
Financial Goal Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"If you could save $15 a day, in 30 years at 10%, that's $1,017,000."
"This is definitely one where you can get to six figures if that's your goal."
"Ultimately, I want to save up a hundred thousand dollars in 2021, which is a lot of money."
"The initial goal of twelve thousand dollars was reached in just under six days."
"The original Kickstarter campaign set the funding goal at half a million dollars and I managed to receive over two million dollars."
"Clarity of thought, what am I going to do to make money off of this venture?"
"Once we break all-time high of 2.50 cents... this could go to 350 and even five dollars."
"The goal is to make a hundred thousand dollars a year."
"I've achieved over 10 million dollars in sales."
"I guarantee that by the year 2024 you will have amassed a million dollars."
"Maybe I could turn my planners into a million dollar brand."
"For most Americans, 1.7 million is the magic retirement number."
"Smashed its $90,000 goal like immediately day one."
"Just one letter, 10 mil. How hard could it be? Let's do it."
"Everybody wants to make a little bit of money so that they can hopefully better their own personal lives."
"You have to work on discipline, have a straight talk with yourself, and say, 'I would really like to make money in the markets.'"
"You're going to get $1.2 million if you hit founder."
"If everybody that pledged every backer actually just added their estimated shipping, we would be well above 6.6 million and very close to 6.6 already."
"Imagine making one thousand dollars per month in dividend income."
"I'm here for an ROI and to make the most of my money."
"Your ultimate goal needs to be to accumulate $24 million that you don't need so that when you die you can pass it on to yours."
"We hit the hundred dollar target and a little bit of a sell-off off of that"
"This is a massive impact we're making if we raise ten thousand dollars."
"A perfect credit score is possible. I have not seen it done within my family but they're pretty close."
"He believed that with this amount he would finally be able to pay off his debt."
"We're going to triple their net worth each year, go make some of it."
"Financial independence is basically when the income from your investments exceeds your expenses."
"The goal is to own as much of this asset as possible."
"We're getting closer to the three thousand dollar mark than you would think, so twenty three seventy right now, that's awesome."
"Financial freedom is something that you want."
"It's entirely possible to call yourself a millionaire exactly 10 years from today."
"My goal? We paid out three million dollars a month last year to investors."
"Making 10K per month with an acquisition agency should be your minimum goal."
"I set out to pay off my second laser in a short time frame and I wanted to do this with three things in mind."
"You can pay off your laser in less than 90 days and more importantly get into profit mode."
"The goal isn't to lose money, always the goal is that when you make money that one time, it should hopefully make up for all the losses."
"Daily goal: $2,500 to $5,000. That's kind of what I focus on."
"That would be my goal of what I'm trying to get to: 10 customers paying me $10,000 a month."
"So, if you have $5000 then your goal, your daily goal, would be fifty dollars a day which is still good."
"A hundred thousand is kind of where I was going."
"Success to me when I started was 300 a month period full stop."
"I want to have a million dollars by seven years from now, I think that's doable."
"Keep a literal piggy bank. It's good to have a visual reminder of your savings, and you can dedicate the results to pay for something special."
"Getting a 500K donation would be great."
"...this year I'm trying to get as many people as I can to make $100,000."
"By 35, you could possibly be a millionaire. That's amazing."
"I reckon I could make 200k in less than a year with it."
"My goal is that by June of 2020, that they've paid off the initial fee like it's paid for itself."
"I want $15,000 by June 2027. YNAB takes that large amount I want in the future and tells me what I need to set aside every month."
"You need to make at least 8 million quid."
"Welcome to the official kickoff video starting my journey to $100,000 net worth. That feels so crazy to say. I'm only going to say it once."
"My audacious goal would actually be to hit $100,000 in net assets by the end of the year."
"Try to shoot for making at least 100K."
"I'm getting closer to a million dollars."
"I was just trying to make two thousand dollars man."
"I had an amount written on a notebook before I got started with this and I passed that amount by nine dollars."
"We made a goal for the next five years to save money and try to move out of state."
"...freedom number when they can finally do what they want..."
"I was thinking if we triple our money, I'm going to be happy."
