
Consumer Experience Quotes

There are 531 quotes

"Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago?"
"The company has constantly raised prices, eliminated formerly complimentary services, and made the whole theme park experience a lot more complicated than it ever used to be."
"Buyer's remorse is a thing that happens to all of us."
"It's not a good idea; it's a sad idea. It's like, hey, you can buy the regular ticket or you can buy the extra VIP ticket where we remove the spike from your seat."
"We as consumers end up suffering, and then when games like Baldur's Gate 3 come along and they're kind of like I guess the needle in the haystack and they actually come out really good... people are genuinely surprised and excited."
"Doritos for saying that they were dangerously shaped and they cut your mouth."
"I'd rather take your time and have you watch a commercial before for a show than have you ever spend a dime on this channel."
"A car should make people's eyes light up when they step into the showroom."
"Imagine shopping on Sephora, but the reviews are detailed TikTok style videos, and the shipping is Amazon fast."
"The presentation of your packaging is so important. You want it to be fun for the person to open."
"Triple-A games are getting worse... games have been explicitly designed to be less fun on purpose to contrive a reason to sell time savers and boosters."
"The theme of this video is education and self-advocacy because even though Tesla Solar's equipment is mostly fine, their communication throughout the process is absolutely terrible."
"Maybe one day we'll get to a point where we can buy a game for $60, or god forbid maybe $80 one day, and just get the entire game with no upsell, and we just get to enjoy the game."
"We need it to be robust, we need it to be consumer friendly, we need it to just work."
"We want the same thing: we want for you to have a good experience, but we also want repairability and we want these items to not encroach on our freedom and privacy."
"Almost everybody that I know that owns a vehicle has had an experience where they went to the dealer, they were told fifteen hundred to 3,000 bucks, they went to a shop down the road that fixed it for 200, and the car just continued working."
"The proof is gonna be in the actual using it."
"This is a test for why the AAA games industry is in the state that it is in right now."
"No matter what we think about the direction Chuck-E-Cheese is headed we can at least remember fondly about where it's been."
"This whole launch seems like it was made for me, it's perfect."
"You always hear about it, 'Oh, I missed the days of walking into a store,' and like, it felt good. It could be a good thing."
"And last but not least, all McDonald's are known for their ice cream."
"We've already made back most of our money, and we still have two controllers and the actual Xbox, so I'm down to basically paying with like 20, 30 bucks for an Xbox One with two controllers."
"What I would really like to have as a consumer is not 500 different recommender systems recommending 500 different things to me."
"As a viewer, I really didn't like it when people would take sponsorships and directly talk to me about a product."
"Ads tailored to your exact interests can be both helpful and eerie."
"There's a level of immersion lost when the game becomes a canvas for advertisements."
"The arc of first hearing about a game to playing it is way different now than when I was a kid."
"I think this is a prime example of the specs overshadowing the actual experience of living with a product."
"But fevian's lag readings were the last push i needed to convince myself to go straight to best buy and set up an exchange for a c1 before my return window for the c2 would end on april 21st"
"A final product can come out and then we discover all these things."
"I think I got totally scammed with the cheese machine, but that's okay."
"I think it's become such a big part of the brand identity. People love the collection boxes and it's kind of like opening up a gift that looks good."
"It's worth it if the last thing I do is buy something that completely breaks down."
"I regret buying the bath towel, but also I learned an incredible lesson which I'm sure I'll apply to many future purchases and decisions."
"Such an underrated product so so freaking good and I'm so happy to have it back in my life."
"I feel like nobody talks about this, my friend you let was the one who turned me on to it."
"FA store is like Universal Studios on crack."
"But whoops, she said it was the alcohol's fault. We asked for a $1700 refund. Disappointed does not even begin to describe."
"I like the anticipation of knowing that it's coming two months out. That's how [ __ ] used to be, you know?"
"Literally just happened, all right well guys, that's gonna wrap it up for me."
"I don't know, man, but I gave in and I gave him my credit card and I said, 'Okay, fine, you win. I'm tired of constantly fighting with the pirates [expletive].'"
"A brand is an experience that you have over a period of time."
"Knowing your consumer gives you the ability to give them a more compelling experience and have a connection."
"These are all problems that at the very, very, very, very least are extremely expensive and time-consuming and this demonstrates if you ask someone how often had you had a problem with someone on eBay, how often you had a problem with Starbucks..."
