
Societal Goals Quotes

There are 337 quotes

"A pluralistic society in which all ethnic and racial minorities try to contribute to the mainstream and still retain their cultural identity is often advocated as a desirable goal for our country."
"The goal of any democratic, moral, and rational system must be to create a society where people are healthy, happy, and able to live long and productive lives."
"That does not mean that it should not be criticized because we can always do better for more people. That should always be the goal."
"If we are going to have enough revenues to ensure that every child in America has an adequate education... it's going to take some money to do, and if the rich are not going to pitch in, we are not going to be able to do it."
"Can we become a country that lives up to the truth that Black lives matter?"
"When all those instincts are channeled toward protect, defend, provide, then those instincts can be sublimated to a higher goal."
"What do you want America to look like a year from now?"
"We want to be the best place in the world to be a child."
"Democracy is essentially about a society where we strive toward equality."
"America has two twin aspirations: that of being a great society and that of being a good society."
"The purpose of an economy should be to maximize the well-being of the population."
"We don't have much of a view of what we want. What kind of world are we trying to create and why? That's what we should be talking about."
"The story of America to me is a story of people trying to make this a more perfect union."
"People strive for an easier and safer life, and why shouldn’t they get it?"
"Our goal is actually to protect this next generation from mass shootings."
"Imagine you could have the world you wanted... everyone can have enough, and maybe more than enough."
"How can these principles influence, you know, because otherwise, you know, if there's no recourse to fairness, then what is it we're trying to build?"
"We wish to cure the sick, to make life healthier and longer, to bring prosperity to all."
"Why would you want to stop anybody from making progress? What I think our goal should be is to spend time on becoming more powerful ourselves."
"Society flourishes when it has many goals, a plural set of goals, not a single goal."
"The fulfillment of this vision could result in a restoration of small-town American life."
"What kind of culture do we want to create? Where do we want to be in 10, 20, 30 years?"
"I want us to have joint projects. I want us to have a sense of national purpose together. Of course, there's just always going to be disagreements though about how you should do things."
"We all want paradise, but please, let's try and work towards it."
"We really all just want health and prosperity and freedom, we're all after the same objectives and the ones that are trying to to pitch you against each other they're the enemies realize that they're the dividers."
"The ideas should be making a better life with a better set of choices for each generation to follow."
"I think this is the future many of us imagine."
"What kind of world do we want to live in at the end of the day?"
"Everyone talks about development, everyone wants to live better."
"It's only by defending those values that we then might get to a position where we can inject public life more broadly with a sense of purpose."
"The whole goal of civilization has always been Comfort, convenience, safety... Once that model and that Paradigm starts to shake and break down..."
"America as a construction project, America as an aspiration."
"Utopia may be an incredible distance away and will forever be beyond our reach, probably."
"Never forget the plot, and the plot is the people."
"Happiness is social balance, the true goal of society's success."
"Can I grow up to be better off than my parents? If not, what are you going to do about it?"
"I wish we could all just work together for a common good."
"There's very few people who really see equality of outcome as a goal."
"Everyone wants to see poor people brought out of poverty everybody wants to see the world become safer richer more liberated everybody wants to see the world become a better place."
"A vote for safe communities, great jobs, a limitless future for all Americans. It's really a vote for the American Dream."
"We operate from this vision: a world where there's an even starting line for everybody."
"Morality is something that is always a little bit in flux, that we're aiming toward without there actually being a destination."
"We need to upper game as a society when it comes to debating."
"Everyone deserves the same start, the same sort of aspirations in life."
"America has always been an aspirational society... we all want to be the guy in the Mercedes."
"Together, we can build a more equitable and just society."
"What kind of world do you want to live in, what kind of world do you want other people to live in?"
"We need to change what we're competing for, competing for social outcomes."
"I want to abolish poverty, homelessness, unjust wages."
"And of course we all have our own ideas of how to achieve that, but in the end we want a world that's everyone can benefit from."
"It is a mistake to suggest that in that diversity we don’t have incredible common priorities and values."
"We will move in a more progressive positive direction."
"We need to have a world where everyone is as free as possible."
"The question isn't how we will pay for it but what we will do with our new shared prosperity."
"The most important thing we can be doing is developing good humans."
"The dream of every woman to be as successful as an average white man."
"I think that lifestyle should be attainable to every single person in this country I think that is 100 possible with the wealth and the resources we have."
"If you want to make America great again, you've got to get back to that before it's too late."
"We can return to where we were headed, which was a colorblind society."
"We don't want equality of outcome, we need equality of opportunity."
"Black voters are tired of trying to survive, we want to have an opportunity to thrive."
"I think the number one goal right now is to reclaim our democracy... we have some reasonable limitations on speech."
