
Justice Pursuit Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"The pursuit of justice is never easy, but we have to do it."
"The Quest for the truth Injustice is Paramount and every piece of evidence and testimony is crucial."
"The truth of this case will win out over the deceit."
"The demand for reparations symbolizes reclaiming agency and ensuring the community's voice is heard and respected."
"It's our pursuit of justice that has brought us forward to this point."
"Justice will be done, but not through blaming and pointing fingers and all of that."
"Challenging flaws and prejudices is crucial for justice."
"We don't want to make more victims out of innocent people."
"We're not about violence... We want justice."
"Our work is not finished. We continue to pursue every lead, justice demands it."
"So we sharpen the blade, clean out the barrel, pick up the rock and the bow and the arrow, pull out the gas mask and the protest apparel, for justice I'ma go into battle."
"The money wasn't even important to them; they wanted the state to admit that they were wrong."
"Trying, even if it fails, it's still closer to justice."
"That was my moment, where I made a deal with my God and said, 'You give me an opportunity, I will hunt these guys down for the rest of my life.'"
"He was never interested in fame and fortune; he was only driven by a desire to weed out injustice through more virtuous means."
"We are one step closer to getting Justice for little Quinton."
"Every step we take towards Justice... I am going to celebrate."
"Justice is the goal and it's way down the line."
"With the continued efforts of the police and other people dedicated to solving her case I believe that one day Missy will get Justice."
"You heal the country by actually seeking justice."
"The new investigation into Erica's murder aims to identify direct perpetrators, accomplices, or accessories to the crime."
"For years Sarah pushed the police to look into her father... and because of her die-hard efforts, her father was actually arrested for this crime."
"This man is literally trying to start a harassment campaign against a woman whose only crime is trying to get literal justice for her sister's [bleep] murder."
"I'm glad that they're going to be pursuing charges."
"Complacency has no place in the pursuit of Justice."
"Justice for Gabby is that we see justice for her homicide."
"This is not right, and we are going to make it right."
"As we seek Justice, let's remember the core values that make our nation great."
"I pray that you're still alive to see what we are about to do to this monster."
"I'm gonna finish this case. You're the last hope."
"I just hope for this family's sake that they can get justice and closure for this."
"Closure isn't about the money. It's about Justice."
"Members of Jolane's family strongly believe that the man who was with her is responsible for her death."
"He believes the investigation should be reopened and the inconsistencies resolved once and for all."
"The Texas AG's Office Cold Case Unit and the law enforcement agencies that work with us are committed to bringing justice in this case."
"If we don't solve this case and we can't solve this case, it's another get away with murder case."
"I won't stop fighting... I will never be silenced until these people are brought to justice."
"We need justice in America, we need safety in America."
"We're not stopping, justice for Johnny is coming."
"Justice never rests not until the truth comes to light."
"You walk away from that situation kind of thinking to yourself, 'All I was doing was trying to fight for justice.'"
"Justice will prevail, take a slow, methodical approach, and take charge of the situation."
"We need a President who harnesses the better aspects of American Consciousness, the better angels of our nature. Justice, we justice justice thy shall pursue."
"Justice for Cairo, that's the only thing this case has ever been about."
"They turn to forensic scientists to reveal the truth and to bring justice to victims who are killed for love or money."
"We shouldn't help them do that by abandoning the rule of law ourselves, no matter how hungry we are for justice."
"It would be nice to see some justice in the world, and it's looking closer."
"We are going to get justice for Samantha bail age five years old r.i.p young sister we're gonna make sure and get you justice and i'm gonna see this through to the end."
"Batman says we can make meaning in a difficult world, we can pursue justice in an unjust world."
"Absolutely not. I would never let the case be closed because I know it's not justice for my daughter."
"We can hopefully bring them home together or bring them justice together."
"Turnabout will be fair play, we'll have justice in this life or the next."
"We're going to chase Alex Jones to the ends of the Earth just like he maligned these families for 10 years."
"It's a marathon, not a sprint: we must remain politically involved and fight against injustice."
"Until the end until we get Justice and and even Beyond we think of so many of you as our family now and um we're just so grateful so grateful."
