
Long-term Value Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"The longer you've been adding value... the longer you'll have the ability to have someone buy that something from you later in your life."
"Bitcoin is the one that I can trust will be there in 10, 15, and 20 years."
"Investing should not be exciting. It's a way to generate value over the long term."
"In the long term, real estate will always be a good investment."
"I guarantee you my real estate is going to be around longer than Facebook."
"Building an actual business that has long-term value is much more fulfilling."
"You're going to make an investment in yourself because you're going to find a style that you will like for many, many years."
"Gold will do a better job over time, not on a daily basis, but over longer periods of time—years, decades. Gold is going to preserve much more of your buying power."
"Quality does matter; it goes a long way for speaking to your brand and your brand's quality as well."
"Bitcoin will always be worth more over the next 50 to 60 years as inflation returns."
"I forgot that was even a chance of a drop from this thing, that might be our best in slot for a very long time."
"I found like sometimes it's just more cost-effective in the long run to get the more expensive item if the value is there."
"This could potentially be a masterpiece in the long term."
"We do believe long term in the value of bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is the apex property because anybody on earth can benefit from it for the next hundred years."
"Good projects will survive and worth holding on to and DCing."
"The beauty about the Miata is the aftermarket support is there—this car has a ton of it because it's been on the market for well over 30 years."
"Ultimately that kind of is worth more than a quick buck."
"Tesla's CEO Elon Musk has previously said that most of Tesla's long-term value is going to come from robots."
"Kimberly Clark is a boring company that will generate consistent and growing cash flow for decades to come."
"The long-term potential for Twitter in my view is in order of magnitude greater than its current value."
"I don't think that would be a counter argument to whether bitcoin itself is a good thing or not longer term."
"The utility of these genesis items carries forward for the duration of the metaverse, providing a unique value proposition."
"If you plan on keeping your vehicle for 10 years or 150 or perhaps even 200,000 miles, the RAV4 hybrid is most likely going to be considerably less expensive than the rest of the competition."
"You are stabilizing the base and foundation of your life and it's going to be so well worth it."
"Real estate has been amazing for the last couple of hundred years and it's gonna be amazing for hundreds of years in the future."
"You took on the changes well. You all adapted. Change is a challenge. It's hard but I think it'll be worth it in the long run."
"Integrity takes you a long way, people respect that."
"Elon continues to talk about where he views Tesla's value going for over the long term."
"When you make a piece of content one time, it has the ability to get traffic and sales for months and years into the future."
"Invest in a good high-quality luxury bag that's gonna last you a very long time."
"I fully expect this to be a great deal not only today but for the rest of the year to come."
"Vechain has got excellent long-term potential."
"The best things are built over time, things that are longest lasting."
"These are grinders that you could be very happy with for a very, very long time."
"Better to buy that quality because you're not going to have to replace it."
"They see you as someone with a lot of long-term potential."
"If they perform over the next five years could be worth double."
"Invest in those key items and pantry items that are gonna last for a while and really pay off over time."
"The case for gold's pretty straightforward, long term it provides returns and we have the math to demonstrate that for investors."
"I hope they just put everything they have creativity wise and the team comes out with something that we can't play 10 years down the road and say God damn this game is so sick like what we have with Mortal Kombat X"
"Buy what you love, and it won't matter what happens next. You'll have years and years of enjoyment, and that will pay a dividend."
"Solving a problem will definitely make you more money in the long run."
"Absolutely one of my favorite shoes in my collection and definitely will not be leaving anytime soon."
"It's better to just sit on the bitcoin because over time we know the value is going to go up..."
"This as far as durability goes it's probably gonna last forever."
"The exponential effect of cutting the production in half... It's going to take another 119 years to create them. That's the exponential effect..."
"Quality remains long after the price is forgotten."
"Sure, a Tesla is cool, but how well does it hold up over the long term and is it actually worth the cost?"
"In the end, wisdom is better than wit and in the long run will certainly have the laugh on her side."
"Over the long term I expect it to flip gold."
"Potential to be worth the money in the long term."
"You buy what you love and you get to live with it for a lifetime..."
"If you want to get something that's going to work for you for the next two years... the HTC One is an incredible choice."
"I care about people's emotions and happiness and overall livelihood, not what they produce for me in the short term as an employee of my company."
"I've had it for three or four years now and I would say a hundred percent worth it do not regret it not one day even during the times when I didn't play it often."
"One of my favorite things is we've got a 10-year 100,000-mile powertrain warranty."
"Because every video I make can generate AdSense for a long time."
"This car is going to look good 20 years from now."
"So Ethereum technically long term would become a better store value than Bitcoin."
"It's going to take time, but Cybertruck's functionality exceeds everything that matters."
"Get the best because the best lasts, the best makes a difference."
"The fastest, most efficient, and most superior tech won't necessarily become the most valuable in the long run."
"A truly great business must have an enduring moat."
"Real estate is one of the safest long-term investments you can have."
"For those of you who purchased the GTX 970 back in 2014 or even 2015 for the $330 US MSRP, you have certainly gotten your money's worth."
"Maybe the computer just knew better because ultimately was stronger."
"This is going to be rare and special in perpetuity."
"Quality: cry once about the price, but love it for years."
"I love these so much... I feel like these are such a statement that I'll have these for years to come."
