
Common Mistakes Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"This is why 90% of traders lose money. They don't want to prepare; they don't want to think ahead of time."
"The most common mistake that people make with maintenance is not really understanding what maintenance is."
"Most people fail building business credit because they try to go get a Staples credit card or a Visa card from their bank when they don't have enough trade lines reporting."
"Not bending your knees enough is the most common reason why most people fail the first time they drop in."
"The biggest mistake that I have made and that I've seen other people making... is that a lot of times people think they're in ketosis but they're actually not." - Naomi Whittle
"It's easier to look at other people and go 'Oh God I can't believe they fall for that,' but you don't realize that's you."
"Let's dive into the five deadly mistakes that new YouTubers tend to make."
"The phrase is not 'I could care less.' The phrase is 'I couldn't care less.'"
"Paying too much rent is one of the biggest mistakes people make."
"One of the biggest mistakes investors make is overvaluing the longevity of a company."
"Ninety nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine percent of players have a huge glaring issue and it's bad positioning."
"It's remarkable how much you can achieve in life by simply not making obvious unpredictable mistakes that most people tend to make."
"Cooking is one of those things that I think a lot of people misjudge their abilities."
"There are certain cards that players just often get wrong."
"That's the good news, the bad news is that most people use tags the wrong way."
"A mistake people make when starting out, is just selecting products they like or that they think will do well."
"I think that's the biggest mistake we women make."
"Out of all my friends that pronounce things wrong, I'd say 99.9% of them pronounce all of these brands wrong incorrectly."
"Oopsie poopsies, it happens to the best of us."
"If you are not contributing to your 401(k) plan, you are making one of the biggest mistakes out there."
"One of the most common mistakes I see when designing a bathroom is not coming up with a plan."
"It has happened to me so many times that I'll make a tiny little mistake."
"It's amazing how people just don't know how to spell common names."
"Banking your profits too soon and running your losses - a recipe for losing money."
"What is the worst password someone could choose: password."
"This is like one of the most common reasons why learners fail the driving test."
"The biggest mistake new business owners make in product pricing is not considering and covering all of their costs."
"Whoever didn't know this might be shocked, you might have been brushing your hair wrong this entire time."
"You need to avoid... avoid doing things in relationships in the dating phase that make me stupid."
"You can't get rich quick and that's where most people fail."
"It's just makeup I think it's important that we remember that we all make makeup mistakes."
"The biggest mistake people make in business is thinking it's all about them."
"I think postponing our happiness... is one of the biggest mistakes that I think all of us make."
"But the problem is most people are doing it wrong."
"Both continually promoting your song and doing it on release day are places that people mess up all the time."
"You're probably gonna experience a few of these mistakes regardless of what level you are in your houseplant journey."
"Far too often I see portraits where the eyes are out of focus."
"It's not an exercise alone that's going to do the job; it's avoiding the five big mistakes you're likely making right now."
"The biggest way that a lot of people lose money is because they'll close way too early."
"Business owners don't plan to fail, they fail to plan."
"Mistake number three is giving up too early. This is the third mistake I always see in deliverance ministry."
"Avoiding tunnel vision is both the easiest way to increase your awareness in the game but also the most common mistake."
"That's not at all easy, and you're going to screw it up just like most people do at some point."
"Some people are setting up their bug out bags completely wrong."
"85 percent of Americans have admitted to making some sort of money mistake in their life."
"The most obvious thing in the world has happened again... Why does no one learn?"
"Avoid the mistake of doing keyword research after creating your video."
"Are you cooking your turkey wrong? I think we are cooking our turkey wrong."
"If you're a new fantasy writer, you're probably making plot mistakes with your novel."
"Manual tabs or using the space bar to try to indent the first line of a new paragraph is one of the most consistent and biggest problems that I come across."
"It's very common to see service accounts running as domain administrator, that is a no-no but it happens a lot."
"The first common mistake that people tend to make is applying shampoo to tangled hair causing the hair to become even more tangled up and just a mess."
"It's not something that comes up as often as you would think."
"Chances are if you're struggling with the low end in your mixes you're probably putting too much low end in there."
"People make these same three mistakes because they focus on the wrong thing."
"One of the biggest mistakes that people make on the LSAT is thinking that they have to go really fast all the time."
"One of the most common ways people kill their starter is by preheating the oven."
"Please check out the video about common pitfalls and mistakes people make in preparing datasets that we have linked in the description section."
"The biggest mistake is to sell stocks after they've fallen in value; that's where people lose the most money."
"The most common mistake... is the idea or the belief that you're going to be made happy because of some external circumstance."
"This is where a lot of people make mistakes because they click the 'boost post' instead of creating an ad in the backend of Facebook business managers."
"Those are the 10 common mistakes that I want to cover in this video and more importantly how to fix them or avoid them."
"As a property expert, I've seen people make the same mistakes time and time again."
"The biggest mistake that people are making when setting up and starting their email list is asking people to subscribe to your exclusive newsletter but offering no real incentive or value in exchange for their email address."
"The most common mistake that people make when they fish mirror lures is they fish it too fast."
"The simple idea of investing is to buy low and sell high, but in reality, most people do the exact opposite."
"The mistake I see a lot is this rounding in the wrist or coming up where the straps get loose, that's what we don't want to do."
"You might think that the areas you're having trouble with are quite unique, but there are certain mistakes that I see time and time and time again."
"This week we're going to be talking about six common songwriting mistakes that metal vocalists make."
"Let's look at the simple question which a lot of people often get wrong."
"I'm going to be highlighting a very common error that people make in basic mathematics."
"I'm going to walk through exactly how to do this problem and I'm going to highlight one of the most common mistakes students and people make when it comes to basic math."
"What's going on swim fans? In this video, I'm gonna share with you the five biggest mistakes that swimmers make doing backstroke."
"Everyone uses the same flawed mechanisms for making a password, right? Your birthday one two three four, I mean come on guys, right?"
"One thing to watch out for, a common mistake, is that if you have a plus b to the m, that is not equal to a squared plus b squared."
"Make sure you don't make these mistakes because these are common mistakes."
"The fastest way to kill a house plant is incorrect watering."
"The most common wrong answer is to do the multiplication last."
"I tried to distill the most common mistakes that I see people make when writing C++ today."
"It's amazing how many people paint trees incorrectly."
"The most common reason why people fail driving tests is observation."
"The amount of people who don't know the difference between 'two' and 'too' is too damn high."
"One of the most common investing mistakes is that people do not take the time to make an estimation of what kind of return a business or a stock is likely to generate for them in the future."
"We want to highlight some of the common pitfalls we see when designing a GDPR implementation plan and working towards implementing enhancements throughout your organizations to further align with the requirements of the GDPR."
"It's a common mistake that I see women make, and it sucks because it leaves a lot of women super heartbroken after the fact."