
Hanukkah Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"The entire story of Hanukkah is the most anti-secular holiday there is on the Jewish calendar."
"Christmas and Hanukkah have such rich culinary traditions that stick with us today."
"Hanukkah really needs a glow up when it comes to its coverage on the internet."
"Hanukkah and the American marketplace had become interwoven to an unprecedented degree."
"The message of Hanukkah is a message of light."
"Despite this, once lit, the candles burned bright and true for eight full days. This supposed miracle of God is the cornerstone of Hanukkah."
"I'm exhausted. I just don't know. There's not a verbal lie that describes what happened to me as a child on Hanukkah."
"It's Hanukkah Master, we have eight nights of presents."
"And so even today among the descendants of this ancient people, eight flames are lit in their homes over eight nights in solemn remembrance of the days when the Jewish faith was restored and its people's freedom was saved by the triumphs of the Maccabees."
"During the Holocaust, a father risked his life to light the Hanukkah candles, and it turned into a modern Hanukkah miracle."
"We're gonna try and make them special for Malibu because it's our first Hanukkah."
"We made a menorah out of potatoes for Hanukkah. When my husband kindles the lights now, it's a symbol of survival."
"During Hanukkah, each of us has places of darkness in the world that are ours to illuminate."
"Change your perspective and it will help you address your posture. Why? Because if you get your posture right, if you get your back straight and your head up, it will affect your pace."
"Without Hanukkah, there would be no Christmas. That's why the Festival of Lights is connected to the birth of the light of the world."
"The world doesn't have any corners, but people in different places and cultures celebrate Hanukkah in their own unique ways, and it is all beautiful."
"The story of Hanukkah and the Latka is one of perseverance and a little bit of magic."
"Without the information that is in the Book of Maccabees, we don't understand what Hanukkah is about."
"So I did a lot of research into Hanukkah, which I now know unfolds over eight subsequent nights and is also called the Festival of Lights."
"This is Hanukkah! This is Hanukkah!"
"I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful holiday. Happy Hanukkah from my family to yours."
"Hanukkah commemorates the triumph of the Maccabees over the Seleucid tyrant Antiochus Epiphanes."
"The celebration of Hanukkah is the discovery of oil in the temple which then lasted for eight days until more pure and undefiled oil could be found to allow the lights in the temple to be lit again."
"It's a Hanukkah celebration, festival of lights."
"No matter where we are, we will see each other on Hanukkah and celebrate to spread a little joy in our life."
"Happy Hanukkah to those of you who are celebrating, I hope you have a wonderful time with your family."
"During Hanukkah, we light one candle every night. It's called the Festival of Lights."
"The values and ideals of Hanuka are some of the most important ideals the Jewish tradition has given to the world."
"The American constitutional principle of religious freedom is a direct descendant of the principles and values that are at the heart of the holiday of Kanuka."
"The real Miracle of Hanuka is that a small group of committed Jews believed so passionately and deeply in their right to live as free Jews that they were able to defeat the great Syrian Army and ultimately gain total independence for the Jewish people."
"The truth of Hanukah remains eternal: the truth of triumph of human will, of human conviction, of human understanding and commitment that testifies to the sanctity and dignity of every human being."
"The only light in the station came from this one window from these nine Hanukkah candles."
"Hanuka and Puim are two special holidays in the Jewish calendar."
"Jewish families who lived in Florida in the 1800s celebrated Hanukkah, often called the Festival of Lights."
"What Jewish holiday is also known as the Festival of Lights?"
"Hanukkah is, it's a remembrance of the rededication of the temple after it had been desecrated."
"Hanukkah is a celebration of a miracle."
"I celebrate Hanukkah, which is equivalent to your Christmas."
"We sat down and raised a glass, cheering 'Happy Hanukkah!'"
"Happy Hanukkah to those that celebrate."
"Hanukkah, which means dedication, is observed to this day by the Jewish community."
"Hanukkah never has to end in our hearts as long as we know that eight means infinity."
"And instead of lasting for one day, the oil in the lamp lasted for eight days, and that is why we celebrate Hanukkah."
"Instead of lasting for one day, the oil in the lamp lasted for eight days, and that is why we celebrate Hanukkah."
"We light the candles each of the eight nights of Hanukkah, one on the first night, two on the second, and so on up till the eighth night."
"We light up the candles every night, it's a beautiful sight."
"So much we can learn from the miracle, so we watch them burn."
"The battle is the reason for a celebration called Hanukkah that is still practiced to this very day."
"Hanukkah meaning means rededication or dedication."
"Happy Hanukkah, Ellie. Happy Hanukkah, Devorah."
"I love Hanukkah, and on Hanukkah, I like to play with dreidels."
"Once the candles are lit on the menorah, it's a very big mitzvah to stay near them and watch them and enjoy them."
"One little, two little, three little candles, four little, five little, six little candles, seven little, eight little Chanukah candles on my ha new Kia."
"Hanukkah has always been about that feeling, this is a holiday where we commemorate that resilience and resistance and the struggle to not be assimilated beyond any recognition of who you are, of what your heritage is."
"And made a holiday of eight days of Hanukkah with Hallel with praising you."
"The whole Hanukkah is Hashem saved us from those Greeks who wanted to destroy Judaism."
"The Feast of Dedication did not call for a sacrifice; this was not what Jesus was in Jerusalem for. He was there in celebration, in honor of the feast of dedication, which was the miracle of the festival of lights known as Hanukkah."
"Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays."
"Happy Hanukkah to those celebrating it."
"Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate."
"It's a happy first night of Hanukkah, Thorian. I'm not Jewish, neither am I, but that don't stop me from enjoying a holiday."
"Hanukkah is a holiday that comes, basically, at the darkest time of the year."
"I love their beautiful Hanukkah collection too, light laughter and latkes."
"Well, you know the word Hanukkah is 'dedication' in Hebrew."
"Oh Hanukkah, oh Hanukkah, the sweet celebration."
"Praised be thou, O Lord our God, ruler of the universe, who has sanctified us with thy commandments and bidden us kindle the Hanukkah lights."
"Hanukkah is a celebration of miracles."
"The menorah is central to Hanukkah, that's known as the Festival of Lights."
"It's nice to see some Hanukkah themed products."
"I'm so excited to celebrate. I probably haven't celebrated Hanukkah since I lived at home."
"I hope you guys are having a wonderful kickoff to your Christmas holiday Hanukkah season."
"Happy Hanukkah or happy early Hanukkah when this video goes up."