
Casual Gaming Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"So you're looking to play, huh? Alright, I guess I got some time to kill..."
"If you are able to log into an MMO and play at a casual pace, doing your own thing and training however you find the most fun, and you are able to completely ignore the constant temptation to read a guide, then you are truly an enlightened player."
"As a Casual Gamer, I especially have trouble finishing games. Maybe I don't like the feeling of ending a video game that I enjoyed."
"It's okay to enjoy 'junk food' games like the Just Cause series."
"EA is taking advantage of The Sims and these casual players who play it."
"I normally just play for funsies, so I don't have any infinite combos in my decks."
"For 1440p gaming though, I could probably take it or leave it because, you know, I play games like Watch Dogs, Control, Assassin's Creed..."
"Nolan loves Cinema. No way around it. He loves making movies."
"Catherine Classic or Full Body? Who cares, pick one, they're both fun."
"I mean, I was gonna end the stream, but now I kind of got to try out the proton blaster on one of our allies. Just a casual day."
"It deserves major props for identifying that most social deduction games aren't treated in a way that feels a little more casual."
"You don't lose if you get it right, wow, I think Professor Plum did it!"
"Casual players have a much lower tolerance for what they feel is time wasting."
"I'm enjoying it, but the casual kind of space player might not like this."
"B-minus is like my favorite grade, man. Dude, I am speed running this game, let's be honest."
"It seems like a chill game to play from time to time."
"Removing skill based matchmaking, public matches start to become casual again."
"Oh man, I'm having fun. Sell some of your houses or mortgage the railroads."
"Yeah, I think a good strategy is going to have these kimbo pistols out and just kind of chill."
"Overwatch 2 was built for those who loved Overwatch but didn't want to play a competitive FPS game."
"Some people just want a little bit of trash to be pressing buttons on while they're watching something else on television."
"It's just casual chill perfect game to play while streaming or up in bed at night."
"It'll bleeds kind of a lot more interested in just goofing around."
"You're never going to bed, just gaming a little more comfortably."
"Jotun fusion rifle is kind of fun to use, but I don't know if I would ever specifically use this thing to do anything more than that."
"It's not a challenge to get through, but it's fun nonetheless."
"I have fun with it, but I don’t play it constantly."
"Smugglers run games are perfect mindless entertainment."
"We're gonna make this an action casual game with a pirate theme for the mbox next using the long dong silver 2.0."
"This is a game that uh uh it's kind of nice actually having it on on my pc because it's just something I can always like okay I'll just you know put in a flight or something at the end of the day."
"I didn't want to win anyway, it's just Mario Kart."
"Even if I'm just playing without your Artie Lange."
"Not like this... 'Oh, you play video games like on the side right?'"
"I'm kind of just playing this mode in this game very casually right now and by ear."
"Respec anytime you want. Experiment. Mosey around."
"It's a meandering game, it's not a game where you're meant to play perfectly, you're supposed to just wander around and have a good time."
"Especially for casual players, is the idea that let's say you unlock a skin but it unlocks for a mount you don't use."
"I've just been hanging out, playing Sims all week."
"Even just playing casually, it's a really good strat."
"Some people don't give a flying [ __ ] about frame data... They just play off a feel."
"Destiny wins so I'm okay with making things approachable for casuals as long as we don't alienate the other side of the community in the process."
"Not every single game I want to pick up I want to have my full undivided attention on all the time so games like this definitely have a place in my life."
"Enjoy what you can play while waiting for the next big thing."
"You'll be all right, you're probably just playing like League of Legends anyways."
"For the more casual players, still go to events to get your feet wet."
"Back home after a day of Pokémon adventures—until the next hunt!"
"The puppy Pokemon playing fetch, like what more could you ask for?"
"It's a beautiful thing that people can find in casual playthroughs where they just get genuinely curious what can limit."
"This is a weird lack of clarity for a title that otherwise seems to be trying to appeal to a newer casual demographic."
"It's our option to take a game seriously or not."
"TF2 is one of the last bastions of the casual FPS category."
"I don't care. Sometimes I just want to get blown up after cheating, you know?"