"I'm not opposed to consumers being at this show. I think it was handled very poorly this year and I think that it needs to be fundamentally redesigned."
"It's been [] refreshing not thinking of all the ways 2k has [] us."
"Lots of good selections out here, Legacy did not make this easy on me."
"I ordered one... it was going to be 400 500 no 250 maybe... no they introduced this thing at eighty dollars eighty bucks."
"But if Paralives can provide a better gaming experience without going overboard on monetisation and DLC. Then it could prove to be a great alternative."
"People are smart, but we also want quality. Remember the old days where you bought a game and shit worked?"
"Creating the best experience can make people want to buy for $60."
"Being an early adopter for any product can often be a painful or lesser experience, but for PS5 there's a really compelling case here."
"It's really nice when they do get fixed but it's also kind of weird that releases are no longer about when the game comes out."
"This game does deliver that feeling that you wanted when you slapped 60 down to get this game."
"It's affordable. You do just have to go through that whole membership thing."
"This is where it gets dicey because to be completely honest and fair... this is new and it works 100%."
"At the end of the day, we're paying our money to be entertained."
"The product should make you fall in love with it."
"Just by strike getting Starbucks interoperable or any large acquiring merchant, it enables the consumer's preference to be valued."
"I think the value is going to go to the best consumer experience, so the best experience for making payments."
"As the CEO of Strike, I have the thesis that it's going to go to the best consumer experience and the best acquirer relationships."
"Enjoy games like Lost Ark, but you can immediately notice the difference in quality if you're paying for something."
"I tried my best, I really did. I tried to do everything I could to buy a card legitimately as myself."
"It's also very serious and a little bit scary, especially as we head into another election."
"It's nice. Even though a lot of this stuff isn't for me, it's really cool to walk into these stores and see all these kinds of products."
"Hopefully we will reduce the probability of getting buyers remorse which is what we want to avoid."
"It didn't cost me a dollar in the end. I couldn't have been happier with the outcome."
"Customers like to be able to see in detail what they are buying."
"I can't actually taste the difference between this and a regular Coca-Cola."
"Of the packaging boom you can't even tell it was freaking open. That's actually so satisfying."
"I was just really hoping that this would be along those lines, a really good way to sample and try it."
"The yearly release feels like it devalues each experience before it."
"Horizon Forbidden West wasn't designed around microtransactions and around grindy content. It was paced just right. It's a game with integrity."
"When your credit card expires they don't tell you 'hey your credit card,' they tell you three months later when you go to turn on your TV and your power's off."
"This is like a try before you buy giving them a little sample of what's going to be included."
"That's creepy, alright, that was not worth it."
"It feels really, really comfortable guys, even the seat feels incredibly comfortable."
"There's nothing worse than walking into a store and not knowing what you're getting."
"It doesn't work, but you know, it doesn't mean that we didn't pay for something."
"We're trying our best out here and they're milking us for every cent. They can."
"For 800 dollars, it's gonna feel really badass."
"We're so close, all we need to do now is get butts in seats."
"Inflation has fallen? Why are groceries so expensive then?"
"First impression was whoa, this was totally worth it."
"There's a greater chance you'll like something when you get to try on more at home."
"But it is something where you don't need the day one patch which is still I think largely their goal of shipping a game on disk that you don't need a patch if you want to just jump jump in and start playing it right away."
"There's not a single person of right sound mind and body if you could build a Tesla Model 3 online and get it delivered in 30 60 or 90 days."
"It's all about the ingredients, it's all about the formula, it's all about the experience that's what matters."
"It's like entering a candy store, and with that said, all the stuff they have feels like candy."
"The industry needs a lot more of games being made that are just games that you play and then you're done and then you go, 'That was a good experience, thank you, I will have another one please when it's ready or from someone else.'"
"Advertising should be relevant and not annoying."
"If we develop something that doesn't give the right experience, we shouldn't just put it out there."
"But I already bought the other thing, but now y'all wanna have the thing I wanted."
"I am so thrilled for each of you to get this product in your hands, to feel what it feels like on your face, and to fall in love with it the same way I have."
"Avengers is kind of a buy one get one video game deal with two separate things that almost have nothing in common."
"The seats really look very nice... this whole cabin is just a nice place to spend time."
"It signifies a brand proud, pragmatic, and confident in itself, free of elitism and determined to make everyone enjoy watches by putting horology before profit."
