
Technological Development Quotes

There are 218 quotes

"Activism has been the cornerstone of development, social development, experimentation, technological development."
"Artificial Intelligence is not only happening in the 21st century, its development started way back."
"The simulation hypothesis means that we are living in simulations. The simulation argument... tries to show that one of three propositions is true."
"Almost all civilizations at our current stage of technological development go extinct before they reach technological maturity."
"There seems to be a storm brewing in the AI world."
"Give me 20 years, and I'll have ignited a high-technology development sector. 50 years, and I'll have people in orbit. 100 years, and my colony ships will be heading for the stars to search for planets unpolluted by the wrath and folly of a bygone generation."
"We're working on all the major technological breakthroughs needed for the next generation metaverse, including displays, audio input, haptics, hand tracking, eye tracking, mixed reality sensors, and more."
"An era of creativity and curiosity, one that took a decade to develop and cost hundreds of millions of dollars in investment."
"Our chief problem is a perfection of means but a confusion of aims."
"Almost everything has become demonstrably worse than what Eugene Stoner designed."
"If they had continued the development of their radar without interruption..."
"It's more than tailoring a suit for the prom. It's about how to wash it, iron it, and wear it again."
"We must put great effort into proofing AI against it being harmful to humanity, this is exactly why ethical development of AI is so important."
"And as to why developments like that might matter, I think we're only now starting to unpack the potential implications."
"Because when you pair thinkers and doers, that's how you create the technologies and products that help us tackle tomorrow's challenges."
"The internet would have existed even if the government hadn't spent all this money on research."
"China's lack of experience in medium thrust engine technology is widely recognized."
"The beginning of the end... computers are probably better off if they build themselves."
"I don't know that the 45 ACP cartridge ever would have become a thing if it hadn't been for the US military."
"Chemistry and technology really began in the 1700s... This was a golden age of science."
"Having this capability is really important for ISS to enable the research and technology development that we need to extend capabilities in low Earth orbit."
"Let's start off with a little important history lesson of early pre-orbital rocket engines. Not only because there's some fascinating history here, but it also sets the stage for some key players."
"According to Elon Musk, when the gigafactory in Reno Nevada is complete..."
"Part of the SBIR program... allowing small businesses to develop new cutting-edge technologies."
"It was sad and beautiful all at the same time."
"The great filter theory suggests something prevents civilizations from surviving past a certain level of technological development."
"In the face of a nuclear attack, leading the development is Dr. Strangelove and formerly Huey Emmerich."
"Everything we're solving each challenge to date the 4680 design is working we're meeting targets we're on track for a full production ramp this year we're still going for 100 gigawatt hour and 2022."
"We've been on that journey ever since, we're doing, pushing a lot of these areas, in terms of research, you know, at Waymo."
"Windows Millennium Edition had the first iteration of 3D Pinball Space Cadet."
"Intel missing a node... indicative of where the technology industry is going."
"Cray's work was founded in his belief... there would always be a need for a machine 100 times more powerful."
"It's extremely important I think, developments of an application of nanotechnology."
"The ability to harness energy from the world around us has quite literally fueled the technological development of the human race."
"Human beings are building concepts like artificial intelligence and quantum computing that are way smarter, way more proficient."
"GPT-4 is coming out... about 500 times more powerful."
"The proof of concept has already been done. It's all just engineering and optimization at this point."
"Tesla didn't have technology when it started. But it does now."
"When will one of those leap to it or will we see more infrastructure companies start to develop and then plug in?"
"Innovation doesn't stand still in the time of covid. In fact, it's even more important than ever that we continue to innovate, push boundaries, and find solutions for new working environments."
"It's going to be really difficult to ignore."
"So I suspect we will see this technology emerge and probably this century, and probably for all sorts of applications we can’t even imagine yet."
"The solution is to invest a lot more in research and development."
"A thriving computer industry was crucial towards making this ideology work."
"We're essentially creating this wallet... that would take traditional people like a year to do."
"The Americas would be just as advanced as the Old World... immune to European diseases... technology and the Native Americans would be able to adopt Old World technologies."
