
Business Improvement Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"I was real down in the dumps...but Gordon Ramsay being here this week, it's made me think we can make a better life and a better business here."
"Six Sigma is a set of quality management techniques and tools used for improving business processes...these techniques rely on statistics and actual data that is gathered only after analyzing the practiced processes."
"We've really looked at some of the top hitting items in terms of what customers said we'd like to see some improvement in."
"Our customer satisfaction went from non-existent to 98%."
"One way to make your business better is to get better at hiring."
"I think KFC is a great example...things are starting to look up, things are starting to get better. Why is that? Because of competition in the space."
"Who's really been doing a good job recently is KFC. KFC has really turned a lot of shit around."
"Now how could Games Workshop improve? All they honestly need is a bit more transparency and direct community engagement."
"That's how a company gets better... you don't just ignore all your customers."
"The best way to make your business better is hiring correctly."
"This is a CEO that runs an all Boeing 737 airline, one of Boeing's best customers, saying that Boeing needs to become a better company."
"Have the courage to tweak the content... analyze what's truly working."
"And if you've been thinking about getting better tools for managing your money in business, please check out QuickBooks at the link in our description or the show notes."
"Improving customer experience is going to be improved because of the way that cryptocurrency works."
"If suddenly your customer relationship is much tighter, if the proximity between you and a customer is better, then you're gonna serve them a lot better across your platforms."
"Now we can finally lift off of rock bottom, and it's all because of Chef Jen."
"From 1% to 2% conversion - simple tweaks for exponential growth."
"We heard your feedback... we are gonna make continuous improvements."
"AI is going to improve their business, improve their productivity, improve their risk selection."
"Sales and brand perception had improved significantly."
"The day-to-day running of the restaurant has improved dramatically with less stress on their finances. The relationship of Chuck and Eartha is back on track, meaning this jazz family is truly back in harmony."
"I love the fact that this could be an improvement for quality control and for customer service."
"Oversaturation is a myth. If someone else is doing it, you can kind of find flaws in their system and build your business just in a better way than they are."
"We need help in the areas in which we're not strong at present." - Jim Ryan
"I feel like we're finally getting a hold of the stock here."
"The easiest way not to make that mistake is to constantly innovate, to be better, to make more money, to improve in your deliverable, to improve in your product offering."
"Service has stepped up. Food is going out on time. And most importantly, the customers are happy. Bloody well done!"
"These tiny tweaks that I think will give huge outcomes for us and them but I wouldn't have done if I didn't have that next level of pressure."
"We're gonna keep being out there trying to make things better, improving how we communicate to you guys and our customers and you have my word on that."
"You truly have to be consistent in working on your shop, always thinking of the next thing you can do to level it up, to build it out more, to make your listings better."
"Improvement is our aim: From reading bad reviews to finding better products, we strive for excellence."
"Analytics is everything data is everything right now can tell you everything you need to know about your business and how you can improve your business man."
"It's not the result Alex was hoping for, but with Lanterna in desperate need of a revamp, I want to show him it's possible to change the look of the restaurant without spending lots of money."
"The main thing is, I tell my customers to come back and tell me if it's bad or good. So then I start looking for ways to change."
"It's like after years of us badgering them to fix things they're actually like hey maybe our customers might know something."
"But we've gotten even better and better at it and I think it's going to create a re-emergent scenario where magic is going to be even greater for our guests when they do come back to our parks."
"The automotive market needs a lot of help and needs a lot of things to be fixed."
"Every misplaced moment can feel like a missed opportunity and a lost chance to make your own business better."
"We're really focusing on trying to make those iteration things less painful."
"Doing little things to kind of switch things up can make a huge difference."
"Always there's room for a company to improve."
"I really believe in this blockchain technology, I think it's a better way of doing business."
"I'm here to help this place. I really need your honest feedback."
"Congrats to this customer for pushing us to be better than what we already are."
"Targeting abroad has worked significantly better for me."
"The firm implemented its new approach in late 1989."
"Be present but also be open to being pleasantly surprised."
"Join the platform class, you're gonna walk out a better photographer, a better business person."
"Commit to change something in your business, your life, your schedule."
"Cloud for the sake of cloud is not relevant, cloud for the sake of how to improve your value delivery and how do you improve your IT to be a more effective business partner that's the right answer."
"An excellent month for your business activities."
"Criticism is healthy. All marketplaces are better off with criticism because you let people be heard about their real experiences, both good and bad."
"Building more positive and meaningful connections with customers."
"My goal is to make it more user friendly, help more people, cut down on work, and just make things better."
"You have more control over your destiny than you think right there's almost always something that you can do to make your company better."
"I'm making these companies better, and I'm not talking about it. I'm using legal action to force them to do it. And when after they do it, then they're better."
"Better people run better businesses. Once I started to unpack who I was and re-tag my triggers, I had no reason not to be successful."
"With Gordon's help, the restaurant got a little 'make-over' and began to earn its 'Best pizza in Denver' title back!"
"My final thoughts on the new store are that is a massive and huge improvement over the previous one."
"Simple things can make a huge difference in your business."
"We've been able to dramatically improve our lead time."
"The beauty of crypto is that it can make a business better."
"Apple is so successful, they need ongoing critique for improvement."
"Competition makes wrestling companies work harder and can often make them better."
