
Climate Action Quotes

There are 733 quotes

"We also passed the Inflation Reduction Act that's reducing our deficit, and it's going to have the most amount of climate change projects in world history."
"Convince people about climate change not by the moral argument, but by providing market solutions that taste better."
"This is not about saving the planet. This is about ensuring that the environmental conditions that have made this planet habitable for us, that they actually continue."
"We see no contradiction between pursuing ambitious action to meet the climate crisis and supporting a sustained and swift economic recovery."
"Yet if we act boldly, we can create millions of jobs, transforming our energy system away from fossil fuel, making our homes and buildings energy efficient, moving to the electrification of transportation in America."
"Environmental justice and climate action reveal the political nature of what is meant here."
"This administration can deliver policies and resources that will create jobs, rise to the climate challenge, and equitably serve all Americans."
"We need an FDR-like mobilization on renewable energy to deal with the climate emergency."
"It is not possible to reach net zero one country at a time; we need an interconnected energy system."
"The scientists are telling us that if we don't act incredibly boldly within the next six, seven years, there will be irreparable damage done not just to Nevada, not just to Vermont or Massachusetts, but to the entire world."
"I would like to see the world's wealthy countries all become...support a strong social safety net, empowered workers, and aggressive action to protect the planet against climate change."
"We must prevent climate change, lay claim to the land which may yet be taken by rising sea levels, and make the world habitable for our children."
"Just 100 companies are responsible for 70% of emissions, and you at home must not pay the price of the transition to a NetZero economy."
"Scotland is already leading the way; we have almost halved our emissions and now set a new legal target to reach Net Zero of all emissions by 2045."
"We need to redistribute wealth, cancel climate debt, implement a universal basic income, massively invest in loss and damage funds, degrow the economy in high-income countries, increase universal public services, reduce working time, dematerialize, and re-prioritize what it means to live a human life."
"And more than anything, I am so excited for the impact that each of you will be creating by purchasing this cleanser to fight climate change and protect forests from deforestation all around the world."
"I don't accept that's the only way to tackle something."
"We must move to net zero emissions within a few decades."
"You have a moral responsibility on climate change."
"We cannot do it compromise and say to the climate you know just wait a bit we're still not sure what to do no we can't do that."
"If we don't stop emitting carbon dioxide, climate change will become so severe that it would be a threat to humanity as a species."
"Planting trees could get us to carbon neutral for the next 20 years."
"We have a role to play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions."
"Eliminating CO2 from the air we breathe is the key to our survival."
"Anything could be justified morally if it meant stopping [climate change] from happening."
"I think ultimately it's quite clear that if people want action on climate they need to vote green."
"Kerry Bakai is inspirational and I congratulate her and all her colleagues at Scrubbies UK. She is an exemplar for small businesses leading the way to help the UK tackle plastic pollution and reach our climate goals." - Mr. Speaker
"We try to lead on energy and climate, we were the first state to mandate 100 renewable energy for electricity."
"We can only address the climate emergency and the many other challenges we face with women and girls at the center of our efforts."
"Young people voted historic numbers... to continue addressing the climate crisis."
"We still have a small window of time to work together and aggressively reduce our emissions to save communities around the world from disaster."
"The same investments needed to tackle climate change are the same investments we've needed to tackle income inequality."
"We need everything available to us for climate change mitigation."
"Earthships are not going to be the one perfect solution to solving our climate crisis or housing issues. There is actually no one perfect solution, but I think we can learn a lot from Earthships, and it's a step in the right direction."
"That's how we stop climate change, make it entertaining."
"Climate is a critical standalone issue that we have to deal on."
"We can and we will deal with climate change."
"We will create a greenhouse gas monitoring system and make data about our changing planet accessible to those who need it most."
"The UK government has also made a bold commitment to tackle climate change..."
"Ireland actually is implementing 125 billion Euro plan to combat climate change."
"Your goal as a writer should be to make sure your audience keeps reading, and that means doing less not more."
"Biggest government expenditure ever approved to fight climate change."
"We have to act on climate for the good of our children and, by the way, for the good of our economy."
"The coming decade would be decisive in the fight against climate change."
