
Graphics Quotes

There are 1082 quotes

"This game is actually majestic and, even though graphically it might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, it is still one of the best games ever made."
"The graphics are amazing, and the combat is so fluid."
"F1's got new graphics for their introduction. They're probably the best ones they've had so far."
"Good looking graphics do not necessarily equal good gameplay."
"The graphics are very well done, the lighting is really good, the sound design is incredible."
"The game looks amazing when you crank this game up to maximum settings with ray tracing."
"Visually, 'Rise of the Tomb Raider' looks insanely good with an even more realistic character model for Lara and some unbelievably well-done lighting effects."
"The graphical fidelity, the graphical jump from Halo 5 to Infinite, specifically in terms of armors, is legitimately the biggest that I've ever seen for any franchise on any platform."
"I would honestly even say that this is as much of a graphical jump as the jump from Halo 2 to Halo 3."
"More than anything, critics were astounded by Killzone's visuals."
"The easiest way to describe ambient occlusion is on a bright sunny day, throw a 2x4 on the ground. There's that shadow there between the grass and the 2x4, and what happens with ambient occlusion is they go about really accurately mimicking that shadow."
"Zuckerberg Metaverse slammed for ugly graphics."
"The rain looks so real, dude. You can see every droplet."
"The characters and graphics in this game look absolutely phenomenal."
"I think graphics are really important in an MMO in a weird way. It's like, if you have a really good graphics MMO, it creates that escapism because it's closer to real life."
"This is one of the most demanding games out there. I also think it's one of the most beautiful games."
"Forbidden West is easily one of the most gorgeous looking games out today."
"Now that we've had updated graphics... I just feel like Moon plays better."
"Hello, I'm Brian Karis, Technical Director of Graphics here at Epic Games. A few years ago, we got together as a team and brainstormed where we thought we could push forward the state-of-the-art in real-time graphics."
"Enjoy eye-popping graphics, super smooth controls, and a variety of exciting play modes."
"From strands to realism: cycles revolutionizes hair rendering."
"Speaking of unused content in Megamix, lots of graphics that were never used in the first place made it in as well!"
"The sensation of swinging is greatly enhanced by the graphics of course but also the incredible animation quality."
"The simplicity of Minecraft contrasts so greatly with the bleeding edge of real-time ray tracing that now Minecraft, the worst-looking game in the world, is the best-looking game in the world."
"MLB09 was actually one of the best-looking sports games on the market."
"In terms of a graphics of the Year award I think that I'd probably give it to Avatar."
"Cheering represents the biggest shift in PC graphics technology we've seen for a long time."
"This is real state-of-the-art graphic performance."
"Honestly, I'm surprised it was possible for Minecraft to get more pixelated."
"Just like you can buy a g-sync model and use it with an AMD GPU."
"It looked really impressive, really polished. Everything looked like a really super high level detail."
"It's a beautiful looking game, I like the reflections, it's very nice."
"Visually fallout 4 was miles ahead of its predecessors with smoother animation work beautiful volumetric lighting effects and a level of environmental detail unmatched by other titles in the series."
"Reforger is beautiful, it's a major step forward from Arma 3."
"It's like when you see like Mario at the beginning of Mario Kart 8, and it's like the nice fully rendered Mario, it's like yeah, this looks like that."
"Horizon 2, which looks just as good as I would have hoped."
"It's got great graphics... feels very well polished."
"Overall gta 5 is expectedly a far superior game when it comes to its visual presentation."
"These graphics look pretty crisp, I'm actually very impressed."
"Visually, this thing looks amazing. I can't deny that."
"I think the graphics are really, really good... there aren't many ARPGs out there in my opinion that look better than Diablo 4."
"The production values of the cutscenes are insane."
"We wanted the GPU to be used for far more than conventional graphics."
"Physically based rendering forms the basis of modern real-time graphics."
"Systems make games fun, but graphics make those systems far more enjoyable."
