
Personal Validation Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"There's always somebody who doesn't believe in your vision; they don't matter. All that matters is what you believe, what you think of yourself."
"I've just been kind of in survival mode for a long time...I'm so thankful to be at a point in my life where that validation isn't something that I crave anymore."
"Anyone who doesn't think you're amazing is just crazy."
"Everyone wants to be heard that they're favorite but when Tyler tells you that you're the favorite then you know it's true."
"Don't seek personal validation from your social media presence. Apart from your parents, nobody else will unconditionally love you."
"Don't listen to next man, brethren. What do I look like trying to get next man's validation?"
"I knew I wasn't crazy. I knew what happened to me was real."
"Can't fool me, guys. Can't trick me. I was right!"
"You're only really proving it to yourself because no one else really cares."
"I think since 2019, everything, should I say everything that I've talked about has proven to be true."
"I realized that I was chasing something that was outside of myself... I was hanging my happiness or my validation outside of myself."
"If you approve of yourself, others will too."
"Tell me why you're sorry, don't just say sorry."
"What you did today solidified everything that we had been thinking."
"I'm okay not having done those things and impressing other people or proving myself to other people, I'm okay with that."
"I felt really vindicated, do you know what I mean?"
"You're not a bad person. You're a very good person who bad things have happened to."
"My whole life, nobody appreciated me... to have people appreciate it on a wide scale is like the best thing ever."
"You were a victim in that situation, and you shouldn't feel bad for it."
"You're no longer going to have that regret or that second guessing of yourself from different things, different decisions you've made in the past. You're going to finally be validated and you're gonna think, 'Okay, I get it. I no longer feel bad.'"
"All artists are valid. Just because your art isn't incredible and amazing right now to some people doesn't mean that it's not to others. Keep on doing it and you most certainly will get to where you want to be."
"I think it's about having the evidence for your others and most importantly for yourself right."
"You're waiting for someone else to say you're worthy... it all starts with how you validate yourself."
"I think you're pretty cool just the way you are."
"It's like validation in a way, a completely gratifying experience."
"Each member in this arc also has something to prove for themselves; each victory is not just a win for the cause but validation for the individual."
"Make it self-acceptance, self-approval, that's the only approval you need."
"It's exhausting... to live your life and be invalidated, to tell the truth and then be faced with a lie."
"Celebrate who you are celebrate your essence be bold be creative love you love you more than the need for the approval of others love you more than the need for others to validate you you validate you."
"It actually makes me feel seen, seen. Yes, you mean it gives you a sense of worth?"
"The greatest thing that could ever happen to you is to be validated."
"I want to read this one from CJ Diane, he says Tim, your moral compass is on point and your head is on straight."
"Your amazingness is now about to be validated, seen, recognized."
"It's amazing when you reach that moment, people actually do see things that are congruent with the way you see them."
"Candace makes me feel better about myself because she says what I'm thinking."
"But overall I agree with Sean... what he says there is totally true."
"I think you're absolutely right, and that's been my experience as well."
"What you validate yourself with deep in your heart is what others want from you."
"You gotta look at this moment right here like a lot of people ain't checking for you."
"Better Reiter loves you and yes, you also look wonderful to me and the whole wide world."
"You're doing what you're doing because you are awesome."
"Underneath it all, he wanted to know that he mattered."
"People appreciate honesty they appreciate authenticity they appreciate that we all have flaws like none of us are perfect."
"You have to love ourselves and give ourselves that love before we expect to get it from anyone else or feel validated because it comes from within."
"You are worthy of love, compliments, and being heard."
"You don't need validation or somebody to choose you, you're already chosen."
"You guys doubted me, you doubted me so much."
"You gotta get to the point where you don't need a cosign."
"I guess that means people won't make fun of me for my amount of hours, well okay I love them."
"This is all just such great news. I was proven even more right than I would have ever imagined."
"Richards finally getting the public validation that he has long deserved."
"Recognize how awesome you are; give yourself credit."
"I feel extremely vindicated, I think like everything I talked about was legit."
"Be proud of yourself, but don't seek external approval."
"That validation needs to come from within, not from other people."
"It never doesn't deliver, that's how good it is, that's because it's what you are."
"Your intuition didn't fail you this time, that's great."
