
Moore's Law Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Every year you live, you get another year to live. That's like Moore's law for human beings."
"Every 18 months it doubles... that's how technology graphs look."
"All things must pass including Moore's law." - George Harrison
"Moore’s law stipulates that the processing power of computers doubles every year or two."
"The number of people interconnected could double every two years, taking advantage of Moore's law."
"But eventually, we have things like Moore's law, computer power doubling every 18 months."
"Moore's Law says the computer power doubles every 18 months... But that assumes that Moore's Law continues. It's slowing down now."
"Intel outlines a plan to get back in line with Moore's law."
"Moore's law is dead and that we are actually progressing faster than Moore's law."
"Anything that operates at low speed is Moore's law."
"All of this is about the concept of keeping up with Moore's law."
"Understanding how Moore's Law, Metcalfe's Law, and the Power Law interact is key to understanding modern tech companies."
"Computers improve and they improve really quickly. It's called Moore's Law that computational power improves essentially exponentially."
"Advancements in Moore's Law, the underpinning of everything we do."
"We talk about Moore's Law, Ray coined the phrase the law of accelerating returns."
"The last 10 years have reminded us what Moore's law actually said. It didn't say computers were going to get twice as fast every 18 months, it said circuits were going to get twice as dense."
"It's really a race between Moore's law and Murphy's Law."
"So how did it happen? How did we get microprocessors that were 10,000 times faster?"
"Well, it's all down to the so-called Moore's Law."
"Moore's law produced exponential growth in hardware performance, while high performance numerical software kept pace."
"The astonishing increase in processing power that has occurred during my lifetime encapsulated in the famous Moore's law is due almost entirely to the properties of quantum mechanics."
"Moore's Law is actually still as of today alive and kicking, right?"
"The final product is... the basic concept that Moore's came up with was to have something that's just right; it's not too long, it's not too short."
"This curve is called something called Moore's law, essentially it says the cost of making something reduces by half in every 18 months."
"Technology has been compounding upon itself almost at the rate of Moore's law."
"Moore's law has proven to be a kind of covenant between time and technology, remarkable, elegant, and enduring."
"Moore's law is ending, that means that single-thread code is not really getting faster anymore."
"The most challenging and at the same time most motivating thing has been how do you for dear life hold on to that Moors law or whatever the equivalent is."
"As soon as Moore's Law allowed computers to be big enough for anything to happen, it did happen on Wall Street."
"Moore's law is still delivering exponential improvements, albeit at a slower pace."
"Digital camera technology can essentially ride on Moore's law and processor technology."
"Moore's Law states that every 18 to 24 months, technology doubles."
"This is great for future compute architectures and further extends Moore's Law."
"This might continue, this might go unstoppably, and that was known eventually as Moore's Law."
"According to Moore's law, the number of transistors on an integrated circuit doubles every two years."
"It’s not really a law at all, more of a trend."
"Maybe the reports of the death of Moore's law have been slightly exaggerated."
"The storage capacity of disk drives has actually increased faster than the transistor density predicted by Moore's Law."
"Moore's Law 3.0 is going to integrate circuits into our lives much more closely in ways that will impact us more than just going from a 1 GHz processor to a 1.5 GHz processor."
"Lithography really is sort of the engine that drives Moore's law."
"Many new innovations, including transistor strain, high-k dielectrics, FinFET devices have enabled Moore's Law to continue."
"In the end, Moore's Law is continuing. It's changed. It's morphed."
"Many people have predicted the end of Moore's Law, but it's still going strong."
"Moore's Law has been shown accurate for more than 50 years."
"Moore's Law is an economic statement: more compute power at lower cost."
"Every 18 months or so, the number of transistors in a chip will get doubled."
"The number of transistors doubles every 18 months to two years."
"Moore's Law was really like more of a hint, and nature no longer wants to pay attention to this hint."
"Forget about whether Moore's Law is alive or dead, the more interesting thing is the applications need us to be above Moore's Law."
"Moore's law was that the performance of CPUs was doubling every year."
"...the real power of Moore's law is the contract, the guarantee that if you wait 2 years... your circuits gonna work better."
"...when Moore's law is not an automatic bet, then it's over."
"Advances in technology and Moore's Law have been pretty much gated by our ability to improve the resolution of our lithographic patterning."
"Because of Moore's Law slowing down, this becomes an architectural issue."
"Technology has been compounding almost at the rate of Moore's Law."
"Moore's Law is running apace, it continues as it ever has been."