"I'm a firm believer that I think we can make over ten thousand dollars between all pallets and all videos combined."
"...my goal is to increase my rental cash flow to replace my real estate sales income..."
"...set an income Target that you can work towards for when you might finally feel comfortable actually quitting your job."
"Our goal is to be out of debt by the end of 2024."
"We're trying to get to seven figures within the next two years."
"I would like to save $8,000 over the next 12 months to finish out my three-month emergency fund so that I don't have to worry any longer."
"Now that's pretty damn significant, and if you don't need to live on these dividends just yet, well then you'd be reinvesting $2,000 every month. And this is the dream, this is the position you want to get yourself in."
"I don't want to spend 200,000 on a G wagon. But I tell you when I will spend it: when I earn about 10,000 a month off YouTube."
"Even if you're starting late, it's not impossible to become a net worth millionaire."
"I set a savings goal to hit $10,000 and as of last week, thank god, hit that goal six months early."
"I think it's because I'm on the on the grind of like maybe eventually trying to afford a house in Ontario and I'm getting closer I feel like every day a little bit better."
"The financial goal was billions of dollars."
"We're going to save it, all the way to 3.4 million dollars."
"That big goal of a hundred thousand dollars per year just seems so much more doable."
"Your number one goal should be getting out of debt."
"If I can make at least $3,000 a month which would cover me living abroad then I would quit."
"in 15 years you're going to be a millionaire"
"He became a machine, working long hours, determined to earn more money than ever before."
"I want to make a million dollars a month. That's my goal."
"My wife and I had accomplished our goal and we became debt-free."
"You have to beat that in order to actually make a profit."
"My goal was as hands-off as income as possible."
"Recurring revenue or predictable income—every business owner wants that."
"You could be a millionaire within 10 years."
"We achieved our budgeted target for the incoming class."
"My number one goal Financial goal is to give away $400 million to the Mental Health Community."
"The goal is to have your passive income be greater than or equal to your total expenses."
"This is what it takes okay so I'm going to walk you through really what it takes to make 100 Grand a month or more in profit."
"We ended up getting $1,670 on that trade. That was our Target that's what we were looking to make anyway."
"He saved money, he set a goal, and he met the goal."
"What you want is your income is more than your expenses."
"My goal in life is to be debt-free by the time I'm 40."
"Our grand total for the day was $853; we shattered our goal of $500."
"You only need to accumulate 25 times your annual spending to retire forever."
"Passive income is something that a lot of people are striving for."
"Develop your savings rate goal and try to get one percent better each month."
"My personal long-term goal is to have the ability to live off of dividend payments."
"If you truly want to achieve financial independence and retire early, you need to work on getting your retirement savings rate to at least 25 percent."
"The goal is to have more passive income than earned income."
"You have to learn return on equity and you want to keep maximizing, keep growing it until you hit your cash flow goal for paid off properties."
"This is where I break the six figure mark in my agency."
"Eventually your goal should be to max out these tax advantage accounts so that you can take full advantage of the benefits."
"When you go from ground zero to ten thousand dollars a year or ten thousand dollars a month, you're growing exponentially by definition because you're starting from zero."
"Become financially stable, that's a GI."
"If you're a 20-year-old and you want to be a millionaire by the time that you get to age 65, you only have to save $95 a month."
"Over time that compound interest is going to give you that fantastic end figure."
"You want to have more money next month than you have this month."
"Increase your income, $40,000 is actually extremely doable."
"You know what I like the best? I'd like to go home tonight with a hundred pounds in my pocket."
"You only should only have to get rich once."
"I will give you a schedule that will change your entire life... it's a $25,000 a month schedule."
"At some point, she's going to be making like 800,000 something dollars a year."
"This might be the easiest way to make your first $10,000 a month online."
"We are going to be focusing on getting $1,000, which means your very first client."
"I trade very safely. My goal is to make a minimum of two percent return on my total investment."
"How accomplished would I feel to have saved ten thousand dollars in this challenge."
"Putting away six thousand dollars a month, you can become a millionaire in less than 10 years."
"I want to create a million dollars of income per year."
"The ultimate goal is to get you debt-free as quickly as possible."
