
Property Quotes

There are 1720 quotes

"The true freedom of our future will be not having property, not having ownership, having access."
"Bitcoin used to be considered...as a currency. They're not thinking that way anymore. They're looking at it as a property."
"Bitcoin is the Apex property of the human race. There's nothing better, everything else is riskier."
"The very concept of ownership and property gets called into question here."
"The three ways to get ahead in America: people that own property, people that own stocks, and people that own businesses."
"Anytime you walk into an area with a gun, you're entering an area where you're more likely to either kill or be killed, and I don't think it's worth it to die or kill over property, personally."
"You can't just take someone's property without due process."
"The respect for another person's property is respect for another person."
"All right, no way this entire Mansion is for me. Wait, this is actually insane."
"Rights involve doing what you want with what is yours."
"When private property is abolished, crime will cease to exist."
"This is like the best unit ever for the price."
"You own a house in Aspen and you're not even... Oh, it's my summer home, my three million dollar summer home."
"I already have insurance on it, do you want to see?"
"It's a pretty good size garage to be just an extra bonus garage."
"Property is also an outward expression of your success."
"At this scale, some pretty important people are going to be staying in this property."
"You will own nothing and you will be happy: sounds like the Transcendence of private property from Marx."
"These are people who sort of 20 or 30 years ago the jobs they have would have been able to very easily get on the property ladder and buy somewhere nice."
"Diamond hands are forged through intense pressure." - Crypto Casey
"It was an investment that we were able to do up, get on the property ladder, and eventually move on to bigger and better things."
"It's done us no harm to person or property, and none of us have the feeling that it will."
"It's truly one of the best properties I think we've ever shown on this channel."
"When you purchase this property, you are the king of the castle."
"It's nice to know that we own everything within our gates."
"Racial roots of property: To be able to own property is to be human."
"The idea of owning land is kind of absurd, like who the fuck just decided that a piece of the earth is yours?"
"It really is a special property and we can't wait to show you inside."
"Human emotion dies, but property value is forever."
"I don't want to lose my property again, and I definitely don't want to lose my freedom again."
"Property and freedom: that's what Bitcoin provides."
"Marriage was invented to keep land in the family."
"Bitcoin is apex property for the human race."
"By then, the Shermans were starting to suspect that something wasn't quite right about the property."
"Property is something that, you know in life, there's two things that we're always going to need, and that's shelter and food. And shelter is property."
"There's really no substitution for just a big they're good in their only yard."
"Even if you never use this property for the business side of it."
"That's the type of property we build in, in the best school districts."
"I will not stand by and have everything that's mine taken from me."
"Digital property becomes almost digital energy."
"Imagine buying a million-dollar home only to find out that it was being stalked by a mystery man. That's what happened to the next family."
"People just got no respect for other people's property."
"That's exactly what the landowners, the Irishes, would like us to find."
"Every once in a while we look at property together."
"That amount, approximately $550 million and increasing every single day, is fueling this speculation that Trump may be forced to unload some of his prized properties to cover the tab."
"All other rights, including those of property and free commerce, are to be subordinate to this principle."
"That's a nice Lamborghini. We can't just steal random cars, they gotta be actually ginger."
"If they trash the properties, thinking they're going to keep their taxes down, they're wrong."
"As soon as I hit this bridge, I said, 'You better buy this place.'"
"With our new loan secured, we purchased our new property."
"Safety being more important than damaged property."
"If we can consider data to be property... then I think that would solve a lot of the problems."
"Warner Brothers took back the remainder of the properties that were leased to the Salkinds."
"We can force the property to appreciate through a renovation."
"In a strange turn of events, she left the entire house to him."
"Consider all those things before you fall in love with a piece of land."
"He built a two-foot thick wall around the Miami property."
"This property comes with so much land and you have it all to yourself. It's private, it's tranquil."
"It's the first property in the history of the world that you can take with you to your grave."
"Bitcoin represents, for the first time in the history of the human race, digital property, digital money, and digital energy."
"You're not the a-hole, you're the ones trespassing."
"Your uncle didn't buy and renovate that home so that your jealous friends could have a free place to live. He invested in that home so that you could have a place to stay and an income while you're in school. Don't back down, OP."
"Former property crimes detective here: The police will get it, however, they will not release it to you until the suspect has been charged and sentenced."
"The final house we viewed on this video was low-key fire."
"Buying a property in the country is a great thing. It can be a wonderful amazing experience."
"Some of you out there may be a homeowner here that house you may already be a homeowner but yet you're going to be granted everything back in return that ten of Pentacles this could be more than ten thousand dollars a hundred thousand dollars."
"The landlords are sitting on the properties using this crisis to accelerate privatizing property."
"Words of conveyance outline how you take title."
"Wouldn't it be a better idea to say to them, 'Hey listen, this is public property. They have a right to be here'?"
"That is a nice [__] house though, like in all reality, that is a really, really, really god good house."
"Unexpected financial bonus points regarding inheritances, legacy, wealth, property, real estate."
"Assets and private property now have information and rules attached to them."
"It's visually really appealing and there's a lot of practicality to it from the games and everything you can just do on the property."
