
Idolatry Quotes

There are 542 quotes

"Don't even put up delusional gods; don't even put up illusional idols; turn to Allah directly."
"Islam's message to mankind is to avoid the error of mixing the infinite and the finite together and creating false idols."
"Perhaps this will be the idol worship of the Antichrist age, and they'll have us dreaming electronic Antichrist dreams forever."
"Don't long for anything you don't have that someone else has because that's idolatry."
"It's the best thing in the world when your idols live up to how you feel, you know?"
"Idolatry is anything that takes the place of God in your life."
"The fundamental sin of the human race is to exchange the truth of God for a lie and serve and worship the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever."
"When people no longer worship God, they don't worship nothing, they worship anything."
"You've created a god to suit your sins... it's called idolatry."
"He specifically wanted to be cremated so that people wouldn’t worship his body."
"In celebrity culture, we destroy what we worship."
"Anything other than God that you think you can get peace from is a counterfeit."
"The problem of believing that it all stops here, that you can celebrate and ultimately that you worship the image of man, that you worship reason, that you worship science, and you worship technology."
"It's very easy for us to start worshipping the thing that we have made with our own hands and to suggest that it has some sort of outsized power."
"They have created a false Jesus in a false gospel...they are idolaters."
"Whatever robs God of your passion and your affection is your idol."
"Now people are basically worshiping tech without them knowing it."
"Ephraim Ephraim shall say what have I to do with idols anymore why was I so stupid to keep going back to that thinking that was my God when all it was was a tradition."
"They have desecrated what is holy, they have mocked my authority, they have praised the gods of gold and silver and principalities which leads back to Baal."
"A place of turning from falsehood to truth, from idolatry to Tawheed."
"If anything I've just learned that you shouldn't idolize anyone no one's perfect everyone's going to disappoint you literally everyone human beings are disappointing."
"Anything that you love more than your obedience to God is idolatry."
"God hates idolatry because it makes men forget about Him."
"You're making sex and romantic love into an idol."
"Idolatry incites God's wrath, it defiles and pollutes people and the land."
"Be careful, because greed is a form of idolatry."
"The worst form of shirk was worship of the self."
"They want to be worshipped now, can you out-worship the internet right now?"
"The very need for us to find an idol and follow him is actually programmed into our DNA."
"Questions like 'what does it mean that pop stars exist? Are the people who love them and see them as idols helped by that fact? Can these artificial one-sided relationships be positive, or are they fundamentally toxic?' They just get thrown out."
"We do not worship angels. If you have a whole bunch of angels in your house and you have literally made it like an idol, one you need to repent and two you need to get rid of them if they are idols."
"God says make no image of me. That's right. And then what is that? That's right, thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image."
"Even if you throw us in the furnace, Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us but even if he doesn't, O King we will not serve your Idols."
"Can we please [ __ ] stop idolizing these terrible human beings and just idolizing influences in general?"
"Certainly, those who took the calf for worship, wrath from their Lord and humiliation will come upon them in the life of this world."
"Anything you love more than Jesus Christ is an idol."
"They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator."
"It was to call humanity to the recognition of the one creator and to turn people away from all kinds of idolatry."
"If you take a good thing and make it your ultimate thing instead of God."
"Donald Trump is not the Savior, he's not a hero, he's not going to come rescue you, there is nobody to rescue you but you."
"You've taken the name of the Lord your God in vain when you create a God of your own making."
"We serve a God who hates idolatry, as a matter of fact, the Bible says that our God is a very jealous God."
"We have to stop treating politicians like celebrities and saviors."
"Anything I am unwilling to let go of other than God is an idol and I am in sin. So let it go."
"Jesus Christ admittedly was not perfect when he was here on this earth so why are we deifying the founders of this country many of whom owned slaves."
"Jonathan Edwards: those you idolize, eventually you demonize."
"Trust God's timing whenever it comes because again you cannot and we cannot make it an idol."
"The heart of Judaism: 'Thou shalt not worship human beings.'"
"We created some shit outside of ourselves to bow down to, false images, false idols that we're bowing down to."
"Stop worshipping these people... follow the one and only person you should be following, and that is Jesus Christ."
"It's beautiful, it's a golden calf, Jordan. It's idolatry."
"A political movement that treated him like a god and hundreds of thousands looking up to him as their savior made him a megalomaniac."
