
Healthcare Support Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"So together, we will deliver on our mission to support those on the front line of care and help improve patient outcomes around the world."
"These measures, and especially social distancing, are how we can ease the burden on our doctors and nurses."
"You are not alone even if you're in the hospital by yourself in the middle of the night. You are more than enough. You deserve good healthcare from people who care about people."
"The best thing we can do to support our healthcare workers is to adhere to those guidelines around 30 days to slow the spread."
"15 long-term care facilities have now been targeted or selected as particular crisis points for Quebec and the military will be sent into those 15 facilities to help out in different capacities."
"Hospitals would receive aid. The agreement includes $100 billion for hospitals and healthcare systems across the nation."
"We want to make sure that all the incredible, courageous men and women who are serving in healthcare around America have the support they need."
"We owe it to them and to the most vulnerable in society to stay at home, to protect the NHS, and by doing this to save lives."
"We're taking this measure because we must offer our full support in every power possible to help our healthcare sector fight the spread of COVID-19."
"It's really so important... to support primary care because they are undervalued, they are overworked."
"We're going to work our hearts out to make sure that... the healthcare workers and the families and the patients impacted have what they need."
"Millions of Americans are praying for our health care workers."
"We're providing $100 billion in direct support for our hospitals."
"But Ronald McDonald's house provided shelter and support to families of children undergoing surgeries and medical care."
"Support the people in the hospitals, they're taking care of the ill and sick and the elderly."
"We're strengthening the supply chain and healthcare workers around America can be absolutely certain that the president and our entire team are going to continue to put the health of America first."
"Our mission is huge. We want to help healthcare professionals live better lives."
"We will continue to make more and more PPE available."
"Vaccinations were the key to reducing the burden on healthcare workers."
"Love to all NHS workers. Keep up the good work."
"At this moment in time, Apple went to their storehouses and is donating 9 million n95 masks to health care facilities all across the country."
"It's crucial that by not stockpiling, by not selfishly shopping, we ensure our health workers can access essential supplies."
"We've delivered over 1.5 billion pieces of personal protective equipment to doctors and nurses on the front lines."
"We'll keep protecting the vulnerable, making sure our incredible doctors and nurses have all the supplies and resources they need."
"Deaths will lag and so we really need to continue to unite and really, really, really support our health care providers who are still on the front lines."
"You've acted as digital first responders in a moment when we needed you the most, helping those on the front lines deliver critical care and rapidly develop vaccines."
"We really need to continue to unite and really really really support our health care providers who are still on the front lines."
"The hospital's need help you see what they've gone through and the states need help some states in particular need help they need big help I'm willing to look at that very strongly but I like looking at it and phase four"
"Thank you to all our health care providers out on the front lines to all Americans."
"The US will make as many ventilators in the next 100 days as it usually makes in a year."
"Helping out with the whole medical thing first and foremost."
"Nurse Rachel Hartley sailed 35 hours on a boat to help virus-stricken patients."
"If you’re looking into HRT or just getting started on it, I really hope that it works out well for you."
"Health Care's yes, I would vote for somebody."
"How could we allow this to happen? The hypocrisy of clapping NHS workers and yet the government not supporting them is tragic."
"You know, they've got to be seen, and you guys all stood behind me for that. It was such a great force of nature of these incredible women." - Nurses Stand Strong
"Many countries are calling us for help with ventilators... not easy to build."
"Nurses rock, we love you! Thank you for everything you do."
"Under today's regulations they can only provide minimal support to healthcare workers, but now we're going to allow them to provide childcare, meals, laundry services."
"I have a private foundation that's been running for five or six years, and it helps aid a couple of children's hospitals and cancer research."
"All hands on deck. Governments must work together and get hospitals what they need, equipment that might be needed, the supplies they may need in the future."
"Please do not hesitate in trying to get some medical help. There is nothing wrong with it. There is no stigma about it."
"Disney has donated ponchos and masks to hospitals."
"A big part of healing is believing in your healer. A fist bump from my doc would tell me we got this more than any ten-second bedside conversation."
