
Social Ethics Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"I want to be pro-family, pro-life, pro-justice, pro-virtue, pro-morality, pro-honesty, pro-kindness, pro-mercy, pro-grace."
"It is not possible for you to act in your own interests and have no regard for others. That would be so blind and foolish that any move you made would instantly be foiled by the people for whom you had no regard."
"To whom much has been given, much will be required."
"No man should call a woman a horse face, especially the President of the United States."
"Apologies are the bare minimum of manners for the other party whom you have hurt, and it is not something you get to gain any sort of tangible benefit from."
"We got treated well and in turn you treated the people well it was that absolutely it was a two-way street."
"It's offensive, yeah, it's not your culture so I don't think you should appropriate it."
"No more than we should demonize somebody for the color of their skin..."
"We live in a world where we should have some sort of basic [__] human decency towards each other."
"My morality is that society should try and diminish and mitigate the suffering of other people."
"I don't think we realize as Christians the stories we tell, the attitudes we have, the jokes we laugh at."
"It's not okay to beg someone for sex when they changed their mind, you're creepy."
"If a man sees a woman with many sexual partners as less favorable, then he pursues sex with her without intending to marry her, is he intentionally harming her by his own standards?"
"Morality does change—only a couple hundred years ago it was considered moral to own other human beings as property in the United States."
"That's just not a good justification to use a slur at somebody right."
"Gratitude is an understanding that you owe something to the past."
"So, we think it's a responsible thing to do."
"Be angry about a 17 year old minor girl's death being exploited."
"The other primary purpose of the abortions is eugenics which is the science of selective breeding the breeding of a master race."
"There's no such thing as a good billionaire."
"Your interests and your wants cannot inherently exclude other people."
"You're going to be judged by how you treat the least among you."
"The real question, Eleanor… is what do we owe to each other."
"Pride is dangerously corrupt selfishness by putting one's own desires, urges, wants, and whims before the welfare of other people."
"We can really only look at society and how to make it better by allowing people to be born in the first place."
"If you have grandparents, make sure you always love them and show them respect because this is messed up."
"If you have the ability to help than you should."
"It's just not cool and treating anyone like they're subservient in a public way that doesn't feel like fun and consenting is not a thing that you know is maybe just not a thing we should do."
"You should not be judging people for their circumstances."
"Understand that the girl you like is somebody's sister, somebody's daughter, is the respect and honor of somebody's family."
"If I've helped you, it's really uncool to go against me. At least just do nothing. But to go against me is really kind of crap."
"Why is it so hard to just not harass people? I don't understand."
"I think people should be free to do what they feel like doing as long as they're not hurting somebody else."
"You need to treat people some basic level of dignity."
"Treat people with respect, no matter what you got in your pocket."
"Our collective moral progress depends upon the extent to which we are able and, crucially, willing to examine our behavior and most cherished beliefs."
"Treat people like human beings, not political abstractions. Criticize to uplift and empower, never to tear down or destroy."
"You don't have a right to other people's stuff."
"May Allah never make us look down upon other people."
"I think Liberty giving people the freedom to you know as long as they're not hurting somebody else do what they want it's super important."
"Vindictive behavior... is actually worthwhile and justifiable."
"At the end of the day, we all have the moral responsibility to as much as possible nurture each other's natures."
"We must assume responsibility for ourselves and each other."
"Treat others how you feel you want to be treated back. I believe in that wholeheartedly."
"We need to acknowledge the intrinsic value of every single human being."
"What she did to that little dog is unforgivable."
"If you are putting the rest of the community at risk, you don't deserve to benefit from the fruits of the community."
"How dare you open subject yourself to somebody that's already involved. How dare you."
"Freedom is you do what you want to do, accept the consequences, as long as your freedom does not infringe on other people's freedom."
"Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor."
"There’s no historical or biological excuse for being a prick."
"The common good requires that laws recognize, promote, and protect marriage."
"I thank you for our critical capacity and I ask you to help us use it but not in a way that cancels another person."
"Not the idiot. What, how is your sister demanding you apologize for her abhorrent partner's crappy jokes made in a sensitive time?"
"All you can do is try, so I try to treat people like I want to be treated."
"Billionaires aren't Our Saviors, they're our mistakes."
"It's important we know what is bad, we challenge what is acceptable, and we draw those lines in a society."
"Expanding the moral sphere to include people who are not like you as members of your group."
"Dignity and respect is the bare minimum. We must set our sights higher and focus on intentional inclusivity."
"Don't hate people that you don't know because it's not right."
"People matter more than concepts and must come first."
"You don't have a right over someone else's rights. Our rights exist; you can't cause harm to other people."
"Most people are prepared to accept as a completely self-evident moral axiom that we must not be completely selfish."
"None of us want to live in a world where our privilege depends on the suffering of others."
"But I think that if he wants to apologize for that, he's got a really good reason to apologize for doing that."
"Justice isn't just punishing evildoers, it's writing a wrong."
"We don't attack people for their identity. We don't attack people for what they do in their spare time. None of those things justify bullying or harassment of any sort."
"People don't realize that when you limit your neighbor's freedom, you limit your own."
"We judge people for what they do, not for how they were born."
"I hate it when people treat other people like they're beneath them okay I don't care if you're the [ __ ] CEO you treat the janitor with respect because that is a person."
"Act accordingly, it's about everybody else as well."
"Being kind is more important than being right."
"No one deserves to be bullied. There's no good excuse for that."
"Nobody should behave like that and you shouldn't be treated like that."
"Racism is wrong. There is no way you can tell me otherwise."
"Tolerance has become the one cardinal virtue of the postmodern Society."
"Many evil things have been done in the name of religion."
"Recognizing that you owe something to your community because you're a member of that community."
"You don't touch a woman... there are absolutely no excuses."
"Morality gains its true power when it is truly universalized."
"No matter what it is that you know or if somebody's trying to gossip to you about somebody else don't even participate because they don't have your best interests at heart."
"Protecting the lives of innocent babies is something we should all agree on."
"All that stuff is nothing but toxicity... nobody should put their hands on nobody, period."
"This is messed up, bro. Be nice to everyone, guys."
"I understand as a large content creator, you have a responsibility to make sure you're not harboring hatred or generating hatred towards other people."
"If we see somebody in need and turn our back to them, folks, that's not right."
"Many people only think about consent from the framework of the two people directly doing the activities, but what about the onlookers?"
"The harm principle: the only legitimate ground for social coercion is to prevent harm to others, period."
"Fame is not an excuse to treat people around you with disrespect."
"There has to be a feeling of spontaneous responsibility of each for all and all for each."
"This teaches us first of all to be truthful to each other, to shun lies and calumny."
"Violence against anybody is unacceptable."
"When you stop valuing the personhood and visibility of individuals, you make it easier to dehumanize them on a macro scale."
"No one should enjoy the failures of others."
"With relationality comes an accountability."
"Economic justice is a moral imperative."
"Privilege always creates responsibility."
"Your freedom ends where another's begins."
"Charity is the greatest social commandment; it respects others and their rights."
"Whatever you want people to do for you, you do it for them."
"I mean, we ought to help each other out, right?"
"One of the foundations of secular morality is basically understanding that other people are intelligent, thinking, feeling people too."
"Respect your families, respect your elders, respect women."
"I respect everyone no matter who you are."
"Punching down is where a person who has a sensible power strikes out at somebody who is powerless or relatively powerless, and that's a no-no."
"It doesn't matter how eloquently I can argue my theology if we're all mean, then what good is it?"