
Difficulty Level Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"This is by far the longest playthrough so far of the series, and it was still a load of fun, just a little bit too easy at the very end."
"You've moved from killing insects to mammals, but the mammals you encounter are still small-time creatures."
"Every other pillager that you kill, for whatever reason, has a higher chance of dropping loot on hard difficulty."
"It's a progression. So yeah, the leg exercises are gonna be harder. Hard things generally give you better results."
"Surviving a hundred days on just three layers of dirt, this challenge is gonna be brutal."
"We're doing Devil May Cry, Dante Must Die, the hardest difficulty and all collectibles."
"He was actually the first champion that allowed me to beat spider 20."
"All these different elements at play make Nemesis easily the hardest enemy I have ever tried to consistently beat in any game I've ever played."
"This challenge is not for the faint of heart."
"I did really enjoy the difficulty bump of prestige mode."
"Sigma in this game is one of the hardest encounters with them in the series."
"Players still yearning for the incredibly challenging old-school tactical gameplay."
"The game is not very hard and I actually think that Elden ring can be it can be simultaneously the hardest and the easiest game that they've made."
"This is one of the hardest Roblox stories we've ever played."
"The skill ceiling on Assassin's Creed 1 is staggeringly high."
"Lynels are easily the toughest mini boss of the bunch."
"I'm trying to make it my easiest level yet, but it's still kind of hard."
"The Premier League's a lot harder to win than the Bundesliga."
"I guess world 5 is where the difficulties really started to pick up."
"This level is literally the hardest veteran difficulty level possibly in Call of Duty history."
"This game is very difficult so it's completely understandable if you want to take the opportunity to focus well and perform."
"The amount of impossible between the checkpoints constantly shocked me."
"Honestly, might be the hardest zombies map ever."
"This is the final challenge so it is very difficult, I don't know if Milo will even be able to beat this parkour."
"Modern players that attempt this game will still have to deal with all of the challenges retro games are notorious for."
"Didn't even know a Gold Source game could be so brutal."
"It's the hardest video game you've ever played."
"This is The Impossible climb a brutally challenging series of jumps where you have to move with pinpoint accuracy across moving slabs covered in spikes."
"This game is harder than I expected, but I'm having a good time."
"Why not take the most difficult nation modded into the game and then just make it even harder cuz that's just how I roll."
"This paliya is kind of tilted in a weird angle, so it's a little higher difficulty than the previous ones."
"This challenge is going to be quite difficult."
"This is very, very difficult level and also one of the most punishing."
"Good challenge, not forgiving, and pretty hardcore."
"I hope I've accurately portrayed why this is the hardest game I've ever played."
"Difficulty I think is at an all-time high right now."
"Dark Souls was unapologetically challenging."
"100 in Payday 2 is in the top percentile of difficulty when it comes to the classic completionist challenge in gaming."
"This is the hardest challenge I've ever done."
"These games are not kaizo Mario levels of difficulty. Not by a long shot."
"Valdizzare doesn't hold back in representing that feel of adrenaline at home I've heard this game is difficult and while it did take a few moments to understand the controls once you get into the groove of things it's not so bad."
"Playing on very hard it’s more immersive because you have to scrounge for resources."
"This risky reels drop is the hardest Fortnite challenge I've ever done."
"Moog, Lord of Blood... He is incredibly hard... I think he's an S to your fight, absolutely."
"We are dying within half a minute of the battle starting."
"This is really hard, like hitting superheroes is not easy. It's not superheroes, okay? Superpower people, humans, superhumans, crazy people."
"Seriously considering doing a playthrough of Mass Effect 1 & 2 on insanity."
"This thing can one-shot kill smaller enemies on the highest difficulty."
"This might be one of the hardest courses I've played."
"LF I should have been in the first place a less difficult but not brain-dead easy raid experience using cross realm players."
"Hunger Games quiz, the hardest ever. Probably hardest ever. It was written here in house, in-house by the members of Team SCB. Yes, I am interested to see how this will go."
