
Culinary Techniques Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"Those egg whites also give it a high tensile strength...it allows for more delicate line work and detail work."
"The bamboo doesn't burn when you grill... This is ingenuity."
"The key with sweating down your leeks: you're not sautéing them, you're not aggressively cooking them on high heat...we don't want any brown color, we just want to melt them down so they're tender and delicious."
"Adobo could be described generally as something with an acid that will allow it to tenderize and have a longer shelf life."
"Let those flavors get to know each other, wake up a little bit."
"When meat is removed from heat and allowed to rest, the muscles relax as everything cools down and the juices redistribute throughout the meat."
"Your chashu will not only give it that smoky crispy layer, but it will also reheat your pork."
"Flatbreads can be produced both in the same way as they were made thousands of years ago and in modern fully automatic industrial lines."
"Myth washing cast iron with soap removes the seasoning... myth busted."
"The Maillard reaction adds depth to steak's flavor."
"People have actually been requesting it believe it or not so if you're not into bread do know that the technique that we're going to be learning it can be used for most foods."
"What's presented as aspirational still feels pretty homogeneous."
"Every time I add vinegar, I'm adding more liquid and it's going to have to cook down longer, but I think it's going to be worth it."
"It's adding a nice mouthfeel, it's adding fat, so then you go through and you add your acid to cut the fat and then you taste for final seasoning, right?"
"Cultured butter, introducing bacterial cultures into the cream."
"So, I give it a little mix. If it seems too thick, which it did, we'll add just another little splash of rice vinegar and give it another mix."
"I think cooking those chickpeas until they're so soft is the key to a really smooth hummus."
"It's super crispity, it's been seared in a pan so you can see it's very serative gyoza dumplings filled with ground meat and vegetables wrapped in a thin dough."
"The goal with making simple syrup isn't to make sweet water; it's to make pourable sugar."
"So all those reasons lead me to use extra tallow and I think this is what a lot of places in central Texas do it's something they don't really talk about but it's one of their you know secret weapons to make their briskets extra special."
"Always reduce and reinforce flavors for more deliciousness."
"I'm just crushing the garlic, releasing that essence as you know who would say."
"The ginger is there to clear the palette in between these different tastes."
"Juicy fleshy inside, the mix of fat, the dry age to give it depth of flavor."
"Crust gives me sort of like more structure, right you know? It gives me a little bit more like something to latch on to."
"You just want to cover just enough so that everything is submerged but you don't have more water than you need."
"Extra firm tofu holds its shape really well and it's great for slicing, cubing, pan-frying, stir-frying, and deep-frying."
"Stay as close to that piece of cartilage as possible to free the breast. Free the breast."
"If you're grilling your meat without rubs, like you're wasting your time."
"The beauty of a sheet pan dinner... everything gets prepped on prep day."
"It's my favorite method, as it's less messy and you get perfectly crispy bacon every time."
"Cauliflower - the best way to prepare it is to cut off the like that and you can just go around and then you want to cut off each floret too."
"The slower fermentation gives the loaf a nice tang, that signature sourdough flavor."
"I feel like just in general you're getting most of the flavor from the ingredients, not from the actual yeast, not from the fermentation."
"A lot of people talk about searing meat as a way to lock in the juices. That's not at all what it does. When you sear meat, you're creating that brown layer, that caramelized layer, and that creates flavor."
"Fermentation works best with heat, so we do have the option to slow this process down significantly by putting it in a refrigerator."
"Whole birds are brined, coated in spices, and slow-roasted in a custom oven over local Hawaiian wood."
"The best ones always had a really nice fry on the chicken that wasn't too thick. Of course, it's being soggy, right?"
"Sauce doesn't just sit on the fish but becomes part of the fish's flavor, so there's an actual absorption of both flavors - the fish into the sauce and vice versa."
"Dry aging is a process of basically controlled rot."
"Charlene used a shrimp and pork combination along with rehydrated shiitake mushrooms."
"Steaming in the bamboo basket imparts that flavor of the bamboo."
"If you want to make a dish feel really expensive, try pickling onions because it's what you get on really fancy salads and tacos and things of that nature."
"Deep-fried chicken breast: That's perfect. This is a pretty great way of cooking a chicken breast."
"Start with a familiar base, and you can add something in that can be your own secret weapon to the mix."
"You want it to fall apart in a person's mouth as they're chewing it."
"Can you alter the size of the grind so you get a finer texture?"
"Deep frying is actually considered a dry cooking method a wet cooking method involves water and there is no water in oil."
"There's things you can do in the process to pull the most flavor out of whatever the ingredient is."
"Fondant is a great protector of cakes... Putting simple syrup on your cakes before covering in fondant is even better."
"Traditional cooking surface for Neapolitan pizza: Stone!"
"Even though in both cases you might be expanding the volume of the milk by say 40% with a dry foam, it's going to be liquid milk on the bottom with bubbles on top."