"Anything that cannot be duplicated that's going to increase in value over the next five ten and not just over the next five ten fifteen years forever it's always going to gain."
"I plan on keeping my left arm for a very long time so I always say cost per wear very low."
"This is definitely a shoe that I will be keeping in my collection."
"Regardless what the asset is, the utility of the thing is going to be worth future. That's a good investment."
"The c5 z06 has been cool ever since it came out nearly 20 years ago."
"At these prices, with the quality build, you would potentially be investing in something that you would enjoy for the years to come."
"And it's probably going to last. It's a reliable car. It'll last forever."
"Platinum on a long term scale... it's such an interesting metal."
"I believe Amazon is a good long-term investment."
"The value of these devices isn't the year you buy them but every subsequent year that you keep gaining that value from them."
"Invest in quality gear, it's worth it in the long run."
"The value of the token over the long term is really going to be driven by its utility." - Ripple CEO Brad Garlin House
"Forget about price, look for real-world utility."
"Gold keeps its purchasing power across time and doesn't rust or erode."
"The Pearl Sebelius can make for a good lifelong music listening partner."
"Our cars need to present themselves good-looking, valuable, not only today, not only in five years, but in 10 years time or even 50 years down the road."
"Invest up front in quality; it can often pay dividends for the future."
"Investing in companies based on long-term intrinsic value, rather than short-term stock fluctuations, leads to more consistent returns."
"So there you have it another outrageous Rolex from Mr. X's outrageous collection of Rolexes and it's another watch that you could happily live with for 10, 20, 30 years."
"I think most people just want to have a shower they can have a shower in, it's not gonna get moldy, it's gonna last a while."
"Have appreciable assets whether it's a home or a mutual fund, something that can appreciate in value over the long term."
"In the short run, it's a voting machine; in the long run, it's a weighing machine."
"We're buying Palantir. Put some money into some stocks that you believe have some longer-term value. I think Palantir is one of those."
"The work we put in day to day sometimes lacks clear value in the present moment but over time will develop into skills, passions, friendships, and a healing life."
"Stick with piano, man. You know why? Because 35 years from now, you're gonna look back and be like, 'That's a really cool skill to have.'"
"I think it's difficult to bet against on the long term because anyone can sort of make it better and anyone can add value."
"I was buying all of its qualities, its color, its dramatic silhouette, the fact that it's washable at home, the fact that it was secondhand, the fact that it's something that I'll be able to wear, I hope, for the rest of my life."
"Stay away from buying cheap to buy twice."
"We've collected over a couple of years traveling now, and a lot of it's really good quality stuff that we're probably going to have for life."
"It's a good bike, this thing is just a do-it-all bike, and this is one of those bikes where if you buy it, you're hoping to hold on to this thing for hopefully the rest of your life."
"Gold has outperformed stocks, for example, over that 50-year time frame."
"These things will last an entire lifetime, an entire career or more."
"This property had value, has had value since the 70s."
"It takes a while but trust me, it is all worth it."
"You don't just buy it for the moment; you grow with it."
"Even buying it now at a perceived very expensive price, over time, if the characteristics still work out like it did with Costco, I think Netflix will prove to be a very good investment."
"I feel like this is a watch that can pass 25 years and I still will not be bored of it."
"It's really a good resource; it is a lot of money if you're just starting out, but it's super worth it in the long run."
"Fundamental research doesn't show immediate effect, but the value is recognized."
"It's just worth it, you know, in the long run, I think, to spend a little bit of extra money and have higher quality hooks that are gonna last longer too."
"Invest into things that don't change."
"This will forever be a scent that will be in my collection till the end of time."
"The caviar leather is really standing the test of time; I think this bag is going to be with me for a very long time in my collection."
"You're going to be so proud of it that you're going to keep it for years and years to come."
"There are always ways to make a customer more valuable over time."
"It's a car that I can see why you would really want to own it and keep it for a long time."
"You never do yourself harm by making a better product in the long run."
"I will have in my collection forever and ever."
"The value of delivering a new feature is immediate, and the value of developing a good architecture is reaped only over a long period of time."
"Put on the work now, this thing will be awesome forever."
"Education is more valuable than money, in the long run."
"This process that you're learning now is not something that you flush and throw away; it's something that you'll be using forever for years and years and years."
"Making your own things from scratch... it's worth it in the long run."
"Real estate value increases in line with inflation in the long term because it acts as an inflation hedge."
"It's going to be an amazing camera that you can have forever and shoot some awesome stuff."
"When it comes to education, it's about investing long term, not right now, which is why it's always worth it."
"Digital minimalism is a philosophy that prioritizes long-term meaning over short-term satisfaction."
"Now's the time where you can get some of these offers where you're getting paid 100, 200, 300 thousand a year in equity and that could be worth potentially eight figures in 10 years."
"The earlier you get a character up and running, the more value you get out of them over time."
"It is going to provide value well into the future."
"Real estate is... never going away, it's always good, it always will be good."
"This is a keeper; this is a long-term keeper for me."
"It feels like something that you'll have for a long time and you won't regret the purchase."
"They're starting to realize the value in something long term."
"This is something that you can keep in your closet forever."
"This coat is an investment piece."
"I just think that this is gonna be worn and loved by me for so many years to come."
"These Pikachus will do really well long term."