
US-China Relations Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"The simple truth is that despite all the tensions between the US and China, companies and consumers from both countries still want to do business with each other."
"In an era of intense competition between the US and China, intense diplomacy at the highest levels is vital to effectively managing this relationship."
"Right now, the US and China are on a collision course over Taiwan. And Taiwan is to this cold war what Cuba was to the last cold war."
"By conducting good-faith cooperation we can remove misgivings and make information security and cybersecurity a positive area of cooperation between China and the U.S."
"But what I'm very encouraged about is that both President Xi and myself recognize we have a unique opportunity to take the U.S.-China relationship to a new level."
"This crisis implies much more de-globalization, much more decoupling with the US and China. The Cold War is going to become colder."
"The world is entering a new geopolitical era; for the first time since the Cold War, the United States has to contend with a credible rival: China."
"Trade tensions between the US and China had been growing for at least a decade and were accelerated by the pandemic and the global supply chain disruptions that ensued."
"Before China revives those traditions, there must first be a decoupling between the CCP and the United States."
"There must first be a decoupling between the CCP and the United States."
"When the US and China work together, the entire world wins."
"The future policy of the United States towards the People's Republic of China is of fundamental consequence not just to these two countries but to all countries of the Indo-Pacific region and indeed for the future of the global order itself."
"There is no way that the world will tackle climate change unless those two countries (USA and China) work together."
"I think Putin's gonna benefit from the rising conflict between the U.S and China."
"The US-China relationship is now into 40 plus years. It's never been smooth sailing." - Trey Grayson
"When the United States and China work together, the entire world's going to win."
"The American dream is made possible because of China."
"There's no doubt that the number one adversary the United States has had for a long time is communist China."
"The US is attempting to spark an unthinkable conflict with China, but China's rise cannot be stopped."
"China is an adversary and they are not our friend." - U.S. Lawmaker
"What Austin calls America's edge over China is more like a chasm. The United States has nearly 20 times the number of nuclear warheads as China."
"Chips are the top priority; the technological competition between the United States and China is critical."
"I do believe that the United States and China recognize that there's nothing to be gained from a war for between either."
"We need to turn the page on the old playbook. Whatever China does, we need to start doing things on our side."
"If the U.S does not have unipolar power on this planet, China will take it."
"I did it out of deep concern that if the Bidens were to come to power the country would be facing the same traumatic Russia collusion Scandal only this time was China."
"China's economic growth will eventually displace the U.S. and they're on track for 2028."
"Nothing could improve the world more than a strong US-China partnership."
"He also said there's no rulebook for the US-China trade war."
"A conflict between the United States and China would be nothing short of catastrophic. It would not be a short war, and we should be very clear about that."
"China is watching the conflict in Ukraine, and if America does not stand up for democratic nations, China will view that as weakness."
"China views the US as a declining empire and the regime will do what it wants."
"If anything good can come from the coronavirus pandemic, it's the revelation of America's over-reliance on China, especially when it comes to drugs."
"Standing up to China has become a bipartisan issue."
"The balance of power in the region has indeed eroded as China's buildup of missiles ships planes and troops has tipped the scale of hard power away from the United States."
"China could make the argument that maintaining this extra 2,000 or so nukes means that the United States isn’t actively looking to reduce its nuclear stockpile."
"Do you think China’s nuclear demands are reasonable, or are they a smokescreen to distract U.S. and global attention from its own militaristic maneuvering?"
"If Biden wins, China wins, and if China wins, China will own America. They will own you." - Stephen K. Bannon
"If the US and China learn to work together, the entire world wins."
"Richard Nixon's greatest mistake was not anything to do with Watergate. It actually had to do with opening the United States to China."
"China seeks peaceful solutions but the United States seeks chaos."
"We can't just tell China to go to hell we got to figure out a way to make that relationship work for us."
"China being a unified state with two separate systems, whether it's with Taiwan for example, there's always been since the Nixon era the American attitude towards China."
"If the United States was prepared to put this question of values to one side, many of the problems which we are seeing between China and the United States would in my opinion go away."
"Taiwan is the most important and sensitive issue between China and the US."
"This is going to be a massive issue in 2020, this economic war that China's been running against us."
"This channel started because I have a passion for fostering a better relationship between my home country of the United States and the country of China."
"I want to share my voice and basically advocate for a better relationship between China and America."
"The future generations of our world depend on a stronger relationship between the countries of the United States and China."