"Stone Shard is like the roguelike version of Battle Brothers - hardcore, brutal, and quick to punish."
"This nightfall is like more on the difficult side as just so many things will wreck you and they will wreck you so damn fast."
"This is the hardest rebuilding challenge on the face of the planet."
"You can ramp up the difficulty of the very hard starting situation and make it legendary."
"Getting that trials machine started on world tier one is a great idea."
"A futuristic racing game with a sharp difficulty curve would be amazing."
"Sekiro is the most difficult, ruthless, and remorseless at every corner. It never eases off the brakes at any point."
"It's not an easy game even after all the patching."
"Playing at a higher difficulty in Starfield will lead to better loot spawning as enemies are using better levels."
"I think something like that is something we could definitely do for hard mode."
"Eve is easily, without doubt, the hardest non-arbitrary challenge in the game."
"It really does make very hard difficulty extremely easy."
"The second half of Payday 2's career mode is a completely different level of challenge."
"Good luck staying on the bottom, if there's so much as a 15 degree turn."
"She's not free low she's not easy peasy lemon squeezy she is challenging challenging pineapple challenging."
"Despite being on the extreme difficulty side this is a great Castlevania and love letter you should check this out for sure."
"If it weren't for the absurd level of trolling fromsoft did with the final arena this would be the undisputed worst boss arena in the franchise."
"Let's go ahead and start on Iron Man in regular difficulty with historical focuses and go for that dang achievement."
"This boss was mechanically menacing but for a whole year this one was menacing as hell in the damage Department too. Those mini missiles would kill anyone in the room."
"Ultimate encounters are the most difficult Encounters in MMOs today they are extraordinarily hard."
"Two back-to-back wins, this was definitely not easy."
"This run is incredibly difficult. Damn, so difficult."
"Welcome to Minecraft but hardcore Minecraft, this is not it."
"Playing through Borderlands 2 again on a higher level difficulty is the way to go."
"Heart of Darkness is extremely hard and is bound to even test the patience of the most proficient of players."
"Seeing as you're going to be fighting the Empire within a very short amount of time depending on your difficulty choices so yeah I kind of like this unit it's pretty nice."
"It's always been difficult, but it's only gotten more difficult to be sure."
"In my opinion, this is the hardest of the three fights despite Effort Extreme being the final encounter for patch 2.1."
"Survivors quite literally cannot loop her without getting hit. It certainly takes some getting used to but you can do it pretty much every loop they have to get hit or run."
"Wow, this game is getting really difficult now."
"The enemies are getting much tougher in this game, they give me a real run for my money."
"That was by far the hardest Platinum I have ever done."
"Playing the dark urge... it's kind of like playing the game on extra hard mode."
"Genma Onimusha can be described as Onimusha for super players; it is essentially a more difficult version of the game."
"I'm a big fan of more difficult... like Dark Souls and that kind of art style."
"It's not only the hardest boss in Code Vein, it's one of the most challenging bosses I've ever overcome."
"God Hand is one of the most underrated and difficult games of all time."
"Combine this with baton passing in the previous upgrades that I mentioned then you'll find yourself with what is honestly one of the most forgiving difficulties in the game."
"Jasmine is now one of the hardest fights in the entire game."
"I gave it a 9.5 out of 10 for enjoyability and a four out of 10 for difficulty."
"Surviving 100 days in hardcore is just too easy."
"Thank Jesus, bro. Okay, that's definitely the hardest fight of the run."
"She's not like anyone can play her, but I feel like she's a little bit too hard for that."
"This hobby is not easy, I don't know if anyone's actually beating this on hard mode on YouTube."
"Evil Glumshanks progressively sends out more missiles and more knuckle dusters."
"Still though even though it's easy even though like we're getting easy levels now it's still super stressful."
"That was a little frightening, chub should not be insanely difficult."
"This is a pretty prolonged fight so even though that ogre went down in like four shots, these guys being a higher level, they definitely pack a punch."
