
Entrepreneurial Mindset Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Trying to make your first million dollars just try it, different in trying to just lock yourself into a nine-to-five job."
"The marketplace doesn't care about our sobbing stories, our victim mentality, it doesn't even care how much experience we have or how many years we're in business. The marketplace only cares about value."
"Don't despise the necessary components. All of these things are important: the product, the engineers, the people who work on it, the creative inspiration, the entrepreneurial end, make the product."
"If you can Fester the belief then there is a business... if you cannot Fester the belief there is no business."
"Entrepreneurs think different. They don't think like employees at all."
"In order to be super successful in any industry, you kind of have to have a business mind."
"It does not need to start with the perfect idea."
"Entrepreneurs don't say that, entrepreneurs say win some, learn some."
"If you have the knowledge, the network, and the belief, I don't believe money should be a barrier."
"Unchaining an entrepreneur is figuring out the reasons they give for why they can't do something."
"You can lose money for three years as long as you had a dream."
"I knew they weren't going to ever be accomplished by just being an employee for Dave."
"Failure and obstacles at entrepreneur does is they fail fast but fail affordable."
"It's not about making an income, it's about making an impact."
"Mindset really is everything in entrepreneurship."
"If I can make them millions of dollars, I can do that same thing for myself."
"An entrepreneurial mindset helps kids discover that they can make the world a better place."
"Nobody's Gonna believe in you in the beginning nor should they."
"If you want to be rich, you want to be wealthy, you want to be free, you are going to have to sacrifice some seven day weeks."
"It's less about the money and more about the challenge of the process."
"People aren't in business to lose money, they're in business to make money."
"I know what I'mma do right. I know how I'm moving, and I know why I'm doing this. I built this, you know what I'm saying? Because it was a really good product."
"Just be prepared to fail a lot and put stuff out there."
"Build profitable opportunities that's going to keep you empowered so you never have to worry about Aid."
"The hard work doesn't generate money, my imagination is what's generating the money."
"My entire business is based on the concept that waiting to do something perfect is not going to get you anywhere."
"What you're doing now is creating external value outside of your job that way you can attract more money."
"Encourage people to take bold bets... experiments are prone to failure but big success compensates."
"It's nice to be able to if you have an idea for a product you can work creatively on it"
"The worst mistake you can make as an entrepreneur is not to admit your failures and continue to try and resuscitate them with yours and other people's capital."
"claw machine Arbitrage folks if you you don't believe that opportunity is everywhere"
"Money is everywhere and you can make money in anything."
"What are you doing? You're getting fat stacks, that's what you should do."
"First-time founders just don't get sucked into 'grass is greener' syndrome."
"Don't think that just because you've got a competitor that's started by a founder who's on their second or third company that they're gonna crush you."
"Make no mistake because he is always working on his next big idea."
"You can quite literally create an income generating machine for yourself."
"Being an entrepreneur is about being a solutions provider."
"Mindset is to entrepreneurs as physical strength and capacity is to athletes. It's that important."
"Professional athletes should start thinking like Elon Musk."
"When you know you've got something, and that it's time to go big, go big and go fast."
"The idea that if you work really hard, you'll make it yourself is entrepreneur culture."
"Money is a side effect, make sure you do other things to get you the money."
"Every single day, when I'm failing to make that extra million, I keep asking myself, am I doing all that I can?"
"The doughnut's boundaries unleash the potential for humanity to thrive with boundless creativity, participation, belonging and meaning."
"The same mentality that creates entrepreneurs have to serve. In my opinion, the best entrepreneurs have the mentality that they need to serve others and solve their problems better than anybody else."
"You got to stay hungry. You got to stay working. You can't just be like, 'Oh well, I don't care what's going on with the majority of the market cap.'"
"Don't be that person who never treated their business like a business."
"Revenue feeds the ego, profits feed the family." - Bedros Keuilian
"Believe in your product, work on building something and being able to produce something that is worth it and then things fall into place."
"The first rule of Entrepreneurship is use what you got."
"There's a certain level of obsessiveness that comes with being a super great entrepreneur."
"When you start making a little bit of money the next thing you're going to start thinking about is scalability."
"Do you want to be an entrepreneur, or a wannapreneur?"
"If you don't decide your thing is worthy, you're not gonna make money."
"Always work towards bigger deals, add another zero to it."
"When somebody is making is an entrepreneur, the question is what are they selling?"
"Youtubers are never satisfied. It's the nature of someone who starts their own thing."
"The most successful sellers, most successful entrepreneurs aren't thinking what is my first month gonna be like, they're thinking what is my 36th month gonna be like."
