
Design Principles Quotes

There are 627 quotes

"The base concept of the light shape versus the shadow shape is everything."
"Functionality is key and accessibility is what we're going for."
"Contrast is the idea that we draw out contrast from one element from the space around it either through color, shape, value, or anything along those lines to emphasize it."
"Enrichment is the idea of elevating the core experience of being inside of a space."
"Historically, the best video games I've ever played are unique in as many ways as they possibly could be, but what they shared in common were three things that they absolutely excelled at: They immersed, they challenged, and they rewarded."
"You should also be careful that the colors used have effective contrast, and work equally well when reduced to a black and white design."
"Repetition is sort of like the glue of your graphic designs; it holds everything together and brings it into a unified piece of work."
"Hierarchy combines two aspects: dominance and priority, giving extra weight to certain elements of a design over others."
"Balance gives a design its form and stability and helps to distribute the elements evenly throughout the artwork."
"You really want to direct the visitors or the users' eye as much as possible to the important areas, and you do that by establishing a solid visual hierarchy."
"Lines guide the eye, and your vision instinctually travels along them like a water slide."
"The misperception of architecture is that it's all aesthetic. The science is first, the study of how people will move through the space and how they will use it, how can we better our lives. And that is the science, and that is where the real architecture starts."
"Visual hierarchy is essentially notice how where it says 'activity feed' is real large text because it's important text."
"Modulating contrast is one of the most important principles in top-down pixel art."
"The bigger the x height, the easier it is to read the font and that's where the feeling of approachability comes from."
"Consistency in your application of different visual element properties is crucial for a good-looking design."
"Wheels and tires set the mood; paint follows form, proportion, and style."
"Having strong and genuine reasons behind each design choice you make for a character will not only solidify their design overall but also push you to find new and interesting ways to implement your research."
"Big shapes are going to visually communicate the personality of the character... giving you a sense of stability, trust, and stubbornness... friendly, bouncy, soft, welcoming, warm, and happy."
"If you arrange them correctly, get different colors, different shapes, different texture, all you got to do is add a little bit of color of flower here and there, and it's a Rembrandt."
"The golden ratio describes the most beautiful relation between the long and the short, the wide and the narrow, the more and the less."
"To understand composition, I think, is huge."
"Good designers know how to make many elements work together in a holistic fashion such that the entire thing does what you want it to do and it doesn't interfere with itself."
"Try to show your design in context and how somebody's going to use it so you can properly evaluate it."
"How shiny a surface is can really change how we perceive its material."
"The secret to his success: he steps into the future and then he looks back and says, 'What would have to have been true for us to end up here?'"
"The most successful color work is when color is integral to the composition, not just dependent on it."
"Economy is the goal, you want things to be as simple as possible."
"Line height is different, what we would want for a header is very different than what we would want for body copy."
"This is going to be our accent color, but we can also, in here, we can put in the notes how to use it."
"Typography is the way of arranging words to make them easy to read and look good."
"Less is more in many cases when it comes to photography."
"Don't be afraid to use negative space, it creates mystery for the viewer."
"Good names drive good designs and bad names are an indication of bad designs."
"Probably the most important is that it doesn't affect anything, like it's still functional gameplay-wise."
"Rule number one: start with a really beautiful typeface."
"Design idealism: by choosing a perfect vision, you can get close to achieving a perfect application."
"Every design should be summed up into one single basic appealing shape."
"Remember, symmetry is key to reducing instability in crafting."
"Pattern recognition. When we talk about the aesthetic of beauty, we talk about symmetry, proportion, a recognizable pattern or method to the arrangement of the elements."
"If you can't make it pretty, make it interesting."
"Build it simple and then double up on as many components or systems so that if one fails, the other will take over."
"Symmetry, I like when things kind of work together, when they are the same."
"There are three things that we can keep in mind when we're designing are areas that want to have this sense of place."
"Maintain consistency in visual hierarchy throughout your design."
"It all starts with that big shape design first."
"Visual hierarchy is crucial for effective design."
"If the logo is the product, the presentation is the packaging, and good packaging presents what's inside clearly and without question."
"Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add but when there is nothing left to take away."
"Every lucky accident is a big part of game design."
"Design should be purposeful, functional, and relevant to its original intention."
"Design without any constraints makes it easier to produce good designs."
"It has to be equal parts unique, original, comfortable, functional, and fashionable."
"If everything is hyper detailed, then nothing stands out. You need areas of calm to balance areas of complexity."
"You want areas where the eye can visually rest like right here or right here right here."
"NAR box... significantly faster... unbelievably easy to use."
"It doesn't have to make sense as long as it looks cool."
"Using motifs like dots or lines can enhance the design."
"When social spaces are ultimately built with profit in mind..."
"Simple bold clean use the grid line things up."
"Exploring positive and negative space in design, like 'The Dark Knight' poster."