"We want to maximize good. We want to maximize growth and sustainability."
"It's not just you, it's not just me, it's us, and we must achieve Harmony together."
"We need a society-wide culture change where attention is the currency."
"It's important for morality to win in the end."
"Building wealth, civilization, and community, not just sustaining."
"The number one goal right now is to reclaim our democracy."
"Even though we may not get there in our lifetimes... I still have faith we can create a more perfect union."
"Our unity agenda for the nation: we can do these things."
"The whole process of setting up a decent society."
"We should make laws that are in line with our traditional religious and philosophical aspirations as a people."
"We are now going to be a country that stands for everything that we wanted to stand for."
"What the people want is very simple: they want an America as good as its promise."
"This is about economic fairness and economic justice for everyone."
"How do we create a world for ourselves and our children to live in... in which we are all empowered and respected?"
"Everyone is tired of conflict. They want the chance for economic opportunity, to build a life for their families, to educate their children, and to live in acceptance of each other."
"What does it look like to build a world where black girls wake up every morning and they feel safe?"
"The goal once more, shut down the dissemination of information."
"I want the prosperity of humanity as a whole."
"The real path to the American dream is to be able to own a home."
"My vision and for the future dr. Muhammad's vision as well is is a true Kingdom for black people."
"If you are, we can in fact transform this country."
"The law aspires to be colorblind, it has to be the right objective. There's no other decent way we're going to be able to run civilization."
"We will continue to destroy reverence for all historical figures with human flaws until people are morally perfect or our country lies in ruins." - Mayor Bitterly
"The point of progress is that it should make the lives of all human beings better."
"Equality of opportunity is what you strive for, not equality of outcome."
"We can build a world of peace, stability, prosperity, and happiness all together."
"I want values of hard work, personal responsibility, and individual liberty to reign in this country."
"We imagine a society where people think of others first."
"Everybody wants to help the downtrodden, everybody wants to live in a safe environment."
"Hope to see a more prosperous and peaceful society."
"Most people in life are just on this planet are just trying to leave a better world for their children."
"For America, the goal is happiness - dignity, purpose, self-control, independence, deep relationships with other people."
"Everybody wants good health and everybody wants everybody else to have good health."
"Then we can have prosperity, then we can have peace."
"Just a belief in making things the best they can be for all people."
"Believing in a world where sin is no longer a problem seems like a pretty important thing."
"Entitlement is actually what we should be moving towards."
"Justice, to me, is our collective ability to build, to thrive, to love, to exist without any opposition."
"Truth, freedom, and health are very powerful but simple concepts."
"Since we can achieve it, we should strive for a utopian future."
"What sort of society do we want to be? How do we lay those steps to take us there? That's the conversation that we should be having."
"I just want to see us get into some kind of place of peace and mind in the world, and we're not there."
"Everyone wants a flourishing civilization, don't they?"
"What are we wrong on? We want kids to be able to go to school, we want them to be able to get a good education."
"Everybody deserves to make it and to at least have a fighting chance."
"Our task will not be complete until every family has a fighting chance."
"What they're seeking is not some sort of dictatorship, what they're seeking is a restoration of accountability."
"Our goal is to ensure that every American family enjoys an amazing quality of life together."
"Regardless of political parties, we all want our kids to have a good education."
"The civilization shouldn't be optimizing for GDP, the civilization should be optimizing for the psychological health of the people and their ability to coordinate together."
"The West is devoid of a greater meaning at the moment. What should be our purpose as a collective civilization?"
"Before we die, it'd be great if cancer was cured, it would be great if we could solve world hunger, but more importantly than anything, of course, seriously if we could just see the download of your dreams just once..."
"I just hope that before we die, it'd be great if cancer was cured, it would be great if we could solve world hunger..."
"We want to make a sincere effort to spread a message of peace and prosperity."
"The enlargement of liberty for individual human beings must be the supreme goal and the abiding practice."
"Our task is not complicated. We must create an economy that works for all of us, not just the 1%."
"It's much more about the world we want to live in in the future."
"Pure equality and pure happiness, it's difficult to get both."
"At the end of the day, that's really all we want: to dismantle gender roles."
"What's the end for these particular means? Freedom. True freedom."
"It doesn't make you weak to strive for peace. I would hope that everybody is striving for peace."
"Most people at their heart of hearts truly want to see a peaceful world."
"It makes a very important statement about who we aspire to be."
"That's the essence of a kind of democracy that I want to live in."
"Ultimately, this is what the end goal of all of this is, right?"
"The idea of focusing and aiming to achieve unity versus division."
"Hopefully, we can all come together and make the world a better place."
"Morality can be objective if we can agree on a goal."
