
Public Reception Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"Despite the controversy, his music continues to resonate with millions, proving that there's something unique and captivating about his sound."
"Not everything in every media that comes out needs to be a sensation to be liked or talked about."
"The reaction from people globally has been incredible."
"The American public ate it up and it even reached number thirteen on the Billboard Hot 100; it even won a Grammy."
"People love the unapologetic honesty in the face of authority."
"Truthfully, judging on the reception that this truck has received here at the Auto Show, it's popular, man. People really like it."
"There's a massive difference between being liked by the critics and being liked by the masses."
"Making the game I wanted to make, 100 percent, and it's amazing. I feel very blessed, very fortunate that people liked it too."
"It's super cool and exciting to see the response that the film is getting."
"The cyber truck has a lot to do with it. I think that you know for as silly in some people's minds as it looks um just the the bare grit of it is is the coolest it's opened our minds."
"Isn't it ironic that the MCU is criticized for being formulaic yet when they try something different they get their worst critical reception yet?"
"You put something out into the world and other people didn't like it, it wasn't just universally embraced by all of that, that's crazy."
"Starborne: Sovereign Space has been getting a lot of positive attention."
"The influence of this film would be seen for a long time because the public loved it, the geeks loved it, everybody came together and said yes."
"The overwhelmingly positive reception secured it a place among the highest-rated games of all time."
"The initiative has been warmly received by the British people and lauded as a success for triggering an ongoing conversation on mental illness."
"I'm happy with them going in this direction. Let's see something new for Game Freak!"
"Against all odds, Sony generated a massively favorable reception across the board."
"I think it's one of the best console reveals that has ever occurred."
"We're just gonna make stuff and uh, hope that people like it."
"The radical left that has been sucked into intersectionality is failing with the American people."
"Once we actually showed it to the public, once we saw people's eyes light up, I think everybody kind of got a hold of the idea."
"Thankfully the layered and nuanced take on terrorism reached one and all."
"Victoriously riding into Egypt by 332 BC, to a downtrodden Egyptian population weary of outside Persian rule, Alexander was treated as a hero."
"Commodus killed 100 lions in a day, a spectacle that wasn't well-received by the audience."
"That means I'm doing something right, you know? Like when someone doesn't get what you're doing, then you're doing a good job, you know?"
"We made something that people are like, 'That's cool.'"
"No matter what you do, there's always gonna be somebody who doesn't like it."
"In a world where a lot of teen drama adaptations like Pretty Little Liars are not well liked, this show is a lovable diamond in the rough."
"Fan reactions can significantly impact a movie's reception and success."
"Everybody loves a redemption story. He gets the help he needs, he apologizes, the movie comes out, everybody's happy."
"One night Marianela woke up and saw Estefania levitating above her bed."
"I just made this, put it out. So since people seem to like that, I'm gonna keep doing it."
"I make stuff and then it gets sent out into the public and the public either buys it and likes it or they say no we don't respect what you made we don't buy it."
"People take things too seriously but you're also, like, you can tell by your views, you're killing it, people are loving it, like, you guys are."
"On December the 21st, Masaric arrived to vast crowds."
"Finally, a good DC movie is great, and just everyone's loving the hell out of it."
"I was thrilled that so many people enjoyed it and found it interesting, but I was also happy to see that viewers were overwhelmingly sympathetic toward Liam and his team."
"Both the audience and the critics, and that's kind of that's how that Marvel deal came about."
"I want this to stand on its own breath and if people are gonna like it they're gonna like it because of what it is and not because vanoss made it you know, no, that's right."
"It's got some of that really signature Autopia cheekiness." [Applause]
"I'm glad that I'm glad that it resonated with people."
"Marie Antoinette achieved her great wish entering Paris amidst much revelry."
"Regardless, I don't think that all 600 people are faking it. It seems like the reception of this is extremely positive."
"One of my favorite Spider-Man movies of all time."
"Whenever we played it for people... it always got a really positive reaction... it was one of the keepers, one of the greatest songs of the 70s."
"I think that's why people loved it because it was authentic."
"Nothing that he put out everyone was going to be satisfied with."
"Sometimes music and whatever is not ahead of its time, it's just when it came out, people were just so quick to hate on it and trash on it."
"The launch was so disastrous, the reviews so mediocre."
"I mean, it's hard to not hear everyone just saying how incredible this film is."
"Abigail Shrier's book 'Irreversible Damage' actually has won an award for the world's worst book to ever be written."
"There's not many out there shows that can bounce back from a rocky first impression"
"You work hard, you do your art, you put out what you want, and you hope people receive it well." - Jessie Ware
"I just launched you Shady what oh my goodness and I'm getting so much strength for it let's go."
