
Societal Harmony Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"And the sum of all self-interests would make for a balanced, harmonious, and prosperous society."
"America is a beautifully diverse and tolerant country. People from various walks of life with different beliefs and values peacefully live and work together."
"If you're relatively happy with the status quo and content with your neighbours, then you can live in peace, cooperating, trading, and prospering together."
"It's important that everyone is at peace and we don't cause enough disruption."
"You've got to be able to co-exist with people with whom you disagree in the same society."
"Freedom of expression is not without limits. We owe it to ourselves to act with respect for others and to seek not to arbitrarily or unnecessarily injure those with whom we are sharing a society and a planet."
"There's more that unites us or there's more common ground that we have, and we need to find that common ground."
"The moral of the story is we should just all get along and be very disappointed in boomers together."
"Diversity is divine, but division is diabolical."
"We can all come together and we don't have to hate each other there is no reason."
"We have to find a way that everyone can be kind of okay with the middle ground."
"Nobody's gonna buy the nice one, like 'Hey, look at we all get along.'"
"We need to find a compromise, we need to find a way to live together."
"We need to foster a culture that says it's okay to have disagreements."
"Inclusion should be applied equally; demonizing one group won't bring us closer."
"And when people have opportunity and they feel confidence in the future, they are less likely to turn on each other."
"A society where benders and non-benders from all over the world could live and thrive together in peace and harmony."
"They want to move into a brighter, harmonious future."
"Treating each other with more civility, as Americans we're all in this together."
"It can also serve as a story of how a religiously and ethnically diverse society can produce some of the most fascinating and fruitful contributions to our collective heritage of humanity."
"We'd actually find out that we have way more agreement than disagreement."
"It's not just you, it's not just me, it's us, and we must achieve Harmony together."
"We do not want Civil War we do not want that kind of horror no question about that."
"Unity, harmony, and order in society cannot be achieved through the making of laws by men and the policing of people's behavior."
"You do you boo. Eventually, we'll get to a point where everyone should be existing in a more harmonious and peaceful state of 'you do you boo.'"
"That is the world we desperately need, a world at peace and in harmony where people live and care for each other."
"I believe we can get to a place where everyone can understand each other."
"Let's all make believe that in the end we're gonna need each other."
"You do have a sense of a society which is relatively at peace with itself."
"The ancient kingdom wanted to erase existing prejudices and help the world get along."
"Yet, traveling here, I feel there's a growing realization that neither side is going away, violence is not the answer, and everyone will be better off when dignity, security, and economic justice are provided to all."
"Humanizing your ideological opponents... It's much easier to hate somebody's ideas or what they believe in, but to also hate them as well... it's much easier to be on hating somebody's ideas or what they believe in."
"If everybody followed it, the world would be paradise."
"There's always been white people who loved black people and who wanted to see black people flourish."
"Peace for our city, peace for our community, and peace for our residents."
"We're trying to create harmony so that people can bubble up into meritocracy."
"All Americans are equal we're all in this thing together stop fighting each other let's walk together forward in a better direction together."
"We shouldn't have two divisive teams of people."
"Respect is what we absolutely need in order to live together on this planet."
"Compromise, live and let live is what will be needed there with all with out brexit and that's really the point."
"People just get on, so it's actually very multicultural and even multi-religious despite the fact it's in an Islamic country but it just works because people agree on those things."
"We are multiracial but if we're going to live in a harmonious country all treated equal in the same get rid of this multiculturalism best and say we are Australians."
"I believe that the only way to have a positive and civilized society is where people of differing opinions are allowed to coexist with respect and civility."
"Pluralism is the best prescription to bring about reconciliation between a variety of different religious worldviews."
"Nobody wants that to happen. Okay, let's just all be clear on that."
"Guys, we're on this planet together and we gotta find a way to live together, even if we don't see eye to eye, even if we don't believe in the same things."
"I want to see in politics... everybody's friends after 6:00."
"Love is love and if we have more love we'd all just be groovin'."
"So ultimately I think what you found is that it is easy to find common ground with people you do not agree with politically."
"If we all get along better, the world will be a much better place."
"Our political opponents, though, are not our enemies. The press is not the enemy of the people."
"Marxism promises a future of harmony and an end to social conflict with communism."
"Everybody can flourish together when you treat people with respect."
"America can only have a prosperous future if we can put aside these differences."
"Human beings need to live together in harmony, they need to see creative flourishing."
"If we are like this in our individual lives as people, it is easy to see how our human society will be one of disharmony instead of harmony."
"Britain benefits from a wonderful degree of unity but without conformity."
"There's no reason for anybody to be fighting anybody."
"That's what it's all about, people don't hate each other for the most part."
"A place where all benders and non-benders could live together in harmony."
"Consciousness is knowing what's right from wrong. Conscience is our guide to a peaceful world."
"We give because it feels good to give, we love because we want to live in a loving world."
"A true sovereign individual recognizes the laws and he also honors the laws of man as far as they are in accord with the laws of the creator of the boundless Universe."
"He thought that his teaching could put a permanent end to internal well warfare and the breakdown of society."
"We want a settled harmonious Society where everyone is equal where people coming to this country are taught our great history."
"Confucius says, when it comes to hearing civil litigation, I am as good as anyone else. What is necessary though is to bring it about that there is no civil litigation at all."
"True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice."
"And the sooner we all remember it, realize it, we can restore peace in our society."
"The moral law within allows us to get along with each other but also creates the modern moral problems that we face."
"What we need is a common currency, a higher order system that we can appeal to in order to allow groups with different values to get along."
"The sooner we as a race of people start to understand that someone else can have an opinion on something and we don't need to get triggered by it, the better it's going to be for everybody."
"The alternative to unity is conflict."
"There is an environment of mutual respect and understanding."
"He was never exiled by force; he was simply suggested a course of option that would have brought about more peace and harmony in society."
"But to reverence and honor thy own mind will make thee content with thyself, and in harmony with society, and in agreement with the gods."
"My principles are your principles; you can hold that value and I can hold my value, and we can live side by side and be happy."
"That constitution, the Bill of Rights…well, it taught us how to negotiate our differences the same way a good dance band adjusts to find the right tempo for each different room of dancers."
"Art has the ability, and that's why most of my artworks are very interested in this notion of living together."
"If you are not in conflict with yourself, you cannot be in conflict with the society around you."
"Love for all, hatred for none, promoting peace and harmony in society."
"How do we deal with pluralistic societies based on understanding, knowledge, and mutual respect?"
"There is an absence of personal peace, family peace, local peace, national peace, international peace."
"Most of them, they are down to earth, they are humble people, and they live peacefully with people."
"We sincerely believe that as we acknowledge one another with consideration and compassion, we will discover that we can all peacefully coexist despite our deepest differences."
"Our laws are designed for people to be able to live together and get along."
"A nation becomes righteous when its population is pious and lives in harmony with God's commandments."
"We must try to make ourselves peaceful, our home peaceful, our city peaceful, our state faithful, our country peaceful, and our world peaceful."
"We want peace in this country, we want Harmony."
"No contention in the land because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people."
"We need this energy of peace in our world, in our individual lives, as well in our families, our communities, and our jobs."