"The goal of financial management should be to maximize the current value per share of existing stock."
"If you want to be a normal person in Middle America, 20 grand will get you ahead in life for sure."
"I think I worked out that if I could get 50 of them and sell them for between 200 to 400, you would get about a hundred thousand dollars a year."
"The Holy Grail is buying assets that pay you enough to where you never have to work again."
"You will be a multi-multi-multi-millionaire; it's just math."
"I just want to make enough passive income to live off of."
"You take your spending for the year and multiply it by 25 times and that's the amount of money that you're going to need in order to retire."
"The goal is to absolutely have the house paid for."
"Set a consistent saving goal and stick to it no matter what."
"You've got to get three and a half grand for this, like shelling peas."
"To make a million dollars in that business, you would need to make three grand a day."
"If you can get to about a thousand bucks a day, that is well more than enough to make over a hundred thousand a year profits."
"Your aim should be, as soon as possible, if you have a student loan, 'Lord help me to clear it as soon as possible'."
"Cash flow is the holy grail of real estate investing, positive cash flow."
"We're getting closer to a million dollars."
"The dream of a one million dollar purse has finally come true."
"It took her twenty-seven years to achieve her objective of the million, but she had it within her grasp."
"Start an aggressive savings plan; challenge yourself and see how much you can save."
"The objective is to increase the gap between what you make and what you spend."
"I saved over a hundred thousand dollars."
"I saved in six months ten thousand dollars, the most I ever had."
"If each book just sold one copy per month, you'd be making about two thousand dollars per month of passive income."
"Who wants an extra seven thousand dollars a month? That would be nice."
"If you're making that break-even point every month, you're making your profit."
"I want to give you the easiest route to $5,000 a month."
"I need $1,167 a month to fully max out my solo 401(k)."
"With two days left, they raised 4.4 million dollars."
"If you stick to the debt repayment plan, you'll be debt-free in a year."
"Our next target is $1 billion in gross revenue per year, privately held, no debt."
"My goal is to get to seven thousand dollars in net passive income from real estate by the end of 2022."
"If you could play the patient game and focus on making money by the end of the year, then that's how you're going to make money."
"In 90 days, you will be our next 100k funded trader."
"If money is your goal, I definitely recommend a fish cannery job."
"We come together for a common cause to make money and to be successful."
"You will know exactly to the month when you'll be able to be completely debt-free."
"The 100 Envelope Challenge: Save money, have fun, and make it happen."
"I'm finishing the day at $6,000 in total profit."
"We all should have a money machine that we're working on."
"I'm going to be setting myself a challenge to see how much money I can make in just one week."
"Financial Freedom, that's my mission, that's my only goal for me going out of town."
"I'm a pretty hard worker, I do my stuff, and I like to work, and I like to make money."
"The goal of any investor is to buy something for as low of a price as they can and then to sell it for more money."
"When your revenue share hits fifteen thousand a month, you're free."
"You want to have enough income to be able to have a nice life, enjoy yourself, do what you want to do."
"The mission, James, is to make money."
"When I win the hundred thousand dollars, I will put it towards my degree to become a neurological engineer."
"I'm gonna win this hundred thousand dollars and I'm gonna use it to fund my own pop album."
"Maximize your income up to about twelve thousand dollars in a month."
"We want to see that the return on invested capital is consistently above 10%."
"By this time next year, I will not be in debt."
"You want to make money while you sleep."
"At one point we were trying to do a thousand people in a thousand dollars in a day club; that means we could make a million dollars in a day."
"In 10 months, you could have twenty thousand dollars in debt paid off."
"Manage money with a goal to earn 24,000 in real estate in 2024."
"Achieve total sales of at least 20,000 pounds in each trial supermarket store over the six months."
"Most businesses are there to make more money than they spend, thus they have a profit, and that's what they're trying to maximize."
"Aim for six percent a month, and it'll double your equity every single year, no matter what the equity balance is at the beginning."
"I almost have enough money to order a new CRISPR machine."
"Our company can make a net profit in one year, 400,000."
"You're very focused on financial stability, which is good."
"One sale a day gets you a hundred bucks a day, three sales a day and you're in the six-figure category."