
Food Presentation Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"This does not look professional, but it's really tasty."
"It's always important to make sure your food is visually appealing."
"Wow, I mean, it looks like it came from the same restaurant. I could cry."
"This is beyond... it's like artisanal, it's edible art."
"Wendy’s made a big effort in recent years to make its food look and taste more rustic and 'handmade'..."
"Food that looks and tastes a million bucks doesn't have to be complex."
"Stunning food doesn't have to be complicated."
"Cooking is a mad passion for me. I like the way food looks. I think the first thing about any meal is how it appeals to the eye."
"Tell me that doesn't look amazing, look at that!"
"You can see how it sort of made it look a lot more organic and a lot more like real piece of food."
"I mean honestly look at that plate... it's disgusting pinwheel."
"What's presented as aspirational still feels pretty homogeneous."
"Look at these stunners, that fold method is what is key."
"This looks incredible...and of course, there's the lobster in the room."
"Honestly though, the colors are super appetizing."
"This looks fantastic... Let's have a try for the camera."
"If the food looks good and it's visually appealing, you're just going to want to dive right in."
"So, anyway, I went ahead and served that up with some typical fixings and I have to tell you when I cut in and took a taste of this, much to my amazement, it really wasn't dry."
"It's like a pan-seared rock fish with lemon capers, olives, and Calabrian chilies, that looks great!"
"Thank you, Cheryl. It looks absolutely incredible."
"Allow food to present itself and accept that mother nature is the true artist."
"Literally a five guys burger looks like you gave them a burger and right before they served it they took out a sledgehammer and went [__]."
"When you're out to impress, food needs to look great."
"I love the colors. I love the fade from that meat color to the potato."
"It's the perfect vessel for all this melted cheese."
"People eat with their eyes before they eat with their mouth, so if you serve someone something that looks amazing, smells amazing, when they taste it, they're ready for it to taste amazing."
"The food is literally adorable, there's so many things to choose from, so many varieties of food."
"This just looks so good, my mouth is watering."
"And bingo that is a c-plus rolled burrito right there."
"Oh Oh can you see that can you see that that cheese is melted and AD and bacon the egg."
"You want to make sure that when you cut these, you cut them real even, you want a nice even stake."
"In their purest form they're boring they need to be jazzed up and presented with friends in a s'more."
"The pinkness of the veal in the center is spot on."
"Nailed the cooking here. The color is perfect."
"This takes meat, you can see the meat on the left."
"You're like a food alchemist and an artist all wrapped into one."
"There are very few things in life as beautiful as a glistening smoky flank steak on the grill being painted with BBQ sauce."
"Fall food is often very beige in color, so you'll also notice that I'm purposefully injecting a lot more color into these simple, healthy recipes."
"Have you ever seen a more beautiful chicken sandwich?"
"This guy make his egg look like a dancing green and red chili."
"The little sauce in the middle, like come on, like that is actually legendary."
"I see the care that the restaurant kind of took in actually crafting these dishes."
"A one-stop stopgap system that can replace your desktop on the go."
"This art is gonna look so good no one's even gonna want to eat it."
"I'm more focused on filling bellies than I am trying to make something look magazine worthy."
"It's like literally almost too pretty to eat, but nothing is ever too pretty to eat because, I mean, we want to eat it, obviously."
"Wow, good job sir. 12 burgers. So it's like 2-3 minutes? He done made 12 burgers and they ain't just regular burgers. He got all the sauce, he got the egg, he got the meat, he got them packaged too. Leave a like if you would eat those burgers."
"Nothing tells me that this production didn't hire a food stylist."
"I've always loved pretty food and that's just how I am."
"Look at that cake, would you take a slice of that cake? Oh baby, yummy."
"These galaxy apples literally look like a galaxy on a stick."
"It's super easy to make and it comes together quick."
"God, I've never seen a plate of food so beautiful in life!"
"Everything he cooks just about, you're like, 'Oh my God, that looks incredible.'"
"We eat with our eyes, so the prettier dishes, the more attractive it looks, the tastier it looks, the more you want to eat it."
"This one I'd give 10 out of 10 just on the technique, man, look at this thing, it's gorgeous."
"I'm gonna put the lids on, and if I have shown you this, you would 100 think this is from McDonald's."
"This is the amaranth granola with preserved and frozen raspberries, yogurt, and lime powder. That's beautiful."
"That was a 10 out of 10 for both presentation and taste."
"And you can see all that cheese and jalapeno studded perfectly evenly throughout the meat."
"You have to make it with the ketchup though, they look so cute."
"Wagyu Tomahawk steak with edible gold leaves: all about the looks, adds nothing to the steak."
"Look at that cheese pull right there, wow."
"It looks like a work of art. It looks too good to eat."
"We've got quite the spread. We're calling this finger food Friday cuz this is all just finger foods."
"I think that platters are underrated and I think they're just a beautiful way to present food."
"Because what I also want on the pavlova is some nice drips of the fruit juices over the cream."
"Guys, tell me, don't these look incredible and amazing?"
"A nice little time lapse steamy rice."
"The food is visually pleasing, but it's the great taste that will stick with you."
"We got a Traeger here, we got a beautiful barbecue, we got some butcher blocks and we got some amazing steak here today prepared for you."
"This is a gorgeous plate of food."
"If our pancake mixture here just want to add a little bit of browning color to some of these edges this will help make it look like it's actually being cooked."
"Look at that, is that gorgeous or what?"
"These are full full thank you this is how it looks on the inside it's very full."
"I thought on the menu they have grilled chicken nuggets, why they look a lot more appetizing than in the picture."
"This lunch turned out so cute, and because I hard-boiled these eggs the night before, putting this together only took about five minutes today."
"This is the most beautiful oatmeal I've ever seen."