"Striving for simplicity and nuance in book cover designs."
"Limited color palettes provide a much stronger result in the end."
"Contrast is key in creating engaging designs."
"The simpler, the better - when designing your logo, aim for simplicity."
"Every artist I've ever studied has the curve versus straight thing in their visual vocabulary."
"Shape language speaks unconsciously to a player."
"Affordances provide strong clues to the operations of things."
"Cyberpunk one of the rules is that style is everything."
"Games don't accidentally trick people into having fun."
"Always honor the player's intent when it comes to camera control."
"Think about the information architecture of the pages you encounter."
"Silhouette is extremely important for any design, the more distinguishable the better."
"Lips are considered an attractive characteristic in making characters sexually appealing in animation because it makes you want to kiss them."
"Larry Page highlighted just how important user-centered design is when he said, 'There is no substitute for personally watching and listening to real people.'"
"Now apart from these properties, we can also affect the alignment of the text. So this is left align, here is center, here is right."
"I like things to be balanced, I like things to be lined up but sometimes you do need to just throw things off just a little bit."
"Contrasting a character's projected identity and their true emotions makes for a much more dimensional design."
"Consider color relativity; some colors play off of one another in unique ways."
"We're going to build this layout using flexbox principles and elements."
"As designers, it's up to us to step away a little from our natural preferences to encourage visual clarity and diversity."
"Choose images that look like they belong to the same family."
"It's extravagant, it's eye-catching, and I think it's everything probably they wanted it to be."
"You have to have good systems and good combat. If you do those two things, you succeed as an MMO."
"Design consistency doesn't mean creating a bunch of cars that all look identical. They can be different while sharing the same values."
"Silhouette test: see if it's still interesting."
"Permaculture is not a set of rules; instead, it's a design approach that can be used universally."
"A heart-racing, action-packed franchise with the most imposing and driven PlayStation protagonists to date..."
"For both flyers, the shapes are similar, with large circular elements drawing in our viewers."
"Aesthetics Define what looks good and what doesn't look good, of course what looks good is cultural."
"Keep it simple, keep it clean, but ideally it's beautiful and it's easy to use."
"Design is subjective. It might work perfectly, but does it look like a mess underneath the hood?"
"It is extremely important to remember when you're sketching inside of Fusion or inside of any 3D CAD modeling system."
"Finding the balance between detail and negative space is crucial for design aesthetics."
"Efficiency and complicated, those are hallmarks of design."
"Put things in those rooms that are consistent with the architectural design."
"Art needs to be at eye level. If you're a standard height person and you're standing up, you want to see the middle of the painting at eye level."
"We don't want to be able to move past that border which is in the middle of the screen."
"Boss fights have to be big, they have to be epic, and they have to be interesting."
"But if there's one thing I've learned from my years of doing UI and UX design, usually one size fits all solutions mean sacrificing the experience for the majority."
"Diablo 4 is committed to the principle of player choice."
"Contrast is one of the basic elements and principles of design."
"Built on Google's Material Design: High-quality experiences guaranteed."
"Design with intention, considering spacing and visual balance."
"Remember the importance of contrast, scale, alignment, and visual hierarchy."
"You want to have white space, as it's called. You want to push things around in such a way that they have enough room and they're not kind of scrambled or pushed up against edges."
"A two page design suddenly becomes something that's legitimate and maintainable."
"Fenty also always comes out with such good lip sets during this time of year."
"We want serious high quality buildings that apply the time-tested principles we discussed."
"We really focused on simplicity and ease of use."
"An organized menu at the top of your website is a must because it gives your visitors an easy map to jump around your website to whatever they need to find."
"If you style a car with good proportions and classic shapes it never dates it never ever dates."
"You always want to facilitate smooth connections from one focal point to the next."
"It's called design. It's called design, people."
"I believe you should have both it should look good but it should work good at some point."
"Sonic Heroes was and is still aesthetically delightful in a way that manages to be an iteration on the classic design principles."
"Every flowchart needs to have a clear direction left-to-right."
"Using an object as a metaphor for something else is a solid use of shape." - Ted Forbes
"The less parts to a machine the more sophisticated it is."
"Everything needs to be slightly off, even if it's an eighth of an inch, quarter of an inch, half inch, full inch."
"Cutting back on shadows or removing contact shadows could have been more detrimental."
"Components are elements that can be reused and they function on a master child system."
"Designing for a t-shirt is about finding the perfect balance of simplicity and appeal."
"Less is more when it comes to colors on a shirt."
"Leading lines draw the eye to a specific place in the scene."
"Visual tension is important in communication."
"Your image should read graphically and 2D patterns and also 3D space."
"There's nothing much else to say here but it is a happy ending thank you all again."
"Stay branded—use colors, themes, and fonts that match your brand."
"This is key and contrast. Now these are two terms that normally you would hear separately but once you start thinking of the two together as a pair, that's when it starts to make sense."
