
Invisibility Quotes

There are 962 quotes

"Mesh fabric options can turn a big blob of red into a little blob of red, or even better, a blob of nothing certainly nothing that's recognizable as a human shape."
"The Philadelphia Experiment is said to have achieved the unthinkable, rendering the USS Eldridge invisible to enemy devices."
"Good editing or good CGI is invisible when it is done well."
"The best CGI is invisible; you recognize only the bad CGI."
"The forces that really make the world tick are actually invisible to our eyes and to our senses."
"We don't know enough about the world that is more or less invisible."
"The scariest thing about Sauron is that you don't really see him even in the books, but he has a body."
"Invisible tech is ultimate tech. Well, you don't even see it, it's just working for you, not bothering you. It's really compelling."
"You can get invisible armor in Minecraft. Right now, I'm completely invisible."
"These are some of the poorest people in the world, and they're completely invisible in the global supply chain."
"The best way to teach your players the mechanics of your game is to do it invisibly, blending them in perfectly with the gameplay without altering the pacing in any negative way."
"Becoming truly invisible is really hard work and most of us really don't need true invisibility."
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
"One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye."
"He cloaks himself in this immunity, it renders him invisible to his enemies and to the power of evil."
"Zapping with science or magic or whatever the observer and not the potentially observed."
"I am in fact invisible, absolutely unseeable with the human eye."
"Invisible to the eye, impossible to resist, imperative in combat."
"You need that control key, stay invisible, pop your one, pop your four, keep pressing that control key."
"The history of my community has been invisible throughout the discourse of American identity."
"Hufflepuffs do good without expecting anyone to see it."
"You can get away with anything if you're invisible."
"Invisibility doesn't automatically mean you're hidden. Creatures can still locate your position with hearing or if you leave footprints or something of that sort behind."
"Nobody can see the trials you've been through, only you can see that."
"Could you become invisible? Could you become the gray man?"
"That's true, you can make the mammoth fruit invisible if you first equip ghost fruit then die then equip the mammoth and transform."
"I love being invisible, okay? You gotta admit, this is pretty innovative."
"Human trafficking is hidden. You cannot see with your plain sight."
"The impact of a word may be invisible, but it's powerful."
"Just because I'm not visible doesn't mean I'm not valuable."
"SCP 268: A cap that makes the wearer unmemorable."
"The whole premise of the storyline is just this beautiful metaphor for the inner demons of depression and how they very much do exist despite the fact that they appear invisible or non-existent to the naked eye."
"Funny how easy it is to forget something you can barely see."
"And honestly like I always assumed that uh people like me were just ignored like they didn't know where we were."
"Invisibility... get them behind an enemy where they're not shields."
"Potion of invisibility is probably the most fun potion effect there is."
"Just because I'm shiny doesn't mean I'm here."
"Version 3 of the vanishing point allows Gwenale to vanish his existence from his opponent's minds, making them forget he even existed entirely."
"It's like playing a missing instrument, an invisible instrument that's there."
"Subtext is great because it's invisible right yes, that is undeniably a quality that subtext has."
"Movement, whether people realize it or not, is a huge indicator of skill."
"I'm going the invisibility cloak from Harry Potter. Would be super clutch in every situation."
"I feel like you can't see it, so it definitely gets plus points for that."
"As a woman in this era, I could walk out this door and nobody would notice that I wasn't here probably for days."
"Jedi and Sith used the force through invisible means."
"Real life Hollow Man: a fire torch seen moving around in the dark without revealing the one holding it."
"The demons appeared from nowhere, except it might be more accurate to say they never actually appeared at all. The demons are invisible."
"Lollipop Drops for staying hidden, Invisible everywhere else."
"Shadowstep hides Fixated's visible scratch marks."
"My friends, we in the Miss Hina fan club must abide by the club rules. Firstly, we mustn't try and probe into Miss Hina's true identity..."