"The U.S. government will take a softer tone with China... I expect less tension between the two countries." - CEO of Blackstone
"China tries to impose a political system or a vision of the world, whereas United States still does."
"Words matter, they do matter, and I think we can both criticize the PRC leadership and also support that we have an environment in the United States that is embracing diversity and treating individuals with respect." - Maggie
"The fear is not so much that China can't handle it it's more so what is going to be the broader impact of it all especially in the United States."
"We are in a new cold war with China, and most people don't realize it yet."
"China's pervasive and organized efforts pose a multi-faceted threat to the United States."
"China is stealing from our free society what they cannot create for their own people."
"Former President Trump wasn't the only CPAC speaker to bring up China issues."
"China has taken advantage of the United States for 30 years okay."
"China will probably struggle to maintain its rapid advances in AI Quantum and cloud computing without access to U.S technology."
"If there was some sort of military conflict between China and Taiwan, the U.S would have to step in."
"The trade deal between them also soured; President Trump said in July a phase two trade deal with China isn't under consideration."
"President Trump issued a statement at the end of May banning Chinese nationals with ties to the country's military from entering the US on student or scholar visas."
"They're trying to lay the foundation for the US dollar decline and really trying to paint China as the enemy."
"It's not China that has been aggressive, it's this new attitude stemming most clearly from the Obama administration through the Trump administration."
"Walking the tightrope between the U.S. and China will remain a daunting challenge."
"China is clearly sending a message to the United States."
"Joe Biden sides with China over America time and time again."
"No country in the world has ever ripped off the United States like China."
"China was for the first time respecting the United States."
"President Trump was very clever and very astute to recognize China both as a partner but really as a strategic adversary in some sense."
"China's ability to collect data on global cargo flows is worrying the U.S."
"This is not a rivalry between the United States and China. This is for the soul of the world."
"What Russia really wants: Moscow's desire for autonomy could give America an edge over China."
"We are in a fierce competition with China at every level, and anyone who tells you differently is naive."
"We want a delicate sensitive thoughtful considerate US presence that understands that we have to live with China for the next 1,000 years."
"The U.S is challenging China's claim to Taiwan as being an integral part of the Chinese State."
"The U.S is trying to provoke a war with China."
"It's not true that America needs China more, China actually needs America more."
"In the middle of escalating tensions between China and the U.S, a speech from five years ago is going viral."
"New data shows that the US is importing a lot less from China. It's a sharp decline from before the pandemic started, largely due to US tariffs on the country."
"The US wasn't insisting that China changed its practices; it almost seemed like a realistic view."
"Focus on making America better, let China be China."
"In the new global order that is the way I see it... both the United States and China fully understand that New Delhi, India will play the role of the pivotal."
"It's gonna be playing a pivotal role... creating some sort of a balance between U.S and China."
"Mutual de-escalation is better for both China and the U.S."
"Both Bitcoin and gold appeared to be reacting as the U.S.-China trade war escalates."
"The U.S.-China trade war had begun, dealing a fatal blow to these predominantly export-oriented Hong Kong enterprises."
"The imperialist U.S. is like the biggest thing that China has to struggle against."
"The ultimate net effect of this was an 8.5% reduction in trade from China to the US, and a 26.3% decline in the reverse."
"Japan's move was viewed as China leveraging its market advantage to retaliate against the US."
"Thailand's cooperation with China in building infrastructure doesn't create dangerous dependency but reduces vulnerability to US coercion."
"I will revoke China's most favored nation trade status."
"As long as that's the policy that the United States is going to follow then relations with China are going to continue to plummet."
"Any kind of hot Warhawk conflict between the United States and China would inevitably go nuclear."
"If what happened in China stayed in China, that would be bad enough. But instead of America's changing China, China is leveraging its economic power to change America."
"The U.S. accelerated its move to decouple from China this year, imposing sanctions on some Chinese companies due to national security concerns."
"This is not about making countries choose between us and China, an official said. This is about offering an affirmative alternative vision and approach that they would want to choose."
"We seek competition, not conflict with China."
"Add that with very turbulent geopolitical news between the United States and China and you absolutely almost have a recipe for disaster."
"China is decreasing its dependence on the United States quite rapidly."
"The US could push back against China by supporting open monetary networks."
"FBI director warns of Chinese hackers targeting U.S. companies."
"Is the world big enough for both China and U.S?"