"The fact that he asks is the proof that you have it."
"Sometimes knowing that I was right is enough. I don't have to prove it anymore."
"Fans make you feel really good about yourself, but they're only there for what you do."
"It finally validated me, it finally helped to heal."
"You're more human than most people could ever hope to be."
"Honestly, it was so insane that if my brother hadn't been there... I'd probably try and write it off as a dream."
"They want you to know that you are an okay person and it's like they're sending you a lot of love."
"It's okay to surrender to love, to allow yourself to be worshipped and fully seen."
"You've achieved a sense of self-worth as a person. Never again will you seek validation from others."
"Validation from others is important, but we shouldn't base our worth on likes and comments."
"We can never tell somebody that their inner self is wrong in any way."
"It makes me feel important, it makes me feel like I've been seen and heard."
"This is the bill from the bid I made, exactly. People were saying it's 'W,' some people were like, 'Oh, this is trash,' but like, it's good for me."
"When I get that validation, it really feels like I'm doing good."
"I'm a champion here and in your heart before anyone tells you that you're a champion."
"You don't need to write a college thesis for your own feelings to be justified."
"Your anxiety is yours and that makes it valid."
"You're on the right path, you are doing the right thing."
"Them trying to diminish your light just made it more colorful."
"I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything by not getting attention or validation from somebody else."
"It's still nice to hear, because you still hear the other stuff."
"There is nothing wrong or low vibrational about you if you're feeling sad or depressed or hurt or angry."
"I believe everything you have said, cool, very nice to hear that finally, to hear like the church, those are the words that make me cry, merely maybe well up, James I believe you."
"After reading all of this, after going through all of this, after seeing the comments, I'm feeling pretty good about my opinions and my values."
"Everybody's experiences should be validated... there's no such thing as complete normal."
"This guy is legit. He's the real freaking deal."
"Self-worth independent of others' attention."
"It's about the confirmation that you're going to have."
"You're still on the right path. You're still doing everything right."
"People waiting on likes from others have not yet learned how to like themselves."
"That's such [__]! I'm not happy that's the case, but also I am happy because I was right."
"I draw my validation from what people in Washington say about me or anything... I wake up happy because I have an opportunity with my life to try to serve."
"You are valid. Don't let anybody else tell you any different."
"My late father... one of the things he was best at was telling me how proud he was of me."
"Understand that You Are Not Invisible and you are not alone."
"All the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside."
"It's always a good day. Yeah, it is. You don't have to get anybody's approval. You don't have to get any... you don't hear notes from non-creative people."
"You gotta earn that, somebody gotta be able to vouch for you."
"You're right. You were right. This means that something that you said in the past was correct, and everybody likes to be correct."
"They're choosing you again... that's exactly what you want."
"If somebody doesn't see your worth, that's not on you, that's on them."
"My self-worth is based on how I feel about myself, how my wife thinks about me, and my monk teachers feel about what I do."
"You have to care more about you than what other people think."
"You are worth more than what someone else is telling you."
"You are worthy of everything that you have coming for you."
"When you know somebody more important approves of you, it makes the opinions of people a whole lot less significant."
"One of the beautiful gifts of astrology is that it can be very validating of what you're moving through, what you're experiencing, what you're feeling."
"You're doing good by yourself right now, they're really going to have to prove themselves."
"Maybe I wasn't such a bad teacher after all."
"You do not have to prove yourself to anyone."
"Don't let nobody make you feel bad or stupid because they just got through reading a book."
"Cersei, she doesn't seem to care. She doesn't care for her; it was always about wanting to validate herself."
"You're wearing the crown; the universe is pleased with the level of spirituality you practice."
"You don't have to apologize for being a millionaire. Like, you made the right play."
"You shouldn't have to seek validation from anybody only God Only The Divine your Spirit guides."
"When you guys get something from my brand you guys love it and you care for it and you use it all the time it just shows that I'm like holy [ __ ] like what I'm doing is it's working like it's it's validating you know what I mean."
"You are so worthy of absolutely everything that I am talking about right now. Everything."
"I think it does boost you and it makes you sure that the hard work you're putting in isn't gone unnoticed."
"I understand why you feel that way, and I think it's okay for you to feel the way you feel."