"Invisibility: being invisible is a popular power as we've all felt like just disappearing at one point or another in our lives."
"Fade away causes flak to turn invisible and stopping enemies targeting you while you close your shots will also be critical hits."
"I've got the power of camouflage and my Minecraft friends will have no idea that I'm fighting in plain sight."
"Depression has been called the invisible disease because there's not an x-ray we can do, there's not a blood test we can do."
"It doesn't matter if people are seeing what we're doing... our lives are richer as a result."
"Something invisible will speak over the presence of something visible."
"Dark matter is essentially matter that doesn't interact with light so that means we can't see it but just because we can't see it doesn't mean we don't know it's there."
"So seamless no one will even know we're there."
"They virtually disappear doing this routine."
"The victims... are unheard of, they're muzzled, they're silenced, and they're a nobody."
"You can't see it. It's undetectable on the face."
"Just because you can't see it, it doesn't mean that it's not growing."
"Keep on manifesting, know that just because you can't see it doesn't mean that it's not happening."
"The best leaders are those the people hardly know exist."
"You know there's a park there but it's it's tough to see it and that is the point from belmont you shouldn't be able to tell that this park is there."
"It's frustrating to exist constantly at the mercy of the political opinion of the people around you who don't even care for your existence or better yet even know that you exist at all."
"It's hard for people to believe what they can't see."
"Successful adoption will be when blockchain has a billion plus users who don't even realize they are using the tech."
"They act like they don't even see this [ __ ]."
"Invisibility Cloak: bend light around a target, making it seem to vanish, masking troops or assets."
"People like me would just be swept under that carpet."
"A leader is best when people barely know he exists; when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves."
"Trust the invisible, trust what you cannot see."
"The scars you can't see are the hardest to heal."
"This glitch is insane! We can slash up these skeletons while being invisible."
"I have never felt so small, so invisible, so insignificant until that relationship."
"Just because something is invisible doesn't mean it doesn't exist."
"Dead skin isn't visible with the naked eye. It's product. It's doing what it's supposed to do."
"Battling invisibility: when unseen foes become a formidable challenge."
"When your transformation takes place, nobody sees it."
"You do all the work they get all the credit you feel invisible."
"The spending of money is usually an invisible act."
"The cloak and dagger is weird because it's like you really can stay invisible for an infinite amount of time."
"Invisibility test done, invisibility is so good."
"The demons are invisible where one of them stands the most one sees is the air shimmering like sunlight on water."
"We believe in what we cannot see, in what we don't understand."
"This is a group that for 15 or 20 years has done nothing but practice flexibility and invisibility. You will never find them."
"The invisible realms of nature are much more powerful. Look at this coronavirus. It's invisible, yet it's causing a pandemic."
"It's nearly impossible to grasp the reality that something so small and invisible to the naked eye has impacted our nation."
"The Invisible House: Blending in with surroundings or acting as a mirror, this architectural wonder disappears completely out of sight."
"The film Holloman is perhaps best remembered as that movie where Kevin Bacon plays a [ __ ] who turns invisible."
"Aperture Science also experimented with invisible lasers."
"Progress is not always visible, sometimes it's a mental thing."
"Being a human without appearance felt like not being a human at all; it was like being a ghost."
"Every time I blend it into my skin I'm like, oh my gosh, it looks like literally nothing is there."
"If no one can see me, why do I need to hide?"
"He is the single most feared and hated man on the battlefield, can kill with a single shot from nearly a mile or creep within yards of an enemy target, remaining virtually invisible."
"Anything that is essential is invisible to the eye."
"If a camera is doing everything right, you won't even notice it."
"That invisibility cloak has gotten them pretty far."
"Finally, Cecilia can take a breath of freedom. Lesson learned: there's way cooler things you can do when you're invisible."
"The deeper meaning here is that elites like the Parks expect the poor to be invisible ghosts."
"Remember how invisible depression can be. People can seem just fine and they're not."
