
Expense Quotes

There are 911 quotes

"Welcome to the hobby, you'll be spending a fortune on this stuff."
"This car is crazy rare and also, as you can probably imagine, it's crazy expensive."
"The idea of spending a whole weekend at Coachella... is incredibly expensive."
"It's a luxury item, and uh, people spend more than that just on the tanks themselves sometimes."
"This is by no means what you'd call a low-budget tank."
"An army built on nothing but sell swords seems to be pretty powerful, expensive but powerful."
"You spent almost $11,000 on a ticket right and you can't remember anything?"
"It's okay though because we have another pretty awesome tin, this one was about $150, really expensive but dude, what is happening with Snorlax and Eevee on this artwork, looks super cool."
"Facebook spent 23 million dollars on Mark Zuckerberg's security in 2020. Unique position."
"Beards aren't cheap. They don't just grow on trees, you know?"
"This is my dream car and you know I've wanted one for 10 years or something like that and one of the more possibly most expensive cars I've ever owned."
"I just bought myself a Pokemon, how much is this? 500,000 bucks? About 400. Okay, I bought a 400 box of cards I have no idea what's in here."
"Every square inch of this brand new eighty thousand dollar truck is scratched. Every screw."
"The set was so expensive and bizarre and impossible to build."
"Holy [__], you guys spent three thousand dollars on me."
"You didn't lose at all. You paid for tuition."
"Making it one of the most expensive and extensive covert operations in all of American History."
"So it's a little bit more expensive now for the ak-74 you have three different options the TG PA and the PB s."
"You better sell that kidney to buy a console."
"Let's get a thumbs up on the video for that because that was not cheap."
"1800 bucks now i know what you're getting ready to say because i said the same thing too good lord that's a lot of money."
"We don't know the price yet, so I think this will be quite expensive."
"The Cayenne Turbo is the best, though it's also the most expensive."
"Fortune magazine crowned it the world's most expensive home."
"All the expensive shoes were men's because none of the women's shoes fit me. So most of the cost came from the shoes."
"Feels a bit more fancy, a little bit more expensive."
"These sets are going to be a rough hit for your wallets, but they look pretty awesome."
"The prices are high, oh my god, the prices are... it's so expensive."
"Renting the 132-room monstrosity at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue would set you back a tear-jerking $2.1 million every single month."
"All of this indicates clearly that this is a high-quality, costly product..."
"Let's all be really honest with ourselves for a moment: gaming ain't cheap."
"The gas tank, albeit an expensive lesson, was a lesson nonetheless."
"I bought some swords, might buy more now before they get more expensive."
"It's not necessarily going to get more performance than some less expensive knives, but what you're paying for here is the fit and finish and the absolute eye for detail."
"But if you're a big latte cappuccino caffeine fan, spending a few extra bucks on coffee aboard the ship at one of these locations could be worth it for you."
"This one's very special, illustrating the extremity of cost and aesthetics."
"Rogue is just going to easy peasy walk his way to a victory."
"Let's change our jumper to Curry's. Curry's is the most expensive, of course. Look at that. Alright, everybody's saying Curry, we're buying Curry's."
"I've been on this Nike kick lately... they're not cheap."
"Okay, first up, a little background: Animal Kingdom Lodge is a deluxe resort. That means it's expensive, one of Disney World's top-end accommodations."
"Things are gonna get super expensive here today, so if you guys watch and enjoy this, make sure you smack that like button."
"It cost me a lot of money to look this cheap."
"Not just a cardboard box, Dan, but a Rapha one, an expensive box."
"Disney wilderness lodge: luxury at a price – rooms range from $430 to $1,570!"
"It's definitely not magic, Amazon spends tens of billions on shipping every year."
"The cost for the United States of pursuing this is getting higher and higher."
"All together, we think we're about 450 bucks setting up your taxes and everything."
"The Maz 38 was a quality weapon made of parts machined from solid metal, which made it very durable but also very expensive."
"It just smells feminine, expensive. This bottle is expensive and look how tiny she is."
"This toaster retails for $399.95 USD, which is a lot for a freaking toaster."
"Let's face it, decorating our homes can be expensive, but when we love a luxury look, man oh man, it can get expensive fast."
"So expensive, but so good. The formulas are really, really nice."
"If you want to play games at ultra settings, 1440p high refresh rate, or maybe 4K 60, then this is where things start to get quite expensive."
"The perception of Dubai is very different to what it's actually like."
"It can be very expensive if you go to touristy areas... but it can also be very very cheap if you move like 20 minutes out from the main places."
"The best things in life are free; the second best are very expensive."
"If there's one thing that everyone knows about New York, it's that it is an expensive place to live."
"Somebody definitely spent like the price of a Camry on their golf cart right here."
"I'm gonna be broke really soon after all this."
"These dresses are low-key kind of expensive."
"Three thousand dollars is a lot of money."
"This is Project DOX 2.0, also known as the DOX Reconstruction Project."
"This item is very expensive, so you'd better pay at least the cost."