"Overall, Resident Evil 8 is an amazing looking game."
"Most modern video game water looks pretty damn juicy."
"FSR 2.0 can produce better than native results like Nvidia also claims for DLSS."
"This is matched with some stunning detail in the character models backed up by wonderful motion captured performances."
"Skyforge is a nice combat system with some lovely graphics and actually really engaging boss fights featuring various mechanics and challenging encounters held back by a general lack of polish."
"PlayStation 2 showcased impressive new methods for rendering water."
"This game is just so beautiful everywhere you look, whether it's the birds or the water or the foliage on the windows, everything just looks so incredible."
"The gameplay is super polished, the graphics still hold up."
"Graphics that have a feel of escapism... make it easier to be immersed in a game."
"The graphics were top-tier for a mobile game."
"They have really stepped up their game as far as textures go on food."
"The idea behind a stinger transition is that it is a video that plays between two different scenes, so that it seamlessly switches between the scenes with the graphic coming over the top."
"Would they go at so far as to actually abolish democracy... that's essentially the central issue of our political conflict right now."
"Video game graphics are perhaps the most hotly debated topic in the hobby every generation."
"Visuals still hold up, but I've got to say the fine-grain detailing on grass and elements soften with 1440p."
"The graphics are more beautiful than real life, I'll never have to go outside again!"
"Physics, the atmosphere is pretty good while the graphics don't look great."
"Just look at how well the game holds up everything you're seeing here is pure PS5 and Series X footage native 4K in the game's new fidelity mode with ray-trace shadows enabled."
"The biggest change that you're gonna see is that ray tracing is here and it looks sick..."
"The graphics are unbelievable and yet there is little to no lag."
"The graphics are crisp, the maps are dynamic and fun to get to know, the gameplay is exhilarating and the controls are the best of what mobile gaming has to offer."
"Graphics are all maxed and the resolution is the monitor's native and it still looks great."
"I'm kind of a sucker for depth of field effects, and it has no noticeable performance impact."
"It's really hard to beat the look and immersion of a scene like this with it on."
"Destiny 2 looks really good visually, I kind of think it looks better than Halo Infinite at this point."
"Graphics don't necessarily mean quality. You can still make something great without the best graphics."
"The jump in resolution and frame rate in most games alone will look fantastic."
"I'm a guy who prefers gameplay and story over that, you know, the prettiest graphics in the game."
"This is a really fun game with great graphics and a better-than-average soundtrack."
"This is awesome. The visuals are like so well done in this game."
"The game visually looks stunning, end of discussion."
"Ray tracing: Overcomes visual challenges in making scenes look realistic."
"What's even more impressive is that the overall visual makeup of the game looks very close to what we were promised."
"Dying Light 2, looks absolutely great so far."
"Particle density in Far Cry 6 enhances chaotic action, with sparks flying and explosions everywhere."
"The winner for best graphics 2018: Red Dead Redemption 2."
"Wow, the graphics on this game are phenomenal."
"The game has a lot of fine detail up close but also at a distance."
"DLSS could make a relatively low-resolution image look pretty good on a 4K screen."
"Good graphics do not make a good game, South Korea is proof of that as are the vast majority of their games."
"The graphics don't matter that much. It's all about the gameplay."
"There's really no contest, Gears 5 holds up great today with lots of great texture work."
"Twilight Princess on GameCube still looks good... honestly looks like an early Xbox 360 game."
"It looks set to be fantastic looking in shiny 4k and a great sequel to the experimental first game."
"Glory kills are unnecessarily graphic, I love them."
"War After, it's got one of the best graphics out of any game on this list, and it is so satisfying when you play this game."
"Forza Horizon 4... manages to look great but also play at very high frame rates."
"This is our first look at the future of Graphics technology."
"Intel's Xe GPU delivers a significant leap in performance, making integrated graphics a viable option for gaming and productivity."
"I honestly couldn't believe how good it looked and how smooth I could run it."