"Drones was what we'd been building towards... underneath it all, there's still love and hope."
"Are solid-state batteries really this big of a deal? Let's take a look at how we got here."
"Japan firm develops AI system to capture shrine box donation thieves."
"The team are masters of iteration and building upon their previous Technologies and games."
"I think it's unfortunate that Microsoft is choosing to set this one out because Sony is going to have the performance dominance if they do produce this console for a good four years potentially this generation."
"Boeing's early work on supersonic passenger airliners."
"Boeing's interest in supersonic passenger flight did not end with the 2707."
"We opened opportunities for science, for technology, for business."
"SN11 was ready to roll out within a few days."
"China might eventually find a way to coerce tsmc or the government of Taiwan into supporting its development of AI chips."
"There are rumors that already the United States has developed the craft that looks so much like the visitors that you can't tell them apart."
"The tech is certainly interesting... it's more of what was good in the last one but polished up a bit."
"We're not going to have immediate follow-ups to the 6900XT...I won't be physically incapable of doing so."
"It is unbelievable to the kind of level of detail progression development and to where this has got to to today's standard."
"This isn't science fiction. We're not talking about some BS here. We're talking about things that they're already preparing for. This is what Facebook is going to do."
"I'm fascinated by the um effectively the revelation of what our system is built of."
"Iterative design makes these things possible."
"I think Blue Origin really needs to focus on those engines because they have to be productionized so that they can actually sell them at the cost that they promised."
"We are going to keep pushing on getting the humanoid to do more and more human-like things even though we probably won't commercialize them as soon as we commercialize the other stuff."
"Seeing how much is going into Ethereum 2.0 is definitely something that's wild."
"The XRP Community Fund aims to boost the adoption and development of the XRP ecosystem."
"After the war, the Czechoslovakia in fact didn't continue in some rocket research."
"Isn't that cool guys? Now we've effectively made this program a warning system."
"Testing autonomous vehicles in human environments involves risk, but innovation requires it."
"Tesla plans to have 100 exaflops of training capacity by the end of 2024."
"So what we need to get machines to kind of learn how the world works and build a model of the world is this idea of predictive or unsupervised learning."
"Tesla is doing some real software validation of autopilot and self-driving features."
"Tesla will be one of the
leading battery cell manufacturers."
"AI alignment in principle is about making sure the AI is kind of doing what you want and even in ways that you can't necessarily articulate."
"The beginning of what they're gonna do with this platform."
"Our patents are real, we spent the money to research and develop those things."
"A truly remarkable event this was, it has been so exciting and inspiring to watch SpaceX iterate for the past year."
"The androids are literally just mining these asteroids, building ships, and self-replicating. Near AI, man, it's brilliant."
"The exact nature of how these three stages are executed has been under constant development for over 140 years, becoming a key element to the advancement of the internal combustion engine."
"There's a beauty in it... we're living in this technological adolescence."
"They have been evus since the early 90s with you know they they worked on GM's first ev1."
"Siri actually released as a standalone app on Apple's App Store."
"If you're not in version two or three by 2020, it may be too late."
"The GameCube controller still has a little more room to grow since it's almost 20 fricking years old."
"That is the real problem being solved, and that's why I'm bullish on these projects."
"As much as I would love them... I don't see it happening quite yet." - Managing expectations about potential features.
"The story of power on the rails started with the search for a smooth journey and reduced friction."
"Scientific and technological progress in human history. It started off as a slow crawl and now it is just sprinting down the line."
"Going into space would bring along more pro-development."
"I think it's vital, but I think we're just a bit on the beginning, the starting point of that."
"I learned how to build not only email but large-scale systems."
"PlayStation was working with Nintendo to release a CD-based attachment for the SNES."
"Does the chicken come first or the egg? Do we focus on making space flight cheaper first or do we try to build a moon or Mars base first?"
"We have no way of knowing what technologies are here right now being developed and being implemented by the department of defense."
"The fascinating thing is how quickly things are developing."
"SpaceX seems to have finally finished the tank test phase."
"There's been a lot of different new features developed just for this sprint."
"The second rover mission, all right, you can start looking at potentially lasting a couple of night."