"It's almost impossible for people to forget the huge problems this game had at launch, but I think a lot of people would really like this game now as it is in No Man's Sky Next."
"This game is worthy of the hype it has generated."
"An absolute travesty, gonna go down as one of the biggest F ups in gaming."
"Man, reviews for this game have been all over the place... it was frankly great seeing a licensed property stick to the basics and give us something solid."
"Criticism is inevitable no matter what you do."
"Grade-a didn't fall from grace or lose his groove because people stopped liking him. The transition mainly happened because his videos started to be a whole lot weaker."
"Never before in my life have I seen something so hyped become so universally criticized and downright despised."
"Fallout 4 mechanically speaking is easily the best, it did get a little bit of criticism for not really looking like the most amazing thing you ever seen."
"This video ended up becoming so popular, that makes me very happy."
"In the long run, I think we gained more fans than we lost."
"My favorite of which, and the one I have received the most compliments about, has been a few variations of lilac."
"You were amazing, that's so funny how he does that."
"The Joker did incredibly well, did far better than anyone perceived."
"Black Myth Wukong trailer took the world by storm... an honest approach to marketing."
"Diablo Immortal is a good video game, when people get their hands on it they will see for themselves."
"Animation is one of the things Andromeda got lambasted for the most."
"The recreation turned Hua Mulan into a palace guard protecting the emperor more or less, and that is not what the Chinese people grew up hearing. It basically bastardized the entire story."
"I think what people realize was it was an affectionate look at David Brent by the end. Uncle Tony, I think they realized that well, actually, we're all a bit like that. That is all of us. We all do that."
"Welcome to the broadcast through crumbles. Wasn't it absolutely magnificent to see the new Fab Four?"
"The release of 'Black Dress' was well-received."
"Reboots can be groan-worthy sometimes, but I think they can be totally understandable and necessary."
"If a highly anticipated film isn't received as a work of utter perfection it's considered a bad movie... there's so much good happening within them."
"You can't please everybody, and sometimes it's hard to avoid negative feedback."
"Depending on where you went, that was either the bit one of his best specials ever or he's a [ __ ] abomination who shouldn't gotten a second chance."
"Positive messages or things that are helpful sort of get sifted into this self-help category that people aren't necessarily trying to hear."
"This just reeks of Sony seeing that the reception of the leaks is negative and attacking people."
"I can't imagine why this movie wasn't a hit."
"People really like this game. And it's actually a verifiable hit."
"It's really nice when the two come together... critics and fans alike go 'Hey, I like this.'"
"Is this too much? Has fast food gone too far? Is the Double Down good for America?" - "Those tests must have gone well because just 11 days later on April 1st, 2010, KFC announced that it would take the sandwich Nationwide."
"You have to protect the attempt. People will joke about things that are, on paper without context, horrible."
"Not everybody was particularly happy about the project nevertheless what nobody could have known was that this trailer would become the most disliked trailer on YouTube in its history."
"So when we start talking about the concerns of men we're not going to get this influx of thousands and thousands and thousands of women begging to hear that message because it grates against everything that they think they know."
"When you do something and you get these kind of generous embrace from vast multitude of people that you don't know personally, it's something completely different."
"I never would have thought the reaction like I've seen with the show, where it just seemed like universally everybody was just [__] with it like that."
"The song itself is not divisive. It's public usage is not objectionable."
"The incredible reception that Queen Elizabeth and her husband received was perhaps the first indication of the way in which the magic of the monarchy could redeem Britain."
"The audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes is astounding."
"I don't overthink anything I do or stick it out there, let the people decide."
"The tournament began in the 1955-56 season and was initially met with mixed feelings."
"The overall response to this has just been extraordinary."
"Del is joyous over people wanting to eat food from his food truck. That's a great joke."
"It's like truly unique and different and people haven't seen before."
"This is the biggest splash a 'Grand Theft Auto' has ever made."
"It's a strange thing when you've worked really hard on something and then you kind of just release it to the world."
"It's been absolutely amazing... everybody's been loving it."
"I haven't been there in a while I don't know how to be received and that's just me thinking that's just me seeing a dude not understanding his legacy."
"It's likely that the US would be welcomed as liberators across much of Iran."
"People can learn from their mistakes, people can get new information, and realize that they did offend people. I don't... I think I'm wording it better than he worded it, but for the sake of The Baby, I'll try to make it sound better."
"Largely the reaction was very positive, which is awesome."
"The franchise had always received a lot of criticism over the years."
"For every critic, there will be triple the grateful people."
"It's interesting seeing Halo in a different aesthetic, and, well, yes, people are memeing on this thing, I don't know, I think it's cool."
