
Genetic Modification Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Imagine a future where you could have your genome changed so that you could be reprogrammed to be younger."
"As we gain the ability to modify ourselves genetically and technologically, we become something else. We are no longer Homo sapiens; we are some sort of next step."
"The irony of that misconception is that when we utilize genetic modification, we can use fewer pesticides."
"We will be genetically modified as soon as possible to become natural sociologists and then eventually intellectual."
"NASA has even gone so far as to consider genetic modifications for those astronauts who embark on long-stay missions, to combat the dangers of radiation and microgravity, among others."
"I would love to get rid of my lactose intolerance."
"Should Man play God, what consequences shall the world reap for sewing these altered seeds, and when shall the line be drawn?"
"Don't be afraid of genetically modified food."
"Creating super salmon to protect wild stocks."
"But after having been consumed in hundreds of millions of meals by me and probably by you, and having been studied for decades, there has been zero implication that genetically modified food poses a danger to human health."
"Genetically modifying food... it's not that this is an evil thing."
"It's as if the days are long but the years are short."
"Genetic modification could be used to create super soldiers who kill without mercy, do not get tired, do not show fear, and behave more like a machine than a human."
"Mythology is full of mermaids, and it may be possible to tweak people or our pets to have gills."
"Genetically modified human embryos: implications are great, could program DNA."
"Invisible mending. It becomes part of your DNA and is there for the rest of your life."
"Space farming also gives us the option of growing genetically modified crops in isolation, to prevent contamination of Earth’s ecosystem, or because the crops have specific advantages to being grown in space."
"We're talking about genetically modifying it and poisoning and we're also talking about a system that allows a class-action lawsuit to apparently settle things for all time."
"These methyl groups are put right down onto a gene to inhibit expression or the methyl groups are removed and then gene expression is turned on."
"So what we're seeing in society with a lot of the stuff that's going on politically and socially with the idea of changing our genetic structure, that is right on time for the kind of age that we are in."
"Genetically modified mosquitoes in theory, their widespread release could lead to the total extinction of certain species of mosquitoes, eliminating the vector for so many deadly diseases."
"Mutation hunting: the struggle is real, but so worth it."
"Change the genetic expression... so that we generate new results unconsciously without effort."
"Our human form is the exact bridge between Heaven and Earth."
"What these modifications did do however was make him and his colleagues into virtually Unstoppable biological machines."
"What genetic modification is going to happen to us now?"
"Certainly there has been raised some concern about the genetic modification of our food not only directly how that might be threatening but in terms of what that might pave the way for in terms of things like herbicides and pesticides, etc."
"Then I would have to revise what I say to include any change in the germline then now now becomes admitted into the charm circle of replicators and that's fine."
"If on some other planet and maybe on this planet it's true the germline can be altered then that's fine we Inc the the broad Church of The Selfish Gene can Embrace that."
"It doesn't exist naturally. Corn is entirely a man-made phenomenon."
"With CRISPR, we can completely change entire species on our planet."
"Tweaking our genes just a little bit to make living on other planets easier."
"Genetic modifications are all about changing an organism's genetic material, like its DNA, to give it some cool new traits or characteristics."
"The locusts were designed to spread genetic modifications to crops."
"You can basically take a myocyte that are non-thermogenizing and just flipping to thermogenizing cells by changing one nucleotide."
"Non-GMO corn has a reducing effect."
"You can genetically modify animals, label particular groups of neurons in the brain, and control their activity."
"By observing the properties of plants and animals, of organisms, and selecting for traits we like and crossing and breeding and repeating and repeating and repeating, we've changed the biology that we find originally."
"Genetic engineering has brought advances like producing insulin more efficiently and genetically modifying plants for desirable traits."
"This is a blue rose it is one of the rarest flowers in existence and it is made exclusively by genetically modifying white roses inserting genes taken from panzers into roses to make their pigment blue."
"Golden rice is an excellent example where genetic modification has been used really well."
"They're saying because he's genetically modified now it's like, bro, that [__]s too much."
"All the food we eat is genetically modified."
"Can you genetically engineer macroscopic organisms? Like hot pink fluorescent apples? Yeah, that's super easy."
"Every vial of insulin that is sold on the market today comes from genetically modified bacteria or yeast... It's a beautiful wonderful technology."
"You could use the CRISPR-Cas9 system essentially as a rheostat to dial up or down the numbers of fruits that are produced by plants such as tomatoes."
"The combination of your knowledge of DNA repair and your ability to create enzymes that will cut where you want them to, you can then modify a target genetic locus precisely and quickly."
"Modern medical research is exploring the possibility of genetic modification to overcome some inherited disorders."
"Genetic engineering lets scientists directly modify an organism's genes."
"I am genetically modifying these flowers to incorporate the color change. I am making a beautiful GMO."
"CRISPR has the power to literally reshape humanity, combining unnatural selection with non-random mutations."
"Releasing genetically modified mosquitoes into certain areas significantly lowers the population of disease-carrying mosquitoes."
"Opponents of genetic modification and cloning fear the worst: goats crossed with spiders, spare parts grown on lab rats, cows that give human breast milk."
"Will genetically modified green beans produce a higher yield than unmodified green beans?"
"The banana that Ray is holding is the result of human intelligent design."
"Genetic modification is the ability to take a piece of DNA from anywhere in nature."
"...the fact that they could genetically modify parts of the brain to respond to light as a source of almost language..."