"I think it's somewhat inviting to more casual players to help them learn a bit more about the sport."
"We got our samies we're stopping for lunch Cal brought the switch and I got a lot of board games and we're going to practice Blackjack for Vegas for Vegas"
"It's more of a pick-up-and-play sort of title, one where you could spend about half an hour, one hour, maybe even two hours on it and then put it down to go about the rest of your day."
"If you're a casual player with no interest in being competitive and just want to enjoy the world, do some life skills and explore, Black Desert is as good as ever."
"Gathering is something that casuals do, and if you make the game fun for casuals, the game will live. If a game's not fun for casuals, it's a dead game."
"Raid is truly a game demanding skill but still casual and very enjoyable."
"Guys, something about it being a little pink girly mode makes it so much fun."
"The game can be played extremely casually... it is going to take the fun out of the game 110 percent."
"No fear mongering, just truth to set you free."
"I just want to say that every once in a while I enjoy games like this. Something that doesn't have like super crazy loud jump scares that they just throw out you."
"Pixel Gun 3D is not all about winning; it's about fun."
"Playing on a Gamepad just feels more casual and relaxed."
"Just a great game that's a lot of fun." - Jet Set Radio Future
"Not everything enjoyable has to be Game of the Year category."
"I really enjoyed prisoner rescue 6v6 is not usually for me in Call of Duty as I've said I'm more attracted to those larger scale game modes now but it felt like s d light with more casual stuff like the revive system..."
"Ryden's animation and big damage hit appeal to casual players."
"Epic fantasy is a game for people that don't have a lot of time but still want to feel progression."
"If you're a casual fun rogue experience, this is great."
"I am not a professional, I am not a... I am a gamer, but I am not a pro gamer by any means, but I just had fun and I hope that you all enjoyed."
"This isn't gloom and doom life or death saving the Shadowland stuff, this is just a fun side activity."
"Strategy is essential to take Shadowverse by storm, great for competitive or casual players."
"I'm just going to get as many fruits as I can."
"In the spirit of all things cozy, we want to play a little game we're calling better in sweaters brought to you by Walmart."
"That's pretty lucky, I am not getting that lucky on Heatran."
"Fortnite was not necessarily understandable or inviting to the casual player."
"I'm not a try-hard gamer, I'm here to have fun."
"I'm not a hardcore gamer however playing the games over here on this television set just a minute ago seemed like everything ran pretty good."
"Sometimes you don't want to be the smartest in the room, just want to blow up your friends with a giant missile."
"That's gonna be it falcon will be winning the 25 cash prize for today's tournament and uh yeah thank you guys for joining and it's a nice quick stream i can rest my hands and hang out my lovely wife."
"Duels is very RNG focused and high-roll shenanigans. If you like something fun and easy-going, then duels will scratch an itch, I'm sure."
"I love when I don't have to think as hard about what I'm doing."
"We're just having fun. We're just here to have fun."
"Play what you want to play, we're all about fun."
"The delay isn't good enough to play all types of games, but Platformers and story mode games are honestly just fine."
"I was feeling it; it's a nice little game that thankfully doesn't take itself too seriously."
"Assassin's Creed had become popcorn fun at best, a guilty pleasure at worst."
"It's like challenging but also really casual at the same time."
"Chilling on the sofa, nice and we're going to bed. Oh, wait, there's another collectible there!"
"A fair and balanced approach to new endeavors."
"Absolutely no playing with pros... I play on my iPad and I am actually a legendary player on that device."
"It's all good, GG, that's what Fortnite is, man."
"For the casual gamer, it's more than enough."
"I don't know what it is man but I'm kind of like Loki addicted to this game."
"This game is one big AFK grind fest, like it's not a game that you're gonna get on and expect to get everything done right away."
"Zombies is actually fine, bro. Zombies is so fun to actually shoot the zombies, man."
"Astro Bears Party: The perfect quick five-minute bite-sized party game."
"Well yeah, me and Nate were talking earlier about how sometimes it's even almost more fun when you have slower cars."
"Stardew Valley is the epitome of casual gaming."
