
Self-sovereignty Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"If you don't become sovereign within yourself, then you're just going to recreate the same relationship outside of yourself that is out of balance again."
"Bitcoin is being self-sovereign, it is being free. It's taking responsibility for your actions and just not following the herd."
"One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone."
"The right to the sovereignty of my own body is maybe primary."
"The Holy Spirit's jealous he will not let you sit on the throne of your life."
"Everyone is a sovereign being with the right to choose."
"Energetic accountability is a major theme shifting into 2023 because we are learning... how to become sovereign within ourselves."
"Finding healing and Independence through awareness and true individual sovereignty."
"We're teaching people personal sovereignty, how to be more discerning, how to make better choices, how to embody your ideals, how to have more integrity."
"The whole point of being encrypted is to have self-sovereignty and to have the money within your control."
"You are a sovereign being, you have the right to Freedom, you have the right to love."
"Don't let anyone convince you to forfeit your power."
"What's yours is yours, can't nobody take nothing from you."
"When we are able to close this gap, our focus shifts from the day-to-day to the anticipation and promise that we truly are sovereign creator beings."
"Sovereignty is given from the being to itself. You only have to assert it and see if it stands up to scrutiny."
"We are sovereign, and we can be the source of our own evolution and we don't have to depend on any other entity or being."
"Think of the importance of crypto and self-sovereignty over your own money."
"Step two is a declaration of sovereignty. This is you laying down your boundaries."
"I'm queen of me, you're king of you. We are all kings and queens of ourselves."
"Claim your sovereignty and live it, breathe it, feel it."
"Does it make sense to be completely self-sovereign?"
"Asserting your boundaries is paramount to your mental health. Once you're able to assert your boundaries, you create your own sense of kingdom."
"There's nothing to fight against when you are sovereign."
"Awakening is being sovereign and being authentic."
"We're not gonna allow ourselves to be bamboozled and hoodwinked into thinking that we don't have dominion power and authority to create what it is we desire."
"Hex is the store of value that lets you earn yield while you just sit and hold your own keys no counterparty risk you mint your own rewards just like a bitcoin miner would." - Richard Hart
"They can't really cancel you if you refuse to be cancelled."
"We're trying to be as self-Sovereign as possible."
"As for decentralization, from power back to the people, self-sovereignty, so it's a fantastic story to see."
"Self-sovereignty is an oxymoron. You can't be king and subject, you can't be king of yourself."
"To fully integrate our infinite nature, it's necessary to step into our own sovereignty."
"Don't ever allow a person to control your mind because once they see that they control your mind, then they control you."
"You are sovereign and capable of making the right choices for yourself."
"Jesus is a threat to those who want to be the king of their own life."
"You have to have sovereignty in who you are, no matter who says it."
"Be your own person, you could do whatever you like, you know, be the master of your domain."
"DID is a self-sovereign identity, so it doesn't depend on some sort of a central authority."
"It's really just time to take our power back, period."
"You are a sovereign being who is as celestial and as divine as any apparition that's talking to you."
"Boundaries are basically me exercising my human right to my own sovereignty, my space, my body, myself."
"You sit in sovereignty on the throne of your own heart."
"We have to find our sovereignty or reclaim our power and reclaim community."
"No one can take that away from you, no matter what."
"It's really obvious at this point what Cardano is doing, just building a complete suite of products that people can use to invest or hold their assets in a self-sovereign way."
"Controlling our own identity and having it be self-sovereign is the other major challenge in the 21st century."
"You are the king and the queen of your own life."
"Call back your power, cut the cords."
"You're learning that you are sovereign, you have your own container."
"We are all kings of one, we are all kings of ourselves."
"We are being called into the sovereignty of the self in the sanctity of community and in unity with Cosmic Consciousness."
"The acceptance of your own sovereignty, the acceptance of your power."