"I mean, you walk into these arenas, that's how they treat him. Like a rock star. I will say that his campaign has made some changes to the way they've run things that tell me that they clearly learned from 2016 and some of the mistakes they made."
"People aren't going to always like what you put out."
"What a process seeing that artistic creation, seeing that little baby of ours be burst onto those platforms and watched by however many thousands tens of thousands of people are just fantastic, so rewarding to really see all of that come together."
"So today to be doing what I've done for 17 years since I started and for it to have this kind of response is something that makes me live in gratitude every day."
"Hey, guess what? Thousand dollars, unconditional cash, they would jump on that relative to their current benefits."
"The biggest trend from the start of this marathon to now would the quality increase from game to game that I believe...most people can agree on."
"Prince Harry was greeted with enthusiasm and a round of applause."
"All of his videos get dislike bombed, even his most recent one."
"He really tried something new and he pulled it off like so well."
"Despite having a rough launch, No Man's Sky has managed to turn things around."
"If it's done with your heart and soul and authenticity, chances are others will like it too."
"You just have to step out and speak truth and what will happen is there's all kinds of stupid people out there. I get it, there's a lot of them, but there's even more good people."
"I think the riskiest thing that the four of us can be... is to do everything regardless of how it will be received but knowing that it will be received and to do so honestly."
"Reviews, the feedback has been like outstanding, like I couldn't have known the people were gonna love it like this, you know?"
"I just want it to come out and people to like it."
"There is sycophantic praise, vicious scorn, eyebrow-raising bewilderment..."
"Once a lot of people get a chance to see game night a lot of people are gonna be like have a breath of like relief."
"Chris Moutinho comes out of this as a new fan favorite."
"I thought it was brilliant. I love the scripts to death. I know that there's been some controversy about the game coming out but I'm really confident that once the bugs are ironed out people will see how impressive the game really is." - Anna Rust
"Rowan Atkinson was well aware of this because he is known to have conducted a test run of sorts for the appeal of Mr. Bean at the Montreal Just for Laughs Festival in 1989."
"Fallout 76 gets panned by fans and critics... a pretty dull experience... a colossal PR blunder." - Rich, WhatCulture Gaming
"I like this feeling of putting something out there and having people see it and sort of getting that feedback and making it feel like you know your creative efforts were appreciated."
"Oh my god, they loved me, they loved. I'm a hero, this is nice."
"I am NOT automatically entitled to have an audience that likes everything I do."
"YouTube rewind 2019 is objective. The reason it is so split is because it's sacrificed a lot to give us a little."
"Bernie's message of a political revolution as an open socialist has resonated in the heartland of America."
"There's a lot of dislikes. At the time, the comment had 1.2k likes and the video had 1.1k likes. How thick is that?"
"We all made something that we were truly proud of together, something that resonated with people regardless if people liked it or not."
"Nostalgia is a powerful tool... they cheered him like he was a damn superhero."
"This guy was getting a ridiculous reception on a weekly basis."
"So, I thought if I make a joke on that people would be like, 'Ah, that's funny,' so it was my chance to be meta."
"District 9 was greeted with critical acclaim and a positive reaction from moviegoers."
"The explosive fighting style of Dempsey succeeded in capturing the imagination of the public."
"No matter what you do, you're going to piss some people off."
"With the public though, overkill was an instant and overwhelming hit."
"There's no better accomplishment than releasing a movie to the public for all of us to watch."
"Some people are going to understand it, but some are not going to like it."
"I'm already overwhelmed by your reception; it blows my mind that me, this dope fiend from the Lower East Side of Manhattan who sat in jails and track marks all over my arms and slash marks on my wrists, that you want to give me so much love just because I say I'm an addict."
"People loved it; it freaking worked immediately."
"If you have good music, you put out a good album, people are gonna be into it no matter what."
"You can speculate how people receive it, but you can never foresee public reaction."
"I think people are really gonna dig it."
"The power and fascination of the tale itself made its merits known to the public."
"The crowd reaction was huge positive for you guys when you first started."
"It's been roughly two years since the prototype was first released to the public, and at that time pretty much everybody loved the way the bike looked."
"He's well received, coming off the exposure on national television."
"We hope that by the time we make something, it's something that people like."
"I was a bit overwhelmed by all the responses; it seems to be well received, so thank you very much indeed for that."
"We never know when we're working on a project how it's going to be received by the public."
"It wasn't remotely massively hated on; people were enjoying it."
"We want to promote a path of positive public reception of atheists."
"It's so strange to hear something we made in a basement together with rats being played in front of all these people."
"It was a massive steamroller hit that really surprised us and exceeded all of our hopes and expectations."