"Every year that we delay taking action, the worse it's going to be."
"If we don't keep it below 1.5, those people are finished."
"Jeff Bezos plans to give most of his 124 billion net worth to charities that fight climate change and unify humanity."
"Justice has got to be at the heart of this climate justice."
"Paying fair wages within a supply chain is intrinsically linked to fighting the climate crisis."
"Hey the adults in the room haven't been acting on climate change for decades and so we're gonna put pressure now because this is our future on the line and we need to be a voice in that room we need to be heard and we need action too."
"It'll cut taxes, lower costs for the American people, create good-paying jobs, invest in our future while tackling the climate change crisis." - Bernie Sanders
"After decades of people harping on climate change, we're starting to pivot. We know the answers, but we still need to implement them."
"We just did something about climate change for the first time in decades."
"Access to space and cutting-edge Earth observations are fundamental to addressing climate change and enhancing global resilience."
"It's going to help us meet the moment of the climate crisis."
"Governments don't need to subsidize solar farms or roll out carbon taxes just yet, but perhaps they should stop subsidizing major emitters."
"If COP26 fails, the Earth will see chaos, terrorism, and war."
"The vast majority of people in the United States want action on climate change."
"Recognizing the duty of the federal government to create a green new deal."
"You just solved climate change, call Joe Biden!"
"The world needs the equivalent of a pandemic lockdown every two years."
"In terms of being able to move Biden, we can at least move him on the climate, and that is the biggest issue we face as a country."
"We have 12 years to transform our economy and society to stop climate change."
"If anyone is not talking about that first step, they have no true intent to fight climate change."
"New York State has passed an ambitious climate law."
"There are, nevertheless, things that we can individually do to curb global warming."
"We need to take action now on climate change."
"Avoiding those [tipping points] is of the utmost importance."
"Dealing with climate change will certainly be one of, it has to be one of my priorities."
"The pandemic was no time for climate action. We didn't let them stop us then either."
"We can start talking about ending fossil fuel expansion."
"The time for denial, delay, and dispute is over, and the time to act is now."
"We have a moral obligation to combat climate change."
"We'll create millions of jobs and fight climate change through a clean energy revolution."
"Climate change is the clearest existential threat to our way of life and our entire species."
"What are we doing for our children and our young people if we're leaving them a shambles of a planet in a climate?"
"We can stop climate change from getting worse. We can make rapid and radical changes this decade."
"It's clear that both nations must strive for more stringent targets."
"There is only one option, I repeat, only one option left to climate, and that is to do the unthinkable."
"The real politic of it is that we need collaboration for things like climate change."
"Extinction Rebellion is not about blaming individuals for what they do; it's about us all working together to turn this around."
"If we do not fix the climate, if we do not stop devastating it, if you do not stop devastating wildlife and nature, then we are not going to have food to put on the table quite soon."
"This is a president who's committed to addressing the climate crisis, he's taken executive action, he's also brought leaders together."
"Tackle climate change with American jobs and American ingenuity."
"We want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change."
"We can have a big impact on climate change with the way we build our houses and the energy we use in them."
"If we take actions now and we decarbonize the economy... we can slow down and maybe even stop climate change."
"We need to reduce carbon emissions very rapidly."
"If the whole world farmed through biodiversity, we could reverse climate change."
"We are aiming for net zero carbon emissions in America by 2050, and this is the first time in my life that I have felt like that might be possible."
"We are failing monumentally in meeting our own commitments to cut emissions."
"Justice at the heart of climate action because with environmental justice as well it's looking at how everyone deserves the right to a clean and healthy environment."
"A focus on mitigation efforts, and lots of them, in concert with adaptation strategies is required to combat climate change."
"By 2030, Oslo's climate budget calls for a nearly 100% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions."
"Tackling the climate crisis before we run out of time."
"The climate pledge is... to meet the goals of the Paris accord 10 years early."
"The government has got to get serious, we need sustained engagement and focus."
"President Biden said the U.S. would cut greenhouse gases in half by the end of this decade."
"The benefits of cutting climate pollution would also be three times greater."
"We can no longer delay or do the bare minimum to address climate change."