"It completely takes the stress out of the buying process."
"It's like a wasteland, like when you go to the grocery market at 11 p.m. and they haven't restocked it yet."
"Americans will be shocked to see dark storefronts and shortages of hundreds of products during the holidays."
"It is something to consider if it actually makes some of this advertising and revenue generation less intrusive." - Commentator on in-game advertising vs microtransactions
"I just bought their book the hard of hearing yeah and I bought it another bookstore everyone it's all red and blue book this understand people like Peter Green I think about the book right."
"So would I order from Laura's Boutique again? Yes, but it's not going to be like my new go-to or anything."
"What you get at the end of it is a really good luxury experience."
"So durability everything I've seen on the Internet is good... everything I've seen in person mirrors that."
"Buying one of these luxury SUVs should feel like a reward."
"This box was amazing so phenomenal another box that I would HIGHLY highly recommend."
"That was beautiful, look at the packaging. I love the way they just display this in here, it's like you're opening up like a new set of Rolexes or something."
"Print to demand by ordering through stores is not as easy and it takes much longer so you're gonna see a discrepancy in when people get those products which leads to that."
"When you enter a Tiffany store, you feel the best you ever have."
"For gamers wanting their first taste of a true HDR experience I think what is being delivered here is definitely good enough."
"The reality is if everyone picks up any a Schecter or an ESP or a PRS and they play the same and they sound the same, if it doesn't feel special, how does it kind of take you to that special place you want to be when you're making music?"
"I think most people will be pleasantly surprised by the texture of this and the blend ability it's a lot more similar to the texture and formula of modern renaissance than it is to the user experience of subculture."
"To have an amazing selection that they add to every day."
"Remember, there are also some really good changes that make us say, 'Oh, there's the Disney magic I paid so much money for.'"
"Apple used to be the company that didn't offer you a choice."
"I love buying games and not being able to play them."
"I'm not one to use product services etc that I see youtubers promote all that often but after seeing someone talk about honey I had to try it and let me tell you it's incredible."
"The battery's on 62... when you first take it out the box it's gonna seem like trash."
"So often I'll buy something and then I notice like a week later... it goes on sale."
"I want them to open the box and feel like they just treated themselves. This is a piece of luxury, a reward that they're giving to themselves."
"If you haven't tried one you won't know just how good they can be."
"Are you somebody who wants an easy point-and-shoot? That's the iPhone experience."
"This product is just incredible... in freaking credible..."
"First box hasn't been great so far, but that's okay."
"I'm forced to watch commercials on TV. YouTube, yeah that money is worth it."
"They really put a lot of care into it, very well packaged."
"The unboxing experience, they really put a lot of care into it."
"Yeah, this is a refreshing drink that you just want to chug."
"It just feels pretty bad to upgrade just purely generationally."
"We have had fiber in the home for more than a month and I'm pretty impressed with the results."
"This side may appear just fine, it might look Flawless, but this side in person, I'm telling you, you're going to look like your under eyes are airbrushed."
"Can you really put a price tag on the look of Joy on your kid's face? It's a magical, profitable experience."
"We need to end this thing of stuff feeling like it's being launched half-baked."
"The future of malls is an experience related services."
"A bespoke suit makes a very interesting experience, at the same time, it's quite pricey."
"Your brand is not just what you make; it's how you make people feel when they watch what you make."
"People will spend money over and over with you if you have a crappy product, as long as you have a good experience."
"The gaming industry is turning into a corpulent hell bent on making as much money as possible while giving you as little experience as possible."
"I kind of just gave up on Dior, but this product I decided to try and I was so glad that I did."
"I pay too much money for our tickets to not be entertained. I expect to win games but I expect to also be entertaining in what I'm watching."
"Wouldn't it be great if every clothing store you shopped at had only your size, the styles that you like, in the price that you want?"
"Nobody gets excited about the caramel enhancements. Marshmallow is an experience."
"It's infuriating, frustrating, above all, I certainly understand that a lot of people will not enjoy that."
"It's been frustrating to follow along with this marketing."
"Buying a Tesla is like buying an iPhone. You go to the Tesla website, spec it out, and place your order."
"With Tesla, everyone pays the exact same price, no dealership markups."
"You won't need to constantly explore the world outside; they want everyone to have the same experience."
"The real product Starbucks sold was the experience."
