
Privacy Rights Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"I think ultimately... people have a right to privacy."
"We can't live in a free world where privacy is a privilege. Privacy has to be a right; it has to be accessible to everyone."
"The right of the people to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated."
"Though genetic genealogy as a forensic tool has become a subject of hot debate in the last few years, raising worthwhile questions about a citizen's right to privacy, there's no denying that it has become extremely useful in solving crimes."
"When you say 'I have nothing to hide,' you're saying 'I don't care about this right.' You're saying 'I don't have this right because I've got to the point where I have to justify it.'"
"Floridians should have the privacy of their data and personal information protected."
"The fourth amendment grants us the right against searches and seizures."
"Leftists demand privacy rights in public places but deny actual rights for those with opposing opinions."
"You're not coming in my house without a warrant!"
"I would rather die than have our privacy completely destroyed."
"This is a huge invasion of Britney's rights."
"Nobody has an expectation of privacy in public. That's law."
"I value my fourth amendment rights and I'm not surrendering or giving up any of my rights."
"San Francisco, first US city to ban facial recognition... they want it banned from public spaces."
"Privacy is a human right. It is also the Fountainhead for all of your other human rights. Without financial privacy, you don't have political rights."
"Bodies matter. Calling girls bigots because they don't want to use the toilet in a stall next to a boy... as cruel and wrong."
"It's unconstitutional, that's the end of the debate."
"No woman is required to disclose their pregnancy."
"I was transfixed by this book... freedom, small government, privacy rights."
"Earn It Act is a thinly veiled attack on your rights to secure and private communications."
"If you live in the year 2022 and you want to have just a bit of privacy that I believe you are given your god-given right to, then you gotta stand up and go against this."
"Kids deserve privacy. Everyone deserves privacy and your kid is no different."
"Privacy is not a product you can sell, it's a right you cannot achieve without freedom."
"Privacy means first and foremost digital privacy. Everyone is entitled to digital privacy."
"Without privacy you can’t have a truly free society."
"Surveillance is not inevitable, and we need to stop normalizing it."
"It's wrong to force employees to disclose their personal medical decisions."
"Edward Snowden is celebrated as a hero for bringing proof of NSA's mass spying and bulk collection to the world."
"Democracy may die behind closed doors, but we as individuals are born behind those same closed doors, and we don't have to give up our privacy to have good government."
"We will end the secrecy, the censorship, and the surveillance."
"If somebody is in a public place, they can be recorded."
"Just as long as you're filming in a public place, if other people can't handle that, it's sort of their own fault."
"I think people have a right to anonymity... if you want to enter the public arena, recognize that you will be in the public arena."
"Central to individual liberty is individual privacy."
"Your phone records are yours. I will immediately end this unconstitutional surveillance."
"Floridians should not have to give up their most intimate information to use a mobile device surf the internet or connect with friends and families on social media."
"That's just not true. You can file a restraining order privately."
"Everything is backwards we should know everything about the government and they should know nothing about us."
"You shouldn't just be asking people, 'hi well I would think but at the very least if you're going to have it they should have to have a warrant to get it."
"Americans' privacy and rights should be protected so that these systems are not used against people unfairly."
"You have rights, you don't have to share everything."
"The Europeans say it's a right you own your information."
"I think absolutely, folks do have a right to privacy, and that we work very hard to make sure that that right to privacy is protected."
"We all have the right to some privacy in our lives, and that includes our internet usage."
"You have the right to remain private, to browse the web safely and anonymously."
"Anonymity is a human right. Privacy is a human right. It's protected human rights."
"Privacy is important... ownership... recognition and enforcement of rights... very important."
"If this group of people can't be outed, then it shouldn't be right for them to out this group of people."
"They're trying to prove that parents' rights over their kids are more important than kids' rights to privacy."
"Everyone has sensitive information that is potentially accessible with basically no due process."
"We have an opportunity to do that; few of the rights protected by our Constitution are more infringed than the right to privacy."
"Financial surveillance being extended onto cryptocurrency is so important that we fight back."
"We need to be more discerning about some of these pervasive surveillance technologies."
"I believe Roe v. Wade was the correct decision as a matter of constitutional law and application of the fundamental right to privacy and liberty."
"I believe in those rights. I also believe in a big one called freedom — freedom of privacy. You have a right not to have your private life looked at unless you're committing a crime."
"I can't overstate what a huge step this was for privacy, and what a tremendous amount of good it did to kick-start a conversation about why private messaging is essential for a free society."
"Privacy or cyber freedom is a step deeper; it's a necessity for free speech."
"Privacy has to be a right it has to be accessible to everyone if it's going to actually." - Edward Snowden
"People are free to do whatever they want in the bedroom."
"Harry's wife has won a significant victory in this courtroom battle to protect her privacy. She's drawn a line in the sand, even if her life is of public interest."
"It's my home and it's my stuff and then my memories. Nobody has a right to decide which of your memories are important or not."
"Elon has the right to not disclose that publicly."
"I think it's unfortunate, what people do in their private time should be private."