"We basically shifted the US to a US economy with Chinese characteristics model."
"The United States House of Representatives condemns China."
"You know that the Chinese are going to be opposed to your interests and be enemies of American interests in American Liberty, but you don't expect your own government to also be colluding in on that as well."
"We can compete with China in terms of technology."
"US officials have cited the possibility of a great power conflict with China."
"Trump has dramatically ratcheted up tensions with China lately."
"War between the United States and China is not just possible, it's more likely than most people are prepared to estimate."
"And when you're losing four to five hundred billion dollars a year, and it's going to China, and coming away from our country and our taxpayers, I can't let that go on."
"America seeks to work with China but expects genuine reform."
"To win its competition with the Chinese regime, the U.S. needs friends and allies."
"That brings us right full circle to what you said about China and about how the United States is being, um, you know, beat by China. China's becoming the world economic leader."
"Fast-forward 20 to 30 years, what is the US-China relationship going to look like?"
"The U.S is preparing for a major power conflict with China."
"The relationship between Russia and China is the biggest threat to U.S. hegemony."
"A bill to ban members of the Chinese Communist Party from owning land in the U.S. has been introduced."
"The world wins when the U.S and China work together."
"Assuming the inevitability of a U.S. war with China is absolutely out-of-this-world lunacy."
"The United States needs to view China and bilateral relations in an objective and rational manner."
"The U.S export blockade on China is unlike anything seen since the first Cold War."
"The regional balance is in fact steadily shifting against the United States and in China's favor."
"The United States needs to consider very carefully where its relationship with China is going."
"The US as a whole should be disentangling from China, but certainly our investment should be disentangling."
"That's who we are, that's what do you do you believe that it's a good story do you believe it though America represents to the world."
"The ban on TikTok and WeChat is just another attempt to pressure China into adopting more liberal economic policies."
"The world needs China and the United States to work together for a better future."
"We can never really go back to the status quo with respect to China."
"We are now involved in a fundamental choice to be made about the relationship between the United States and the People's Republic of China."
"China and the U.S. should respect each other, coexist in peace, and pursue win-win cooperation."
"The US is losing ground to China and thus its economic leadership."
"One of my questions here is about the tensions, the rising tensions from the U.S and China."
"US-China rivalry over dominance in the Pacific defines geopolitics."
"Now we look to the decoupling process between China and the U.S: A new report says direct investment between the two countries is seeing a major plunge."
"China surpassing the United States is inevitable."
"The Chinese have made it very clear... they intend to replace the United States as the dominant world power."
"A war between the US and China would result in staggering casualties on both sides."
"However, if China continues to expand and upgrade their military as they've been doing in recent years, it will not be long before their military strength surpasses the United States."
"Relations between the US and China have only dramatically degraded in the past few weeks."
"...there's only one thing that will change the narrative on Russia and change US-Russia relations and that's the rise of China... if China continues to rise the United States and the... as I believe will come together in a balancing coalitions to try to contain China."
"Liberal hegemony will be off the table and the really interesting questions down the road will have to do with the US-China rivalry."
"The US relationship with China has changed from strategic engagement to strategic competition."
"The US and China have a symbiotic relationship because both sides desperately need each other for so many things they need to accomplish and so many problems they need to avoid."
"What kind of future does the US and China have, and what can we do to help us get to a more stable place?"
"We should be developing a new playbook for our relationship with China."
"AI is one I know that sounds silly because there's everyone considers AI to be adversarial but the fact is it would make no sense for the US and China to each develop AI separately only to discover that AI dominates both of us."
"I don't see much détente between Washington and Beijing right now."
"With US and China as dual engine driving AI forward, AI will make a lot more progress."
"The two-way trade between China and the U.S. is a staggering 690 billion dollars."
"The future of the US-China relationship is a constant search for a stable strategic modus vivendi between Washington and Beijing."
"Carefully managing the military dimensions of the US-China relationship has to be a top priority."
"The interdependence of the US and Chinese economies are massive."
"...the military and commercial implications of all of this for America's strategic competition with China."
"There's an expectation and a demand from other countries in the region for the US and China not only to do more but to find ways to do more together."
"All people are the same, so we say the US and China are remarkably alike; the interests are really similar."
"It would be to our advantage for the United States and China to establish friendly relations."
"We need to demand a serious strategy for dealing with the most consequential relationship the United States faces."
"We're seeing the conduct of diplomacy in the US-China relationship take on new dimensions."