"In a world where a top-of-the-line GPU costs a couple of thousand dollars, who in their right mind is spending double that amount on the chair you sit in while you use it?"
"It's hard to live here, it's expensive."
"Is it really worth spending that much money on this watch?"
"It only cost me just under 17,000 pounds to repair it."
"Don't be cheap when it comes to reservations."
"Wood is expensive, so I guess it's kind of a flex."
"Lawyers are expensive, public defenders are overworked."
"Fenty ain't free, Chanel ain't free, Dior ain't free."
"It's costing the NHS a fortune every time as well."
"The most expensive thing you spend is time."
"It's a have your cake and eat it car, as long as you can afford this very very very expensive cake."
"Expensive does not always equal better."
"It's expensive for toothpaste, for sure, I'm not gonna lie, but you only need a tiny little bit."
"The cost of those batteries are about $11,000."
"The most shocking thing you'll find are the food prices."
"Our electrical system works very well. It's very expensive but so far it's been worth it. It's worked exactly how we wanted."
"We all know custom building is one of the most expensive things in bloxburg."
"This is the most expensive teamu item we've used so far."
"Definitely not cheap, but the food quality is excellent."
"Any Ferrari factory part is going to be crazy expensive and hard to get."
"2K for a VIP, that's like Springsteen tickets."
"Spices at Whole Foods are super super expensive, especially compared to Walmart."
"This $199 come out of nowhere you're like oh my gosh I'm now in this realm."
"...lithium batteries are very expensive the batteries cost me six thousand four hundred US dollars."
"This car was a little over, I believe, two million dollars to purchase."
"Love ain't free, no. It's a very expensive... It's a very expensive thing."
"Stock based compensation is not a cost that's captured in our free cash flow number but it is a very real expense for shareholders."
"Lithography is the most expensive part of semiconductor manufacturing."
"They grew through all the paving slabs and were scattered all over the garden. It took them over three days to clear the weeds and cost them around 100 pounds for weed killer."
"Phones cost a lot of money these days."
"It's so expensive, but to be honest I genuinely love it."
"I think it's too expensive to be stressed and anxious."
"If it meant the entire neighborhood wasn't exploited for money each month, it was worth every penny."
"Is it worth the $200 if you're one of those people absolutely."
"Cologne be too expensive to be spraying in a damn light bulb."
"Just get the expensive ones that work for your feet."
"...you're probably spending a total of around 3 grand, 3,500 on the whole machine, what's another 40 bucks for one second better?"
"This nuclear dream will cost up to 368 billion dollars."
"Yes, yes, yes, yes. It costs five times as much."
"I think mine was over, probably between 80 to 100 grand, I think. But I haven't even done the math, I don't want to know."
"...it's hard not to justify spending a little bit more money and getting so much more drone."
"Should I get them? It's not really that expensive."
"But again, I asked the guy, like, 'How much would it have cost if the car wasn't under warranty?' And he said like $15,000."
"Energy is one of the biggest expenses in all of our lives."
"Expensive doesn't mean more secure or a better wallet. You can get away with the security features that I previously mentioned."
"Well that's a very expensive plate of pasta."
"Was it worth $7,000? I don't know, but it's better than McDonald's coffee."
"Thirty grand for nappies? Yes, thirty grand for the nappies!"
"Even today, no matter how much I earn, a parking ticket worth 30 pounds is still a waste of money."
"I don't play golf, I don't have hobbies, I don't have any expensive vices other than this one."
"I have never spent this much on a video before."
"It's distinctive. It looks expensive because it is expensive."
"...something that you buy with your hearts and with very big pockets."
"He just took my bourbon budget for the next five hunting videos."
"cars these days are 40, 50,000 which is a huge huge amount of money"
"The calendar actually cost 6.50... after taxes I paid 711 for it."
"In reality the kind of money that you have to spend to actually get a good result is unbelievable."
"Overall, this was a successful glow-up. It was very expensive but it was a successful go-up."
"Now we have our second gigantic and very very expensive coil pack to install."
"Hey you know how much Insurance on our Ferrari cost to play come on yeah when does that really need the money."
"Getting a hold of all those bits and pieces not inexpensive these days."
"They made a lasagna they didn't buy the Costco lasagna which is really good by the way and great if you need a quick meal but constantly eating those things obviously there's Health implications."
"Having meat in every meal is expensive meat is expensive even if you raised your own animals for meat and butchered them yourself it's still expensive."
"Things are still really expensive here."
"People choose not to eat them usually. It's too expensive."
"this lens I literally just got this lens like within last month and it just very expensive and I was like well I'm going to get get it fixed"
"CVS got condoms. It's expensive, bro. I don't give a [__]. You know what's more expensive? Babies."
"We replaced our house battery bank, costing $2,400, and hope those will last us about five to eight years."
"The total cost for all of our fuel is $76 per month."
"Are you going to Scotland? I've entered all of these qualifiers and it costs a fortune."
"It's expensive to be poor, very much expensive to be poor."
"The total cost for the tile $115,712."