"Building AI responsibly for society underscores everything we do."
"This really is a continuation of the Kaby Lake CPUs, but it has to be said, compounding the issue is Intel's crazy decision to remove backwards compatibility."
"Ethereum is only getting easier to use, they're only building more stuff for ETH."
"Ultimately, this is kind of a test. Valve is intentionally trying to pace out how quickly these are reaching a large number of hands as they continually work on the system and improve the experience more and more with every passing week."
"So Tesla's applied for a new patent this is a power assist steering system that will be more compact and power efficient than existing systems."
"RCA also started manufacturing their own three-speed record players."
"It's time to put more people on it, put more computational resources behind it, and then we just kind of keep pushing and keep pushing."
"Amazon reveals a secret about its project Kyper: laser links."
"That's a good sign, that's a spin Prime test."
"The opportunity to simultaneously develop the technology and create the wisdom to use it."
"He was interested in what can be done by mechanical means."
"FSD price will rise as we get closer to FSD production code release."
"The extra six months has given us a lot of time to really focus on what we can double down on from a technical standpoint and how to leverage it better."
"So many everybody should be paying attention to this technological breakthrough."
"This is just the beginning of the Starship program."
"The Spitfire's Merlin engine, born from the racing circuit, propelled it to a top speed just three miles per hour slower than the Luftwaffe's BF-109E."
"Microsoft is probably very well suited to make this work."
"Nvidia will be upping its pace for architectural generations." - Narrator
"I'm really happy with the advancements we made today."
"A few weeks ago I was thrilled to discover the unveiling for a project called The Humane AI pin."
"It's incredible that we live in a world that these all exist all in five years."
"Arrow Lake and Panther Lake look really exciting."
"Tesla China has officially announced that they completed their research and development center in their Gigafactory Shanghai complex."
"I see impact in the world... creating institutions, creating new softwares that can help guide us into a better position."
"The ukrainians seem to be smart enough to go this is not going to happen forever; we should really work on our indigenous sort of Technologies."
"She's been doing it for over a year now so that everybody across the world knows what's going on with Starship."
"Devs are the leading indicator, right? Devs building cool stuff on the Chain because devs build the applications that kind of like bring in users."
"There exists an alignment problem where AI exhibits undesired behaviors... there needs to be careful consideration for risk assessment in moving forward." - Unnamed source discussing risks associated with AI
"We've collected enormous amounts of data from the use of these nodes, including network traffic and how they do withdraws, how they do deposits—every exchange is a snowflake—but it's greatly informed our engineering efforts."
"The development ecosystem being built around Bitcoin is just going to shock people."
"What can you build in both of those spaces that will have tremendous value? That's the key."
"Psychological insight is just as valuable as technological advance."
"Some are in the early stages but they give you a glimpse of what's to come."
"I'm gonna defend Labor's broadband policy of 2019... it was a good policy."
"I think that's exactly what the Germans were working on by the time we got to World War II."
"Sweden's rise as a tech power did not happen by accident."
"Know then that this is a record concerning the development history and nature of the powered armor of the Legionnaires."
"The real question is, is carbon a part of what comes next for C++?"
"The sinking of the Roma by this early smart bomb merely ignited the flame for today's highly advanced, extremely accurate, and extraordinarily lethal precision-guided bombs."
"Tesla, who remember according to the experts, is just the car company developing their own supercomputer because they need it."
"Motor Racing is an activity that furthers human existence."
"All of that takes time. You cannot snap your fingers and have Innovation."
"Can you imagine what VR would have looked like right now if Oculus even put half as much energy into 'hardcore' VR as they did mainstream VR?"
"The Song Dynasty oversaw a 300-year period of economic growth... technologies that spread across the world and changed it permanently."
"Our day job is to build great technology and build a very useful protocol."
"Humble beginnings with just a tunnel elevator and a water pump."
"Tesla is literally doing everything within their means."
"I personally think that the 4680 production is perhaps one of the bigger limiting factors here."
"The United States wants to be a leading developer of cryptocurrency."
"It's gonna be neat to see what features are added."
"The Android head is what we're waiting on... but we're close."
