
Consumer Choices Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"Ultimately, sustainable fashion is about values. We have to decide what we value."
"Would you pay extra to go to a no-ads screening? A hundred percent yes."
"Reduce, reuse, recycle. But I also think we need to add another one: refusal of not buying disposable products, of not buying animal products 'cause we don't need them."
"There's always the thought of, 'Oh if you don't buy Starbucks, that's how you're gonna make it.'"
"There's people who buy mercedes and bmws right you could just buy a ford fiesta and get around very economically but you could get a mercedes-s class so i think part of it is the the the status symbol right."
"If you want to make a political point about who cares about the boycott, like okay, should I get it, but guy, I mean if I was gonna do a show where we just loaded up on beer, I'd get Yuengling."
"Stop giving your money to woke corporations who don't think you deserve their product."
"How am I going to buy one of these or one of those? No, it doesn't have to be one of those."
"All these cruelty-free companies are doing just fine without animal testing."
"Use it up and then when you have to replace it just replace it with a cruelty-free option."
"You would be overwhelmed with the choices you guys have of makeup if you do your cruelty-free."
"Buying organic is a waste of money? No. They contribute to cancer, autism, ADHD behaviors, and chronic diseases."
"Both fantastic watches, but if you've got a watch getting 70 for about three hundred and forty dollars, what are you gonna do?"
"When somebody's buying a movement watch they buying a brand are they buying a product you buy both it's it's both I don't think it's one of the other."
"Customers are actually picking this brand over this brand and you know this brand has values and ethos and things that I resonate with and this one doesn't."
"That's a covenant with them. I don't care how expensive they are, they gotta go. It's not worth it."
"When you know how sausage is made, sometimes you think twice about eating that sausage."
"What makes someone choose one console versus another? Exclusives, bundles/price, friends."
"Not everyone can afford to give up the accessibility and the size and inclusive sizes and low prices that fast fashion brands have to offer."
"There is ethical consumption under capitalism."
"If 10 Interim Bumble is listening to this, okay, do you know how you go on Yelp, yeah Yelp app, and you get to choose restaurants based on one dollar sign, two dollars, three or four, yeah."
"No antibiotics. Like, do I want my chicken to take antibiotics?"
"Ultimately, if you don't deliver with a lot of choices and a lot of great innovation, gamers will find something else to do with their time."
"Cheaper doesn't mean worse, but expensive also doesn't mean better."
"Toys R Us had sneakers, Walmart had a video game."
"Generic brands are often very similar when it comes down to the ingredients."
"It's $120 per year for both of us to have our own gamer tags."
"Sometimes you pay slightly more for a higher quality item."
"I want the consumer to have the widest range of choices."
"Hopefully, we can influence consumers to make better choices for themselves, for everyone, including the animals and the planet as well."
"What is the wallet that you're going to feel proud about using and make you excited to not forget it at home?"
"Let me know what do you think guys, which nail drill would you pick, the pink one or the black one?"
"If we could make meat without the animal, why wouldn't we?"
"If my own money were on the line, I would probably end up with the Volvo wagon."
"Where the car is made shouldn't be a factor in your purchase."
"You wonder why on earth you'd be mad enough to spend thousands on a Swiss watch."
"Figuring out how to buy things that are not made in China is so important."
"This represents the incredible level of value you can still go out and spend a Glock money on a Glock."
"If you go to a shop and there's a banana for a dollar and the shop next door's got the same banana for 80 cent, which one are you gonna buy?"
"I'm buying both Shining Diamond and [expletive] Brilliant Pearl."
"You can expose yourself to every option available when you're making your purchase decisions."
"In this day and age, we're absolutely spoiled for choice."
"Thankfully for you, we have a ton of cases to check out from various makers."
"You want the best products and the best choices for yourself."
"Would you rather have a 2020 brand new Lamborghini Huracan or a Pixilla picture of a cartoon? What would you pick?"
"It's a really nice feeling to know that you're doing your bit for the planet whilst also getting a really cute phone case."
"The market always decides what sticks and what doesn't stick."
"It's kind of funny how like they chose the Tesla as the pinnacle exotic vehicle of choice."
"Lots of ways of collecting yourself a helmet. It doesn't necessarily mean going to someone's website buying new and getting it shipped in."
"The best option still is to grow your own if you have that ability or to go to a farmer's market and get organic stuff."
"How can you not match? Don't you have to match? $4.99 for the Series X."
"Better for you higher quality ingredients... then it's just a net negative."
"Don't buy roses. They actually have a monstrous carbon footprint."
"This could be a popular crossover for shoppers looking to go electric."
"I think they're still going to be just as popular especially as they come in so many different colors and different heel heights and even different styles with like pointy toes."