"One of our customers, Ace & Tate, improved sales by 16 percent, just by going headless and implementing a Next.js frontend on Vercel."
"It's massive reduction that you've done and when you do that and you add that much improvement to something like now the user retention is gonna like almost double for facebook."
"A lot of these issues that I'm pointing out, they're actually really easy fixes."
"Governance is all about demonstrating how the business can be made better through better data."
"You're gonna start learning new things that you need to implement in your life to improve your business."
"Collecting data from customers is essential as it helps improve various business processes."
"Lean Six Sigma helps organizations of all sizes in any industry increase revenue, reduce costs, and improve collaboration in today's increasingly competitive business world."
"By properly implementing kaizen at your workplace, you can achieve a good amount of positive results in various aspects of your business."
"Lean Six Sigma will help increase customer satisfaction."
"Enhanced operational capability is one of the benefits of using the DMAC methodology."
"Continual improvement: to align the organization's practices and services with changing business needs through the ongoing improvement of products, services, and practices."
"That dramatic improvement, order of magnitude improvement, convinced everybody else in the plant that this is something we want to deal with, this is something we want to do."
"The primary goal for Six Sigma is to work on those projects that while very commonly or usually lead to increased profits, really address any issue that is deemed to be critical for the business."
"Not only did it save us money, it also simplified a number of complex processes."
"The menu is simpler, a lot easier. We can do volume now. Now, we've got a chance to put the [__] thing right."
"Adding the cinnamon bread stands at the front of the park is a good step in the right direction."
"After six months of use, the turnover had increased by 7.5 percent as a direct result of its implementation."
"By training the employees and telling them what we want, motivating them, rewarding them, which in turn improves our product, which in turn makes the customer happy."
"That is the type of culture I want to be around, and I truly believe it'll change your business."
"To the degree you strengthen these six key components in your business, everything just has a way of falling into place."
"Unhappy customers are the greatest source of learning for any business to improve itself."
"It's always better to know then you can truly making those steps towards being a healthier company as well."
"Let's discuss how to optimize your processes and increase efficiency."
"What I realized was is that when I help a fitness professional improve a business, what I've actually done is given them the tools they need to change more lives."
"Photography is one of the very most important things you need to focus on to take your business to that next professional level."
"After I got the client management system, I saw a 40 percent increase in my events."
"The only thing that can help you is actually sitting that money your business and improving."
"We have to promote our services better, we have to educate people better, we have to be transparent, we have to be fair."
"Initiate company's first subscription business improvement project and reduce overdue payment by 90%, revenue impact of $35 million."
"It's a simplifying construct that helps motivate, inspire people to want to create more promoters and fewer detractors."
"I find that by implementing a super simple structure here, I'm able to get way better results."
"Benchmarking should form part of any organization's quest for continuous improvement."
"The real value and what motivates people is the information that they can gain to improve their business processes as a result of analyzing the data."
"The better my mental health is, the better my business will be, the better my family life will be, and everything will improve."
"Become a better business with us."
"SPC is an effective method to drive continuous improvement."
"Splunk helps us to improve our productivity and business and IT."
"Excellent communication is our principal means of improvement."
"You can actually have a field day and improve your supply chain."
"It's about innovation and using those small incremental steps to improve innovation within the business."
"Mapping out all of your processes that are significant for your business, or your various practices in your life, you'll become better at them when you understand them."
"Creating better work environments helps people reach their potential and improve business results."
"Churn decreased 43.7% on an annualized basis during the first year."
"When our partners got better, our business got better."
"There's typically a 32% reduction in downtime after implementing a CMS."
"If we decide to organize all our work around the principles of simplicity and clarification and ignore everything else, our lives would be simpler, our business would be much, much, much more improved."
"We're making foundational improvements to how you edit and customize your store to tell your brand story exactly the way you want."
"We're a team of data-obsessed business leaders, analysts, and researchers united in the mission to use data and experience to improve our clients' businesses."
"You can turbocharge production of all types of content like art, music, or animations, and you can use generative AI to improve business operations."
"Continuous improvement is a concept of constantly looking for ways to improve a process and eliminate waste."
"We're a specialty carrier and I'm always looking for ways to improve fuel economy."
"Improved business results since all employees are focusing on activities that add more value to the company."
"Improving the business environment will require the US and Japan to work together through demonstrating leadership and formulating a roadmap."
"I hope you can take the lessons you've learned today into your own business and translate them into your own business improvements."
"I would do it again, there was a small learning curve... we've learned a lot over these hundred prints, and I would definitely do it again, I think it's a really nice setup."
"Every single piece of information that I am giving is something actionable that you can do to improve your business."
"Speed really does matter. It improves your company, your user experience."
"We just had to tweak that little bit and now we're good, we're a star."
"I help businesses improve project success through better business analysis."
"Getting real feedback from your employees and having tools for measuring their satisfaction is something that can definitely help boost all areas of your business."
"After completion of this course, I will learn to research and analyze information in new ways that will add value to my business."
"It's important we look at how we actually deliver it to our clients."
"Our vision was determined by customer satisfaction, first and foremost, measured by a few understandable metrics, supported by a workforce that's trained and empowered to deliver the improvement and across the entire business."
"I think it's a very good step for my company, for my business, because it will give you guys faster shipping, cheaper shipping, more reliable shipping, more professional shipping."
"She's trying to make your business better."