"We need to resist the deification and remind ourselves that we are still human."
"All of you got pictures supposed to be Jesus, yeah, Mary, Joseph, paintings supposed to be of this religious trash, angels all around your house. That's not Jesus, that's not Mary, that's not John, that's not Martha."
"If you got these idols, you do it where they can't worship, they can't worship it. Don't knock the head off, yeah, get a hammer, bust it out, that's right."
"This abomination has been called the savior of the world, even the messiah, our only hope."
"The jealousy of God fights anything that takes His place."
"Stop defending the things that God is knocking over. It's time to challenge your idols."
"Never meet your heroes folks, never meet your heroes."
"Idolatry messes your life up, but it's also deeply grievous to God."
"Everybody's worshiping these people like they're gods, but they're human just like you are."
"Some people really do worship her and were crying so I'm going into debt to get floor tickets because they want to get that close to her. It's idolatry in its highest form."
"This is like a superhuman being from my childhood, an idol who's now gone."
"When people are trying to reach out to various idols, there is a spiritual power overseeing and behind these idols."
"Icons - once you make someone an icon, you forget about all their flaws."
"Do not idolize celebrities, guys. Do not idolize celebrities."
"It is not the money itself which is contrary to a life led with a spiritual center, but the idolatrous love of that which is built by man in imitation of the creator's abundance."
"He took all of the things that you believed in that you worshipped and that you idolized and he used them to defeat you."
"Don't idolize people, don't stunt for the gram."
"Sexual immorality is idolatrous. So here's the question you asked Stephen: Do you love Jesus? Is Jesus your God? Is Jesus your savior? Is Jesus who you worship?"
"The black church has a racial idolatry issue."
"Worship none but one Creator, don't worship idols or people."
"The great God that many Christians worship today is the God called entertainment."
"So many rich people that you suck up to and you kiss their ass and worship the ground they walk on they do jack [ __ ] for anybody but themselves but yet you worship these people and Elevate them."
"Both parties are evil, you cannot put humans on pedestals."
"Question your idols, kids. Everybody makes mistakes and can be criticized. It ain't the end of the world."
"You have to earn that spot. The absence of earning that spot is when you begin to hero worship."
"Praise be! Your followers shall worship you."
"Don't allow politicians to be idolized, that's for sure."
"Let every idol, every demonic power associated with the enemy be terminated."
"Cult of Personality" is a critique of how we idolize public figures."
"You will grow. Ask your questions, offend us, don't worry about it."
"Now you know that the idols of the demon pea have been found."
"Don't idolize the individuals and don't forget your community."
"If that's not the God you're praying to, you've got a homemade god and it doesn't work."
"Satan was an angel who fell from heaven because he wanted to be like God there are millions of people who are worshiping a fallen angel who wanted to be like God that's why he got kicked out of heaven in the first place so."
"Be careful what you listen to and careful who you idolize."
"Do not allow money and material things, the things of the world, to become idols in your life."
"Any concept of God that was not made clear to us at Mount Sinai is idolatry."
"Materialism is just one more manifestation of the idolatry and pride that characterize Babylon."
"We're not worshiping the image of the beast, which is some kind of fake human body possibly as well which is what we're doing right now."
"It's a psychological operation to make you feel hopeless and put your hope into false idols."
"Respect is for the gods, not those who pretend to be them."
"An idol is a good thing that we turn into an ultimate thing."
"An idol is a good thing that we've turned into an ultimate thing."
"There is an idol called greed, and it is a big deal."
"He's also done a lot of bad and he shouldn't be looked at as some godly figure."
"He desires that we cherish Him and not the things of this world. We are not to have anything in the place of God. He is to be number one."
"The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, not money itself, not shoes themselves, but the idolatry that our hearts just so quickly go to."
"If you view it as some sort of lucky charm or some sort of device that brings power, some talisman or something like that, then yeah, I think that is not only witchcraft but idolatry as well."
"When you pedestalize a woman you are committing the sin of idolatry, first commandment: 'I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt not have any gods before me.'"
"You don't want to make idols out of anything."
"Don't fall into the Trap where you start to idolize these athletes just because of what achievements that they're achieving."
"Jesus is the only one we should idolize and worship."
"Anything can be an idol that takes the place of God in our life. Anything we spend more time on, more energy on, more thought on, we give priority to. God will definitely not take second place in people's life."