"Every time Jack makes a general statement about the fact that we matter, I just feel so grateful as if he's talking to me in particular."
"You find validation in the most unlikely of places."
"You just know. You shouldn't apologize for that."
"Even if all of it is true, it's okay. So Vinnie is a winner."
"If you believe you're doing a good job, the people that don't like it, it's probably not meant for them."
"Are you proud of me? Uh, yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, thank you for talking with us seriously, thank you."
"He saw the black sheep who everyone neglected and made him feel special."
"I want to be able to prove to people that I belong here. Not just because of idols or twists, I want to be able to prove to everyone and the haters that I belong as a winner."
"Every trans person is different and you're still valid as you are."
"God forbid somebody give me the recognition that I deserve."
"That's the most powerful thing in the world: when someone looks at you and says, 'I choose you.'"
"There is no amount of external validation that will make you feel like enough."
"I think it's important for everyone to know that it's okay to be who you are."
"It's exactly what you saw with your eyes. It's exactly what you knew. It's what you felt in your gut. It's what you now know in your heart."
"He reaffirms for me that I'm in a profession that matters."
"Finding your self-worth inside of you, not looking for the validation of self-worth from somebody else."
"Hey, this really validates my opinion that the boogeyman is real."
"You're the best here this is for you who see somebody agrees with me so much that rubbish is awesome they gave me an electric guitar."
"We've erased all doubt from my mind. You are a true hero."
"Just because I want to be liked, my validity does not come from other people."
"When he mentions my name, it just makes me feel like I'm doing something right."
"Oh, okay, well, Megan was telling the truth."
"It's so gratifying just to hear somebody say exactly what you feel and what I feel." - Megan Kelly
"I wanted to validate my existence, I found great validation and pride."
"This was the first time Elizabeth was listened to."
"Believe in yourself, trust your own opinion about yourself."
"I'm funny. Well it's about time someone freaking realized it."
"You don't need anybody's love validation or approval to know that you're worthy."
"Your own validation is all that matters at the end of the day."
"You're very good at what you do just in case you didn't know and nobody's told you recently you're very good at what you do."
"That would be awesome, that'd be actually very validating for me in my life."
"If those kind of dudes could tell me you standing up you're doing the right thing."
"The only people that can truly solve their own problems is themselves and nobody else externally can help them with that."
"If it makes me feel good, does that make sense?"
"God says I pick, I pick, I pick you. How wonderful is that? It's precious."
"No amount of success or external validation can replace the importance of just self-love and having genuine relationships."
"I am the door your ex-husband is not your dad who wasn't there is not your own opinion of yourself is not."
"Listen to your intuition. It was on point. You knew."
"Take a moment here honoring and respecting yourself for all the wonderful things that make you who you are."
"You kind of had like an aha moment like damn I knew I was right type situation."
"Validate yourself, stop waiting for other people's validation because that is insecurity."
"Connie always had a way of making me feel good about being me."
"You do not ever need to prove your feelings or experience to anyone."
"I'm not trying to prove anything to anybody but myself."
"I just want to prove it to myself, you know what I mean?"
"This is the first validation I've had in 40 years."
"I'm a winner, like I thought that that was something that validated me as a person."
"I don't care about the haters since Martin Scorsese's told me I'm awesome."
"You don't have anything to prove to anybody."
"Our approval of ourselves matters more than another's."
"You don't have anything to prove to nobody, really. You're an incredible fisherman, you're super smart, just do your own thing."
"You've got every right to be angry."
"I always wanted just once for him to say to me, 'Well done.'"
"This was a very validating moment for Claudia that her mother recognised Rebecca as a very, very important part of her life."
"He's interesting, and he's good, and he backed everything up."
"It's about affirming people's identity."
"I don't owe anybody an explanation, I don't need to defend nor try to validate who I am."
"Never ever let somebody diminish something you went through to justify an action."
"You're pretty impressive just the way you are."
"You don't need to explain your trauma, Renee. Your feelings are still valid."
"You gave me love and validation when I felt rejected from my marriage."
"You have nothing to prove to anyone."
"I no longer need my mother's validation, I can do things by myself."
"You ain't gotta prove nothing to nobody."
"I'm feeling seen, I'm feeling heard, and it feels good."