"The Grand Wagoneer is large, luxurious, and very pricey."
"...unreal, insane, unbelievable, crazy, I'm gonna use my new word... expensive."
"This is actually low class citizen. Some hair extensions run from 500 to a couple thousand dollars."
"Both of these were built by the same company and they were both built without regard to expense they wanted to build the biggest most luxurious most powerful most gimmicks whatever you want to call it into the car regardless of cost."
"We need to talk about why did aparted end why did colonialism end it didn't end because people's perspectives and behavior changed it ended because it was expensive."
"It's not the most expensive yarn in the world."
"...if you want a decent welder, you basically, you gotta spend a little bit of money."
"These do not go cheap at all, so definitely, man."
"I love it. It's an expensive doll."
"Child care has become a luxury good. It is hideously expensive."
"Expensive things can only be sold to Aristocrats."
"The holy water blessed with eye magic was very expensive."
"They gave me 10,000 to fix my teeth."
"The lifestyle of miracles is very expensive. I don't mean expensive to get it, I mean expensive to live in it."
"I received a $5,000 electricity bill from my electric company."
"I just got four tires, brakes, and an oil change, and y'all would probably think like, 'Oh yeah, he probably paid like $1,000, $2,000.' No, that [__] was $4,700."
"The most expensive cocktail you're going to find on the Trader Sam's menu inside Disney's Polynesian Village Resort."
"But then again, equally it's expensive, but you're going to have a great time."
"...I knew I loved them right away...even though they're expensive...I'll wear them all the time..."
"material cost is definitely going to be up there"
"Just because you spent a lot of money doesn't always mean it looks expensive."
"Let's face it Edinburgh can be quite an expensive city for visitors."
"It's hard to do and visual effects are something that are expensive."
"Weddings are expensive, stressful, and they only last one day."
"Changing flooring is not inexpensive. It's a big job, it's messy, it's dirty and very expensive."
"I'd rather have one thousand dollars worth of fun at his expense."
"So here's all the options laid out from the least expensive to the more expensive and now we can actually start etching..."
"Just because it's the most expensive filter on the shelf doesn't mean it's the best."
"Well this stuff cost us half as much as what we paid for the tractor already."
"This is a pretty damn expensive car, especially when you look at paying a markup as well."
"Such a claim cannot be settled cheaply."
"It's not cheap. Just being straight up. It's not cheap. But it is different than all the other typical luaus that we have done throughout the years."
"Can those guys afford such an expensive course?"
"...according to a study out of D huzi medical school on average gluten-free products were 242 more expensive than reg you'll be okay you'll be okay"
"It just sounds expensive and I love it."
"Masa is a thousand dollars per person. I'm being serious, a thousand dollars. Pretty wild."
"This is a very expensive and it's really hard to get hard water spots off so we found the matching stacker trailer with this really cool design."
"Life's greatest moments are expensive."
"It's still not a particularly cheap car."
"It still feels expensive in here, everything is well put together."
"Honestly it's only going to be about 10 grand to do it."
"If you can't find it or it's expensive, you could just not replace them with carbon. But if it's got it everywhere, it's going to have to match, isn't it?"
"The B-29 itself was the most expensive single program of World War II."
"Brentwood's always been extraordinarily expensive."
"Our water is not expensive here compared to Indiana."
"It really sucks that the hobby that I got into a lot because I didn't have a lot of extra cash to throw around in my late teens and early 20s is now so expensive."
"This is gonna be off to the side. That was mighty tasty. Was it worth ninety dollars? I'm gonna say actually yes I believe it was."
"Ultimately, does more expensive mean more better? I'd say yeah."
"Think of it as a personal tour that you can enjoy without the travel expense."
"I spent over 5 grand in the mid-90s on a thermometer."
"The most expensive stadium in the United States truly has a staggering construction cost."
"The further north you go, the courtyards are smaller, less expensive."
"You can't always get them to go first try, so that was $50 million down the drain right there."
"...we can't really spend half a million dollars and then come home broke so the boat needs to be reasonably priced and as much of a good value as it can be."
"The seafood dishes here have been the highlight i mean is this much more expensive than it is in you know a guangzhou street taipai dong yes but is it also more refined yes you know here at august gatherings they really go above and beyond"
"You get what you pay for when you buy something expensive it's a lifetime tool."
"That's almost five gallons and it wasn't even up into the sight glass so we've got to come clear up to there. I'm guessing it's probably about 35 40 gallons so that's going to be expensive."
"If you want the best, you gotta pay for the rest."
"Those things are twice as much as a [__] console."
"What's known as a nice car? They're expensive."
"Quality dog treats are expensive."
"Nobody wants to see Artemis 2 launch and another SLS thrown away without launching crew on it because of the huge expense and time that it takes for each SLS booster."
"She worked so hard on these. It was outrageously expensive, like 150, but it was literally the best manicure I've ever got."
"None of them are by any means affordable."
"I understand what they did with uh, the Gorillas. Half a million dollars, it was just a cartoon."