
Gaming Criticism Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"I've always hated that about the Sims, how your trait being vegetarian was like one-third of your entire personality."
"Diablo Immortal is like some pay-to-win trash game, and everybody kind of knows that."
"EA have prioritized menu grinding once again over gameplay grinding."
"As much as I'm giving ADCs right now about being bad, their role is the shittiest role right now."
"Blizzard has managed to kill OverWatch twice."
"Rockstar doesn't care about the definitive edition, and neither should you, ladies and gentlemen."
"The biggest complaint that Star Wars Battlefront received was over the absence of a single-player campaign."
"The absolute number one issue with this game right now is still the AI."
"Disliking a game doesn’t inherently make it bad."
"You cannot be of the opinion that this out of game progression is good in Cold War and at the same time complain that the game is too easy."
"The game felt clearly like a game as a service and I mean that in the bad not finished but trying to sell future content sort of way."
"It just takes what it first seems like a more complex and interesting system and just boils it down to chasing one very specific thing."
"Honestly, in 30 years of gaming, I think this is the most despicable, disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life."
"I think if they're able to beat C9 in the best-of-five then they have a chance of doing well against international teams as well."
"Post-launch micro-transactions turn video games into a fucking honey trap."
"I think we're gonna about to be on the last level."
"If you honestly don't like the original games, that's perfectly fine."
"Some of our favorite games can have some fairly glaring flaws."
"There shouldn't be a thing in a game mode like FIFA Ultimate Team."
"Exactly zero end game content... just really disappointing."
"My biggest criticisms: games take themselves so seriously these days."
"I'm just surprised how little people online discuss how bad this game truly is."
"I think Diablo Immortal is not the problem, I think the way they set up and presented Blizzcon is the problem."
"It's a straight up pay to win huge massive team with a lot of the cards that you guys want to see."
"People have a legitimate reason to be upset and the game is being panned."
"We're not beating up on bad games just to be mean."
"Zelda 2 is not as terrible as everyone says, it's easier to play now with the help of the internet."
"Star Wars Battlefront... progression system completely broken... pay2win mechanics."
"FIFA at the end of the day is always gonna be a bad game."
"I think my only real complaint is that Boros, they just kind of shoehorned it into, 'You love equipment, don't you?'"
"Boring, safe, and repetitive game design is the Kryptonite of Call of Duty."
"Pokémon's main problem is a lack of innovation, whereas Animal Crossing's main problem is basic quality of life issues and the lack of innovation."
"Pay-to-win is likely the first thing to pop into someone's head when they hear ArcheAge and failure in the same sentence."
"Overwatch 2 feels like a massive mistake by Blizzard."
"It's a devaluing of gameplay itself. That's what microtransactions are."
"The high watermark system is one of the worst in-game progression systems ever conceived."
"NO! It wasnt. Now you may be thinking: But Act Man, I think the req system is just fine the way it is! (Laughter) Youre funny! Do you honestly think the req system couldnt have been improved in any way? REALL?!"
"Halo Infinite is starting to look more and more finite."
"It's the cool thing to hate on Call of Duty, but it's blown out of proportion."
"343 desperately wants Halo to look like an ugly casual game full of cartoony ugly armor and weird skins."
"I hate loot boxes. I absolutely hate loot boxes."
"Star Wars Battlefront 2 is the game that shook us into awakening because it showed us how a game can be top to bottom ruined by greed."
"Let's start looking at these games seriously: Roblox might be worse than Fortnite."
"We've just gone from level 16 to level 42 by moving a Sultron chest on and off a random Exploiter Bot 9000. This is completely and utterly stupid."
"I do also concede that if you don't find yourself engaged in the experience it will probably come off as repetitive."
"The direction of the Division franchise has deteriorated to the point where it is summed up precisely and eloquently by the lyrics of the venerable musician polymath and disinformationist Reggie Watts in his now legendary song [ __ ] [ __ ] stack."
"I heard the same two voice lines from these people more times than I've ever heard anything in my entire life."
"Definitely a beautiful new start, leaves indicate new beginnings."
"Locking iconic playable heroes behind ridiculous credit numbers is bad."
"Sonic Colors deserved more than this; it deserved a proper remake."
"Anyone who says otherwise, they're trying to scam you. This character is broken."
"You don't create a genre by taking a unique game and unnecessarily changing its core mechanics."
"I remember people are saying how can you have an opinion about Fallout 76, you just played the beta. And I was like dude if you played the beta, you played the whole [ __ ] game. Betas today are just early access."
"There's really nothing satisfying about a pay to win MMO."
"As bad as the season passes the GTA plus crappy subscription and the shark card monetization and the lack of proper IP masking I can at least say the single player experiences for these games are good."
"It hooks you in with the idea of an isometric open world survival game, but it's just laborious fetch quests."
"No, I do not need to play the game to know for sure that it's not like the originals despite people telling me that I needed to play it before I could tell for sure."
"Simply because the character controls and vehicle handling fall so far away from adequate, games like PUBG introduced the first-person perspective and interest in the games skyrocketed as a result."
"I would never understand people who fawn over realism in games. Is the thing fun? No, remove it."
"What a great argument, WoW has always been bad, why make it good now?"
