
Spiritual Value Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"Applying knowledge and sympathy to enhance human flourishing is heroic, glorious, maybe even spiritual."
"There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance."
"There are fewer things more precious than the anointing that God places on your life."
"The first principle has to be this idea that every human being created in God's image... cannot be completely lost."
"There is nothing more blessed that we have access to than the Quran."
"I came to tell somebody that there is treasure hidden in these earthen vessels."
"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field; when a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field."
"The word of the Lord is the most valuable thing that is in our possession."
"The word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision."
"One encounter with favor was worth a lifetime of labor."
"This generation needs to know their value in heaven."
"You Lord Jesus are worth far more than all the silver and gold offered in this world."
"Selling enlightenment through paywalls raises questions about its true value and accessibility."
"Democracy is the political enactment of a spiritual idea that all of us have a spark of the divine, therefore we ought to have a voice in our democracy."
"If all of our lives combined only save one soul, then it's all been worth it."
"Weakness has awareness. Awareness of my own weakness and limitations has incredible value spiritually speaking."
"The kingdom of heaven is like a man who found treasure."
"Difficulty, hardship, pain, and suffering does not mean that your life doesn't matter to God."
"The aggregate value of all those human beings combined doesn't even amount to a drop in the ocean compared to the value of God."
"You're precious in the sight of Allah, first of all, right? Okay, you're precious in the sight of Allah first, and Allah wants the best for you."
"Every Mass is a great grace of infinite value."
"No correlation between size and strength in a church, every soul is precious to God."
"One soul, man. That's that one lost sheep, you know, like God found us, you know? And man, there's rejoicing in heaven."
"Life is good, brother. I think this is a very important thing for people to hear because there's a lot of people that dismiss religion."
"There's a great value in religion and being connected."
"What if I told you Paul had a key... your praise is not just noise, your praise is a key."
"You are not what the devil says you are; you are what the blood says you are."
"Get to a point in God where there is no competition in your life."
"How bad do you want God? What is his value to you?"
"It is worthy to inherit salvation eternal life. It's beyond any other thing you can ever compare with."
"I believe God's about to add some major value to your life."
"With the faith in Jesus Christ, that's the secret sauce you can't purchase with a price."
"One person is worth it all to save one more person from going to hell."
"Why do we have more respect for what's in this bottle than we do the person of the Holy Spirit?"
"Your body has been bought with a price and has been bought by the blood of Jesus Christ."
"The blood of Jesus Christ was precious blood."
"The kingdom is a precious commodity, worth sacrificing everything for."
"I have treasured his words more than my daily food." - "I have treasured his words more than my daily food."
"Love the Lord your God more than anything else, more than food, more than what your money can buy."
"I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."
"In Jesus, there is a relationship worth everything because He is everything."
"If you don't esteem His word, then you don't esteem Him."
"The Sabbath is the antidote for worry, fear, and anxiety."
"You are not your own, you've been bought with a price."
"Silver and gold are God's money because God's money has been here since the earth was formed."
"Every time we serve in Christ's Church, God treasures it."
"Our devotional love for God is more important to him than all the Old Testament sacrifices."
"The words of God are precious to the people of God."
"If you understood your value to God you would immediately turn your life over to God."
"Aim of all life is that God in Christ be displayed as infinitely valuable."
"The Torah is described as the most beautiful, wonderful thing in the planet."
"I have already been bought by the precious blood of Jesus."
"Your consciousness is a sacred, creative vessel."
"The small things that you do that are consistent... are the most beloved to Allah."
"Are we valuing the gospel and are we sharing the gospel?"
"The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which a man found and sold everything he had and purchased the field."
"The trial of your faith much more precious than gold tried in the fire." - 1 Peter 1:7
"Life is a precious gift from God and if we don't respect that what do we respect."
"You are precious in God's sight. You are loved by God. You are '… the apple of His eye'. You do have a purpose."
"The blessing is always in putting God first."
"A life is so precious to the Father, no matter what that individual is doing."
"Becoming a Catholic is the greatest gift it is the pearl of great price it's worth giving up everything in this life to."
"If you speak in tongues or you speak words of prophecy, but you have not love, you have nothing."
"God sees the poor as spiritually rich if they have yielded their lives to Him."
"We celebrate life because it came from God and is becoming more like God."
"They're special, they're sacred because you are special and you are sacred."
"God loves you, did you know you are the apple of his eye?"
"Better a day in your courts than a thousand anywhere else."
"The tears we cry to Allah are actually the greatest treasures we have for our hearts."
"Your soul is far more valuable than anything you can gain in this life."
"Addiction has touched every part of our society."
"I never relied on materiality, if it's devoid of spiritual values, it's just about materiality for the sake of materiality."
"I cannot tell you the value of a pure heart, it is everything."
"You matter to God, that means he knows you, he's concerned about you, he loved you."