"I like keeping the scrappy mentality because it keeps you hungry."
"I want this business, but I want it to function correctly."
"When you own a business you think about things differently... do I want to own this business or do I not want to own this business?"
"Making money is a muscle. As you spend more time in the gym, you start to identify opportunities where you can step in to provide value and make money in the process."
"I thought that I was trying to build businesses, but in hindsight I was actually just building skills."
"The entrepreneurs dilemma: Stay attached to the problem we're trying to solve but be very flexible about the solutions."
"Entrepreneurial thinking is taking responsibility, taking ownership, and mitigating the risks."
"An entrepreneur knows his superpower, and the superpower of an entrepreneur is making decisions."
"Working 60 hours a week isn't good enough; real entrepreneurs work over 80. Welcome to modern society."
"Everybody can get rich if you apply yourself properly if you have the right mindset if you're smarter and you're better."
"The key for me as an entrepreneur is if I lose 91 times and I win seven times, the seven times will offset the 98 at-bats and most people don't see that."
"If you failed on one product, it does not mean that you're gonna continually failing."
"Mega successful entrepreneurs have zero attachment to material needs."
"The only thing stopping you from making money with this is making the decision to go out and do it."
"It's about starting a business and taking advantage of what is called leverage."
"I want us to stop chasing spots and learn how to start creating spots. I want us to stop begging for jobs and learn how to create jobs."
"That's how my brain works, if I know what I'm doing I can monetize."
"Clarity as an entrepreneur will set you free."
"You are a customer who thinks they're a business owner."
"Do with what you feel comfortable with and what you think the demand is there and that's that's that's what I got for you guys."
"If you put yourself in a space where you are willing to walk in that divine assignment and you create the right ecosystem for your business, you can take people from a free workshop to a 30-day boot camp into a high-ticket program."
"One of the most important things to me is ownership. Like, we own 100% of our stuff."
"I think the idea of being able to fail more, fail faster makes a lot of sense... You have to fail more to succeed."
"I wouldn't say that I got lucky, I would say that I was in the right place at the right time to capitalize on an opportunity."
"Most billionaires I know got in it with a different set of goals. Do I consider myself a billionaire now? Now, I don't know."
"Entrepreneurship 101... finding a lot of ambition."
"You have to realize how great the opportunities are and the different ways that you can capitalize."
"You have to achieve belief in your own vision, no matter how crazy it is."
"What are we doing? That's stupid. Everyone should run their business like they're a CEO."
"Why is it such a flex to try to trade with a lot of money when you're just getting started? Embrace challenge, embrace failure, welcome it."
"Good deals are found, but great deals are created."
"The main reason people fail? They never start."
"When you guys see a product and you guys are scared that too many people might get into it, just realize that ninety ninety nine percent of people won't get into it because they're thinking about it, they're scared."
"Your brain is always taking over ways that you could not only make money but ways that you can also change things."
"90% of entrepreneurship is what lays in between your ears."
"You have to be looking around corners and seeing opportunities."
"You got to know it to be successful... I had to control my own destiny."
"Any business is either growing or dying. There shouldn't be anything in between!"
"If this is your business and you're treating it as something that you want to be full-time, then you need to treat it like that from the beginning."
"I'm standing on business. All we talk about is business around here."
"The reality is that Elon is a smart successful guy with a lot of good ideas and a lot of bad ideas."
"Outsourcing is one of the best ways that you can expand your business, take your hands off a little bit, and have more of an owner mindset."
"Stop thinking as an individual freelancer and more as an entrepreneur, startup guru if you want to be called that."
"Problems are opportunities. You want to make a million dollars? Solve a million problems or one big one."
"Treat this like a business even from the beginning."
"Most entrepreneurs are stubborn, I'm no exception to that."
"You need to think big. Do you know what I do? I'm thinking big; I want to scale."
"Mindset or taking action for entrepreneurs is the most important thing that you can do to be successful."
"I love his brain, how he works business-wise."
"Before you look into how to start a real estate brokerage, you should consider why you want to."
"You need to focus on the bigger picture; that's how you think like an entrepreneur."
"You just really need to elevate yourself in terms of thinking from an entrepreneurial standpoint and thinking from a scalable perspective."
"It takes a certain attitude, a certain set of skills, a certain approach, and determination to kind of figure out where the money is and then how to get more of it."
"I'm planning to grow the business. Sky's the limit."
"With the digital world ever increasing and more opportunities arising, you're probably thinking, 'I want to take advantage of this and I want to be able to make a living online.'"