"I'm not a fan of shock waves or crash pads... they allow you to exploit."
"At the very least it would be tough to argue a case for this game not at least being the greatest Capcom vs. SNK or soba game of them all."
"Unlocking these forges you had to complete quests that had you doing nothing but pathetic busy work."
"The combat system is unbelievably basic, not particularly enjoyable, and lacks responsiveness, precision, and a lot of weight behind the swings."
"Gotham Knights is not at all committed to immersing you in an authentic bat family fantasy it is Instead This awkward mishmash of disparate game systems that don't fit together properly and that clash with one another"
"The gear system is laughably bad like Avengers level bad for real."
"Why would you remove all the stuff that makes the game cool?"
"This changes everything, Sharima is kind of ass."
"Wow at its worst feels like a lifeless collection of systems and content. Like all of those things is the cure to that problem hopefully they nail it."
"Even if you do want to defend the place and there's no way this wasn't the stupidest idea anybody in games had for years."
"I've always thought microtransactions were obnoxious and shady and whatnot, but now I just feel like it's a terminal illness that may have already spread too far to be cured."
"I am literally the best in the world, me and 11 people are forever scarred by this game that plays three songs over and over. This game has no redeeming qualities at all."
"But with how accessible the overpowered DLC items are to beginning players, it completely offsets the balance and challenge of how a first playthrough should be."
"If it weren't for the absurd level of trolling fromsoft did with the final arena this would be the undisputed worst boss arena in the franchise."
"World PvP is objectively not fun for people."
"World PvP is trash content, it's [__] annoying."
"Star Fox Zero tries too hard to be like 64 without the charm or soul."
"If the long ago legendary Blizzard and Diablo names were not attached to Diablo 4, it would have faltered and died a swift death."
"Crota has a bridge and like our other Bridge encounter in this list this one kind of sucks."
"Stop [ __ ] killing kids Game Freak, even Call of Duty is outclassing you in this one."
"Mobile gaming is a plague. Let's strive to keep the plague isolated to a self-destructing market."
"I'm actually presented unbiasedly, you know. I don't think that melts I don't think melts like some insane player but he definitely is better than you bro."
"FIFA's about being a rat, seriously. FIFA's about being a rat."
"That's good drama from a story context where the last levels were kinda lame."
"I'm not saying it's a bad run but I am saying, 'Hey shithead, I picked up the left hand.'"
"You guys are at 1k MMR because you are weak players, not because your allies are bad."
"I despise cash shops in all video games. I would personally throw all of them into a pit and fill it with the currently very expensive gasoline and burn it all up if I had the power to do so."
"To leave Breath of the Wild 2 off of this list is very strange to me."
"This dull washed-out dreary open plane full of copy-pasted assets and lacking gameplay is not a trade-off."
"They're nothing but a pain in the ass and the map would be instantly better without them."
"I really hope this game absolutely bombs in sales, that way they learn."
"I should just sit here until the developers come and give me a fish. I'm gonna sit here and live stream, bash the game endlessly until they explain to me why this game is so bad."
"The Master Chief in Halo 5 is one of the most disgraceful, disgusting and offensive interpretations of the Master Chief."
"Classic Sonic has by far the least number of stages so far so again he just feels like he doesn't have a good to be here and I hate that because I love classic Sonic but it's like maybe he should have just stuck in Mania."
"Old habits die hard, and this misapplication has pretty much become a staple of every game since."
"It's repetitive for repetitive sake. I shouldn't have to do the seasonal story on every character if I don't want to."
"I think too many people take all of the older games and put them up on a pedestal as untouchable."
"What do they get? A cyan banner? That's rubbish, 16 of them. Not helpful."
"Call me crazy but I think the world has enough people screeching about how all their favorite games are 10 out of 10 perfect and don't need to be criticized."
"Weak men complain about good rainbow road design, never mind I like them, don't ban them."
"The people that say Xbox has no games, like who gives a [ __ ]?"
"5e provides us an underpowered monster, what a bummer."
"It's inexcusable that once again Nintendo releases an online game without an invite system. Enough's enough with this lobby system!"
"This game is just dead, okay? Let's be really honest."
"This [ __ ] is the worst thing to happen to Overwatch."
"Welcome to the future that this random guy in a red shirt warned us about. Is this uh an out of season April Fool's joke? What's so funny about this is that he was right. Like, he was [ __ ] right."
"Prepare for the actually terrible part of Diablo Immortal: the microtransactions."
"Silent Hill Ascension is the worst thing to ever happen to Silent Hill."
"The rating system in this game is absolute garbage. It's biased, selective, opinionated, and just overall a mess."
"They have basically destroyed the no stock attachment."
"I have no idea what they were thinking with Dynomax, to be honest."
"You are going to screw up men for generations to come."
"The common complaint is that fourth edition was designed too much like a video game and doesn't give too much room for players to properly roleplay."
"Game Party Champions: 'Game Party Champions is a complete waste of everyone’s time.'"
"This is no god, just a guy who's a solid player, who plays kind of like a donk sometimes."
"I'm not responsible blizzard pitch and hold the class into bad cards... but it's still cool."
"I think no matter how much you like a game or a franchise, ignoring its faults is stupid."