"Where are all the flowery speeches about humanity and justice? Is there no justice, no trust anymore?"
"Armed with patience and the latest forensic technology, investigators can heat up a cold case and find justice for the unforgotten."
"We're not gonna let you get away with this scot-free."
"I think we can all agree that Mr Kassab's endless determination to see Jeffrey brought to justice, proves above all else, that a father's love is not limited by blood."
"To give back her name, it just ends a pledge that I had made to all my victims. I'm going to do my best to seek Justice for you and that's my service to my community."
"We provided all the information in Don's case to the EFCC to find justice for Don."
"I definitely want to see justice for what happened to me and the lies that happened in the absolute dirt that happened to my family."
"We want to have some type of justice and peace and comfort of knowing what happened."
"They wanted to settle out of court to avoid a lawsuit. I, on the other hand, was out for their blood."
"We must do everything we can to find and bring him to justice."
"That together with your help we can shine that big beautiful Spotlight of accountability and transparency down upon our system with the hope of finding Justice."
"The whole purpose of the judicial system is to seek justice."
"He's a kind-hearted person who's determined to fix wrongs."
"A lot of us are going to keep fighting, and you have caused us to believe that we cannot rest until justice comes."
"Our grief has turned anger and anger to resolution. Whether we bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done." - [Music]
"He was the only one who would truly pursue justice for his country."
"I will not let them down, I will do better and I will be a lawyer no matter what to help people get the justice that they deserve."
"The only thing that we can do in the face of this senseless violence is to bring justice, to work tirelessly to make sure that we cannot bring May back but that we can bring justice."
"Continue to share the story of these amazing girls because we are going to get justice someday very soon, I hope, and you're going to be part of it."
"I will find the killer if that's the last thing I do."
"I believe that the person is still out there and I believe that we're going to find closure one day for my mom and we're going to find justice."
"What do you want to say to the killer of your daughter? We'll find you. We will find you."
"I would live in Indiana until they either arrested me or they found the person who did it."
"Athena's light will keep shining." - A vow to keep Athena's memory alive and fight for justice.
"I will not be silenced, and we will continue on our journey for justice."
"As long as I'm breathing, justice will be served."
"There is no realistic possibility that there could ever be a just refusal of permission to appeal in our case."
"The desire for justice is an inherent human desire."
"It's been eight years for us looking for justice for Dana and something really positive finally happened."
"Our work now turns to getting justice for Harmony."
"Sometimes you gotta go above their head to a higher power and fight for justice. Justice has to go up and not down."
"Elliot Ness got his chance to get back at the people who'd killed his teammate."
"It's an effed up case, and finding the truth, finding what happened, the truth itself is the best proper justice that people can find."
"This is not a life leader for everybody, this is to make things right for folks who have been shafted."
"Now he's really has no choice but to bring this case to come in and say hey the UK one wasn't a fair or complete hearing I am now going head on head against Ah and we're gonna have our day in court."
"This case needs more exposure, it truly does."
"We rescue and restore juvenile human trafficking survivors... we do everything in our power to make sure that bad happens to bad people."
"Linda Ives remained steadfast throughout her entire life to see some justice for her son."
"Every single decision we made, every major decision we made, every decision we made was focused on finding who did it, finding the truth, and being able to successfully prosecute a case."
"Legion archons, despite their intimidating appearance, prioritize achieving Justice through compromise and mutual benefit rather than resorting to violence."
"We will not rest until we see justice. You have our word."
"There is just something about this case that screams something is wrong."
"Justice is something that we need to pursue, not just social justice, group justice, collective justice, but individual justice for actual crimes that have happened to individuals."
"He wants to go and elicit justice upon Voldemort."
"With the one-two justice punch of Fani Willis and Jack Smith, I am feeling better today about the prospects of Donald Trump and his criminal associates being held accountable."
"Kenneth Noy's story is a complex tapestry woven from threads of ambition, criminal ingenuity, and the pursuits of justice."
"The videos have to be used to ensure that this kind of treatment does not happen to another mother's son or to another son's father."
"Help us always to be agents of your will."
"The Innocence Project... they work on cases of people that claim that they are innocent."