"Jinn, in the broader sense, are believed to be spirits (or sometimes even demons) that are invisible to human perception - at least, when they want to be."
"This is probably one of the largest representations of the Invisible War that happens in modern-day conflicts."
"We have real invisibility cloaks now that work both on the human eye and electronic equipment called wave bending meta materials."
"Everything in the whole universe is made up of atoms, particles so extremely small that you can't even see them through a microscope."
"We've gone from being invincible to invisible."
"White supremacy knows the best way to look invisible is to put black people out front."
"The armors trump card is the ability to turn the user invisible for a certain amount of time."
"Bro, invisibility, literally the best superpower that anybody could ever have."
"I want somebody to see what's right here and you can't even see it."
"Shinigami may be invisible, but they're still present in the physical realm."
"He's got invisibility, and he's the only character besides Violet who has it."
"Researchers have created a cloth that can make anyone who wears it invisible."
"Invisibility might not be a superpower, but it sure feels like a curse sometimes."
"Lunch breaks are a mini-adventure when you're invisible."
"The most powerful parts of you are the parts that people cannot see."
"We embrace our quirks and celebrate our passions, even if the world thinks we're invisible."
"Mental health issues are invisible; there aren't really ways of quantifying the severity of a mental illness."
"Wear this, and no one will be able to see you."
"The kingdom of God is spread across the earth, but men do not see it."
"Health isn't always what you can see."
"That summer at home, I had become The Invisible Boy."
"Curiosity, miracles, and invisibility."
"It wears you down to be someone whom nobody wants to see."
"Revolutionary techniques are used, making it almost invisible to the city's population."
"It's a deep primal fear. Who wants to be bitten by something they can't see? And ravaged or consumed? It's a horrible fear."
"I am the great sun, but you do not see me."
"Invisible assistance... even absolves the recipient from the necessity of gratitude and appreciation."
"Nah, I just throw a big piece of fabric over it, make the fabric invisible and the radius of the fabric makes the boat invisible."
"When he was in a city and they got so mad they tried to stone him, he disappeared from sight, walked right through the middle of them and nobody could even see where he was."
"It becomes very difficult for the authorities to detect, because it's not only invisible, it's actually changed."
"Igris is a master swordsman... virtually invisible to Jin Wu's attack due to his armor."
"The stealth Boy... basically makes you invisible."
"Chicago is invisible to the outside world; we never ever speak about Chicago."
"Normally humans can't see me, yet you have really good eyesight."
"The best part of rim guard or any liquid tire ballast is you can't see it, it's not in the way."
"He immediately mistreated Sarah the first night he became invisible."
"Imagine if suddenly no one noticed you existed."
"How do you say it? Invisible. Relatable."
"So, my point is that Satan has an advantage because he can operate at a limited distance. Here's his second advantage, and you gotta hear this. The second advantage is his invisibility."
"Force cloak was a rare ability involved in the manipulation of light and sound waves to render a practitioner virtually invisible to the naked eye."
"I want to make a dress that allows me to blend in with my wallpaper and cease to exist."
"Fear doesn't always give you a face to look at sometimes you don't actually see a huge storm you don't actually see this beast in front of you you don't actually see."
"Some disabilities are completely invisible, like you just don't know if someone has something or not."
"Not all disabilities are visible."
"Invisible fires... how do we fight something that is dangerous and deadly but that we can't see?"
"We live in the shadows, we live in the shadows."
"It's totally invisible and it is silk on the skin."
"When you're this good, it's like they're not even there."
"If you're in the non-threat, people don't really pay attention to you."
"God's angels indeed are among God's invisible things for he created all things."
"If you're part of this crew and you're part of this group, you know the signs but nobody else does and it's just hidden in like Plain Sight."
"Just because something is invisible doesn't mean it's not impactful."
"By not showing any fear, a person becomes invisible to the Ursas, this is a technique known as 'ghosting'."
