
Color Correction Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Color correction is perhaps the most crucial part of photo editing."
"I'm noticing that on camera two we have a lot more reds."
"The visuals are super professional. There's great color correcting."
"If this happens, all you need to do is click on the gray point eye dropper and click anywhere on the image that should be a neutral gray."
"These are the basic steps to color matching images in Photoshop with this fantastic technique."
"Invest in a color corrector, it changes your makeup game next level."
"If your greens are too saturated and unnatural looking for a landscape, adding a bit of red will make them much earthier."
"Lighting is the first step in color correction. Get the lighting right, you don't have to worry about any of this."
"I feel like that's a nicer skin tone and I did that without actually looking at the vectorscope or the color checker."
"The advantage of using a program like DaVinci Resolve is the fact that it has really powerful color correction tools."
"Color grading: enhancing footage with cinematic vibes."
"It's better to start off with a slightly flatter image so you can color correct later than have your footage look too high contrast and too saturated straight out of the camera."
"Typically with greens, I don't like them as green as they always come out of camera; there's too much yellow in the green."
"HSL is your best friend when it comes to correcting and manipulating individual colors one at a time."
"If you can make it look good without color correction, then my god it's gonna look nice with some color correction, I promise you."
"The biggest thing is trying to get the colors the way you want them to look. Um, so colors and exposure and stuff and white balance."
"There's no good or bad way to color correct, it's up to you and whatever look you want to give it."
"The ultimate goal is to really neutralize that color cast across your entire photograph."
"One of the big things is with the color-aware and color pop, there's this step where you go from one range to the next, and you can get these vertical artifacts that make it hard to make a coherent picture."
"If you recorded underwater footage, this is going to make the colors really pop for those underwater scenes specifically."
"Color correction and color grading aren't the same thing. And once you learn to color correct and color grade, you can take your videos to an entirely new level of cinematic epicness."
"Editing is not just to correct mistakes in your photos but to also enhance your photos, make your colors pop."
"So, we've reduced the color temperature, we've adjusted the tint because it had quite a strong magenta cast, and when we've made those changes we get these really lovely smooth skin tones."
"Desaturating before doing your color correction node can be a neat trick."
"...so Luts can be super useful instead of or in addition to grading tools."
"This peach color corrector is really nice."
"The key is when your hair is very light and you have just all gray, it's orange at first."
"Color corrections are nerve-wracking. They're so nerve-wracking. I was calm, cool, and collected on the surface, especially in front of my guest, but all I want is for it to be perfect."
"I'm going to bring down that tint slightly because it was a little bit purpley."
"...see how we're able to just really specifically target the exact colors and the exact tones that we want by using curves."
"The extra contrast and saturation that comes with doing the aces conversion makes this much easier to work on for visual effects"
"Highly recommend these as you may know or you've heard me say before, I'm very, very picky with color correctors. They have to perform, they have to actually cover and correct."
"If you're going to match cameras, if you just want perfect color, or if you want to save your bacon in that one instance where something gets messed up, you have to pick one of these up."
"Doing a manual correction is the best way to go because you can personally control your exposure and your color."
"CTO stands for Color Temperature Orange."
"Vibrance is an intelligent saturation... it will also protect against skin tones."
"It color corrects, it cancels out everything, it is just a really, really nice foundation."
"Using the Hue, saturation, and luminance sliders with this little picker is a great way to perfect skin tones."
"The curves adjustment layer is one of the most powerful color and tonal correction tools that you can use in Photoshop."
"The auto feature in the curves adjustment layer is a fantastic way of color correcting."
"I'm totally and 100% on board with using DaVinci Resolve for color correction because it is light-years ahead."
"With color management we can flip a switch and do what's called a trim pass, meaning make small adjustments but we don't need to redo our entire grade and the bulk of our creative intent will be preserved."
"What is white balance? If the colors look off in your photo or video, there's a very good chance the white balance is, well, unbalanced."
"I will edit your video with advanced color correction, motion stabilization, 4K footage."
"Just look at how much detail you can get just by doing a base grade, just by color correcting."
