
Logical Fallacies Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"The genetic fallacy is the attempt to invalidate a viewpoint by showing how the person came to hold it."
"If everybody was at least familiar with a list of logical fallacies and cognitive biases, they could recognize it in the other person's arguments but also in their own."
"To ask for evidence of racism is racism, is a booby trap; it's a Kafka trap."
"Just because things are correlated does not mean that one causes the other."
"In conclusion, the argument as it stands now is considerably flawed due to its reliance on several unwarranted assumptions."
"Zombie idea is an idea that should be dead because it's been proved wrong by experience by logic it's we know that it's not true but it refuses to die it just keeps on shambling along eating people's brains."
"If the world is covered by water during Noah's flood, where is the tide?"
"Once you start with a bad premise, it's just going to multiply."
"Correlation doesn't equal causation, people. That's the buzz phrase people throw around online, and sometimes it's correct, sometimes it's not."
"Labels are the refuge of people without reasoned argument."
"What about ism is an argumentative tactic where a person deflects a point being made by redirecting attention to another issue."
"You can't make a thing exist by giving it a definition that says that it exists."
"Every one of these examples is contrived for one simple fact: two plus two never equals five unless you make extremely contrived distortions of the mathematics."
"The god of the gaps thinking... is accurately described as leading to a dead end in learning about the world."
"Imagine if we had a mathematical formula that we thought was true but we showed an example of it punching out an actually obviously false answer."
"If you think that evolution has to be wrong in order for your God to be right... you have to buy into a fallacy first of all."
"There are plenty of bad arguments out there so I'm going to talk about some of my favorite ones for lack of a better word so that you too might better understand how to deconstruct and tear them apart."
"Every time we try to make an argument by analogy, it's going to fail."
"Have you ever wondered why addiction seems to be perfectly logical to an addict? The answer lies in dopamine."
"Well, there you have it. That's definitively how the show expects people to work."
"It's an attempt to solve a mystery by appealing to a bigger mystery."
"Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
"Slippery slope is literally a logical fallacy." - Zeo
"It's a stunning display of circular reasoning, a common logical fallacy: these objects were made with hand tools because hand tools are all that we've found."
"I feel like you guys make a lot of bad logic when you're trying to debunk theistic arguments."
"You wonder this far from your original concept not only do you get a movie that wastes all of its potential you also get one that is incapable of following the most basic logic."
"You can't use an argument that actually doesn't make sense and then just be like 'oh well that's just what I like'."
"It's silly and it's a false dichotomy, uh, in fact in the last program we mentioned this."
"We're going to take a look at logical fallacies and some people who are really bad at making arguments."
"To avoid circular reasoning, we must ensure we do not rely on our conclusion within the premises of our argument."
"The argument from incredulity is a logical fallacy."
"Wrong assumptions lead to wrong conclusions."
"It seems like circular logic to me... that's my argument against it."
"The whole thing just collapses in on its own logic."
"It's time to call out the left's hypocrisy and illogical arguments."
"What about ism is a logical fallacy, it doesn't matter."
"Marketing is the science of knowing what logic is wrong about."
"The consequences of that illogical worldview..."
"It's premised on really simple philosophical mistakes, but since most people don't know philosophy they can't pick out these fallacies."
"Alas, such is the ridiculous nature of the corners you paint yourself into when you decide to take the Bible literally."
"Circular reasoning: That's the one where the Bible is true because the Bible says it's the word of God and God can't lie because the Bible says he can't; therefore, the Bible is true."
"To say that something is possible and then to say therefore we can draw these conclusions about it really makes no sense."
"You can't use generalization to back up a very specific point."
"Logical fallacies are like mirages in a desert—they vanish, leaving only confusion and deceit."
"Reasoning is what should justify the conclusion, but as far as they’re concerned, the conclusion validates the reasoning."
"Deniers dismiss entire categories of accepted scientific evidence, citing the logical fallacy of confusing correlation with causation."
"This entire conversation has been about... arguments from ignorance."
"It has nothing to do with substance that expert did not put a Time depends because that expert if they were to put a time difference they would realize immediately that it doesn't solve the problem because you need to reduce that term by millions."
"This is slippery goal post syndrome and today's subject I would say is one of the major victims of it."
"Poisoning the well. It's a logical fallacy."
"Affirming the consequent leads to logical fallacies."
"Your logical fallacy video has made me think more empathetically on issues."
"Associations are not the same as causality."
"The single cause fallacy oversimplifies a complex issue into one simple cause."
"The slippery slope argument argues against the issue at hand by diverging attention towards negative and unlikely outcomes."
"These five critical reasoning argument flaws are going to show up in a lot of those questions that deal with flaws."
"Skepticism is about recognizing our discomfort with saying 'I don't know' and how that is plaguing us to make logical mistakes and make fallacious leaps."
"You've chosen to advance an argument that really relies on some logical fallacies."