"The players are going to be dividing into groups, about eight different groups, and they're going to be heading off to local hospitals."
"I also announced that more than 35 million Medicare beneficiaries will soon receive a card in the mail with $200."
"Shout out again to the charity of the day which is Doctors Without Borders."
"Thank you to everyone in the NHS, the frontline of the fight against Corona virus."
"Every dollar donated saves a life, results in extra oxygen, and facilitates hospital beds in India."
"AI could also ease the burden on professionals by completing a lot of those rot tasks like charting Administration and insurance."
"They've donated thousands of masks and shoes to healthcare workers, created a fund for a variety of community initiatives—and with this new weekend shoe, if you pre-order now, five dollars gets donated towards mental health awareness organizations."
"Unlimited money, you could buy food, you could fund research, you could support chronic illnesses treatments for the world."
"Every dollar you donate saves a life, every dollar you donate results in extra oxygen to people who really need it, every dollar you donate facilitates hospital beds in India."
"I would not be this strong without the clinic. My dreams now revolve around my son."
"The governors and us are working together very closely, not only in testing but on ventilators, where we have a capacity that's virtually unlimited."
"We're profoundly grateful for their contribution to protect the lives and safety of our healthcare professionals."
"We're going to have tremendous numbers of ventilators that we're able to help our states with at a later date."
"This budget resolution means that during this raging pandemic we will be able to provide health care to millions of americans who are uninsured and underinsured."
"We see you, we respect you, thank you so very much."
"In terms of his philanthropic efforts, he has donated over $20 million to the Voice Health Institute in Boston and $15 million to the fight against the Ebola epidemic in West Africa."
"I thought that I would use what's in my giveaway boxes that I keep in my beauty cupboard and make up some little care packages for the frontline Cova D ward NHS workers."
"Talk about comforting. Boy, if you get sick, I'm calling you, Nicole."
"We raised over six thousand dollars, helped over 18 local businesses, and delivered meals to nurses and doctors in the area over 500 nurses and doctors."
"He's a great dad for coming out of retirement to raise money for his son's hospital bills."
"We are mobilizing every resource to make sure frontline doctors and nurses have the equipment needed to save American lives."
"We're gonna have to rely on state and local governments, our courageous health care workers, our public health experts, and each other."
"A lot of people donate stuff to hospitals."
"No matter how hard the day has been, the staff on shift are always ready, willing, and able to help the patients."
"We've announced an extra 127 million pounds of support for the NHS maternity workforce."
"Leadership means standing up for the people of this country, standing up for our police, standing up for our NHS."
"Each time I hear an ambulance, I take a breath for the person who's inside and can't breathe, and I send love to the EMTs that are there."
"The Ryan White Care Act established programs for people living with this disease."
"When you've got a problem, you just go into the hospital... they handle everything."
"It gives them things to do to relieve some of the stress of otherwise really rough times."
"We're going to do everything we can for you, we're going to get you on the right medicines, we're going to put you on the right lifestyle."
"It's the recognition that that's when you need the palliative care and hospice folks to provide the expertise."
"Lyft is helping cancer patients get to and from their cancer appointments for free."
"We're doing the Three Peaks challenge to raise funds for the Birmingham Women's and Children's Hospital charity."
"I ended up organizing something called NHS morale boost, which brought all of my industry colleagues together."
"We wanted to bring a message of hope to patients today."
"Knitters who knit the knitted knockers for them to give to patients who have undergone either mastectomies or lumpectomies."
"Thank you so much, all in support of neonatal care centers across our country."
"Hey, if we all are for health care, say aye."
"All services are free of charge to participants."
"It's a great opportunity to come out and raise big money, you know, there are lots of kids who need our help for the surgeries, to pay for the therapy."
"Over the past 15 years, they have been able to raise more than four million dollars for the Luminous Health Ann Arundel Medical Center Cancer Institute through this program."
"For every container that we sell, $2 will be donated to St. Jude's Children's Hospital."
"The Mississippi Hospital Association supported me because they know that I will take action on day one."
"We can afford Universal Health Care, we can afford to help the homeless find accommodation."