"We're suffering from an issue of worship and when we worship false gods we become like those gods that we worship."
"An idol is anything that you love more than your obedience to God."
"When you encounter Jesus, you turn from idols to serve the living and true God."
"Any type of worship of man is sin, is idolatry."
"I can say this just because I've gotten to the point where now doesn't mean we're perfect. It's okay to look up to your idols and I do the same, but realize that everybody is human and we all battle our demons."
"God and family are very important but country and family sometimes can even be an idol."
"He's not a man, he's not a woman, not a dog, he's not a monkey to be worshipped and all that, no idol, that one great creator above all of us right."
"Idolatry was born when there was a discontentment with whatever God said."
"You will not learn the voice of God while you worship something else."
"Don't make nobody your god or your savior as if they can't make mistakes."
"Idols don't have the capacity to love you back in the way that you love them."
"There's no conversation or discussion about it because people have been brainwashed into loving or hating political idols."
"An idol is whatever is in first place in your life."
"Don't idolize me don't idolize your favorite youtuber don't idolize anybody bro we are not to be idolized we are straight just youtubers regular people celebrities are regular people too but if anybody's a regular person it's us."
"Our culture glorifies cowardice... we've put ourselves as our own idols."
"There's a lot of just really deviant [__]... you don't idolize people."
"Not making marriage an idol, not making a relationship an idol, these are ideas, these are principles."
"We can worship things which are not God and we can go to them for comfort, go to them for excitement, go to them for fulfillment which we really should be looking to God for."
"You have to be open to disruption. You cannot hold something so dearly that it becomes an idol in your heart."
"I saw my sin rightly. I saw it as unworthy of my time, unworthy of my attention, worthless, not good, an idol, a lie."
"Idolatry to think that I am the one who keeps myself free; I can't, Jesus is the one."
"Jesus is the one who actually locates the idols."
"An idol is anything that you put before the presence of God, and an idol will always disappoint you."
"If I worship gold, or if I worship an idol made of gold, or if I worship the moon or the sun as the pagans have, I have denied the true God."
"Marriage can become an idol as soon as we make a good thing God. It becomes an idol when we believe it will help us more than God can, or bring us more fulfillment than God can."
"That's idolatry! Hallelujah! Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
"Instead of idolizing our skin color, we need to idolize God. That's the only idol that you should have in your life."
"Jesus became my everything, my beloved, my husband. We often make idols out of spouses, but Jesus says I need to come first."
"Anyone or anything that becomes more important to you than God can potentially become your idol."
"No way we're going to be kneeling in front of white idols and white images."
"Idol is anything that's taking your time away that you could be using for God."
"The heart of man is a factory that manufactures idols. At any point in time that the lordship of Jesus is contested is because you decided to make obeisance to that God called self."
"But I think, again, I can't speak to it, but just how tall, you know, kind of reminded us to remind ourselves and like ask God, ask Holy Spirit to bring it to our memory, like what, you know, have I made this an idol?"
"Have we as Christians made it an idol?"
"If winning is an idol to me, if winning... anything that I desire more than I desire God is a bad desire."
"Behind every idol is the desire for the true God gone awry."
"In fact, on a pragmatic basis, they worship Mary far more than they worship even the Lord Jesus Christ and far more than they worship the true and living God. It is idolatry in the clearest form."
"If the soul and divinity of Christ are not present, then to worship it is sheer idolatry, no different than a pagan who worships a rock, or a stick, or a statue, or a fetish."
"It's not just that they were legalistic it's not just that they were making money out of the temple and some kind of like oppression of the poor thing which was certainly part of it but the bigger picture here is that they had they were full-blown Idol worshippers."
"People need to be rescued from this system. It doesn't need to be identified as if it were Christian. This is idolatry, blasphemous paganism of the worst kind because being mingled with Christianity makes it even more deceptive."
"Any view of God that diminishes who he is is an idol."
"When you let anybody else be more important than God in your life, they become your God and that's called an idol and that's a setup for failure."
"What you feel is more important than truth. That's idolatry. You're exalting your feelings, your opinion more than God's opinion. You've made yourself God."
"The function of idol worship is to avoid living your life directly and fully."
"Is idolatry limited to worshipping physical images of wood or stone? No, it’s not."
"If an effort to look One's best is found to be so among those who worship false gods."
"Any other worship than God is idolatry."