"The S model therefore you don't have to necessarily get an S to have a sporty looking car."
"You're buying it for other features like looks, price, uniqueness, things like the fact that you could, if you wanted to, buy additional parts and try to expand this loop."
"The current food system in the United States thrives on cheap, unsustainable choices."
"I feel like all these prices are right and I really like that and I like that they don't even give you an option for a grocery bag like you you can't get one even if you wanted."
"I feel like at the end of the day of course it's nice to have brand new things but I am willing to sacrifice not having something in like mint condition to just not buy something new."
"You're making a good point, not sure if it's the point you think you're making."
"Sometimes it makes sense to buy the budget, sometimes the mid-tier, sometimes the high end; it really just depends on you and what you value."
"I just personally wouldn't pay 22 dollars for it because I never use it all."
"These kind of details are what you end up paying for."
"I mean the SE is still the cheaper special edition, oh yeah, it's that's a budget phone yeah and then I like the size of the 12 Mini."
"I rather prefer even if it's not how a stainless steel having color such as Ray or silver like it is the case with platinum or with stainless your titanium."
"It's so much better when we're given options."
"I actually do like them... I think I might have to get these."
"If you really want that fancy packaging... that's going to cost a lot of money."
"They might keep a 24 core and not make you buy the super super expensive stuff."
"The mass market has options it didn't used to have."
"Find products that match your morals and values."
"I can go to a car dealership and I can get the same damn car in different colors I can get different options features and things like that."
"I find it really interesting that we can have three separate launches of three warm palettes come out within the same year around the same month and you personally can identify with one palette versus the other."
"For some products, it really makes no difference. Just go for the cheapest option."
"There's always going to be around so you either want evil people making evil products from our animals or evil people making cloud products for vegans and plant-based eaters."
"I prefer having one nice pair of pants that I know lasts, rather than having a hundred things that I can't wear everywhere."
"If you're thirsty, what difference does it make if you're drinking Coke or coconut water? You're trying to cure your thirst, dawg. And if it takes Coke Zero to get it done when you're a dozen, you ain't got time for this."
"I've spent 600 on very nice dress shoes before, but for sneakers that I'm gonna like scuff, 1200? Oh, so I don't want to wear Gucci merch."
"Free to play or a full price game don't warrant somebody's time."
"If you don't need the arrows of the r7 you can save yourself $200 or more."
"Gamers around the world had already made up their minds that they were not going with Xbox this generation."
"Everyone deserves better and with plans starting at just $35, better cost less than you think."
"It's like if you have a perfect camera and you have another perfectly useful slightly worse at everything but very capable camera that cost 10 times as much, you would never buy that camera."
"I saved a dollar, but the environment got screwed."
"Some people buy Funko Pops, some people buy guitars."
"If you get carried away with options, the Volvo is going to be less expensive."
"I really love this car and many of you guessed that I was going to buy an Avalon, and the reason I did not... is they didn't update it for 2022."
"You gotta go big or go home so I went with the 100 inch o l v e d flat screen tv."
"Digital vs. physical: A dilemma for gamers as the industry evolves."
"Buy American, you know, buy Taiwan, buy anything outside of China, don't buy China."
"People love these things and it would be such a great gift for somebody who doesn't have it."
"Stores only sell cake in these giant, like they sell you a whole cake if they sell you a mini cake, that's something, but most of them don't even do that."
"Every masterpiece has its cheap copy, and it looks like he purchased the same projector."
"No restaurant is 100% perfect and no restaurant is 100% a complete loss cause either everything's got a little something that can benefit every restaurant is the right restaurant for someone."
"Research local farmers and consider buying locally."
"I just don't want to be driving the same thing as everybody else. Or you take a less safe, more inferior car as your option. I don't know."
"Every time we have such a hard time finding those maybe Costco doesn't carry him they've got Wheat Thins though let's get some Wheat Thins I love these that's a good substitute."
"I'm the type of guy that really likes to vote with his wallet."
"McDonald's food isn't always the healthiest choice depending on what you order."
"It really does make you wonder who they're gonna pick for the deluxe, Voyager, and leader assortment."
"Little changes like using brands that product packaging and single use packaging is sustainable is just one of those things that you can be a little bit more conscious of."
"In many supermarkets, you'll see two different bread sections."
"I really think about whether or not an item of clothing is going to withstand the test of time."
"Vintage has come back into its own. More of us are considering quality over buying something new."
"I love supporting local people just think about when you're going to purchase seeds what your dollars are supporting."
"As enthusiasts, we're giving up a lot to save 50 bucks here."
"A lot of us don't even think about this but it's so obvious once I say it a lot of the times the grocery store will give you the same item in a wrapped-up version and an unwrapped version for what reason I don't know."