"I think it's gonna be exciting to see what people can really build with crypto."
"The scope for innovation is huge, it's just wide open."
"Larger language models like GPT-3.5 have a huge amount of parameters, over 175 billion."
"Because if you thought that the submarine was going to be the long-awaited and overdue counter to aircraft carriers..."
"The moon is the place... to go there and to live there and stay there and to continue and expand and develop your technology."
"The significance of Halo to the development of video games is not to be understated. It revolutionized the first-person shooter and set the stage for the genre's success on consoles."
"The next step in the evolution of this space is connecting contracts to real-world events."
"Speaking of blue, let's start working towards chemical science."
"That's a very modern innovation, only about 150, 160 years old."
"I personally think that Cardano's gonna be here. I think we got layer one, layer two, layer three, layer four. I think there's gonna be, you know, four to five major blockchains on each layer."
"If Tesla eventually opens up the doors for third-party apps, yeah, the potential is very significant in the longer term."
"The gap between any proof of concept solution and a production-ready machine learning system is really a substantial gap."
"All the major elements of a modern sewing machine had been introduced."
"The fact that the U.S. is building one gigafactory or the equivalent of one gigafactory every four months and China's building one every week, China is in tune with the pace of what's happening here and the U.S. at the moment isn't."
"AMD has been the underdog for so long and they're getting ready to possibly be top dog."
"Charles Hoskinson expressed confidence in the future of the network."
"we the last decade we watched Bitcoin build itself and grow itself fundamentally it got the platforms built it got the exchanges built it got a core user base the Bedrock as I like to call it"
"The inventor of the engine used a horse every day of his life while he figured out how to make it easier."
"Microsoft has their own entire division that just works on backwards compatibility."
"I'm really fascinated with the new Corvette and where that's going."
"Inline four-cylinder engines have been around since the 1970s."
"Interoperability is a key consideration of new forms of digital money."
"The industry grew during the 16-bit era fueled by great games on great consoles."
"Technology, technological advancement so-called, has to happen at a slow and artisanal level."
"Windows ME was too behind its time, and it was for these reasons."
"U.S battery manufacturing capacity is set to grow tenfold in the next four years."
"We can't give the human race that much credit that within a five to ten year span we just decided and learned about the technology."
"I chose to learn coding, I chose to become an app developer, and I chose to create these particular apps."
"So that's the slightly sad story of why Britain didn't have fuel injection in World War II and why we eventually realized we should have."
"They're helping us do some really awesome stuff."
"The single most important development in our lifetime."
"It's not that unreal or unlikely or unrealistic that they would come out with a 3080 super version."
"This is Mac OS 14 Sonoma, a pretty minor update but that seems to be the usual with Apple these days."
"It's far better than humans at thinking in terms of empathy, understanding the emotions of another person."
"Spacex is developing rockets needed to make life multi-planetary."
"The government of Saudi Arabia announced that they are developing something equivalent to chat GPT in Arabic."
"The infrastructure that's coming together...the smart contracts coming is really exciting."
"Let's make sure we stay on top of our resource generation let's keep cranking out that technology and let's bring these people some hope"
"This is gonna be a next-generation NFT marketplace where innovation meets realization."
"Blockchain continues to build, and I respect that."
"Taiwan has become a major IT Hub in the region."
"The first 30 years of home game systems were a completely uncharted territory full of wood paneling, horrible ergonomics, and ambitious pioneers."
"Their inventions from Millennia ago paved the way for the continued development of new technologies today."
"Coburg dale was associated with major technological developments of the Industrial Revolution."
"The primary application will be as a tool for science and its own right science and then engineering and on through into the building of the next generation of devices and equipment that will follow from that."
"A single message from space will show that it is possible to live through technological adolescence." - Carl Sagan
"Once you have communication and societal level scales of stores of information being preserved, you can have the kinds of technological development that you could detect across the Universe."
"It's just amazing what you can do if you don't change the interface and you just let something be and you let it grow slowly."
"What does this period of railway building represent? It represents probably the most exciting period in the technological development of this island."
"This car was essentially developed using a computer 3D software."