
Personal Magic Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"What would make you feel the absolute most magical and best inside? Because that's what you're meant to experience."
"You're really becoming the magician of your own life."
"Be doggedly you. I think the magic happens when you are stubbornly, doggedly you and you meet other people who are doing the same."
"Release your inner magic. Believe in yourself. It is time to open up the magic within."
"Be bold, be brave, take action in that direction, and let the magic begin."
"The magic is in you so don't think that you have to go learn more, do more to understand this."
"You are a highly evolved soul and there is magic about you."
"You have everything you need... to make the magic happen in your life."
"Prepare to be surprised and prepare to surprise others with your success, with your magic, with the miracle that unfolds in your life."
"The magic occurs in my own mind by my inner speech."
"When you truly realize the magic you are and that the universe is just looking at you, there's a part of the universe that sees you and only you and loves you."
"You're carrying your magic with you everywhere you go."
"Belief: The more you believe in yourself, the more I can sprinkle that magic into your journey."
"Once we tap into that magic within us, beautiful things happen."
"A believing heart is your magic, but that belief must first and foremost be in yourself."
"They see you as very capable of magic, maybe more free and unique."
"There's still some magic that they see in you."
"Ultimately we all know that no matter what season it is that you're going through in your life... we are all very powerful witches or warlocks..."
"Trust that you have the magic wand, you have to just wave that one, you have to believe."
"True magic is to know myself, is to trust myself, that I won't hurt myself, that I will do everything that I can to bring those inner presences to me."
"Surrender to the magic of who you are: 'We all have magic in us, even in the mundane aspects of life.'"
"You're realizing your personal magic and power."
"When you learn how your mind works, it's real magic."
"You're going through major transformation, tapping into your divine feminine energy to create magic."
"You didn't realize how magical you were until you had to create your own magic."
"You are full of magic. Whatever you want can come true with intent and action."
"Appreciate your divinity, appreciate your magic, express yourself through dance."
"Some of the magic you want to experience in your life, you need to take a little bit of action."
"She was constantly reinventing herself. She was magic."
"The real magic wasn't in the glyphs, it was in herself."
"Now you will start to see the magic unfolding in your life."
"You could have all the great things in your life and you want that'll bring you the magic."
"The real magic was just believing in yourself."
"There's a magic towards you; things are just going to manifest beautifully."
"Prayer is magical, whatever you pray, however you pray, that is how you create magic in your life."
"Women do that. That's part of magic, usually it's Santeria."
"Your magic is what defines your life, your world, and your overall perception of reality."
"When that opportunity do come my way, that's when the magic happens."
"Whatever this pizzazz, this magic, this something that you've got, you've earned that."
"This is the time to conduct the magic that is within you and around you."
"I never do magic to change other people, I do magic on myself as a way of evolving."
"You are way more magical and special than you think."
"You have the ability to create real magic and manifest something big into your life."
"You are the magic. It's not about like 'I do magic'; you are the magic."
"This is a really wonderful time to observe yourself and how you are changing, and to know that that is inherently magic and beautiful and perfect too."
"All we require is the natural world around us, love, companionship, hope, and faith in our own magic."
"Maybe you'll find some magic within it yourself."