"God has no second-class children. You are important, you are very, very valuable, you're special. Begin to understand that here tonight."
"I'm not rejected, I'm not unwanted, I'm precious to Him."
"You can't pay for this. This is priceless. Yeah, amen!"
"The Lord sees you and considers you to be precious, so precious that he sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for you on a cross."
"Your soul is the most precious thing you have. If you lose that, you lost everything."
"Faith is the greatest thing that you can possess."
"Christ shed His own blood for your soul. What more do you need?"
"Sufism has much to offer in a world that is increasingly fractured and divided."
"You are worth it because of the price Jesus paid for you."
"This little book is worth more than all the money in the world because it tells you how to find everlasting life."
"Your value is determined by the price that Jesus paid."
"Sometimes the kingdom of heaven it's like a treasure hidden in the field and you sell everything you have in order to obtain."
"That's the whole lesson here, your spiritual value is not to be sacrificed for any money."
"God loved you and valued you at your very worst."
"He that gives bountifully shall not only reap bountifully but God loves a cheerful giver."
"My value is cemented; it comes from Jesus Christ, and nobody can take that away from me."
"You can never increase your spiritual value based on how much you pray, how much you fast. Those mean nothing if it doesn't cost you."
"God is measuring by how much it costs you, not by the what you give."
"Financially it was disastrous, spiritually it was a very beautiful gesture."
"What profit is it for a man if he gains the whole world and in himself destroyed and lost?"
"There's nothing that equals the salvation of a soul."
"The spiritual hierarchy matters more than social hierarchy. Human dignity exists in all, regardless of status."
"True worship is costly, that's why it has amazing fragrance in the realm of the spirit."
"When you really understand the value of life with God, everything else pales in comparison."
"The greatest of these is love because love is the only thing that is forever."
"Lack of spiritual value causes internal suffering."
"I regard everything as loss because of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."
"Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap... of how much more value are you than the birds?"
"On that day when I give out my rewards, they will be jewels in my crown."
"You're loved here, and you're accepted in the beloved; you've been bought with a price, and there's a book written about you."
"Help us, Lord, to know the power and value in unity."
"You were bought at a price; then honor God in your body."
"Because you've been redeemed by Jesus, you are of infinite value in God's kingdom."
"Sometimes you make decisions that are about a project that you want to do, and it doesn't always strike financial gold, but you might strike spiritual gold."
"Everything is the greatest treasure of the church, an inexpressible gift."
"The soul of a man and a woman... that is what's important in the sight of God."
"The blood of the martyr is the most precious thing in the sight of God."
"No matter how small the size of a relic fragment from a saint, it still bore the same spiritual value for all Christians."
"Faith includes love for God, valuing Him and treasuring Him above all else."
"The rewards of knowing God will always far outweigh the cost."
"You're going to come around to understanding that the only true value that you can ever reap the reward from or experience the benefit of is the value of alignment with this energy that creates worlds."
"No matter what you obtain in life, it will never take the place of His presence in your life."
"Those who truly know the value of the kingdom of heaven will always choose heavenly things."
"For a day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else."
"A human being in the state of grace is worth more than the entire created universe."
"The greatest of these is love, and follow after love."
"You matter to God, and there is hope."
"I count all things as loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord."
"The physical doesn't hold the greatest treasures for you right now, but spirit does, the spiritual does."
"He doesn't see you for sin; He sees you for His son, He sees you for created value, He sees you for purpose."
"Faith is definitely an important thing to have."
"One human being is more precious to God than the entire cosmos."
"The trials of our faith are more precious than gold that perishes."
"The kingdom was like a pearl or a treasure that you would give everything up in order to possess."
"We are not redeemed with corruptible things, not with silver and gold, but with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"'Everything else, when compared to the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, everything is garbage and trash.'"
"You are more precious to God than anything."
"We are worth what God paid for us."
"If your faith is costing you nothing, it's worth nothing."
"The book of Heaven is the most beautiful thing that anybody could ever want."
"The spirit of a person is more important than their doctrine."
"One soul is worth more than millions, worth more than fame, more than anything. Priceless."
"So when you bring a soul to the kingdom, you have brought a most valuable treasure to God."
"Sincerity to Allah is the most precious commodity."
"Awe and wonder are the real currencies of the kingdom, not the package in which they're delivered."
"You are not redeemed by silver and gold, but by the precious blood of Christ."
"Our value is determined by God as precious individuals made and loved by Him."
"I’m a secularist, but I do believe that a spiritual value is to have compassion for all human beings."
"The good of grace in one soul is greater than the good of the entire created universe because it's the good of God himself."
"Salvation is free, but it definitely isn't cheap."
"Our soul is more valuable than material things."
"The word of the Lord will remain forever, what God has said is of ultimate value."
"This diamond, this Harinam, can create the friction of Prema in our heart."
"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."
"The most precious thing in my life is the voice of God."