"Stick to those Basics... don't overcrowd your room."
"Typography is a beautiful group of letters, not beautiful letters."
"Vibrance is definitely better... it leaves the already saturated colors alone."
"A rocket that doesn’t break up while pulling high G turns during flight is pretty much over-engineered."
"The grid system which is probably the best part of bootstrap allows you to create layouts without having to use floats or any of that."
"Applying visual design principles will make your work more professional."
"Cases should prioritize both form and function."
"Good design isn't very engaging; it can even be repelling. Good design, on the other hand, can spark a lot of positive emotions in people; it can awe and can inspire."
"Choose color schemes effectively. You don't know how many designs I've seen with bright contrasting colors that are hard to look at."
"Interlocking shapes are very good. Find letters that have contrasting lines to create something that interlocks with each other."
"Good design is an incremental process of learning and discovery."
"Think about what your company stands for... that is the basis, the foundation for the whole logo animation."
"The principles are the same, prioritizing ammo storage on the front."
"Overall just be careful with this because there is such a thing as being too simple."
"The solution is whenever people want multiple constructors you should give it to them, and don't decide on one over the other. The technique for doing that would be to provide an alternative constructor via class method."
"Brightness, contrast, and color--these are the elements that can really help you establish your own style and tell the story that you want to tell or build the world that you want to create."
"I think love is work more than anything. It does require both people to really compromise and understand."
"Having a design goal doesn't guarantee success, but not having one almost guarantees failure."
"The goal of conceptual contrast is to create something memorable."
"To understand what made Resident Evil 4 so great begins with two important points from its development."
"So what we do to make it scalable is we design it from the outset to be soloed."
"When creating an environment, it's very important that you have a focal point. In our case, this will be our focal point."
"There is no free lunch when it comes to firearm design or anything in general."
"It doesn't have to be unreadable. It doesn't have to be flickering shimmering and hard to read."
"Styling objects is all about contrast. If everything looks the same, nothing feels important."
"Accessibility is extremely important for anything when you're designing anything for people to play or use. The end user must always come first."
"Biomimetic designs have been incorporated into many forms of engineering."
"The best designs are unique, recognizable, and entertaining without being too abstract."
"Good architecture should be one that is affecting the entire ecosystem."
"The simpler you keep it, the more classic the piece is, the better it's gonna be."
"We should never ever date something while the user is in VR."
"Modularity, that is the key in the future of firearms."
"Functionality goes hand-in-hand with great design."
"Designs that tell us something about the character."
"Designs that feel like they belong in a living Universe."
"If you don't have synergy between abilities then a boss is going to suck."
"Lettering a quote and designing a quote is really just the process of considering these four points."
"Empathy and imagination are the secrets to being a great designer."
"It's really important to make it intuitive and very easy to use."
"Immersion has to be designed into the game from the ground up."
"The purpose of games is to do anything because... things that are useful and interesting are useful and interesting because of what they don't do."
"Good framing comes with a good design and understanding how everything fits together."
"Good design shows more differences between things."
"It needs to be clean. It needs to be beautiful."
"They all kind of group together like this, it looks really good."
"Colors are very important and it can make or break your builds."
"I love rules. If the project doesn't give you rules, make some; otherwise, it's just white space." - "I love rules. If the project doesn't give you rules, make some; otherwise, it's just white space."
"UI design tip: 'Whitespace' matters. Finding that sweet spot for your logo placement is crucial."
"The more constraints you put on a design, the better the design gets."
"I strongly believe these RPG elements have to be preserved."
"It doesn't have to be complicated to be really pretty."
"One thing I think we've learned that we're definitely carrying forward... is how to combine efficient functioning design with aesthetically pleasing."
"Every guest area on this yacht shares the same foundational elements of form and function with a keen sense of purpose."
"Everything center aligned... everything inside of our sidebar."
"Proportion adds balance and harmony to the design."
"Designing a space is like painting a picture, layering elements to create a beautiful composition."
"Simplify things as much as possible and then when you need to get very specific, then add that specificness to your grid."
"We cannot have any partial dependencies among the attributes within the table."
"Design is about needs and constraints, ultimately."
"Good proportions are what drive good design."
"Minimalist usually really does understand this quite well because it's kind of built into those minimalist design styles."
"Contrast or perhaps we could call it variation is what makes things interesting."
"Accessibility options should always be considered from day one."
"It really does have to be as aesthetically pleasing as possible."
"It's all about this kind of triangle of balance."
"Design principles for getting started fall into five different categories, which we call the pillars of AR design."
"Spacing is one of the most important ingredients when it comes to having smooth animation."
"Color choice and coordination is a huge part of making sure what you want to portray is portrayed correctly in any media."
"Affordances are crucial to communicating how things work intuitively."
"It's all just mimicking nature... biomimicry."