"Shooting lasers at robots and monkeys in a spaceship is dumb fun."
"That's kind of nice, I like that, doesn't lose myself in a game, you know."
"Solar Striker... it's one of those games where you can pick it up and play at any time, it doesn't require a lot of energy."
"Sayonara Wild Hearts provided everything I never knew I needed for a perfect casual game."
"The vast vast majority of players in this game are super casual and they don't give a toss about the performance of their characters."
"I want to be two best friends sitting on a couch having a good time playing video games together."
"I'm telling you guys, I'm having fun with this killer. Who knew throwing knives could be so much fun, jeez?"
"You know the usual, once I went through all the houses, I went to the water to say hi to the local endermen."
"I just want to play the game whenever it's fun, that's it."
"It's a kind of game that's easy to jump into if you're like, waiting for a dish to cook, or if you just wanna relax a little bit before bed, it's kind of comforting."
"We are gonna go plant some trees for Tom Nook."
"It's kind of like lo-fi beats the video game and if you get what I mean by that, this game might be for you."
"Halo infinite... going in a very very soft good."
"I've played a bunch of Animal Crossing games before, but I've never got into them to the extent I've gone into this one."
"A lighter version of a grand scale MMO is so nice to have."
"At 374, you basically just need 30 minutes of fun or an hour of fun and you're good."
"Just show up whenever you want, a few sleeps and fast travels later."
"Not bad at all if you fancy a little bit of casual thinking as a break."
"If you do not require gaming or very specialized professional software, there's never been a better time to check out Linux as an alternative for everyday home office study whatever it is kind of use even casual gaming it can handle with aplomb."
"This is just 'get through the game in one piece' run."
"Either we're gonna get something really fun or we'll just meme it."
"We found it pretty cool... we weren't even thinking about speedrunning at the time."
"I just wanna sit back and relax and unwind with a nice relaxing game."
"There's a lot of interesting things that happened in development that the Casual player would never have any idea about."
"This game is just kind of like a relaxi game for me."
"I don't think there's anything wrong with a game being for casual because I'll be real, bro, I'm 29 years old. I don't need to play hardcore games anymore because life is hardcore enough as it is."
"You're not a gamer if that's what you do. You have to conflate someone who plays exclusively casual games on their phone as gamers, quote-unquote gamers."
"Join the Imperium, open heretic, I will go normal mode I guess."
"Chess is my favorite, yeah. Candyland, that was crazy. I do try and show, okay, do you like life where you like spin it?"
"Dead by Daylight's main game mode should be unbalanced... A bunch of chaos and good old casual fun."
"It is just a game, so have fun and run what you want." - Jinxings
"Honestly, the best way to play this game is to just grab a nice cold beer, hire a bunch of these enemies, and just tell them to do your job for you."
"I want to kind of relax every game every so often. I don't want to be in a very sweaty lobby with players bunny hopping every single time they jump a corner."
"I still find it hilarious that people just can't wrap their head around the fact that Genshin from a casual player perspective is a joyful experience."
"Nice little bite-sized strategic action that looks casual but actually has a good deal of strategy going on."
"My kind of game, perfect for non-gamer friends."
"If you're gonna build the game competitively, which again, I'm all for... you do need to also be aware of how it affects the casual game."
"Mr. Roblox is gonna get mad at you... I lost the key well guys I guess that's it I guess we quit."
"I just idly chatted the whole time while I laughed the guy on Rainbow Road to his and everyone else's dismay."
"The story doesn't really take itself too seriously, it's just a lot of fun."
"Saints Row the Third is just a good fun time."
"All I did was just test out the controls and I would play on casual mode for you casuals."
"I just want to play the game whether you give me 50 XP, 5 XP, I don't care, I just want to play a good match and have fun."
"This video isn’t for them, it’s for you, the casual player trying out a Souls game for the first time."
"If it's one of those games that you pick up from time to time once you get tiresome once once it gets tired throw it away play something else and pick it up later on because it's always going to be there."
"It's a game where you serve customers delicious food, nothing else at all. Don't believe me?"