"The presence of Helena as always I felt where I could not see."
"...the heart of a human being is invisible to us but not to God."
"Nature's Veil allows you to become invisible as a bonus action till the start of your next turn."
"...you [ __ ] the guy's invisible you know yeah we got that do you know how he's invisible?"
"Invisibility is a lot more than camouflage... it takes in all the senses."
"Mental Health does not have one set image. Mental Health is invisible."
"He left Egypt not fearing the king's anger. He persevered because he saw him who is invisible."
"We don't see these other universes and you can blame the speed of light for that."
"I love my invisibility. I love my don't mess with me, my sword shield, like don't even think about it."
"Depression can be invisible. Just because she's acting happy to you doesn't mean she's actually well."
"Some things are invisible like wind an invisible cloak ghosts I didn't see that things like gravity are invisible electricity the smell of roast chicken old socks Frangipani wet wool sound waves germs all invisible but you know they're there"
"Miles can blend into surroundings, allowing him to sneak up on his enemies or flee from them. This effect resembles that of invisibility."
"The human eye can only perceive this small section known as visible light while everything else remains invisible."
"The Invisible Hand of the cinematography, that's the way to put it."
"The Stigium lightsaber crystal warped the perceptions of reality around them, effectively making the user invisible."
"Students and professors alike, not to mention Filch and his cat Mrs Norris, have been able to move undetected through the hallowed Halls of Hogwarts for centuries."
"I felt like I was completely invisible like when I tell you I was just getting people's hair whacked in my face as if I just wasn't even standing there like I didn't even feel like a human being"
"Possibly, the unfindable nature of the cloak is that it will make you unfindable to someone whose intent it is to kill you."
"If you could govern the atomic structure of glass, then light would bend in a way such that it would completely go around an object, so anything inside that object becomes invisible."
"And because the cloaking device bends electromagnetic radiation around the ship it basically means that it is largely invisible."
"The darkest souls not those with shoes but those who choose to break free from the offense and move silently among us."
"If you can disappear from the three main visual spectrums, I don't care who your adversary is, you're going to cause them significant problems."
"She was completely invisible to the world. She made her living as a nanny taking care of kids in the Chicago suburbs, wandering around the city taking pictures on her days off."
"Humans never suspect us. They think that if something breaks and then suddenly starts working again that it happened all by itself."
"Invisibility would be useful for me. It'd be nice to slip in and out of places. I'm a little tall, so if I could just make the top half of my head invisible, then I'd have a lot less annoyed people behind me at concerts."
"There should be an anime about people that are invisible but not by choice, like invisible ghosts, trying to figure out how to return to the land of the living."
"Well, that was for the elf girl but all right, sure, you can use it too. When you need it, if you just hold that coin up, you'll turn invisible."
"...it's going to be absolutely invisible!"
"I feel bad for the fact that these people are being treated like if they don't exist."
"A promise that won't leave marks for the teachers or anyone to notice."
"It's really about what they can't see."
"They can't see it, okay, but talk about it anyway."
"Stoll made the long journey to upstate New York, impressed by Smith's ability to see things invisible to the natural eye."
"...the articulation is pretty much 100% invisible because there are so many moving parts and pieces."
"Well done, of course it's invisible."
"Just so it can be structurally sound, does the job, you don't see them anyway."
"The somebody else's problem field," he explained, "relies on people's natural predisposition not to see anything they don't want to."
"'You got no idea what I... what I give to be invisible.'"
"Everybody saw him—and yet nobody saw him."
"Faith always operates in the realm of the invisible."
"An invisible man is a man of power," he stopped for a moment to sneeze violently.
"I was invisible and I was only just beginning to realize the extraordinary advantage my invisibility gave me."
"For the rest of the year, all 364 days, I was a ghost."
"About 80 percent of the matter in the universe is invisible to telescopes. This dark matter neither reflects, absorbs, nor emits light yet it interacts with matter via a gravitational influence."