"The graphics do look stunning. It's just basic cinematic shots we've seen before, but that's a really good idea of how much different the game looks."
"You put together the graphics, you got a real game going."
"Ray tracing in this game is a strong visual upgrade on the regular rasterization settings."
"I cannot wait for more games to be on Unreal Engine 5; it just looks so freaking good."
"Your best chance of ensuring higher quality visuals in the future is to have a large VRAM buffer."
"The usage of ray-traced effects in control is sublime."
"Here we are looking at a top-tier graphical presentation."
"Breath of the Wild 2 is probably going to be the best looking game on Switch."
"The graphics and sound presentation is fantastic... everything is vibrant well drawn and animated nicely."
"Wow, nice graphics! I'd like to get my hands on that game."
"16 times the detail will be making a comeback with starfield."
"The graphics will still look rock-solid and the images will still be locked."
"Some games look like absolute doo-doo on this PC."
"Opinions aside, the GeForce RTX 470 super was clearly superior."
"Nvidia currently has the best frame smoothing technology."
"Ray tracing is one of those technologies that I believe strongly in."
"It's a very attractive game the animation is so fluid."
"This is beautiful as you start this game out in an egg this game where it loses in graphics and beautiful ISM it gains in originality."
"The graphics on this game really are outstanding."
"It's an expensive thing... You still get the dynamic lights in the reflections."
"Doom offers refined level design, clever combat, and cutting-edge visuals."
"Oh man, this is just look at this game oh my god it is so Ragnarok Online it's insane and the graphics just beautiful."
"Dying Light 2 on PC explodes past the other versions on a capable GPU, allowing you to dramatically transform the visuals of the game. It's truly a graphics juggernaut."
"The Last of Us: 'The graphics are extremely well done for the console though, some of the best you'll see here.'"
"The characters appeared somewhat jaggy and low res compared to the insanely good looking stages."
"The RTX 3070 is just that real sweet spot for high-end gaming at 1440p."
"The graphics have been a major selling point to the game."
"Ray-tracing being the next level and adding realism to games."
"The pressure map for the GPU is now going to be our reference point for what is the best possible pressure map we've ever seen so that was cool to get out of this as well."
"The game had great looking assets and state-of-the-art lighting."
"Graphically speaking, wow, there's one thing that Sonic Team is consistent in: making Sonic games look absolutely beautiful."
"The lighting effects look absolutely beautiful."
"It's really interesting that we're now at the graphical impasse almost of where we can go. What more can you do?"
"Ray tracing enables incredible detail not possible without it."
"The final game actually presents a more realistic take on ambient shadowing here."
"Visually there are changes but the game looks phenomenal in its final form."
"The graphics are really cool, I love this style. Angry Birds always had a great style and I think they've really translated it nicely."
"The A4000 and A5000 GPUs are designed for speeding up AI, graphics, and real-time rendering."
"Up to 69% more performance for graphics from having PCI Gen 4."
"The game's graphics are actually superb, better than I thought."
"It's packed with features, the handling is better than any other home version before it, and it just looks fantastic in motion."
"The game's graphical prowess and arcade perfect gameplay combined make it the latest standard for excellence."
"Ray tracing: It's the way of the future for computer graphics."
"I forgot how good this game was. It's a wonderful game. The graphics... This is such a departure from what we just looked at."
"The visuals in this game are amazing even now, 21 years later."
"Sekiro has the best graphics of a FromSoft game to date." - 2019
"That game looks so good and it looks amazing at 60fps."
"This is going to be one of the most competitive falls in graphics that I've seen in my entire lifetime."
"You can think of shaders as functions that run on the GPU."
"I cried twice... the graphics were amazing, the world was fantastic."
"I'm actually kind of stunned about how good this game looks."
"These guys look amazing in-game, their animations fighting them, and they can be pretty devastating at points."
"Everything they're showing here looks fantastic."
"This game is astonishing when it comes to graphics."
