
Training Effectiveness Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Those trained in VR completely outperformed the non-trained surgeons in the study."
"What we're trained to do is focus instead on not abstracts but on actual hard facts...Better training, better experience, better fear management, or what we call risk tolerance, all of those things are really what make the difference in true life or death situations."
"This is a tribute to the training of our team, firefighters, and policemen did the right thing and contained the shooter."
"When luck favors you like that, it's a sure sign you're a good trainer."
"Your hormones are not on point, the connective tissue, your build, everything is gonna be subpar."
"Full body workouts work and that's the end of discussion."
"When people started doing that they got freaking way stronger."
"Training readiness should give you some insight on how much your body will benefit from new training based on your previous activities."
"It's frankly rather insane that they're able to do this with such precision, but they clearly trained well for it."
"It's not nearly as hard to import flat range skills into real fighting if you've done a lot of force-on-force training."
"With good coaches in this specific set of training, we finished first in the league."
"If you train to the standard of shooting you will get just as proficient with that passive aiming as you will with that IR laser I guarantee it."
"Volume is absolutely evidence-based to be successful."
"For a team to look fluid, that's hard, that's good training and good chemistry."
"It feels really good to finally be in a spot where I feel like I can train effectively again."
"This stuff is so good, provide an orientation, develop a training plan, use a combination of training methods, provide ongoing feedback, encourage independence and problem solving, conduct regular review sessions, lead by example."
"Imagine the response that you get from your puppy if you were consistently doing activities like this, every time you called their name, you'd get that snappy turn and they'd be racing in toward you because they know it's worth it."
"Any doubts about the value of Top Gun training had been answered."
"That's when you're actually going to compensate and actually get fitter."
"Remember guys, it's about enjoying your training and being consistent. That's what's gonna get you the best results."
"Magical things will happen if you download the app. You'll get more jacked and shit will make sense when you're training."
"You're never going to go wrong going hard on a set."
"Training is usually better when challenged by someone of similar power."
"I can't speak highly enough of the training... just the amount that they can bring you along in a short period of time."
"To phase your training... you're going to see more consistent progress from the person who's moving in and out and less injury."
"The more you put into it, the more you get out of this session."
"Almost all of the training is based on real operational experience."
"Full range of motion is still the default best way to train."
"People don't realize how easy it actually is because they're not getting the right type of training."
"Optimal training is optimal for your goals. So, I think that there's, again, the blame does lie on a lot of people spreading ultimately misinformation."
"That's a testament to the videos and the training..."
"You get stronger between sessions, not during training."
"All told from the perspective of athletic longevity, durability, and resilience...I give knees over toes guy pretty damn high marks overall."
"Essential technique in making training programs effective is to provide meaningful measures of employee performance."
"How do he train the here's the real question the real question isn't could did he was he is it was he able to do it with this video game the question is would he have been better had he done it in real life the conventional way and that's the question that we don't know"
"It's how to create training that actually produces results."
"I am 100% convinced that if you create the reason for your body to synthesize protein in your muscle through the training, it's gonna synthesize. Guarantee you're not gonna lack any of the amino acids."
"Verify training effectiveness; one of the best ways to do that is a quiz."
"Kettlebells are one of the most effective training tools you can have in your arsenal."
"Instead of measuring how many hours people have spent in training courses... wouldn't it be better to measure the value of those training courses?"
"Your best trainers are examples that have knowledge about what they're talking about."
"As a training tool, this is really quite compelling."
"Resisted sprinting can be really effective as long as we're not resisting so much that it's drastically changing our mechanics."
"If you do it properly, you're not going to have any of these issues; you're not going to have to rely on any one thing."
"What you do in training, you'll do in real life."
"The most effective training plan is the one that you do consistently."
"It's only really those last five before you reach failure that actually contribute to muscle growth."
"Effective training requires good content, repetition, practice, and accountability."