"This is the moment we must come together to save this planet."
"We will save all of creation by engaging in this massive job creation."
"If this all happens, this will be a dramatic shift for the world, actually tackling the climate crisis."
"In other scenarios where we take less aggressive action or no action at all, the planet's average surface temperature goes up by more like 6 degrees Celsius."
"Large majorities of the public believe that the government should actually be doing more to tackle climate change not less."
"Invest in green energy to combat climate crisis."
"No single legislation was going to get the US all the way to the 50 number, but this gets us really close."
"It's a cumulative responsibility, but not everybody has equal capacity and resources."
"This is a problem for all 7 billion people on the planet and we all need to be driving... for a change in the way we run our society to become very low carbon and very quickly indeed."
"Changing the foundational system that determines our social outcomes could make combating climate change much easier."
"The world's richest person should be somebody fixing and fighting climate change."
"We did a thing! We did all that with plant life and climate reestablished."
"Climate change: a real concern with global implications."
"Honestly planting trees... incredibly effective way to mitigate carbon dioxide."
"We need to fundamentally change the power structure of the United States if we want to stop the climate crisis."
"We have to recognize we have to come to terms that just doing these traditional ways of trying to address it haven't worked."
"The worst case scenario is not the only option we have to live with."
"The biggest demanders now for climate action are the investors."
"Listen to the scientists. Show some leadership."
"We must all hang together or we will hang separately. That is true of climate change."
"We're passionate about protecting the natural world, willing to prioritize a livable climate over all issues."
"Forests help us mitigate climate change by storing carbon, pulling in carbon. Trees have been doing this for centuries."
"We want to plant more trees so we can save the climate."
"We all need to be doing our bit because climate change is happening right now in our lifetime."
"Nuclear power is a possible solution to our dire energy and climate challenges."
"If you wanna help with the climate problem, reduce your consumption."
"We Democrats want to do more on climate, we must."
"Europe is an asset. We are stronger together. Climate change, digital change, war—we are much stronger together."
"Humans are treating our planet very poorly and we've really got to cut that shit out soon or we're gonna be in big trouble."
"They are amazing in our battle against climate change for lots and lots of reasons."
"We need only look to the United Nations Secretary General, to the IMF, the EU, as Petersburg climate dialogue, the Canadian government, the COP 26, universities Network, and Business Leaders around the world to see this."
"Rejoining the Paris climate agreement, Biden is recommitting the US to drastically reducing emissions."
"We seek a GOP that pursues climate change solutions, embraces nuance, freedom, and opportunity."
"Thrive Market is on a mission to be the world's first climate-positive grocery store."
"When we invest in climate change, there is no option."
"Scientists plan to repopulate the Siberian tundra with woolly mammoths to slow the rate of global warming."
"Extreme weather events represent what the Secretary General has rightly called code red for humanity."
"Climate change is going to bring lockdowns in very much the same way or in the similar spirit of lockdowns we had during the COVID thing."
"I think it's going to be leveraging off the climate emergency that's going to get us there faster than waiting for change in morals or ethics."
"Agriculture done right is part of the solution for mitigating climate change."
"On climate we need nuclear power." - Phil Cheesesteak
"Does the fact that humans are directly responsible for accelerating the thawing of the permafrost give us a responsibility to reduce the damage?"
"Climate dumerism is the equivalent of giving up even though you can still prevent not just the worst case but also mitigate most of the bad things."
"It is the greatest existential threat to human life currently facing us. We need to take care of it while we still have the choice to do so."
"Brazil is committed to achieving by 2030, zero deforestation in the Amazon and making our contribution to preserving the planet."
"I believe this election cycle has revealed how desperately we need reformation in the prophetic movement."
"If we want to keep global warming to under 1.5 degrees Celsius That means we're going to require a mass mobilization"
"Arguably it comes down to this though: the IPCC tells we have less than 11 years to get our act together and put extremely robust measures in place..."
"The circular economy can help address climate change by reducing emissions."
"A framework that will create millions of jobs, grow the economy, invest in our nation and our people, turn the climate crisis into an opportunity..."