"It's such a fascinating property; it's fun, it's serious, it's everlasting."
"I do have my ocean to come on the property."
"Whatsoever then he removes out of the state that nature hath provided, he hath mixed his labor with, and joined to it something that is his own, and thereby makes it his property."
"I need to start thinking about buying my first property this year."
"If you've ever wondered how do I analyze a property to make sure I'm making a good choice, this is a show you don't want to miss."
"Your first investment property should be your primary home; after that's 100% paid off, you're ready to start saving to invest in additional properties."
"It's the coolest car on the property."
"Destroying property is not a peaceful protest; it's a matter of what's right."
"It was July 2020 when we took possession of our Dream 90 acre property."
"My proof was enough for the judge to claim that it was my property, and neighbor had to stop what he was doing immediately."
"My friend has finally managed to pull a property out of the grasp of an HOA."
"It's a pretty large mansion to say the least, as a pool, it also has a little greenhouse."
"I'm hoping that I inspire people to do something similar with their property."
"Risk passes with property; the risk falls on the person who has legal ownership."
"What distinguishes the contract of sale from other types of contracts usually revolves around the passing of property."
"Early on when we first opened the farm, we had issues with people just randomly driving back and exploring, parking wherever they felt like it, and even stealing fruit right off the trees."
"That is exactly why I bought this property, to do whatever the hell I want."
"We're currently looking for land."
"You know you're in Canada when the property has an abandoned hockey rink."
"I love the fact that there's a hockey rink."
"The land alone would have cost Millions, but I knew I would not be selling it due to the sentimentality of it all."
"This is my pool at my house; you can't just come use it uninvited."
"I finally got tired of it and got a survey done. The surveyor came out and pinned the property."
"Maybe it is petty, but every so often I will spray paint the spot where the surveyor hammered the pins in, with super bright orange paint so you can see it from a mile away."
"This is such an incredible owner suite, probably one of the nicest I've ever stepped foot in."
"We make other people money from property, so why shouldn't we have a little bit of that action ourselves?"
"Your home is probably one of the biggest assets that you have."
"The property is called Villa Terra, which stems from the Latin word and means goddess of the earth."
"It's not only a permitted property that's building equity, but it's also a cash flowing business."
"Cuckoo Farm is a sprawling 6-acre property that includes the main home, a guest house, a BBQ pavilion, and an entertainment barn."
"In 2002 George Clooney went on a fortuitous trip that led him to purchase a spectacular Italian home hidden in the picturesque village of Laglio overlooking Lake Como."
"Drake began construction on his dream home in 2016, sitting proudly on Canada's Millionaire's Row."
"I truly feel that every property has its own soul."
"All of this though does sit inside of approximately 4,800 square feet and starts at approximately $710,000."
"If you can't answer that, you need to not buy the property until you can answer that question."
"He spent millions of dollars hurricane-proofing his house."
"Our new house is really big but it needs some work."
"...you don't have to screw with stuff because the landlord does..."
"A pig belongs in a barnyard, not a parlor."
"Imagine owning a 19,000 ft mega mansion with your private pond in the backyard with a bridge that goes to a little island."
"No one has ever regretted buying a nice multifamily property 20 years ago."
"If you're looking at buying a property today, have a longer timeframe."
"Commercial property rentals... you get really good yields."
"Let's get one thing straight, this is my ranch."
"The house is amazing, but the only problem is that it's in the middle of nowhere."
"A property isn't like a raw piece of land; it's not like cryptocurrency or a lump of gold that don't produce any income. This is a rental property that you can rent out, so it produces income."
"You get back, if you paid cash for this property and didn't have any debt, you'd get about six percent of what you paid for it back in one year."
"What a beautiful, beautiful property."
"Not only have I proved that gadgets can help you buy and sell property, I've also created a property that is a gadget."
"We're on 1 acre of property perched up on this hilltop overlooking the incredible mountains all around us."
"Every square foot of this 1-acre property has been manicured to feel luxurious."
"The rights associated with water flowing through your property is going to be riparian rights."
"External obsolescence means outside the boundaries of your property, it's bad, and it can't be fixed."
"Appreciation is any gain in value of property over time from any cause."
"First thing you want to look for when you're looking around for that piece of property or even a house or a cabin is a small town."
"The house was mine now and would remain so forever."
"You could be planning to invest in a property with your partner."
"Regardless of what your neighbors think about it, it's your pool in your yard and it's not anyone else's business if you use it or not."
"You cannot park your buses on my private property," I replied, dumbfounded.
"I joined without having much of anything to my name except for one thing that is I inherited a house and the best part of it was that the mortgage was fully paid off already."
"Highlighting the exclusivity and value of this remarkable property."
"The saga of my parents' house: part one."
"It's like buying a new house or you know it's a massive massive investment and you can't lose money on something like this."
"I own some land, a lot of land, 225 acres to be exact."
"The lawsuit was for trespassing, illegally building on my property, and being responsible for the destruction of my land and home."
"After purchasing the lot, my parents notified the town of their intent to not develop the property so nobody can ever build a single-family dwelling on it."