"What is the value of any political freedom but as means to moral freedom?"
"We should be making a Freer world for everybody every single day where you're Freer to move, you're free to speak and you're free afraid to choose what you do with your life."
"Respect the aspiration and will of the people of Afghanistan."
"Seventy seventy are determined for the people and the holy city."
"There's always going to be inequality, but I'm interested in the amount of opportunity."
"We must create a higher quality of life for both individuals and the collective."
"American citizens may finally achieve the founders' dream of becoming a free people."
"I think for a vital functioning democracy, which I would like to live in, which I would like my kids to live in, a world that has these things, I am willing to do this."
"Nothing wrong with saying we must and we can do better as a nation."
"The China dream is about economic opportunities, education, and securing a good future."
"Equality of outcome is not only desirable but should be pursued as an explicit aspect of public policy."
"Equality of opportunity should be the gold in every society."
"We're all for ending racism, there's virtually nobody that doesn't want to end racism."
"We want a country that gives every kid opportunity."
"I want to get to a society where you only work on things you're passionate about."
"America is more than a place, it's a promise which we strive daily to realize."
"Patriotism is knowing this country is great, but working together to make it even greater."
"If we implement this Constitution, we and our descendants will have a higher quality of life than any group of people in history."
"We will not have actually resolved this issue until your race has absolutely no bearing in predicting your life expectancy, predicting your wealth or your income."
"Establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty."
"It's like living in a utopian society where we all have money to survive."
"Ultimately, what people want are just tangible things, you know? They want to have a better life."
"We all really want the same things: freedom and prosperity."
"We want a country where everybody has opportunity...where everybody in this country has the opportunity to live in security and dignity."
"Everybody needs to answer that question in 2029 and the answer ought to be we all want to live in a safer higher integrity and more fair World overall."
"There is a really important decision we take about the kind of country we want to see."
"Peace and safety, the cry of all humans, will finally come."
"If the goal of society is to reduce violence, scientific, political, and economic efforts would likely bear more fruit in other realms."
"The goal of a socialist society would be to provide everybody the ability to pursue what they love without having to stress about if they're making enough money to do it."
"The overarching objective is to make the future better... hopefully not pave the road to hell with good intentions."
"Utopias aren’t meant to be achieved - they’re meant to be a beacon we sail towards."
"A collective effort for the betterment of society."
"Equity is the new goal, which is equality of outcome."
"We're not going to conserve... We're going to have revolutionary change."
"We are going to create a way better world than this that's going to be loving, healing, compassion, etc."
"We've got to make this world a better place and protect it."
"Unity is gonna be the key theme on the planet."
"I believe we can make it better for the next generation."
"We all at heart want to be helpful and kind and compassionate."
"79 percent of Americans consider owning a home one of the greatest goals to achieve."
"Equality is what we've been striving for; we're still working towards it."
"I want to live in a world that's worth living in for all people... there's dignity in human life."
"Real equality means the ability to control your own life."
"In some twisted way, that is all the master really wanted, a world where differences were cast aside."
"Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place."
"As humans, we strive to protect each other and to flourish and to love and to live."
"Someday when we are wiser, when we all can do this together, we can make this world a better place."
"I'm trying to create a better Collective Consciousness that can think more clearly and reach more accurate conclusions."
"I think there will be a collective resolve to move to a better place in the future."
"We all want to have good families, we want to be safe, we want to be secure, we want to be successful."
"The greatest country in the world will be better because of you."
"Ultimately the goal is, what are we going to do about it? Are we going to try to find ways to work together to heal the community?"
"We need to revive the ideals that the nation was actually founded on and do a better job of aspiring to them."
"The plan is to have prosperity for the 99, not the one percent."
"Group protests: band together to make the Age of Aquarius the age that we want it to be."
"What we want: Justice in America and we mean to get it."
"How can we not agree on that? We might have slightly different sort of ideas about how we get there..."
"What you want is a society that is cohesive where everyone feels part of the same thing."
"Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically to meet public needs."
"The ultimate goal is the deconstruction of the structure of white supremacy."
"We will come together as a society and we will destroy racism."
"Everyone's got their own different pieces of what they're trying to get at it but we're all essentially here to openly discuss and expose a lot of the truth."
"The Canada of his future needs to be better than the Canada of Sunday evening."
"If we were to wake up some morning and discover that everybody in the world had an equal chance at everything, we would all say that's great." - Thomas Sowell
"We're going to create a culture that cherishes life and human dignity."
"This is literally what I want for everyone, but it almost seems too good to be true."
"This is like what I want for everyone, but it almost seems too good to be true."
"True equality is when everybody is on a level playing field."
"Individual will tied to collective will leads towards collective happiness."