"These ribs look nice and even; they look really good. They have a nice presentation."
"Man, these have such a great color, and those look so good."
"Just check out that color. The glaze is nice and set. They are so shiny. The bones look great. You've got a lot of pullback."
"How good does it look? Awesome mate, it's come together so nice, it is epic."
"The presentation on everything was, dare I say, like kind of upscale for McDonald's standards."
"Are you kidding? Look at how good breakfast looks!"
"The aroma is wonderful and as you can see there's lovely crisp crunchy potatoes on the top and then underneath lots of lovely succulent fish with that rather special sauce."
"That's what we're looking for, oh crispy beef, what's up."
"The food presentation looks amazing."
"Put it in a bowl, call it a salad, and watch it disappear."
"So many ways to garnish flautas or taquitos, it's up to you."
"Look, this is golden syrup, you can see this."
"I mean this pastel pie looks brilliant."
"Yum, we got strawberries, avocado, eggs, everything about the bagel seasoning, this is breakfast, it looks so good."
"We may be slow, but at least the food's going out looking fantastic."
"This vegan mozzarella is the first time I've had a vegan mozzarella that's the right color."
"Look at this charcuterie picnic setting board; that's cute."
"I see the vegetables as the rock stars; the meat is a backup singer."
"I like the presentation of it, you know, it has texture to it."
"This is the final spread, it looks so bomb."
"Oh my goodness, this looks decadent."
"We're gonna do a quiche sort of Quiche Lorraine situation and a charcuterie board, which we call a charcutie board."
"We've got sort of our three rings of watermelon."
"Never use additives to alter the appearance of food."
"This tray is absolutely a find. I cannot say I have ever come across a basket that actually has a tray inside of it to place your food on."
"I'm gonna let them rest for an hour and then we'll take a look at what they look like."
"And there you have it, the perfect chicken Caesar wrap."
"The food is beautiful and really interestingly put together."
"How good does this look you guys, and it's vegan."
"We eat with our eyes first, isn't that the truth."
"Every single dish we've seen so far so appetizing."
"I really love the touch that they put the bite marks in these."
"It's gluten-free and it forms up into this beautiful crust like you see here."
"Bursting with flavor. Get that on screen."
"The easiest and probably the most beautiful way to slice a mango is to turn it into a hedgehog."
"There's some gourmet food without the bread now."
"Look at this food spread, look at this charcuterie board."
"Food is out, guys, how unreal does this look?"
"It gives you an idea of the colors, textures, and portions that I don't think sketches can fully capture."
"One thing I love about Japan is that they display all their foods and what it looks like out here, and it looks so realistic."
"It's a char siu beauty pageant winner in my book, I mean, I gotta say this is one of the prettiest char sius I've ever seen."
"Look at that, look how beautiful that is."
"This is Lucy, look at the way they stacked it, look at all them crunch, look at that surface area."
"Oh, the blueberries right on the top, genius."
"That food was totally awesome, it looked like a piece of art."
"I think food tastes better when it looks nice."
"The real star of the show is this candied bacon skewer."
"That looks good, so it's called banana pancake, so fresh."
"We have great color on those ribs, they look absolutely awesome."
"The food looks really good, clear and simple."
"How good does this look? Oh my god, I'm so excited."
"All this great food and you're serving it up with a spork."
"So here's my completed yogurt bowl; I like to add enough fruit that you can't even see the yogurt."
"This roast is looking good, the roast is looking phenomenal."
"Presentation is a really important part of eating."
"Disney always does such a good job with the presentation of their foods."
"That is a beautiful fish cake; it's light, it's crispy, it's full of flavor, and it's completely balanced."
"The food looked appealing and it smelled good."
"The seven wonders of the world is here on your plate."
"What a cute burger, a little more and I'll achieve a golden crust."
"The food is beautiful, very colorful, I feel like the ingredients are high quality."
"It's a crown of celery. Brilliant!"
"Every single piece of the food looks absolutely exquisite down to the steam that comes off the dishes."
"Not every single day my breakfast looks this cute, but I feel like when you just add a bunch of random things, it just looks cuter."
"They're like a little artisan-created work of art."
"Steak and greens that serve right on top of rice, it looks delicious, it is just delicious."
"Natural light depicts food the best, it is going to give you that true color."
"Can we just take a second to appreciate these freaking adorable rice cake shapes?!"
"Here we have the finished article, actually can't wait, it looks really good but hardly any calories."
"Look at that, just looks so good."
"Just look at this, guys, perfectly drizzled over with peanut squeeze."
"Wow, just take a moment to appreciate that glaze."
"Look how amazing this looks. Right?"
"Wow how good does this look, we got a bit of lamb, we've got some stew and some salad."
"Food looks pretty when it looks perfect."
"It just makes it look even more appetizing."
"That's what you're left with there, your poppers perfectly wrapped in their little bacon blankets."
"They have caramelized nicely and their sweetness complements the tangy glaze perfectly."
"It adds a nice little bit of dynamic movement; it looks a little bit more like the frosting is a little bit more rubbery."
"This food is delicious, look at these chips."
"It's eye-grabbing when it's something familiar and it looks delicious, and they can immediately identify it with something that they know."
"Food just looks really pretty in a white dish."
"These are so delicious and they really do make a gorgeous presentation."
"Here is our world's best tacos, they actually look pretty solid."
"Not only is it the most beautiful presentation you'll see of any food in the Disney parks, but also you get to play with your food."
"These are so cute, these little boards, this one is £6, this would be so nice either for a child to put some snacks on or just use a little snack platter."
"These look absolutely gorgeous on a charcuterie board or any type of board you're putting out to have friends over."
"It just looks so good, the little delicacies."
"These cakes look better than the ones on the buffet."
"I love the idea of creating these types of spreads."