
Time Allocation Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Humans spend, on average, a third of their lives sleeping."
"It's the opening gateway to a world where you can reallocate your time and focus on what truly matters in the realm of increasing wealth."
"You only have one life, one set of 24 hours per day."
"It's about pacing ourselves and that means some days or some weeks or some months are going to be all about one thing instead of another."
"I've been asked that change minute few times because Emma's a very busy person."
"If it's important enough for you, you'll find time."
"I will be clearing the schedule in March, this has to be covered."
"Treat it as such, do it when you have the time, when you feel like it, but don't go crazy for it. Gear is always, always a transitionary period into better gear every single time..."
"Everybody needs to take time for their family."
"If it's not gonna matter five years from now, don't spend more than five minutes thinking about it."
"you just want to do something better and then you realize how much more work and how much time it takes away from other projects."
"If you're committed enough, you will dedicate the time or you'll make the time for whatever it is that you want to do."
"You won't have enough time for everything, but not everything."
"That is stuff that only people who are privileged had time to worry about."
"A project manager spends almost 90 percent of his or her time on communication."
"the way that you get rid of the need to be more disciplined is you expand the time on things you like to do"
"So they got way more time than I would have thought and had a pretty good match. Very good match actually."
"If you say you don't have time for something, you do actually have the time, it's just that it's not your priority."
"The third eight hours are very important; if you can live it well, you win your life."
"It's only right that we find time for this bill and the government will provide time to deliver it."
"Balancing your time means that you can't just spend all of your time on homework."
"You do have the time, you're just not used to it. It's about rearranging something and finding an hour, 30 minutes, even two hours out of your day."
"Work expands based on the time you give it."
"You've got to make some choices about how you're going to spend your time."
"Once I've mapped out all of my tasks on my week, I'm like, oh there's all of this spare time."
"We only have 24 hours in each day, so if you start doing something healthy, you begin to crowd out the bad behavior."
"We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but we all have different circumstances dictating how we're able to spend those hours."
"A big problem with productivity is not that we don't know what we'll do; it's that we don't know when we'll do it."
"The most important thing that you can do is look at where you spend your time."
"Spend probably the bulk of your time on the planning stage and on the blocking stage."
"You've got to treat this side project as a client... you've got to find 20% of your time to work on something else."
"You'd be surprised at how much time we spend on things that may not be as important to you when you look back on a week as say practicing an hour a day."
"If I don't manually block some time chunks on my calendar, people will just put meetings on your calendar and it fills up very quickly."
"The secret to having time for your goals is to plan time for them."
"Parkinson's law: A project will expand to fill the time allotted to it."
"Using that discipline to invest in things that are going to create disproportionate returns is a good use of time."
"It forces me to be aware of it and puts in place a process where I can carve out time to do these higher-level important things."
"Spend about 20 minutes per question."
"Any time you overspend time on one question, know that you're sacrificing another question and the marks that you can get from that."
"Decide what are your objectives in the free time that you have... for me, there are only four objectives: study a lot, film these YouTube videos, do the personal stuff, and go to the gym."
"Understand how much time is actually allocated for the design, manufacturing, testing, and refinement process."
"If you're not happy with what your priorities are based on that rule, then change where you're putting your time."
"We can see where time was spent per project."
"This is a chance where you can kind of juggle your resources, your time, your energy, and really make this latter part of the year count."
"We have time for what matters, and when we focus on what matters, we can build the lives we want in the time we've got."