"I'm not going to surrender my fourth amendment right to check into a public building."
"Reasons of national security - that's how they get away with stripping people of their rights."
"He says also quote just show your medical records, you parasocial piece of [__] you have no right to my medical records."
"If someone doesn't want to be filmed, they're allowed to feel that way. But when you work in a public office, just shushing away the public isn't the right approach."
"Those agencies should not be able to investigate people unnecessarily."
"If there is one fight that people have recently began talking about, it's the fight for information privacy."
"Your privacy is not a fundamental human right, it's an asset."
"If we can consider data to be property... then I think that would solve a lot of the problems."
"Privacy is the right to the self, to belong to yourself rather than to society. It defines the domain where governments and corporations should not rule supreme."
"We can't simply force our way into someone's house."
"The government shouldn't have the ability to edit your wealth or to see every single transaction."
"We see privacy as a fundamental human right."
"Your rights don't end at the US border. US Agencies should have to respect your privacy and civil liberties when you travel abroad."
"For many cases, the FBI can prefer a raid over having a subpoena issued in order to keep the element of surprise."
"Does my 15-year-old daughter have the right to go in a female-only space and expect there only to be females?"
"Privacy is a fundamental human right and financial privacy underpins all of our other human rights."
"These journal entries have never been made public, they've never been revealed, both the courts and Christy's parents agree that Christy deserves to have that one last scrap of privacy."
"Privacy and individual freedoms are preserved. I believe that if you give people the power of information, information about whether they are contagious or not, they will do the right thing."
"The right to privacy is the foundation of all rights."
"Privacy is a human right that's worthy of proactive defense at a legislative level."
"Non-KYC bitcoin is about fundamental human rights: the right to privacy."
"Not only does [Biden] need to reclaim the mantle of family values but also the right to privacy."
"Privacy is normal. It's not the exception. It, this is the rule, this is the default."
"Saying that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is like saying you don't care about the right of free speech because you have nothing to say." - Edward Snowden
"The idea that there isn't a right to privacy in the constitution is insane considering the entire bill of rights is essentially 10 different ways to say mind your own [__] business."
"This is not right. Private things, including sex and the discovery of sex, should be private."
"A human being in the United States basically has a right to privacy."
"Your phone is like your castle, protected. You have a greater expectation of privacy."
"Privacy is a right granted to individuals that underpins the freedom of expression, association, and assembly."
"Your fundamental right to privacy is a human right."
"Roe v wade struck down laws prohibiting abortion on the grounds that they were a violation of a woman's right to privacy."
"You're still a private citizen in your own home, you have a reasonable expectation that somebody's not going to shoot you through your window."
"The TSA is a violation of civil liberties and a violation of all their freedoms."
"Your right to privacy is one of them and you must defend it."
"The government should know almost nothing about you and I but we should know everything about the government and what they're doing."
"Privacy invasion is not justified by having nothing to hide."
"Everybody should have some certain level of a right to privacy."
"We do all have a right to privacy."
"...the government isn't going to give you privacy but you can take it."
"Every human being has a right to privacy."
"A client's got a right to his privacy."
"The right of the people to be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures."
"We need to translate the Fourth Amendment in an age of new technologies so that it protects just the same amount of privacy in the 21st century as the framers took for granted in the 18th."
"The right of sexual privacy and the right of choice is a basic American right."
"If we as ordinary people can't sneak onto somebody's land and steal their camera, then the government agents shouldn't be able to do that either, not without a warrant."
"I believe in equality and fair play, the right to dissent in an open society, the right of privacy."
"People have a right to anonymity, but we will help locate someone if there are grave fears for their safety."
"Privacy is for people who break the law... Not all laws are good."
"The right to privacy is protected under the Constitution in various ways."
"People's right to privacy... you have to have probable cause to take those items and search them."
"We have a right to privacy in this country."
"You won the right to be left alone."
"Privacy is an important individual right, an important human right."
"It's up to the individual to preserve their own privacy."
"You have a right to privacy, and you don't have to forfeit that because you're online."
"Privacy is essential for maintaining a free society, and we do risk losing it if we don't fight for it."
"The fourth amendment prohibits unreasonable search and seizure."
"The Fourth Amendment protects people, not places."
"Privacy is not a crime, but where it does become a crime is when private phone calls are posted on a YouTube video without consent."
"They should be granted a certain set of privacy rights and the ability to protect those rights through informed consent."
"Privacy is a great example of an ethical issue, so to what extent do we have a right to privacy as citizens?"
"Wherever there is an invasion of privacy, it should to be prohibited by the Fourth Amendment."
"While privacy rights are an element of concern, they must yield to the imperative of a fair trial."
"Respect for our privacy and data rights must not be scrapped."
"You have the right to object to how your data are being processed."
"Privacy is a fundamental right for European citizens."
"The shape of the EU's future data protection framework is now clear, the finishing line's in sight, and preparations are already underway."
"The right to be forgotten was actually intended to do that."
"You have the right to not let anyone in your house, you have the right to privacy."