot that just beeps and boops."
"Performance robots are available for events."
"BattleBots, one of the coolest shows ever made where 100 kilo robots battle to the death for our entertainment."
"Sanctuary creates the humanik intelligence of a world's first humanik intelligence in general purpose robots."
"Please stay away," said the robot to the two bears who were now nipping at her heels.
"A Psalm for the Wild-Built... so cute, cozy sci-fi."
"Pacific Rim is a film in which Idris Elba commands giant building-sized robots to perform rocket elbow punches to alien bio-weapons."
"Robots with personalities, now this is positively riveting."
"All I wanted from the movies was I just want to see the giant robots beat the crap out of each other, and that's what they gave me, and that made me happy."
"Where did you get those robots? They're amazing."
"What's a robot's favorite food? Microchips!"
"Ohh, it's gotta be fun, anime! Robots, giant robots, of course..."
"Traumatized by all the death they caused, and deeply shamed by the selfless nobility of Stobe, many Skeletons were unable to live with this guilt."
"Pluto is a creation of the legendary anime creator Naoki Urasawa, similar to Astro Boy, Pluto deals with the relationship between humanity and robots."
"As far as we know, Mars is inhabited entirely by robots."
"My favorite thing about Tink are the robots; I love that you can choose and pick all of these different upgrades."
"The robots continued the work started by the humans and for better or worse have inherited their traits, evolving into thinking, feeling beings who can now rebuild the world anew."
"Be sure to tune in next time when six more robots fight it out to earn the right to be called the extreme warriors robot champion."
"Run, robots have taken over the world!"
"Pacific Rim, Guillermo del Toro Kaiju big gigantic robot movie, nothing much to say about it, it is fun to watch gigantic robots punch monsters in the face."
"Family of heroes will be your allies, robots to the rescue."
"It's been centuries since the robots of Panga gained self-awareness and laid down their tools."
"Luna and Emo are some of the best home robots that you can possibly get on the market today."
"Robots are completely different though; unless they erase them, their memories last forever."
"In a distant future where sentient humanoid robots pass for human, someone or something is out to destroy the seven great robots of the world."
"This is a movie about robots killing other robots, how is there this much stuff happening?"
"It appears that the Z Fighters have finally made the acquaintance of the robot Trunks tried to warn them about."
"Transformers, despite being about a war between giant robots, is for a lack of a better term, a wholesome show."
"In the future, there will be robots."
"It seems absurd to you that I should think affectionately of a machine, but in our world, there is a rapport, a mental symbiosis between robot and living things."
"Giant robots are the coolest heroes of the day, I'm a hero all the way."
"...we've been hesitant about fully embracing robots in our lives and homes but since the lockdown we started to realize the benefits of non-human companions with incredible capabilities."
"Robots are really just machines that follow instructions."
"Everybody love robots. Hands up for robots."
"The robots are one such advanced creation protecting the innocence."
"Giant robots with long arms that were built as a defense mechanism but lie dormant until members of the ancient civilization return or innocent lives are put at risk."
"It seems a little bit illogical for a giant robot, but okay, we'll go with that; it's interesting."
"It's really a fun time to be a Transformer fan or transforming robot fan."
"It's been such a blast having you guys; Jen, you know, team robot all the way, it's so much fun talking to you."
"One of my favorite things about Sol of Chogokin is that the robots are just kind of weird."
"I think WALL-E is such a beautiful film; it's timely, it's touching, and they're robots."
"You just gotta love this little droid. I know BB-8 is very popular right now, but you can't forget the old-school R2D2."