"Every step of that corrective process we've just taken has landed us in a situation which you really, really want with a memory color like skin, that it is 100% correct."
"I am an aficionado of green color corrector; it's the type of makeup that I use every day when I do my makeup."
"And that looks amazing, and a little bit of color correction can really go a long way to making the scene pop even more."
"There's just a ton that you can do with color grading and color correction."
"This is where the magic happens, people. This is where it's predominantly skin tones that I'm worried about, and they're not moving around too much."
"Color correction is when you fix color issues... Color grading is adding color for creative purposes."
"So much you can do; this is really sort of like the master class on color correction."
"Now we can see Donkey Kong rendered with the correct colors."
"We're trying to split the skin detail from the skin color which will allow us to remove the color, remove the redness of the spots whilst retaining the skin detail."
"My favorite one is the curve; I really like using the curves for color correction."
"I'm going to show you how to do color correction and color grading to your footage."
"Cream formulas are so amazing for dark circle coverage and color correcting."
"Using a gray card is the first step towards accurate color correction in photography."
"By applying the profile and then doing those changes, I have a perfect starting point for all my colors."
"View assist is going to give you a preview of what it's going to look like with a little bit of color correction applied."
"You can more easily and more accurately color correct an image in raw than you can in Photoshop."
"We do two basic steps on it: we neutralize our exposure and our color and then we make some small enhancements on contrast and detail."
"The advantage of using something like the color checker here is that it shows you more than just the middle gray."
"Now the shot should be properly balanced when it comes to colors."
"Devices like the color checker and the spider checker can help minimize some of those issues."
"Blue works out, according to the color wheel, to cancel out orange tones in hair."
"This is going to be the most important step of the whole edit, and it's going to be adding a good color correction."
"Poor color can be the white balance is off, this image looks very blue because the camera is picking the wrong white balance."
"Color correcting is the first set of adjustments that you make to your footage to get it back to looking somewhat normal."
"Let's correct the colors and saturation to bring this beautiful sun."
"The Camera Raw filter is probably the most powerful way of changing colors in Photoshop."
"I really want you guys to get to a point where you're comfortable messing around with selective color."
"I'm gonna show you guys how I color correct and color grade my video footage."
"I just love the color correcting that this does and the Illuminating Radiance that it gives."
"By bringing it down to negative 0.7, better saturation, so when it gets to the HDTV or the 4K TV, it'll look really nice."
"Voila, magic! I got the right colors... all the work for me was done just by setting up ASUS and getting the right colors."
"By changing your blend modes... we can control how we want the colors to look."
"The cinematography is stunning, the color correction was just gorgeous."
"Curves allows you to manipulate various parts of the histogram."
"You know what it's almost perfect, but you know what's gonna make it better? Color correction."
"There you go, now I've got the color cast that I want and I've got some contrast to it."
"It's about time for a little bit of color correction."
"So overall, the HSL panel is great for targeting individual colors in your image and you'll see just how powerful it can be when used in conjunction with both split toning and even camera calibration."
"Vibrance is really interesting; it's attempting to increase the saturation of your entire image without over saturating things."
"It's just pushing that a little bit more cyan makes the colors look a little bit more richer."
"This color warper is a really nice tool."
"You need to neutralize that color first, to then conceal."
"Let's jump into After Effects and do the final color correction and make this thing look extra good."
"I'm using a mixture of pink and yellow underneath the eyes because it's not only going to brighten the under-eye area but it's also going to cancel out any of those blue tones."
"And that just helps to bring back some of the skin tones and some of the other more natural colors into this image."
"Color correctors are basically pigmented creamy products that are designed to neutralize and cancel out the color that you're putting it on top of."
"It's soft, it's blurring, and it's color correcting, so I really like this one."
"This is cool, if you don't know the difference between vibrance and saturation, you have my video about that explained everything."
"The Becca under eye brightening corrector is the best color canceling product that I have ever used on my face."
"This product right here is phenomenal for color correcting."
"The best way to fight the yellow or the brassiness in silver or blonde hair is with a purple shampoo."
"It's a salmony peach tone corrector... it brightens and color corrects."