"The PSP made visuals that were very impressive."
"With PS4 Pro, we can now deliver richer textures and 4k graphics on top of our trademark 60 frames per second gameplay."
"The sheer detail in the cityscape... the world just pops with so much more detail and vibrancy."
"Resident Evil Village: A classic return for the RE engine, looking fantastic."
"There is also an extensive use of tessellation for rounding out bricks and adding that extra height of displacement to many surfaces."
"It's amazing to think about how these were once the top-notch graphics available to you in video games."
"It's so interesting seeing these kind of graphics, it feels so old school and retro."
"We like good graphics, right? It doesn't make a good game just having good graphics."
"The quality of the facial rendering is so high that initially I was not sure I was looking at a video game asset."
"I'm usually not one to care for Bethesda games, but I genuinely think Starfield looks amazing."
"The xenomorph has never before looked and sounded so good."
"Blender 3.2 revolutionizes polygon painting with new tools, usability improvements, and unprecedented performance."
"From a visual perspective, I think the procgen stuff fits in just fine."
"The normal map doesn't add anything to the render times which makes it amazing."
"It's crazy to believe that this was made by only one person because of how graphically amazing it looks."
"Can you believe that we ever played games that looked like this? I used to look at this and genuinely think this could be a film."
"Draw distances in particular I think are just amazing here."
"Graphic independence in WPF means it uses device-independent pixels, ensuring consistent display across different resolutions."
"I do have to commend Nvidia for pushing the boundaries of computer graphics."
"Horizon Forbidden West gameplay we've seen thus far has looked remarkable."
"This game having reflections? That's insane!"
"Everything about this game is great, from booty to 2D."
"Ray tracing is basically the next step to complete photo realism."
"The graphical performance on this was just out of this world."
"I think it symbolizes this game as a whole, where some of the visuals are some of the best I think I've ever seen from a lighting standpoint."
"This is perhaps one of the most visually striking games of the generation."
"You can see we have realistic reflections going on in our scene, so that's pretty cool."
"There's our object in our scene and it's looking pretty cool."
"The graphics of Final Fantasy are actually awesome for the NES."
"The game looks incredible from a graphical standpoint."
"Graphics and visuals of the game are top tier, absolutely stunning."
"Look at the graphics, look at the clouds in the sky, it's just something to behold."
"This looks like the exact way older 3D video games would render outdoors and nature settings within level box designs."
"Even after all my complaints if the game still looks fun then I suggest you go get it... if you consider graphics to be more important than gameplay then I don't suggest you do get it."
"It's the same thing with like PC you know you might be able to play this game at 30fps at 1080p with low quality but if you have the advanced you know the advanced graphics card you fresh box you'd be able to get better graphics now."
"I'm pretty blown away by how good this game looks and feels."
"Graphics and sound aren't everything as long as the game is fun to play, I couldn't care less if the game went back to 8-bit."
"I'm just so blown away by how beautiful it looks. The open world seems so detailed and there's so many things to do."
"You can group multiple layers inside of graphics too so let's highlight both of these layers."
"Seriously guys, you gotta check out these shaders."
"The graphics are amazing and not just for the textures."
"The graphics, however, Bravo 2k one of my bigger complaints with NBA 2k 17 was how the duck ass ugly it was."
"The graphics look good in this, though. Since when did Roblox get so fancy?"
"It's familiar but it's not, there's something so well done already about the graphics, the cinematics."
"The procedural generation and the visuals in general look much more improved... rendering distance drastically increased."
"Shadow of the Colossus fixed every issue I had with it, the graphical details added blew me away."
"A good game is a good game despite its graphical capabilities."
"I've added to the console game engine the ability to draw a triangle."
"The look-at matrix allows us to position and rotate an object in our world space."
"This approach is called Flat Shading, and it’s the most basic lighting algorithm."
"Final Fantasy 7 Remake Integrate includes multiple graphical gameplay and system enhancements, improved textures, lighting, and background environments."