"I just love the little packaging that it comes in, it comes so cutely wrapped and the box is everything, I'm genuinely going to keep this forever."
"It gave us exactly what was promised. A real treat."
"Honestly, I cannot stop using this, I'm nearly out now, that's how much I've got left."
"I'm actually baffled that Gotham knights was not the games as a service game that's the one that seems like that's a single player game that feels like a service game right."
"I'm no huge Tesla fan and in fact I would gladly stop being a Tesla driver if I could get out of my Tesla lease without it costing me money."
"If you find it super annoying that you have to see Black Lives Matter propaganda and pride flags every time you go to Starbucks, you can thank BlackRock for all of those things."
"I've been getting tattooed for about 15 years, and I have never heard of anyone having to pay for a tattoo consultation ever."
"Until games are releasing in a good state, I don't see a point in playing them."
"It's still a great purchase well worth the wait."
"I feel like it would be fun to start with an unboxing of something I ordered that I'm really excited about."
"Forget the battery, forget drive range, just try. You will love smart EV more than your traditional car."
"Sometimes that experience was more memorable than the actual game you bought."
"Overall, this car has probably been the best purchase I've ever made."
"I just never want one person's skin of color ever again to say that they used a particular product, burnt with it, and now they've got dark marks all over their faces."
"My recommendation is if you have the thirty dollars to spare go ahead and buy it, you know you won't be I don't think he'll be completely disappointed like I know a lot of people were not looking forward to it."
"It's just so much better, you're not paying these [ __ ] fees, you're not dealing with [ __ ] waiting in line."
"The most exciting time of finishing a product is when you actually go out and see it on the shelves."
"You just get somebody behind the wheel because if you've driven the Model S you will never want to drive anything else."
"What does the worst mean? That like somebody paid a lot of money to get you something cool and it turns out it sucked?"
"This car still feels like it excels as a luxury stand."
"Trust me, these things are really apparent when you see them."
"It actually turns into a little bit of like a foaming cleanser so it has a great feel it feels luxury."
"It remains to be seen though if it will be successful good luck if you have one I hope you love it I hope it gives you big smiles."
"We have milk that is substantially thicker, it is substantially warmer, that's what we asked for and that's what we got."
"This ultrasonic facial steamer was listed for $3.25, which I thought was a too good to be true price. And it was, as it rang up for $5 despite how its shelf was labeled in the store."
"Shout out to EA Sports, they are one of the greatest finessers in the history of gaming."
"And like most companies, Apple has figured out the best way to squeeze as much money out of you as possible."
"Buying a new car is a nightmare thanks to supply issues."
"I really did not appreciate being pressed by the sales guy into giving tens."
"Looking up with pure sadness when he sees the same ad appear."
"I do really, really like it. There are a few cons to it, but I still think it's worth it for me."
"The glass carafe makes people feel a certain way."
"It really is just idiot proof and I can just feel anyone being able to jump into this and just give it a crack themselves."
"Ultimately, this is kind of a test. Valve is intentionally trying to pace out how quickly these are reaching a large number of hands as they continually work on the system and improve the experience more and more with every passing week."
"The experience of using one of these fresh out of the box six months from now could be a very different experience from what people are trying and messing with right now."
"Been around the block enough times to know that sometimes you go out and buy everything you think you need, when really there's a little bit more and you're missing something."
"The scam is the method they use to get you to buy a car."
"The more of my beers in your belly, the nicer the food's going to taste."
"I just got this amazing delivery from Freddy's flowers and I love Freddy's flowers."
"There's just not a lot of it to consume and that really holds the whole thing back."
"Let's try out. I love it. As consumer to knock back. It's better control."
"You've got a lot of headroom... plenty of knee room."
"But first I've got to get this thing unboxed."
"There's a fixed price that's what you get when you walk in as a plan."
"That's like the best way I can describe it. It's like the same thing that you've ever that you've eaten over and over and over again and it is literally [__] that's how I feel about Alpha Omega."
"I always love it when a skill delivers on its promise."
"Buying a new car is a highly personal experience. It's not only likely the highest ticket item you'll buy outside of a house."
"The world's longest wait for a vehicle ever."
"I ordered it at night and woke up in the morning and the guy was like 'hi, here's your thing, you gotta sign for it' and I was like 'holy crap, this is amazing.'"
"I want to discover brands that are new to me or maybe products from brands that I already know and love that maybe I wouldn't have bought by myself."