"Walking through things with God is so much better. But with all these Idols we put up it's so important to ask yourself that question who is behind the wheel of my life?"
"If you worship an idol, it's the worst thing in the world. But if you worship God, it's the best thing in the world."
"Essentially, there seems like even before the middle of the 7th century, for a couple of centuries, idolatry didn't exist in Arabia."
"So, in terms of idolatry, many inscriptions give evidence, essentially, for the first few centuries pre-Islam."
"We must guard against worshiping false idols."
"You shall make for yourselves no molten gods. In other words, this is so powerful and seductive that the very presence of these idolaters will lure you and suck you in."
"To worship Jesus as a lifeless piece of bread may be the most serious sin of idolatry."
"I removed the high places of pagan worship, wrote down the images, memorial stones, and cut down the Asherim."
"What a pity that the object that God had used to deliver his people had become a source of worship."
"I have to take a microscope to the fact that... people... are looking to people as Doctrine... and that is an idolatry problem that we're having in the church and it's not okay."
"Anything that we elevate above God is idolatry."
"The Holy Spirit has become the golden calf of many."
"What makes idolatry attractive? Number two, those false gods that are useless and worthless don't require the same type of fidelity, holiness, fear, reverence, and obedience that God demands."
"What makes idolatry attractive? Number three, demonic results."
"The scary thing about idolatry is that you can make anything into an idol."
"Idolatry can manifest when we give our ultimate trust to somebody or something for our deliverance, satisfaction, success, healing, financial security, and escape."
"Idolatry kills any real relationship you have with God."
"You cannot have a false idol in your life."
"It's possible to make an idol of anything, including your perceived knowledge of doctrine."
"God is the highest thing. If we put our desires, our revelations, our marriage up in that category, then we are now creating an idol."
"Idolatry includes loving anything more than God."
"God forbids the worship of images as gods, but he doesn't ban the making of images."
"Their idols have mouths but they cannot speak, they have eyes but they cannot see, noses but they cannot smell, hands but they cannot feel, feet but they cannot walk."
"Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them."
"The idols can't and they won't, but that's not the scariest part. The scariest part is that those who make them will be like them."
"If the bottle is your thing and that's become your idol, that's become your go-to for comfort, then at the end of the day, you turn into the bottle, and just like the bottle, you become empty."
"Enough with the blind idol worship."
"And do not become idolaters as were some of them."
"There is nothing that represents me accurately, therefore you will have no idol."
"Idols are tangible. At this time, a lot of the idols they worshiped were actual statues that you could have walked up and touched. But idols today could be money."
"Idols are simply demon gods that are hiding behind objects we've decided to lead a worship."
"Idols are easy to be manipulated. They don't require anything of us. If I make this sacrifice or if I do A, B, and C, then I'll get what I want."
"Yeah everything that we have belongs to Christ and if something is so valuable to us that we're not able to let it go within an instant then that has become an idol to us."
"Idolatry is not just the worship of false gods, idolatry is worshiping the true God falsely."
"People started making idols, so they're worshiping things their hands have made."
"None of this matters, an idol doesn't matter, what really matters is following God."
"Once you have given your life to Christ you will start feeling convicted when you are praying to idols and you're praying to the dead God you you will the Holy Spirit will start convicting of you those things."
"Now it's always surprised me, but this was pretty cool and convincing to the people. They were like, 'Yeah, cool, let's start making sacrifices to this golden calf. This is our god.' And they started doing rituals and dancing."
"Sin is idolatry. Instead of worshiping God, I worship money, pleasure, myself, my career, my rational mind."
"An idol is anything or anyone that takes the place of God in your life."
"Whatever you are not willing to consider a loss, that's your God. You may think you worship God, uh-uh, there are people in the church thinking that they worship God, and they worship the Beast."
"Can it be that you think you worship God when you worship the Beast?"
"God hates sin because you are loving something more than Him."
"Only the owner deserves worship. Jesus said, 'Him only shalt thou serve.' When anyone wants to compete with God in your life, they are asking to become an idol. Impossible."
"Do not be in a hurry to get married. Marriage has become an idol that takes the place of Jesus in your life."
"God we repent for our lukewarmness our complacency come on right now repent God we repent for worshiping Idols we repent for being lukewarm."
"An idol is an idea of God that you've made for yourself."
"Weddings are incredibly important, but I believe that because of the way that we've misunderstood the importance of weddings, we've turned them into idols."