
Industry Experience Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Before that I was a CG Supervisor at ILM (Industrial Light & Magic) in San Francisco."
"I've been working in the industry as a consultant for over 13 years and have helped hundreds of thousands of students learn technology in a fun and interactive way."
"I just want that family aspect. I've been in this industry for so long."
"Our biggest wins have always come with more experience. The more time you're in the industry, the more you're going to be able to identify a great opportunity."
"And so I went there, I signed and then I was the only female up until probably like six months ago or less than that."
"Selena Gomez's experience resonates with countless women in the entertainment industry."
"He is this 23-year veteran of Blizzard who was there from the very beginning."
"Let me tell you something real quick, lean in. I've been in this game a long [ __ ] time. I've seen things, I've heard things, I've witnessed things, I've done things."
"I've been a music producer for the last 17 years."
"Mel Gibson was effectively blacklisted from Hollywood for about a decade."
"Anime Boston cared as much about its attendees as it did about industry experience."
"You have to keep that in check. And sometimes you miss the mark. If you want to be different, that's something I've heard from my 14 years in this industry. If you want to be different to all your peers, sometimes you will get it very wrong."
"I see this populist movement growing, and you know, I've worked in the mainstream media now for 35 years."
"Just warning you of the dangers. See, because I've been through certain things in my life especially in the industry that I work in so I know that God is real."
"Lucid isn't starting from scratch when it comes to the development of their first mass-market electric vehicle."
"Honestly, I would rather read an application from someone who knows what they're doing, who says 'Yes, I'm a professional, I make games, this is what I do, I have this much experience. I absolutely can complete this job.'"
"But one for sure, you cannot discount Rocket Lab's orbital launch experience."
"The single most chaotic year that I've ever seen in this business ever and it's not even close."
"If you work with a company that's been around for a long time like Northern Arizona Wind & Sun, they're gonna honor their warranty, they're gonna take care of you."
"Time in this industry is without a doubt one of the most important factors in your own ability to have success."
"Almost 75 percent of the financial advisory industry right now in the US is in the business less than 12 years."
"Utilizing our decades of industry experience, we select new projects and add them to the development schedule."
"It's not necessarily that EVs are less reliable because of EV stuff, the problem is that they tend to be from manufacturers that are new at this."
"Prince was a very caring man that wanted to lay down some groundwork based on what he's been through in this industry for the next generation."
"The boot camp is designed by me in Hamilton and we have some serious industry experience."
"I have been in this industry for 20 years and I would absolutely consider myself one of the top African-American celebrity stylists in Nashville."
"It took me actually until leaving the camp that I figured out that everything that went on was bad because I just chalked it up so you know oh Elizabeth might be a diva or you know this is just the industry this is what we we go through."
"Having people around you who have experience in the industry is so important."
"After living both living in LA and working in the film industry I found myself having to question my own common sense quite a bit right like I had to kind of talk myself into some things um."
"These are my vinyl box sets. I've had the pleasure because I worked in the music industry for so long for two decades that I got a lot of access to Backstage and I've met a lot of my favorite bands ever."
"It's the experience and it's things that you go through in this industry that determines your worth."
"I used to be a process engineer for the polymer and textile industry, I really love it."
"Zacklift is a company that's been around for 40 plus years, they've always made these hydraulic under reaches."
"This is where we like to share our experience with you to help you be prepared for the trucking industry."
"Whisker is known for having over 22 years of experience in the industry."
"When it comes to making hybrids, no other brand has more experience than Toyota."
"We have just done it and done it the best, and there's a reason why we've lasted for 20 plus years."
"The reason why we call this ten thousand hours is because these guys literally have decades of hits already being a part of this music industry."
"I was really lucky to talk at last year's summit and ever since then I've been working with various companies, reviewing hundreds of different schemas."
"The most successful businesses I've worked with all follow the same trend: they were formed by people who used to work in a specific industry as nine to five employees."
"I can get all the parts I want... McLean's been doing this for over 70 years."
"After 15 amazing years in the new home construction industry, I've pretty much seen it all."
"He started at the lowest level of the cruise industry and worked his way up to owning his own boat."
"I have been in the pet industry since 1970."
"I auditioned for roles for 20 years just like everyone else."
"Gain experience in different industries and high paying rates."
"There's no better way than to get a job in the field, work for a year, learn how these multi-million dollar businesses are running their companies, take the blueprint and go ahead and do it."
"I've been working in the VFX industry for the past seven years."
"Shure is one of the most experienced wireless microphone companies in the world."
"We've been in the tech world for the time that the tech world has been here, it's a gift."
"Our curriculum is taught by industry mentors like our host and guest today who have years of experience and have worked on blockbuster films and games."
"This is the combination of 30 years in the industry."
"I've got a lot of experience in the industry drawing and painting, and I just want to share it with the world."
"The smartwatch domain isn't something new for Samsung... whereas the OnePlus Watch is the first smartwatch ever made by OnePlus."
"I have a ton of stories from all the years in the industry."
"Being in the industry and being exposed to these kinds of people, you can get to learn some of the lessons that they learn in their career."
"The engineering program has strong industry projects aiming to build upon students' knowledge and experience to prepare them for further study or employability."