"The Green New Deal is a bold resolution introducing some really progressive, exciting ideas and a bold vision for how we can fix our climate."
"A wholesale and dramatic reduction in the use of fossil fuels."
"Each one of these is roughly 5 million fewer tons of co2 and by 2030 there are 200 of them so that's roughly a billion fewer tons of carbon dioxide per year."
"The gap between what we are doing and what actually needs to be done in order to stay below the 1.5 degrees Celsius targets is widening by the second."
"That's why we move quickly to begin restoring American engagement internationally and earn back our leadership position to catalyze global action on shared challenges. On day one, I signed the paperwork to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement."
"I want us to feel a sense of pride when we're talking about climate because of the way that every part of America is helping us deal with it."
"We're not gonna sit back and deny the reality... we're gonna lead the effort to bring countries together to address this existential crisis."
"Failure to mitigate climate change is the biggest risk that we have in 10 years."
"This is an opportunity for him to engage directly now that we've officially rejoined the Paris climate agreement."
"Is it going to fix something in climate change that I think is important?"
"Tackling the climate crisis can actually be a story of opportunity and hope."
"Facing our own extinction, it became clear that no single nation could solve this problem alone. The world came together as one and we fought back."
"Bill Gates suggests synthetic beef like beyond meat is a key part of climate action."
"They agreed to end deforestation by the end of this decade in 2030. We need that so badly. Land clearing by burning forests is a major source of carbon dioxide buildup in the Earth's atmosphere."
"Reducing methane emissions is vital to averting the worst impacts of climate change." - Video narrator
"You must unite behind the science. You must take action. You must do the impossible because giving up can never be an option."
"A billion dollars pledged to combat climate change."
"You can be in support of both exploration and acting to avert a climate catastrophe."
"We need to start bending the global emissions curve over the next five, six, seven years to have a reasonable chance of avoiding disastrous climate change."
"Resistance to cooperatives stems from a lack of education and legal support, despite growing recognition of their benefits."
"Real solutions so that we can stave off the worst of the worst, right?"
"Trees are great... but they aren't a Panacea."
"We will do the right thing, continue to fight climate change, and make sure that Albertans have more money in their pockets."
"We're going to bring out young people who not only are interested but have to fight for real climate change."
"You can actually achieve higher GDP, higher employment, more equality and at the same time you can achieve your climate goals."
"Climate breakdown has begun, however, as like scary as that sounds there's something we can do about it which is stop."
"To fight covid climate change we should use the same template that we did on climate."
"Secretary of State Anthony Blinken insisted the talks were a launching point for future work. 'This is not tomorrow's problem. This is today's problem.'"
"The number one positive contribution that China is making is on climate change."
"Organic farming is part of the solution to climate change."
"Let's make our energy grid as low carbon as possible to address the greatest existential threat to mankind."
"The more mangroves we plant, the less dangerous climate change becomes."
"If we are serious about what we say we want to do for the climate, we need three times as much copper, 10 times as much nickel, 18 times as much lithium..."
"World leaders call for monumental transformation to tackle climate change."
"We have the solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises."
"We absolutely understand the urgency of climate action."
"It's time for government to step in, take control and create these new industries of the future that are going to help us tackle the climate crisis."
"We must address the climate. It doesn't matter if you're red, if you're blue, if you're polka dot. It doesn't matter what you believe or don't believe in. The climate is changing, has changed, and appears to be spiraling out of control."
"Humanity's task is to cut emissions in half by 2030."
"This is factoring in, an offset is the reduction in emissions of dioxide greenhouse gases."
"Continuing to step up in the fight against climate change."
"We must build a fairer, compassionate country and we must do everything in our power to tackle the climate and nature emergencies."
"We cannot tackle the climate emergency without improving Scotland's homes and buildings."
"I'm taking the most significant action ever on climate in the history of the world."
"Empower the citizen to choose a low-carbon world."
"It's not for our young people to compromise their future. We've already compromised their future. It's for us to stand up."
"We exist to ensure that all the debates surrounding the Net Zero transition are informed by the facts."
"We are the first generation who understand climate change and the last who could do anything about it."
"We can be the last generation to solve climate change."