"It requires but a slight acquaintance with the history of the Roman Republic to be aware that its secret history is the history of its landed property."
"She argued in court more that I had gifted her the property but in the end she hit loose."
"Understanding who owns a piece of property or who has possession over certain Goods is going to be hugely important."
"You have no right to devalue my house by keeping that old ugly thing out front."
"She even said that I should be the one paying her because she was not gonna get as much as she wanted from the house sale."
"A good neighbor increases property value."
"One of the great benefits of mapping out your property is the extent to which you familiarize yourself with it."
"Property is getting cheaper and more affordable. That's good news."
"This property is amazing in itself, borderline perfect for what I do."
"This latter property, known as the Northumberland Estate, includes a main house and a guest house on a lush 6-acre plot."
"...it is in such a prime location."
"It is crazy to me that even in an emotional time like this he still wanted to hem and haw about my husband's family and I accessing the property to spread my mother-in-law's brother's ashes."
"It's a big surprise because it does seem like every property around is either being hunted by someone or has been hunted by someone."
"The frogs came and laid them themselves, thousands of eggs here on the property, they came right back to their original birthplace."
"Look how fantastic this property is. Perfection."
"This Penthouse is going to make an incredible property for someone."
"The master bedroom, which is a huge room... it's got a nice dark accent wall right there."
"It's got two closets, one outside of the bathroom and one inside the bathroom... they also have room for a washer and dryer, so that's pretty neat."
"Into the ensuite, so you've got the double vanities... and then into this dark shower."
"I really liked it, how it had like the little cove situation so I could put bar stools if I wanted. The view of the water was stunning and it's on the west side so I'd see the sunset which is really cool."
"Whether you're just buying one property or you're going to buy a portfolio, keep moving forward."
"Owner financing means the owner will sell you the property and finance it to you."
"The biggest of her homes is her Beverly Hills mansion worth 8.2 million dollars."
"This house will appreciate by about 100%."
"I drove that thing actually to this new property where we're at now."
"They want you to leave the property and you're being trespassed from the property you are trespassing me yeah you need to leave the property if you're trespass and if I don't leave you'll arrest me yes."
"I've just bought myself a little slice of Sweden, or dare I say, a big slice of Sweden, a Torslander!"
"This house is incredible you have big doors high ceiling chandelier beautiful staircase French doors everywhere."
"Ice was an innovator bro yeah, and he's 23 years straight on SVU, yeah, you know what I'm saying, so me I was always trying to buy houses in areas where the value quadrupled."
"The master bedroom is just as on point as the rest of the property."
"This entire property is everything you see around me."
"...if the property you're buying doesn't have decent broadband it is a huge issue for many, many people."
"Vanilla Ice is Wealthy by the way he owns like a 100 properties."
"Imagine owning a little side house like this, you have a little Trail you can walk by, really nice especially on a lake."
"So, we want to make sure that we deal with the the income situations and we want to make sure they're dealing the property situations when when filing because there are some strategic things that you probably want to do before you file."
"So now I know that my properties were somewhere between 425 and 440 so I can either average these out or I could just shoot for the 440 kind of see what the difference is between the 425 and the 440 and scrutinize it further."
"There's about three acres of woodland down the bottom that's all yours, oh my goodness, that is unbelievable!"
"It's spacious, it's basically, it's spacious."
"What if you could make 50,000 today, right now on a property that you bought, rehabbed, and sold and you were guaranteed you knew you're going to make that 50 grand when you're done with the project? What if you could do that?"
"Kelvin ends up buying a house that resembles a castle and is huge too."
"We have a gorgeous lakefront property."
"We took this house from unsellable to sellable."
"A quintessentially British family, an embodiment of the old money stature, they're the Unseen marionettist pulling the strings of London's property scene."
"The groer family maintains a commanding and influential presence, their wealth predominantly rooted in their enormous land and property assets within London."
"Anyway, I'm excited to one day see our property with some more mature shade on it."
"it's an easy way to think about it right so if you have a property that rents for a thousand a month and your mortgage is 750 a month you have a cash flow positive property"
"What we didn't even touch upon yet is once he starts phase 3 with stabilized cash flows, the property could be worth in the millions."
"You can use your home's equity, the money currently in your home to buy another one."
"All of those are involuntary except quit claim deeds. That is a voluntary way that you can convey property."
"Thanks for taking this very long walk around the property with me."
"I'm really looking forward to finding a house with some land."
"You can't make the property taxes go down with a short-term rental, but you have a lot more control over the expenses and the income."
"I think the best part of this house is out here."
"It's a purchase as opposed to an inheritance. I reported it eight years ago. Eight years people were saying to me, 'What's a good buy?' and I don't think you can get a better buy than Victorian times."
"First impressions of the property were really positive. I'd like the facade, I love the."
"Let's talk about finding you a home."
"Have you got any houses? Billa, this house within is [__] falling apart, mate."
"Absolutely stunning property viewers."
"The rise of property in a cultural hub like London is the overriding factor."
"Do I want to own the property? What's the location? Is it a headache? Is it going to cause me a lot of problems?"
"People need to stop thinking of children as property and start thinking of them as human beings."