"That the real reason why people stopped buying products was because there were other options for wargamers and space fans..."
"Organic food: more nutrients, fewer pesticides—worth the investment."
"Someone's looking for the next best thing, someone's not on the menu."
"There's no reason a guitar should cost more than 300 bucks, well there is if I want it."
"Ethics aside, there are plenty of reasons not to buy these."
"When I was a kid, Ben and Jerry's was the premium ice-cream option at the grocery store. Interesting flavors and mix-ins and kind of like a maximalist approach to ice cream."
"Are you happier with this new QX60 or are you going BMW X5?"
"Metal straws, what do you think? Should we replace plastic with metal?"
"The only reason why I'm keeping these is because I have a list going on in my phone of drugstore dupes."
"They literally give you both of those things."
"I'm not dumb. I'm making a choice to consume a fast food product that elicits a negligible emotional response for me."
"People should have access to products that both benefit their skin and match their morals and values."
"It just wasn't good compared to virtually every other competitor that you could have bought normal convertibles, Jeeps, that sort of thing."
"I could get organic berries right in a little plastic clamshell case which I'm then going to throw away in the trash or send to a recycling center where it takes more energy to recycle it."
"Is this expensive high-tech device worth the cost, or will a cheap alternative do?"
"If you want to support wokeness, buy your garbage Bud Light. And if you want to support those who actually care about American values, seek out companies that actually support your values. Vote with your dollar."
"I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of buyers who are looking for a GTI end up choosing this because of the significant price difference."
"You definitely wouldn't guess about affordable fashion."
"I'm super hopeful for 2023 that everyone comes out with highlighters like please we have the blushes we have the bronzers like we need the Sparkles guys we need the Sparkles."
"Just depends on what you're looking for in an awesome way to spend 50 bucks."
"Beyond the OG Nuca Cola: 11 other variations to satisfy every individual itch."
"There's far more options and alternatives today than ever before."
"The US Fortune 500, Wall Street, these are all corporations we know about... directing your money locally to local businesses."
"Maybe you happen in your household to buy an Xbox and I buy a PlayStation and our kids want to play together and they can't because we bought the wrong piece of plastic."
"Like at a fish market so you go to the dock where the fishermen are showing up you buy the fish directly from there or is it better."
"Choices, choices, lots of confusion here. I'm happy that the market is saturated though with a lot of choices."
"I know they're just light bulbs, but they are 60 watt LED bulbs. They're energy efficient. They're from a major brand that you'd find at Home Depot or Lowe's. And you get a two pack for $1.25."
"It just doesn't make sense, especially because we have all these great Canadian equivalent ones."
"They're making a lot of choices with you in mind."
"Sometimes it's nice to just take a step back and let you know the products that have really stood the test of time and the ones that I'm really reaching for once the camera is turned off."
"The four-in-one option is only 99.99 for this radio, which makes it one of the best deals on the market right now."
"There's plenty of analogies if you want to buy a Sony TV you don't just go to the Sony TV shop you go to the shop that sells all sorts of different TVs so that you can compare it."
"I absolutely love saving money as we all do sometimes I think it's worth it to spend a little bit extra for a better formula."
"...it feels like a bit of a guilty pleasure however it's also almost always because the brand in question is offering me something that's affordable for me."
"The biggest mistake I see guys do is they'll add a ton of options on a lower trim level because they gotta have this, they gotta have that, and then all of a sudden the truck is almost the same price as a slightly higher trim level."
"If you want some specific extra things like the super high-resolution display or the S Pen or some of those camera tweaks, then that gives you a reason to upgrade."
"Make sure it's grass-fed, buy organic, buy free-range, and perhaps be prepared to pay a little bit more, but get a product that you can be reassured has been looked after and is better for the environment."
"...buying something which is innately contributing to climate change because that thing had to be shipped from somewhere to get to you..."
"If caring for the environment is more important to you than the money, then there are brands in this test doing even more good things."
"Everything you buy is coming at the expense of something else, so just ask yourself: Is this worth the money I'm spending? Is it worth taking up space in my life?"
"Did you know that buying one used item instead of new gives enough water to make iced coffee every day for four years?"
"I would choose affordable for watches, luxury for bracelets, affordable for earrings, affordable for necklaces, and affordable for sunglasses."
"Options and convenience, that's what we're talking about."
"Why would I buy a $770 elite's tactical vest when I can buy something of similar concept from Zara for less than a tenth of the price?"
"Do you care where your food originates from? Do you try your best to go and buy British? Would you pay more for it?"
"No, I don't, baby. Baccarat is like $300-$350. This right here is like $40."
"Are they all the same? Are some of them that cost more money actually worth the money?"
"I'm kind of off designer stuff now, I just feel like you can get such good quality things without the logo."