"Now we've got really beautiful bright steamed broccolini happening in there."
"By applying the salt the night prior... it goes deep into the meat overnight and then during the cooking process the salt holds on to the moisture for enhanced flavor and more juiciness."
"A common theme you're going to see today is texture and color and balancing out a dish."
"The purpose of Chipotle has always been food with integrity, using classic culinary techniques so that we give people delicious, nutritious food."
"We add the semolina because the semolina will make the pizza a little bit more crunchy."
"We're going to smoke one, poach one in olive oil, reverse sear one, sous-vide one, cook one on the flat top, one on the gas grill, directly on top of charcoal, right on top of a chimney, butter baste one in a cast iron pan, and air fry one."
"Spherification: to get a liquid that you will submerge in another liquid and the first liquid that you submerge into the new one will end up becoming kind of a sphere."
"Flat iron steak cooked using the reverse sear method is smoky and juicy."
"The goal today is to try out every single oven-baked chicken wing technique because the air fryer is just a mini convection oven."
"Let's get that on a high heat and first of all I just want to get some color on this beef and start to sear it."
"Flavor is all about layering, boys. Salt, vanilla, buttermilk, so we're gonna add a teaspoon, or two teaspoons of vanilla."
"The reverse sear is a lot easier to not mess up because you got such a big window in between like 115, 125 where it's going to be good and it's getting up there slowly."
"So if you wanted to do like a roast with this, this is gonna be a more tedious rose, but you can fold it in half, what is that, hot dog style? Ah, okay."
"... it doesn't hurt at all, that actually helps the cooking process."
"You're not going to bake a pie you're not going to bake a raw dough because it doesn't Brown it just bakes."
"Never get sick of brushing butter on top of chicken wings."
"All fish are edible. It's all about how you prepare them."
"Indian cooking is largely fat-centric, meaning that all cooking starts with fat and ends with fat."
"Hot water crust pastry is not hard to bring together, it's very soft, it's supple."
"The process of clarification is a very interesting process by which, with egg white usually, you're going to clarify liquid to have it crystal clear."
"Searing the meat first caramelizes the exterior and then roasting in the oven guarantees that the interior will be flavorful and incredibly juicy."
"It's amazing, they toast the top of it with like a blow torch."
"We talked about this before, I always want to add those finishing oils to the end, so you pronounce flavor coming through."
"Everything is charred, the oregano that we are having in this recado has been toasted, and of course, our pibil dishes are nothing but smoke, practically."
"Almost every Michelin star restaurant salt brines their large cuts of meat overnight."
"You know what's interesting? We cook here, they get cooked hundreds of years ago. No modern equipment, but that's what makes it so beautiful, the flavor you don't get this from the stove, from the gas stove. Fantastic, great!"
"When it bakes, the Rosemary kind of like fries in the butter and just gives you so much flavor."
"Koji is very powerful in that way."
"When you put it into our baked goods, the heat evaporates the alcohol, just leaving behind that wonderful vanilla flavor."
"You know, to process acorn, you needed to leech it, and you needed water to leach it to take out the tannins so that the acorn mush, the crushed acorn, would be fit to eat."
"When you saute your veggies first, you achieve the beautiful sweetness."
"We get things to a certain point, then we either stop that process or we figure out a way to make that process or make the food even better by holding it in a certain way."
"As it is cooking, you will develop a little bit of fond on the pan, and I'll tell you one thing, it is extremely flavorful."
"The longer it sits there with the cover on top, the more flavor comes out."
"I don't believe in winging it; I believe conclusively based on my experiments that 50 degrees is best for a duck."
"By adding oil, the boiling point will rise, and the rice absorbs the flavor better."
"We bled the fish out so that way he wouldn't have a crazy red bloodline in the middle, and it really does help. I really think it cleans the meat up really nicely."
"Toasting spices is like when you're doing it properly."
"It's a totally different flavor that the food gets, especially seafood, when you use natural fire, coal fire for cooking."
"We've got our mix-ins and all the methods exactly the same, this is what I just broke down for you."
"A little bit of fat is great. It helps with grill flavor because the fat drips off onto the grill and you get little flareups, and like really great grill flavor."
"Once the dish is full, pour over the remaining passata."
"Oddly enough, the baking recipes are considered some of the most comprehensive collections of Italian baking techniques ever compiled and are consulted to this day."
"That's the best way to cook a little fish because it's the way that you get all the meat off the fish, you know, nothing's wasted."
"If you want to zest in some orange zest, use the half of a medium to small orange; it's going to really bump up that orange flavor."
"I've chosen these dishes because they're quite creative using different techniques."
"This is definitely the best way to bake hard-edged objects in order to get good results."
"Techniques that you can use on other dishes and I love whenever I can teach technique to my students, to you guys, it makes me really happy."
"What we're looking for though is to get some nice browning on the bottom of that chicken, it's called the Maillard reaction, it's where the flavor comes from."