"I was like, I think it's enough but I don't know, they would let me play cards so sure enough it works."
"I'm here for the gameplay, yeah man, you're supposed to be here to chill with me."
"Most of the time, pointless, sure, but that doesn't matter. It's fun."
"I just turned on my X-Box to get my thumb something to do for five minutes, keep them stimulated."
"Just go to Steam, download the demo, and have some fun, you know?"
"Relax, join the game, and don't take life too seriously."
"It's a funny little game with pixel graphics and Rolling Green Hills."
"Just such a unique game and definitely the most enjoyable casual stunt racing arcade game."
"Surround yourself with dumb games and cute dogs."
"There's something about noisy games, you know? Sometimes who wants to kick back, relax, have a good day?"
"A great game to play and is perfect for Halloween."
"I'm just a streamer, I just have fun, enjoy the game."
"I have absolutely loved the kinetic blade and the ODM gear, the rotations being able to move around the map quickly because you know I'm not a competitive player, I just like to have fun."
"Pokemon let's go fix a lot for me... Exciting to have a journey I can embark on casually with a friend."
"I don't know what I'm looking for honestly, I guess I'm looking for fish, bugs, anything that sticks out to me."
"I should be pushing it, but me, I play when I play."
"Champs is casual until... it starts becoming way more sweaty."
"The same people who probably just want to jump on and enjoy Call of Duty or play the next chapter of Red Dead 2 after work but won't be able to because they'll be so out of pocket."
"This is like the perfect coffee game. I can just sit here, take a couple of sips, games doing all the work."
"At the end of the day, GT Online is very simple, and honestly, I don't hugely dislike that."
"This game is just mess around and have some fun with things."
"Hope you guys enjoyed the spotlight and take it easy."
"Casual Commander is just about getting together, playing with friends, and having a good time."
"It's really just what I'd be doing off camera anyway between parts of a let's play."
"This game's just supposed to like make people feel good."
"Some days you just wreck everything, some days you do okay, and some days you just do horrible. It's nothing personal, but it's all good, man."
"I'm not going to the F that I can use controller. You coming?"
"It's a silly little game, but I am really enjoying it."
"Many people enjoy Among Us as a very casual game, a game that they don't want to think too much about in kind of meta gaming terms."
"I didn't think I was gonna be playing this game either but uh, here we are and like I'm having a lot of fun."
"I'm literally sitting here with one hand on my hip, one hand on my controller, just no scoping these husks in complete silence."
"I'm just a person sitting there playing zombies, you know? It blows my mind."
"I'm just trying to show you guys not amazing attainable runes."
"I know in my heart that I got it, alright? And then the next one on the achievements list for me is baked bread and ally bread's not important though."
"If everyone sucks then everyone just has fun, it's one of those matches."
"I got so many wheat seeds and yellow flowers and red ones."
"Hope you guys are enjoying, take care, and have fun out there, it's just a game."
"I just like having good additional ways to get diamond yeah is a very fun for a good shit ELISA whenever we get a chance I it's."
"99% of people are just gonna play this and go ha ha old Mario Kart and then they're gonna do something else with their lives."
"Ready or Not shines its brightest not as a tactical shooter but ironically as a casual shooter."
"If you're filthy casual like me and just having some fun, 60 frames per second would be beautiful."
"It's just a great little casual game that you can pick up, play as much or as little as you like, put it down, and come back to it at your convenience."
"I'm just gonna play Wordle instead."
"It's not a very deep game, but it never needed to be. Sometimes it's fun to splash in a puddle."
"If you've got a good idea for just a little time waster kind of game, you can really make a splash."
"It's a very interesting game to kill some time."
"It's really kind of cool, the diverse casting characters, it's relaxing, lightly challenging, but it's also a great escape and it's really fun."
"Gaming casually, it's fine; it's better than your current screen."
"My dad's much more casual, he likes the old stuff like Donkey Kong and Pac-Man."
"Sometimes it's fun to just relax, let your luck do the talking, and enjoy the intense thrill of uncertainty."
"You could probably make like cool little tiny ITX type base systems that, you know, can do casual type gaming."