"Despite being almost a thousand feet lower than Mount Everest, K2 is unanimously known for being a far greater challenge."
"Hardest level in the game, Lally watch out watch out watch out watch out, Craven's not only a damage sponge but he can also do a lot of dodging and blocking."
"Now, the Diet Coke bottle is the bottle flipping equivalent of hard mode."
"Welcome everybody to full circles on Hard difficulty!"
"It's not easy, but it's also not very difficult. You can call it intermediate."
"Once you're done with the Omega ruins, everywhere else will be a breeze."
"The pause glitch has been removed, making the Rockman 2 Mr. Perfect run take the cake as the hardest VG Myths run seen yet."
"The challenge of getting all the crates is higher than maybe any Crash Bandicoot game before it."
"Dodging around someone dying? That couldn't get more Dark Souls."
"No one said the final boss would be an easy battle."
"This is by far the most challenging Elite 4 of all time."
"The combat feels the most engaging uh for me and like we're talking a little bit on the review like it definitely never feels too difficult uh which I like."
"This is officially the hardest workout we've done together as a community."
"If you want a true challenge, you gotta play like the NES style version."
"The amount of randomness in Freddy's makes it incredibly difficult to know quite how things are working and keeps you on edge all the time."
"Gen 6, the most difficult pokemon game of all time, it was really hard to beat blindfolded."
"Veteran difficulty solo with Druid which again everyone is saying is underpowered but at least with this build I I'm just shredding things I'm just face rolling content in super easy mode."
"Fallen Avatar was just really, really [__] hard."
"We did it guys, we got the platinum on the hardest difficulty, God of War Ragnarok!"
"With an incredible amount of luck, it is possible to meet Mother Harlot on Impossible difficulty at low level without using Buffs."
"These MFS be cheating, these are some of the hardest races in the game."
"This is the hardest way to start Minecraft ever."
"That's a really big distinction people were like 'whoa whoa whoa' and I was like 'I think I might have just put us into ultra hard mode'."
"Better have your game face on because, according to Beck, this is the hardest level he's ever played."
"At the end of the day, is it bad if a game's easy? At the end of the day, it's zombies, you know?"
"Nightmare dungeons... harder and with additional objectives."
"We did it on hard, so that's great. We're gonna get better rewards."
"Hot Rope Jump: a classic, but played on easy difficulty for speed."
"Trust me, on your first playthrough it will not be this easy."
"...this is probably a level four we'll see how we feel about the time we're done so if you are a beginner don't feel intimidated but don't start here."
"So it's like you take guitar and you just turn the difficulty to Max."
"The regular Owl father fight would have already been an easy choice for number two but the changes made to the inner version are genuinely so good that I think it made him the best boss in the game."
"How is this a par three? It even has an interrobang."
"Every NES game is a 100 times too hard."
"This journey into sociopathy started with the kitchen knife on Mayhem difficulty."
"If you've never painted before, I think that this one, it's not too difficult."
"...tougher than Elden ring after 10 pints of scotch."
"Items that are very hard or very easy don't give us a lot of information. Items that are right in the middle difficulty do very well at allowing us to determine how knowledgeable that candidate taking that item is."
"The wider your legs are, the easier it is; the closer your feet are together, the more you're going to feel it in the abs."
"The final thing that players expect is a significant challenge."
"How do video games determine how hard to make levels?"
"She is playing the game on a much higher difficulty level."
"They finished the game, and they did it on an easy difficulty, but you still won the game."
"Choose your difficulty: normal or nightmare."
"This Fantasia is quite doable, the Henle level for it is 5 to 6, and the RCM grade is Grade 9."
"Item response theory... takes into account the difficulty of each item to calculate the exam grades."
"This pattern I would label easy to medium difficulty."
"Is controlling large-scale quantum systems merely really really hard or is it ridiculously hard? Well, I am pleased to say that it is merely really really hard."
"This block I would say it's intermediate and it's block number 21."