
Deep Connections Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"To move a casual friend into the real deep friendship category, it takes 90 hours."
"The biggest block for most people when it comes to forming those truly deep intimate connections with other people is that we lack self-intimacy."
"People can only meet another person as deeply as they have met themselves."
"They're able to connect with others on a deeper level."
"Deep connections with the people that you love."
"This connection is deeply rooted in your soul."
"They know that there's so much more in this connection than what you guys have experienced so far."
"I'm more interested now in affecting a few people deeply and inspiring people."
"You meet this person as deeply as you have met yourself."
"I want to be able to have that impact, you know, on a couple like personal deep level."
"Your twin flame longs to deepen the connection despite practicality."
"It's about connecting on a deeper level with people, with yourself, and in love."
"This can be a soulmate connection, actually."
"You're the person that they're the most interested in out of anyone else in their life."
"You've touched a part of my son that nobody's ever touched before."
"God, help me walk slowly enough to experience Jesus fully and to love people deeply."
"The thing that's really going to make your life what you actually want it to be is deeply embedding yourself with people who you love and who truly love you."
"Impact Humanity together, a partnership beyond superficial connections."
"It is a fully-realized vision, and it gives you the kind of feeling you get when you really get to know someone beyond the surface level."
"You make them feel like a million dollars, truly seen on their deepest levels. You see the best qualities they've always known but felt overlooked."
"They'll want to heal your pain, nurture your wounds, and understand you in a way no one else has."
"It certainly allowed me to make connections with people on a deeper level."
"Shy, quiet, likes their own company. Needs to have deep connections with something, needs to find meaning in what they do."
"Remember that we can only meet each other as deeply as we have met ourselves."
"The kind of love you want now is the kind where someone can communicate with your hidden self."
"You're about to attract a deep, deep love or a deep, deep connection that extends beyond the normal superficial relationships."
"Some people, you just click with them on a soul level."
"People tend to find those that are more like them, and that's how you make your best bonds are made from the inner connections more so than the outer connections."
"Scorpio Venus desires deep, meaningful connections and values trust."
"Let us move forward with the motivation to cultivate deeper more meaningful bonds grounded in the virtues that truly make relationships thrive."
"Improvement in your relationships in a very deep level."
"Those people who you feel that connected with you should not let go."
"Connecting with others in this way, by being vulnerable as opposed to overcompensating and trying to get everyone to like you, will result in some of the best interactions and relationships of your life."
"Trust your intuition. You know this person deeply."
"People connect so deeply to you you are able to form such deep connections networking okay it's kind of like the theme for your reading group one you are amazing networkers because people feel a soul connection to you."
"Diving to new depths, going deeper with the whale energy here, I feel like you're raising your vibrations."
"Treasure your loved ones, it's important to love others deeply."
"I understand the depth of this connection, and I want to be able to express that to you."
"They feel as though your connection runs really deep, they want growth within your connection."
"The relationship is far deeper than we dare to imagine."
"They feel as though you're supposed to be together... you mean the world to them."
"Embrace true love and deep intimate relationships or friendships."
"Deep soul connections can come in and show up in our lives... they're not easy."
"The interaction is the single greatest way to get deep, instead of wide."
"Relationships extend beyond mere social connections or casual interactions. They are more than that; they hold profound influence."
"I like it when things are deep, so they tend to stick with me a little bit longer."
"Time is an illusion and the impact, the purpose of that connection can be so profound."
"Venus retrograde is a time of deep connection, profound conversations, and meaningful relationships."
"People are not just picking up on bs, they are picking up on something very deep and true."
"They feel something much deeper with you, you know, so yeah, sometimes I feel like occasionally they're expressing some kind of love or feelings for you."
"Honor those connections that deeply see your soul."
"Connection, deep connection, is good for your brain."
"Looks fade... life partner that they can connect with."
"You two are coming up on another milestone of connecting. You have deep roots."
"You're hardworking and willing to invest time in relationships, making deep connections."
"With this card here, like right when you think that they forgot you, that all was over, whatever, they're coming back to say, 'No, I've always remembered you, and it's deeper than I realized, and I want something more serious out of this.'"
"This is a very near and dear soul mate that you were dealing with. Very near and dear."
"There's a connection where at the surface value you guys are very different but deep down or not so different after all."
"It's about deepening a connection that already exists or finding someone or something you deeply love."
"Take it easy, get to know people in depth for the deepest relationship satisfaction."
"Crave authentic, meaningful friendships that allow them to share their dreams, bear their soul, feel understood and accepted for who they are."
"Scorpios tend to form deep connections with people."
"People feel like if they create deep connections with you, you're a trustworthy person, like I'm hearing you're trustworthy with Secrets or with information."
"You're not interested in superficial connections. You want to connect soul to soul."
"They're realizing they're meant for deeper connections."
"You don't need everyone you meet to like you a little; you need a few people to like you an awful lot."
"You gotta see each other through the seasons of life, and then you'll really know."
"Honorable human relationships... is a process of deepening the truth they can tell each other."
"Emotional expression has brought us together in a really deep way."
"My capacity to create is deeply affected by the degree to which I am deeply known by others."
"It takes time... it takes you working on your own self to be able to actually be able to have really deep connections with other people."
"Some will claim that the bond between a dragon and Dragon Rider runs so deep that the beast shares his master's loves and hates."
"What is more important than being able to connect with people on a much deeper level?"
"It's very rare to connect that deeply with people that are also in the same space as you."
"We were actually made for relationships that aren't just surface level but deep and spiritually satisfying."